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本文(广东省中山纪念中学学年高三第二次质量检测英语试题16页.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广东省中山纪念中学学年高三第二次质量检测英语试题16页广东省中山纪念中学2019-2020学年高三第二次质量检测英语试题英 语第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;毎小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A British roads are some of the safest ones in the world. A study in 2010 that compared more than 30 countries found that 3.8 people per 100,000 died

2、in traffic accidents in the U.K. This number was lower than that in any other country. So, what did British drivers do to achieve this? What are they doing differently? Here are five top tips for drivers who are planning a trip to the U.K.People in Britain drive on the left side of the road. In fact

3、, a long time ago people drove on the left in most countries, but now only a few countries do this. Dont forget that. This also means you must drive the other way around roundabouts(环岛).British people feel that waiting should be fair for everybody. If you are in a queue of traffic, then dont try to

4、push past the vehicles in front of yours. This is called “jumping the queue”. You must wait for your turn, otherwise people may get angry with you.You must stop at traffic lights when they are red. In many countries, it is OK to go past red lights if you are turning a corner or if there isnt any oth

5、er traffic around. In the U.K. you could have lots of trouble if you do this.If other drivers flash their cars lights at you, then they are probably trying to tell you that they will wait for you to go first. British people dont like to use their car horn much and they think people who do that are r

6、ude.If you are involved in an accident, then dont try to pay the police. The police in the U.K. never take money. And if you try to offer them some, you could end your holiday by visiting a British prison.1.When you are driving in the U.K. , what should you do?A. Drive past slow cars in front of you

7、rs.B. Drive on the right around roundabouts.C. Sometimes pay the police to avoid trouble.D. Not go past red lights even when turning left.2.What do drivers usually mean if they flash their car lights at you when you are driving in the U.K. ?A. You have done something rude.B. They would like you to g

8、o first.C. There are possible dangers ahead.D. They want you to wait for them.3.Whats the text mainly about?A. Special traffic rules in the U.K.B. Advice for safe driving in the U.K.C. How to deal with traffic accidents.D. Tips for making the U.K. travel plans.B My dog died. Yes, she was very old, d

9、eaf, and partially blind. She had long lost her youthful energy. Watching her settle into her bed was as painful for me as it was for her. In the past few months, she had begun to bark at strangers and neighbors. But she used to be friendly even if a child pulled her tail. Knowing her decline doesnt

10、 lessen the loss, however.My husband had found her abandoned on his farm and brought her home. She was a black and dirty bag of bones who got nervous when we approached. I like to think that the 13 years she spent with us were filled with love. Every so often, though, my husband would remind me that

11、 her days were counted, and we agreed that if she showed any signs of pain, we would put her down. No need for her to suffer, no need for us to cling(紧紧抓住). I prepared myself for her departure.Yet, when it came on a bright, hot Tuesday afternoon, I wasnt ready. I was angry about the unfairness of it

12、 all. I wanted my two youngest sons, who live out of state, to say their goodbyes. It appears as if we could negotiate with death, with fate. It seems to me that no matter what the circumstances are, we always think we have more time. We fool ourselves to prove our behavior correct. We cant really l

13、ive every day as if it were our last. It would be exhausting.We do love our pets, dont we? They become a necessary part of the family. So I cant help but cry. I still look for her in my home office, where she slept. I still expect her to come and sit at my feet or to scramble(快速移动)to the front door

14、when one of the children stops by. And I miss my routine of the walks, the feeding and the bathing. I miss her presence and the sense of her being around the house, but more than anything I miss the knowledge that she loved me so unconditionally and without question.4.How was the authors life with h

15、er dog?A. Surprising. B. Boring. C. Joyful. D. Troublesome. 5.What does the author think about living every day as the last day?A. It is meaningless and exhausting. B. It makes people behave themselves.C. It helps people value every day. D. It makes people refuse death.6.How did the author feel when

16、 her dog died?A. She was at a loss about how to deal with death.B. She was happy that the dog was now free from pain.C. She was calm because of the preparations for the day.D. She was heartbroken as if she had lost a family member.7. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To persuade peo

17、ple to keep a pet.B. To persuade people to raise a dog.C. To tell people to cherish their loved ones.D. To advise people to accompany their pets. CMany Westerners have the idea that everyone in China knows how to do kung fu. This is, of course, a silly belief. But it is true that kung fu is a big pa

18、rt of Chinese culture.Like most people from the West, I was first introduced to kung fu through Hong Kong actions films. Stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan made kung fu popular in the Western world. The flashy and impressive performances they gave in films like Rumble in the Bronx and Enter the Dr

19、agon made them household names in the U.S. and elsewhere.However, my own personal interest in kung fu was actually inspired by a hip hop groups. Wu-Tang Clan, founded in the the early 1990s in New York City, is one of the most influential hip hop group in history.In their songs, they sometimes menti

20、on philosophical concepts that come from Wudang quan -a classic Chinese martial art from which they take their name-and Shaolin Temple. I was just a teenager when I first started listening to Wu-Tang Clan-little did I know that I would actually end up living in China later in my life!I myself do not

21、 practice kung fu. However, the concepts behind it are quite interesting to me. There is a Bruce Lee quote that I often think of when Im struggling with challenges in life. “Be formless, shapeless, like water,” he once said. By this, he meant that you should be ready to adapt to and change your atti

22、tudes or beliefs when you face difficulties. I think this is a good way to deal with life.8. What does “ a silly belief ” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. All Chinese people can do kung fu. B. China is most famous for its kung fu.C. Kung fu is a big part of Chinese culture. D. Many Westerners admire kung

23、fu.9. What inspired the authors interest in kung fu?A. Hong Kong action movies. B. A TV program about kung fu.C. Kung fu stars in Hollywood. D. A US hip hop group.10. What do we know about the Wu-Tang Clan?A. They have Chinese culture in their songs.B. They taught the author how to do Wudang quan.C.

24、 They performed Chinese martial arts in the U.S.D. They showed the author the way to live in China.11. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. The author was sorry that he couldnt do kung fu.B. The concepts of kung fu change over time.C. The spirit of kung fu helps the author overcome difficult

25、ies.D. Bruce Lee was the most popular martial arts master. DYou may not like it, but learning English is absolutely necessary if you want to succeed abroad. Not just that, you have show your knowledge of the English language on one of the two major English proficiency(精通)tests: the IELTS or the TOEF

26、L.Which test you should take depends on your goal. The TOFEL remains the top exam in the U.S. But the IELTS is gaining ground in the U.S. and it has already been the preferred test in the U.K. and Australia. There are also differences in the tests themselves. They both measure the four main language

27、 requirements: speaking, reading, writing and listening. However, the tests are very different in their form and methodology. “Compared with the TOFEL, the IELTS test requires you to actually have a grasp of the language and an ability to use it, rather than simply being well prepared for the test,”

28、 explained IELTS examiner Julian Fisher.The key reasons for this are that the IELTS test required fill-in answers besides multiple choice(选择题), and its speaking section is done with a real examiner instead of a computer. The examinee is given a topic related to daily life. “The face-to-face intervie

29、w with a trained speaker of English allows for communicative interaction(互动), which reflects real academic and workplace situations,” said senior exam marketing officer Pang Shuai.What scores do I need? For the IELTS, a band score of 5 to 7 is fine for the majority of undergraduate and post-graduate

30、 programs. For top schools, you will probably need at least a 7. When it comes to the TOFEL, there is a range. It all depends on the colleges. Ordinary schools will let you get by with a score as low as 60. For a top-tier university, on the other hand, you will need to score upward of 100 points on

31、your TOFEL.12. What does Paragraph 2 suggest?A. The TOEFL score is preferred in Australian universities.B. Universities in the U.K. mainly see students IELTS scores.C. The IELTS is more widely accepted than the TOEFL by US schools.D. In the U.S. , the TOEFL score is not as important as it once was.1

32、3. Which of the following is a difference between the TOEFL and the IELTS?A. There are no fill-in answers in the TOEFL tests.B. The IELTS tests focus more on test-taking skills.C. The IELTS interviews test-takers on the computer.D. The TOEFL checks four English skills, while the IELTS doesnt.14. What does Pang Shuai think of the face-to-face interview?A. More exams should take this exam form.B. It is helpful in ones studies and at work.C. This exam form can make test-takers mo

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