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1、国庆英语1国庆英语1-3单元月考复习题Saturday, September 28, 2013 By Miss Jiang 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1 He is a _ boy. He always does his homework _, and he never makes mistakes. (care)2 Mary with Tom _ (be) going to the park this afternoon.3 She left home without _ (tell) her parents.4 Many buildings _ (build) in our city by

2、 the workers last year.5 Kathy wants to be a _ (profession) singer when she _ (grow ) up.6 Im sorry. I _ (agree) with you.7 Have you got everything _ (prepare), kids?8 Its time for lunch. Lets stop _ (have) it.9 Wheres your father?He _ (go) to Paris. He _ (be) there twice before.10. A _ man cant _ w

3、ithout hard work. (success)(二) 1. After that, he became more _ (interest) in history.2. I used to be _ (terrify) of snakes.3. I spent much time _ (chat) on the Internet.4. He was very sorry for his fathers _ (die).5. Tom is not a child any more. He can take care of _ (he).6. The boy has made his _ (

4、decide) to study hard.7. If you want to be a good teacher, you must be more_(有耐心的).8. His actions has _(引起)lots of trouble.9. Its _(必要)to give him a call and say “thanks” to him.10. It _(似乎)that he has never been to Beijing.11. The shop sells all kinds of _. (糖果)(三)I think we should learn English by

5、 _ (read) aloud.1. I found this book _ (help).2. His father was very _ (frustrating) because he was always late for school.3. He made so much progress and his teacher was _ (impress)4. A good language _ (learn) should have lots of practice.5. The bus runs very _ (quick).6. When I hear the _ (excitin

6、g) news, we all got _ (exciting).7. I cant get my _ (pronounce) right.8. He didnt pass the exam because he made lots of _ (mistake)9. Its _ (fair) to make some to do what he doesnt like to do.二、根据汉语完成句子1. You can _ (容易) understand if you often listen to it.2. They think the west way of learning Engl

7、ish is studying grammar. But I feel _.(不一样)3. The old man was too tired and he was moving _.(慢)4. Tom got very _(沮丧) when he knew he had a bad grade.5. Reading _ (大声地)is also a good way to study English.(二) 1. He studies English by making flash card. (提问) _ _ he study English?2. She likes playing te

8、nnis, too.(否定) She _ like playing tennis, _.3. They enjoyed themselves yesterday.(同义) They _ _ _ _yesterday.4. I will go out of the classroom later.(提问) _ _ will you go out of the classroom?5. The factory is about 3 minutes by bus.(提问)_ _ is the factory?三. 填空1 They often clean their classroom after

9、school. (改为被动语态)Their classroom _ _ _ by them after school. 2. Li Lei gave Tom a new pen last week. (改为被动语态) A new pen _ _ _Tom last week. Tom _ _ a pen by Li Lei last week.3. A lot of people in China can speak English. (改为被动语态)English _ _ _ by a lot of people in China. 4. Workers built three bridge

10、s over the Yangtze River last year. (改为被动语态)Three bridges _ _ over the Yangtze River last year. 5. They will finish reading these story-books next month. (同上)These story-books _ _ _reading next month.(二)改写句子1. He used to be a teacher. (提问) _ _ he _ to _?2. The girl used to have long hair.(疑问)_ _the

11、girl _ to _ _?3. He seemed to have much money. (同义)_ seemed that he _ much money. 4. The old man used to have black hair.(反义疑问)The old man used to have black hair, _ _?5. He spent a lot of time studying English.(同义). It _ him a lot of time _ study English.根据汉语意思完成下列译文。1. 学生不应该穿耳眼。 Students shouldnt

12、_ _ _ _.2. 他决定专攻英语,因为上次考试失败了。He _ _ _ _ English because he _ the last exam.3. 我希望同学们能实现自己的梦想。I _ that students would _ _ _.4. 我们为中国的数千年文化而感到骄傲。 We are _ _ our Chinas _ _ culture.5. 我们应当相互学习。We should _ _ _ _.6. 请把卧室整理一下,太乱了。 Please _ _ your bedroom. Its _ _ _.7. 我们不同意他的说法。 We didnt _ _ what he said.

13、8. 他没在家而是去了上海。 He didnt stay at home _ _ _ to Shanghai.9我知道父母很在乎我,但他们总是谈论如果我不成功的话会怎么样。I know my parents _ _ me, but they are always talking about_ will happen if I dont _.10如果我们有丰富的经验,我们就能更好地处理好此事。 If we have _ _, we can _ _ it better.11我们并不反对跑步,不过我们的确认为我们的儿子需要现实一些。We _ _ _ running, but we do think

14、that our son needs to be _.12不要担心他,他够大的了,能够照顾他自己了。Dont _ _ him. He is old _ _ look after himself.(二)1. 大卫看起来好像改变了许多。_ _that David _ _ a lot. 2. 去年我每天花费很多时间玩游戏。Last year I _ lots of time _ games every day.3. 他对足球更感兴趣了。He is _ _ _ _ in soccer.4. 我小的时候常常害怕蛇。When I was young, I _ _ _ _ of snakes.5. 最近几年

15、,他一直在生病。He has been ill _ the _ _ _.6. 他的妈妈付不起他上学的费用。His mother couldnt _ _ _ _ his education.7. 教师应当更多地留意那些成绩差的学生。Teachers should _ _ _ _ the students who gets bad grades.8. 他过去总是迟到吗?_ _ he _ _ _ _ be late?9. 最后, 我爸爸做了一个艰难的决定。In the _, my father _ a difficult _.(三)为了考试,你怎样学习?_ do you study _ a test

16、?1. 你和朋友一起学习过吗?Have you _ _ with a friend?2. 我的业余爱好是集邮。My _ is to _ stamps?4. 你出过国吗? 我出过国,仅仅一次。Have you ever _ _? Yes, just _.5. 我通常通过看小说学习英语。 I usually study English _ _ English novels.6. 为什么不加入我们练习英语呢? _ _ join us to _ _ English.7. 我害怕别人嘲笑我。 I am _ that others will _ _ me.8. 提高英语的最佳方法就是应用英语。 The b

17、est way _ _ English is using it.9. 我决定不再通过学习语法的方式学习英语了。 I _ _ to learn English _ _ grammar.10. 如果不处理好这些问题,你就会变得沮丧。 You will _ _ _ you _ with the problem.一、 单项选择( ) 1. I study by _ vocabulary lists. A. make B. making C. to make( ) 2. It is fine today. What about _? A. going swimming B. go swimming C.

18、 to swim( ) 3. They are _ tired _ on. A. too, to walk B. too, walking C. very, to talk( ) 4. _ the club is a good way to learn English. A. Join B. Joins C. Joining( ) 5. Im going to practice _once a week. A. pronounce B. pronouncing C. to pronounce( ) 6. I had problems _ homework. A. finishing B. to

19、 finish C. finish( ) 7. She doesnt learn English by listening, I dont, _. A. too B. also C. either( ) 8. Its not polite to laugh _ the blinds. A. on B. at C. of( ) 9. Can you learn English _ chatting on the Internet? A. on B. in C. by( ) 10. Jerry has a good _ and sings well. A. sound B. noise C. vo

20、ice( ) 11. Tom doesnt know what _ next. A. to do B. doing C. to do it( ) 12. Your are late again. Why _ come early? A. not you B. didnt you C. not( ) 13. I found _ hard to study English. A. that B. it C. its( ) 14. Reading is a great way _ a language. A. of learn B. to learn C. learning( ) 15. Her s

21、on failed English test again. She felt very _. A. frustrating B. frustrated C. boring( ) 16. If you want to study English well, please read aloud every morning. It helps _.A. a lot of B. lots of C. a lot( ) 17. My mom want you to watch me _ the piano. A. playing B. play C. to play( ) 18. If you dont

22、 know how to use a word, please _ in a dictionary. A. look up it B. look it up C. look for it( ) 19. I dont get much _ practice. A. writing B. written C. write( ) 20. He is interested _ computer. A. on B. in C. at(二) ( ) 1. Judy used to be _. Now shes very shy. A. quiet B. outgoing C. smart( ) 2. Ou

23、r country _ a lot in the last few years.A. Changed B. has changed C. will change( ) 3. My brother is interested in _ basketball. A. play B. playing C. to play( ) 4. He is good at swimming. He is _ the swim team. A. on B. at C. for( ) 5. I like sleeping _ the windows _ in summer.A. with, open B. keep

24、, open C. with, opening( ) 6. Many girls are afraid of _ alone at night. A. walking B. to walk C. walk( ) 7. His voice _ a girls. A. sounds B. sound like C. sounds like( ) 8. When I was young, I used to spend much time _ story books.A. read B. reading C. looking( ) 9. Tina used to _ a good time at s

25、chool. A. have B. be C. has( ) 10. He used to _ a good teacher. A. is B. have C. are( ) 11. The teacher said that _ the English club was a great way to study English.A. join B. joining C. take part in( ) 12. _ work in Microsoft? A. Did you use to B. Did you used to C. Do you used to( ) 13. He is too

26、 lazy. No one will like him _. A. anymore B. still C. never( ) 14. Dont _ the trouble. We all can help you.A. be afraid of B. be afraid to C. terrified of( ) 15. It _ that he has been ill for a long time. A. looks B. seems C. looks as if ( ) 16. The little boy used to eat candy, _? A. did he B. didn

27、t he C. used he( ) 17. He used to _ football, but now he is used to _ in summer.A. playing, swimming B. play, swim C. play, swimming( ) 18. My English is poor. Some of my classmates may laugh _me. A. in B. with C. at( ) 19. Many students thought snakes are terrifying, but John felt _.A. different B. difference C. differently( ) 20. Twenty years has passed, the old man _ remembers what happened those days.A. can

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