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1、国航辩论部分考题 国航辩论部分考题 1. High school students should study abroad, or not? 中学生是否应该出国留学 正方:(1)留学生可以作为文化交流的使者。 (2)如果我们生活在一个外语的环境里,我们能够更快地学习一门外语。 (3)我们可以领略国外的优美风光并开阔眼界,学习西方国家先进的思想理念。 (4)出国留学可以培养学生独立生活的能力和毅力,树立吃苦耐劳的精神。 (5)回国之后在职场上会有更好的竞争力。 反方:(1)到海外留学的学生面临新的环境,生活上会遇到种种的不适应。 (2)当我们远离家乡和父母的时候,我们会感到孤独和想家。 (3)对

2、于家境不太殷实的家庭来说,留学无疑是很大的经济负担。 (4)国外大学宽进严出,毕业并不容易。 (5)留学生并不一定能够提升职业竞争能力,留学并不代表成功。 positive side: (1) Students abroad can act as messengers for culture exchange. (2) If we live in a foreign language environment, we are able to learn a foreign language more quickly. (3) Studying abroad makes us enjoy the

3、beautiful scenery abroad , expands our horizons and provides an opportunity for us to learn advanced ideas in western countries. (4) Studying abroad can cultivate the students ability in self-supporting and help them to establish the spirit of hard. (5) After they returning to their countries, they

4、will have a better competitiveness for the workplace. negative side: (1) Students abroad will have difficulties adapting to the new environment. (2) When we are far away from our hometown and our parents, we may feel lonely and homesick. (3) For the family which is not rich, studying abroad is also

5、a great economic burden undoubtedly. (4) It is not easy to graduate from foreign universities because of their management system of “come in easily,out strictly”. (5) It is not necessary for students abroad to improve their professional competitiveness.Studying abroad doesnt mean success. Is it good

6、 or bad to study abroad? Attending schools abroad has many advantages. The living experience may teach them to be independent and more adaptable to new environment. They can act as mediators between different peoples, learn much more advanced knowledge and a foreign language more quickly. However, t

7、heyll come across a series of challenges. Theyre far away from their parents and dont have enough Chinese friends. So, they may feel lonely and homesick and deal with everything by themselves. Studying abroad is also a great economic burden to their parents. Moreover, theyre not sure to make a great

8、 achievement. Since students can enjoy education of the same quality in China, why should they bother to study abroad? Therefore, whether its good or not to study abroad depends on the individual. We should celebrate western festivals,or not? 2.我们是否应该庆祝西方节日 正方:(1)庆祝西方节日作为文化交流的一种形式,是不可避免的。 (2)西方节日被越来

9、越多的人接受。对于我们来说,庆祝西方节日已经成为一种趋势。 (3)一些西方节日不仅人性化,而且具有教育意义。庆祝西方节日丰富了人们的生活、愉悦了人们的身心。 反方:(1)庆祝西方节日,在一定程度上意味着对我们国家的忽视。 (2)庆祝西方节日是一种浪费的行为,会造成不必要的消费。 (3)自始至终,庆祝我们的传统文化是永恒的主流。 positive side: (1) Celebrating western festivals is a kind of unavoidable cultural exchange. (2) Western festivals are accepted by more

10、 and more people.And its the tendency for us to celebrate western festivals. (3) Some western festivals are humanistic and educational. And celebrating western festivals helps to rich peoples life and relax themselves. negative side: (1) Celebrating western festivals to some extent is a kind of beha

11、viour means overlooking our country. (2) Celebrating western festivals may be a great waste and cause some unnecessary consumption. (3) Celebrating our own traditional festivals is the mainstream throughout the time. 我认为我们应该尊重我们的传统文化,这些节日是中国文化的一部分。与此同时,我们也可以在欢乐中度过西方节日。有以下几点原因。 第一,传统节日已经成为了中国文化的象征。这些

12、都是我们的非物质文化遗产,我们应该肩负起保护、振兴它们的责任。第二,传统节日也给我们提供了一个非常好的机会,能给我们提供一个与家人、朋友团聚的机会。更为重要的是,假日帮助旅游业快速增长。人们喜欢在假日时旅游。最后,许多外国人都喜欢过中国的传统节日。这对于跨文化交流非常有利。 总之,世界之间的距离越来越小。我们应该保护我们的文化,我们也可以庆祝西方节日,其目的是为了增进跨文化交流。 As far as I am concerned, we should value our traditional festivals, which have been an part of the Chinese

13、culture, and meanwhile, we can have a taste of the western festivals just for fun. There are several reasons. First of all, the traditional festivals have been the symbol of Chinese culture. They are the most precious intangible cultural heritage.We should shoulder the responsibility of protecting a

14、nd promoting them. Secondly, the traditional festivals offer us the most important occasions for family reunion and the expansion of social connections. What is more, the traditional festivals provide great opportunities for the travel industry. People like travel in some holidays. Finally, a lot of

15、 foreigners are fond of our traditional festivals. It is benefical for intercultural communication. In a word, the world is getting smaller and smaller. We should protect our culture on the one hand and on the other hand, we can also celebrate the western festivals for the sake of intercultural comm

16、unication. 3. Books will be replaced by e-book, or not? 电纸书是否会取代纸质书 正方:(1) 电子书比纸质书更便宜。 这样的电子阅读器,你可以随时Kindle如果你有一个像, 看电子书很方便 (2) 随地阅读成千上万本书。 (3) 随着科技的飞速发展,用电子阅读器上看书会使你觉得就像是阅读传统书籍一样。 (4) 电子书是友好环境的产品,可以减少资源浪费。 反方:(1)人们使用传统书籍来学习已经很长一段时间了。 (2) 传统书籍种类广泛,而电子书则是资源短缺。 (3) 电子阅读器的技术还不成熟,维修费成本较高。 positive side: (1) E-bo

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