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1、人力管理师二级英语10套阅读解析企业人力资源管理师二级专业英语试卷1三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)2329The promotion and development of performance management process by HR can make an important contribution to knowledge management, by providing for behavioral expectations which are related to knowledge-sharing to be defined, and ensuring that

2、 actual behaviors are reviewed and, where appropriate, rewarded by financial or non-financial means. Performance management reviews can identify weaknesses and development needs in this aspect, and initiate personal development plans, which are designed to meet the these needs.One starting point for

3、 the process could be cascading of corporate core values for knowledge-sharing to individuals. So that they understand what they are expected to do to support those core values. Knowledge sharing can be included as an element of a competency framework, and the desired behavior would be spelt out and

4、 reviewed. For example, positive indicators such as those listed below could be used as a basis for agreeing competency requirements and assessing the extent to which they are met. The following are examples of positive behavior in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing. Is eager to s

5、hare knowledge with colleagues; Take positive steps to set up group meetings to exchange relevant information and knowledge Builds networks which provide for knowledge sharing Ensures as appropriate that knowledge is captured, codified, recorded and disseminated through the intranet and/or other mea

6、ns of communicationHasen et al (1999) mention that at Ernst&Young, consultants are evaluated at performance reviews along five dimensions, one of which is their contribution to and utilization of the knowledge asset of the firm. At Bain, partners are evaluated each year on a variety of dimensions, i

7、ncluding how much direct help they have given colleagues.1. The best title for this article is ( D )文章最好的题目是A. knowledge-sharingB. performance management reviewsC. performance management processesD. performance management for knowledge workers知识工人的绩效管理2. The following are examples of positive behavi

8、or in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing except (A )下面是一些应该鼓励的知识分享的行为,除了A. Is reluctant to share knowledge with colleagues不愿意与同事分享知识B. Takes positive steps to exchange relevant information and knowledgeC. Builds networks which provide for knowledge sharingD. Ensures as appropriate

9、 that knowledge is captured, codified, recorded and disseminated through some means of communication 3. Which of the following is not mentioned by Hansen et al? (C )下面哪一点,Hansen没有提到A. At Bain, direct help that partners have given colleagues will be evaluated.B. At Ernst & Young, consultants contribu

10、tion to the knowledge asset of the firm will be evaluated.C. At Bain, partners are eager to share knowledge with colleagues.在Bain这家公司,合伙人渴望与同事分享知识D. At Ernst & Young, consultants are evaluated at performance reviews along vie dimension.4. The author of this passage would most likely agree that ( B )

11、作者最同以A. performance management processes HR can make little contribution to knowledge managementB. the cascading of corporate core values for knowledge-sharing to individuals could be one starting point for the performance management process企业的核心价值观进行分解,由此可以作为员工知识分享的起点C. knowledge-sharing cant be in

12、cluded as an element of a competency frameworkD. taking positive steps to exchange relevant information and knowledge isnt an example of positive behavior in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing5. According to the passage, performance management processes by HR can make and importan

13、t contribution to knowledge management through the following measures except (D )根据文章,人力资源绩效管理的过程可以对知识管理带来贡献,除了,A. by providing for behavioral expectations which are related to knowledge-sharing to be definedB. by ensuring that actual behaviors are reviewedC. by ensuring that actual behaviors are re

14、warded by financial or non-financial meansD. by building networks which provide for knowledge sharing通过打造知识分享的网络通过提供与知识分享有关的行为预期和确保实际行为可以考评并可以用金钱和非金钱方式进行奖励,人力资源开发促进了绩效过程。从而对知识管理做出了很大贡献。绩效考评可以识别出不足的地方和需要改经的地方。可以促进满足这些需求的个人发展计划。 绩效过程的一个出发点是让个人感受到知识分享是公司的核心价值,因此他们就知道为了支持这个核心价值需要做的事情。知识分享也能包括能力结构因素,例如,如

15、下面列出的积极因素与能力需求是一致的: 热心与同事分享知识 采取积极措施组织交流相关信息和知识的小组会议 创建提供知识分享的网络 确保通过企业内部网络和其他交流方式获得、编撰、记录和散播知识。Hansen et al 提及,在Ernst &Young咨询公司,律师的绩效通过5个标准今行测评,其中一个就是他们“对公司知识资产的贡献和利用”,在Bain公司,每年都通过多种标准对员工进行考评,其中包括他们给同时提供了多少直接的帮助。1.The best title for this article is .A. Knowledge-sharingB. Performance management r

16、eviewsC. Performance management processesD. Performance management for knowledge workers1,最适合这篇文章的标题是。A.知识共享B.绩效管理评论C.绩效管理流程D.知识工作者的绩效管理2. The following are examples of positive behavior in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing except .A. Is reluctant to share knowledge with colleagu

17、esB.Takes positive steps to exchange relevant information and knowledgeC. Builds networks which provide for knowledge sharingD. Ensures as appropriate that knowledge is captured, codified, recorded and disseminated through some means of communication2。以下是在满足知识共享能力的期望,除了积极的行为的例子。A.是不愿与同事分享知识B.Takes交换

18、有关信息和知识的积极步骤C.构建网络为知识共享提供D.确保适当的知识捕获,编纂,记录,并通过某种通信手段传播3.Which of the following is not mentioned by Hansen et al? .A. At Bain, direct help that partners have given colleagues will be evaluated.B. At Ernst & Young, consultants contribution to the knowledge asset of the firm will be evaluated.C. At Bai

19、n, partners are eager to share knowledge with colleagues.D. At Ernst & Young, consultants are evaluated at performance reviews along five dimensions.下面的那间没有提到汉森等人吗? 。A:在贝恩,直接帮助合作伙伴已经给同事将进行评估。B.在安永会计师事务所,顾问公司的知识资产的贡献进行评估。C.在贝恩,合作伙伴是渴望与同事分享知识。D.在安永会计师事务所,咨询评估从五个方面的绩效评价。4. The author of this passage wo

20、uld most likely agree that .A. Performance management processes by HR can make little contribution to knowledge management.B. The cascading of corporate core values for knowledge-sharing to individuals could be one starting point for the performance management process.C. Knowledge-sharing cant be in

21、cluded as an element of a competency framework.D. Taking positive steps to exchange relevant information and knowledge isnt an example of positive behavior in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing.4。这段话的作者最有可能同意。A.由人力资源绩效管理流程,可以使知识管理的贡献不大。B.个人知识共享的企业核心价值观的级联可能是一个出发点的绩效管理过程中。C.知识共享不能作

22、为元素的能力框架。D.采取积极措施,交换有关信息和知识是不是在满足知识共享能力期望的积极行为的一个例子。5. According to the passage, performance management processes by HR can make an important contribution to knowledge management through the following measures except .A. by providing for behavioral expectations which are related to knowledge-sharing

23、 to be definedB. by ensuring that actual behaviors are reviewed C. by ensuring that actual behaviors are rewarded by financial or non-financial meansD. by building networks which provide for knowledge sharing5。根据这篇文章,通过人力资源的绩效管理流程,可以通过以下措施,除了对知识管理的重要贡献。A.提供相关的知识共享定义的行为的期望B.确保实际行为进行审查C.为确保实际行为是由金融或非金

24、融手段奖励D 通过建设网络为知识共享提供Answer:1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D(二)128138“T-group” stands for “training group,” which is not a very helpful description. It is also referred to as sensitivity training, group dynamics, and group relations training, T-group has three aims:1, to increase sensitivity-the ability to percei

25、ve accurately how others are reacting to ones behavior2, To increase diagnostic ability-the ability to perceive accurately the state of relationships between others3, to increase action skill-the ability to carry out the skillful behavior required by the situationIn a T-group, the trainer will expla

26、in the aims of the program and may encourage discussion and contribute his or her own reactions. But he or she does not ake a strong lead and the group is largely left to its own devices to develop astructure that takes account of the goals of both the members of the group and the trainer provides a

27、 climate where the group members are sufficiently trusting of one another to discuss their own behavior. They do this by giving feedback or expressing their reaction to one another. Member amy not always accept comments about themselves, but as the T-group develops they will increasingly understand

28、how some aspects of their behavior are hidden to them and will, therefore, be well on the way to an increase in sensitivity, diagnositic ability, and action skillFollow-up studies have noted three principle areas of change following the attendance fo trainees at an external T-group laboratory:1, inc

29、reased openness, receptivity, and tolerance of differences2.Increased operational skill in interpersonal relations, with overtones of increased capacity for collaboration3.Improved understanding and diagnositic awareness of slef, others, and interactive processes in groups. T-groups have been attact

30、ed because of the possibility of negative or detrimental effects. But none of the follow-up studies has detected any significant problems. A more valid basis for doubt is that it has been diffcult to prove that they have been cost effective for organizations who have used them on company or have str

31、ongly supported external programs.This criticism could be leveled at any other form of group training or ,indeed, most off-the job training. The degree to which it can be invalidated will depend on the effectiveness of the training design and of the trainer.T-group laboratories in their purest form

32、are unlikely every to become a major part of company training programs, but the group dynamics approach has valid uses in the modified forms.1. this article might most likely be extracted from the paper about ( D )这篇短文可能节选自,A. human resource planningB. performance evaluationC. international human resource managementD. training and development培训和开发2. “T-group” is referred to as the following except (B )T-group可以解释为以

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