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1、辽宁本溪中考英语解析2019辽宁本溪中考英语试题解析考试时间100分钟 试卷满分120分考生注意:请在答题卡各题目规定答题区域内作答,答在本试卷上无效。第一部分 选择题(共50分)。.单项选择 (共15分,每小题1分) 从下面各题的四个选项中选出一个最住答案。(2019辽宁本溪)1. The article gives students some_ about how to stay safe online.A. suggestions B. activities C. decisions D. advantages1.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这篇文章给学生们提出如何保证上网安全的建议。s

2、uggestion建议;activities活动;decision决定;advantages优点。根据语境可知此处表示“给学生提出建议”。故选A。(2019辽宁本溪)2. Many people find that listening to soft music helps _ to sleep well.A. him B. her C them D. it2. C 考查代词。句意:很多人发现听轻音乐帮助他们睡好觉。Many people 许多人对应的代词是them。故选C。(2019辽宁本溪)3. Shall we stop and wait for others?Sounds good.

3、I think they will catch up_ a few minutes.A. during B. after C for D in3. D 考查介词词义辨析。句意:我们应该停下来等等其他人吗? 听起来很好。我认为他们几分钟内就会追上来。由句中的时态,一般将来时可确定,此处应该用“in+一段时间”。故选D。(2019辽宁本溪)4. The Greens like the quietness in the countryside. The city is too _ for them. A. comfortable B. dangerous C. noisy D. perfect4 C

4、 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:格林一家喜欢农村的安静。城市对他们来说太吵了。comfortable舒服的;dangerous危险的;noisy吵闹的;perfect完美的。由前一句“格林一家喜欢农村的安静”可推知,城市对他们来说应该是“吵闹的”。故选C。(2019辽宁本溪)5. Look at the dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly.It _that a big storm is coming.A. sounds B. seems C. feels D. smells5. B 考查感官动词词义辨析。句意:看天上的乌云,风也刮得很大。看起

5、来一场大的暴风雨就要来了。sound听起来;seem似乎,看起来;feel摸起来,感觉;smell闻起来。根据语境可知选B。(2019辽宁本溪)6. Mr. Liu _ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time.A. often B. seldom C. always D. usually6. B 考查频率副词词义辨析。句意:刘先生极少看电视。他认为看电视是一种时间上的浪费。often经常;seldom极少,很少;always总是;usually经常。根据语境知选B。(2019辽宁本溪)7. Frank is an honest

6、boy and he never tells a lie. We all _ him.A. miss B. mind C. doubt D. trust7. D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:弗兰克是一个诚实的男孩,他从不撒谎。我们都信任他。miss想念;mind介意;doubt怀疑;trust信任。根据语境可知应选D。(2019辽宁本溪)8. Lingling, youll feel sleepy tomorrow _ you go to bed early.OK, Mom. Ill go to bed at once.A if B. unless C. though D. because8. B

7、 考查连词用法辨析。句意:玲玲, 你明天会感到困倦的,除非你早点睡。if如果,引导条件状语从句;unless 除非,引导条件状语从句,though虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句。根据语境知选B。(2019辽宁本溪)9. The man _ be a doctor in this hospital, but Im not sure.A. must B. would C. can D might9. D 考查情态动词的用法。句意:那个人有可能是这个医院的医生,但是我不确定。Must必须;would将要;can会,可以;might可能。根据语境可知,此处表示不太确

8、定的推测。故选D。(2019辽宁本溪)10. As far as I know, the robot that can sweep the floor _ in the 1980s.A. is invented B. invented C. was invented D. has invented10.B 考查非谓语动词。句意:据我所知,这个发明于20世纪80年代的机器人能扫地。本句中有谓语动词can sweep,所以不能再有谓语。is invented是一般现在时的被动语态, was invented是一般过去时的被动语态,has invented是现在完成时态。此处只能用invented后

9、置定语表被动。故选B。(2019辽宁本溪)11. To feed her little son. Mrs. Smith has to _ the vegetables and meat.A. make up B. put up C. set up D. cut up11.D 考查动词词组辨析。句意:为了喂养她的儿子,史密斯夫人必须切碎蔬菜和肉。make up编造; put up举起,张贴;set up建立;cut up切碎。根据语境选D。(2019辽宁本溪)12. I went to your home yesterday morning, but you werent in.Well, I

10、_along the river at that time.A. walked B. was walking C. am walking D. have walked12.B考查动词时态。句意:我昨天早上去你家,但是你不在。我那个时候正沿河散步。walked过去时态;was walking过去进行时态;am walking现在进行时态;have walked现在完成时态。从语境知,本句说的是昨天早上我去你家的时候发生的事情,排除C,D;at that time提示应用过去进行时态。故选B。(2019辽宁本溪)13.Could you tell me how I can improve my E

11、nglish?Sure. _, you could speak it as much as possible.A. After all B. In the end C. By the way D. First of all13.D考查词组辨析。句意:你能告诉我怎么能提高我的英语水平吗?当然。首先,你要尽可能多说。after all毕竟;in the end最后;by the way顺便说一下;first of all首先,侧重于重要性上的先后。根据语境知,故选D。(2019辽宁本溪)14. Simon has been_ school for 2 days. Whats wrong with

12、him?Its said that he has a cold.A. nervous about B. thirsty for C. absent from D. worried about14. C 考查短语搭配。句意:西蒙已经两天没在学校了。他怎么了?据说他感冒了。nervous about对感到紧张担心;thirsty for渴望;absent from缺席,不在;worried about担心。根据语境知故选C。(2019辽宁本溪)15.I am afraid Im too tired to walk on. _. I believe you can do it.A. Thats fo

13、r sure B. I hope so. C. Come on D. All right15.C考查情景交际。句意:我恐怕太累了以至于不能继续走了。加油。我相信你能行。thats for sure那当然;I hope so我希望如此;come on加油,快点;all right可以。根据语境知,答语是在鼓励继续往前走,故选C。.补全对话 (共5分,每空1分)(2019辽宁本溪)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)(Betty meets Mary before the English exam of their entrance exams.)A: Hello, M

14、ary!B: Hello, Betty! Finishing the exams this afternoon means that our middle school life is over.A: 16 B: Im going to do something special.A: Something special? 17 B: Sure. I plan to make breakfast for my parents every morning as they have done for me these years.A: Youre right.B: 18 A: Ive planned

15、 to play with my classmates from morning to evening every day. 19 I will stay with my parents as much as possible.B: I agree.A: Oh, its time to take the exam. I hope you will get good grades! Good luck.B: 20 A. Can you tell me more?B. What do you mean?C. What are you going to do this summer vacation

16、?D. But now I want to change my idea.E. What about you?F. The same to you.G. What did you plan to do?话题:假期计划【答案】16-20CAEDF【解析】16. C 根据后一句答语“Im going to do something special.”可判断此处询问对方假期打算干什么。故选C。17. A 根据后一句对方又进一步解释了假期的具体计划,可推断出此处是询问有关假期计划的更多信息。故选A。18. E 根据后一句答语中“Ive planned to play with my classmate

17、s from morning to evening every day.”可推断,此处是问对方的情况,因为前面已经有过What are you going to do这种句子,所以要用What/How about。故选E。19. D 根据后一句与前面的对比,可以判断出说话者已经改变的计划,故选D。20. F 根据上一句“Good luck.”的祝福语可判断答语应该是同样祝福对方。故选F。.完形填空(共10分,每空1分)(2019辽宁本溪)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。A college student stayed up all night studying for h

18、is zoology(动物学) test the next day. The following morning, 21 he entered the classroom, he saw ten birds on the desks. Each bird was 22 with a sack(麻布袋) and only the legs were outside.The teacher told the students that the test would be to watch each pair of bird legs and write down the name and the

19、living habits of each bird.The student looked at each pair of bird legs. 23 of them looked the same to him. He began to get upset. He stayed up all night studying, but now he had to name birds by their legs. The more he 24 about it, the sadder he got.He 25 not think of any answers after a long time.

20、 He went to the teachers desk and said, “What a strange test! 26 could anyone tell differences among birds by their legs? Im afraid I have to take the exam later. ” 27 these words, the student put his test paper on the desk and walked to the door.The teacher was 28 .The class was so big that he didn

21、t know every students 29 , so when the student reached the door, the teacher 30 out, “One moment, boy, whats your name?”The student pulled up his trouser legs and said, “My dear teacher, can you guess my name by my legs?”21. A. before B. while C. after D. since22. A. covered B. served C. connected D

22、. shared23. A. Both B. All C. Neither D. None24. A. talked B. asked C. thought D. heard25. A. could B. must C. might D. should26. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where27. A. Against B. Through C. With D. About28. A. happy B. surprised C. thankful D. satisfied29. A. name B. address C. hobby D. future30. A.

23、blew B. put C. cut D. called体裁记叙文话题24(82) 故事词数257【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述一个大学生熬夜学习后,到课室后老师要求根据只露在外面的脚来说出求每只鸟的名字,这期间他的行为以及老师的反应的经过。【答案】21-25 CABCA 26-30 ACBAD【解析】21.C 考查连词词义辨析。根据常识和这里的语境可知,应该是那个大学生走进课室后才能看见那些鸟,故选C。22.A考查动词词义辨析。句意:每只鸟都一只麻布袋盖着,只有脚在外面。此处用短语be covered with的固定搭配。故选A。23.B考查代词词义辨析。根据前面的each pa

24、irs of birds可知此处表示所有的鸟对这个大学生看来都是相同的。故选B。24.C考查动词词义辨析。此处要表达的意思是,他越想到那事(昨晚熬夜学习,但现在只是根据脚来叫出鸟的名字),他起伤心。故选C。25.A考查情态动词词义辨析。句意:很长一段时间后,他都想不出答案。由此可知,此处表示能够,下一句中的 26 could也是提示。故选A。26.A考查疑问副词词义辨析。句意:多么奇怪的测试啊!谁能通过它们的腿辨别鸟类的不同呢? 根据句意可知,此处表示方式,而不是原因、时间和地点,故选A。27.C考查介词词义辨析。此处要表达的意思是那个学生说着那些话,他就把试卷放在桌子上,然后走到门口。由此可

25、知此处用固定短语with these words的搭配。故选C。28.B考查形容词词义辨析。根据前面说到那个学生想不出答案而走了,由此可知,老师对此感到诧异,其它三项A开心的、C感激的 D满意的,都不符合。故选B。29.A考查名词词义辨析。根据这一段最后一句的whats your name?”可知,此处表示不知道他的名字,故选A。30.D 考查动词词义辨析。根据后面括号的内容“等一下,你叫什么名字?”可知此处表示那老师大声叫唤,故选D。IV. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。(2019辽宁本溪)Passage 1A river was ru

26、nning happily in the hill, the valley(山谷) and the field. Soon it was stopped by a huge rock and the river was a little afraid and worried what it could do.The rock said, “Hi, baby!Where are you going?”The river answered, “Im going to the sea. My mother is waiting for me.”The rock made fun of the riv

27、er and said, “Youre too young. Go back to the hill at once. You cant get there. Dont come back here again!”The river was surprised to hear that and said, “I can only go forwards(向前).Theres no river that goes backwards(向后)!”The rock became angry and warned the river. “Dont speak! If you dont go back,

28、 you will have to change your direction. Dont want to run over my body!”The river asked helplessly, “Where should I go?”“You can go anywhere you like. Just dont come close to me!”While they are talking, more and more water came here. Then it began to get out of control. The river ran quickly over th

29、e rock and the rock was washed pitifully.The river said proudly, “A weak person will change his goal and direction. A person who is strong will only go ahead and nothing can stop him!”31. The final goal of the river was to go to the _.A. field B. valley C. sea D. hill32. The rock wanted the river to

30、 _. A. get out of control B. come close to him C. make fun of him D. go back to the hill33. The river ran over the rock _. A. slowly B. softly C. quickly D. carelessly34. After meeting the rock, the river became _ at last instead of being afraid. A. proud B. helpless C. pitiful D. worried.35. The pa

31、ssage tells us that we should _ when facing difficulties.A. Avoid solving the problem B. become strong and go ahead C. change our dream directly used to giving up silently体裁记叙文话题 24(82) 故事词数253【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述一条河流在流向大海途中遭遇到岩石的阻拦,但最终不畏阻拦奔腾而过,说明一个道理:坚强的人只会勇往直前,没有什么能阻挡他。【答案】31-35 CDCAB【解析】31.C 细节理解题。题目问的是河流最后的目标,根据第三段它所说的“Im going to the sea. My mother

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