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1、八年级英语Unit3SectionA1a2c教学课例多媒体提供的情境教学,实现教学效果最优化。人教版 初中八年级上册Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Section A (1a-2c)教学课例杏山镇中心学校 尚寂研 2013.10.15 一、教材分析 本单元讨论的是形容词或副词的比较级的运用。 教材先复习描述个人体貌或性格的形容词原级,再过渡到形容词的比较级,然后总结形容词或副词变成比较级的规律。不规则形容词的比较级是学习的难点。同时,本单元还出现了形容词或者副词的原级比较(,the same as.)也是此单元的重点之。除此之外,含有比

2、较等级的句子的各种句型的转化也是教学重点。Section A:主要复习描述人体体貌的形容词,以及这些形容词的对应词。教师不应局限于教材,还要补充一部分形容词或者副词,为之后学习形容词或副词的比较级做好准备。此外还要注意有一些单词既是形容词的比较级也是副词的比较级,如 better。la呈现的是几个有关人体特征的形容词,要求学生理解这些词,并能找到它们的对应词。1b的主要容是对三对双胞胎兄妹的描述。在播放录音之前,教师要指导学生学会使用简单的比较级,如better than., 然后完成任务。1c是对本单元目标语言的操练。其中包含形容词的比较级和副词的比较级,教师应该帮助学生进行区分。例如,可以

3、先让学生按照1b的容反复练习,之后教师提供一部分形容词和副词以及它们的比较级让学生自由发挥创作,如:shorter,thinner, fatter . faster, higher, better 2a主要是让学生学会将形容词变成比较级时, 辅音字母+y结尾的,要把y变成i+er。 2b听清两个人物的特征,并把相关的词记录下来。2c个学生提问,另一个读教材P18容,并根据容填空。教师要引导学生注意这些词的对应词。二、学情分析1、利用多媒体课件上英语课,学生视听感受明显,表现出极大兴趣,在欣赏和享受中学习,学习效果很明显。2、学生以前已经学过形容词的比较级和最高级,但掌握的强度不够,对单音节和多

4、音节形容词的比较级和最高级的表达上总是出现错误。通过对本课的学习可以巩固所学知识,掌握用正确的语言结构表达人物特点和人物比较。三、本课例需要解决的主要问题及其主要原因1.如何用形容词来描述人物的外貌特征,以及两者或三者之间进行比较,因为这是本单元的难点。2.掌握形容词或副词变比较级的规则以及不规则形容词或副词的比较级形式,因为这是本单元的重点。3.掌握这些形容词的对应词,因为含有比较等级的句子的各种句型的转化要用到。四、教学设计(一)、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working, comp

5、etition, fantastic, which, clearly, win 能掌握以下句型: Tina is taller than Tara. Sam has longer hair than Tom. She also sings more loudly than Tara. 2) 能掌握以下语法: 形容词或副词比较级形式的构成。 表示两者进行比较的句式结构。2. 情感态度价值观目标: 能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较。(二)、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 形容词或副词比较级形式的构成。 2) 表示两者进行比较的句式结构。2. 教学难点: 1)形容词或副词比较级形式的构成。 2)

6、表示两者进行比较的句式结构及转换。(三)、教学过程Step1. Lead-in 1. Ask Ss some questions How often do you exercise? Who do you play with?Do you like him?Can you tell us something about your friend? Then the students introduce their friends appearance with the adj below like: Section A 1atall - short; thin - heavy, long hai

7、r - short hair, calm - wild Give Ss an example by comparing Old Henry and Santa Claus. e.g. Santa Claus is older than Henry. Henry is taller than Santa Claus.Henry is younger than Santa Claus.Santa Claus is younger than Henry.设计意图:设计上述问题,让学生有话可说,而且对这五个问题的不同回答考验学生的所学知识能否与现实生活息息相关。Step2. Presentation

8、Check the writing.Ask the students to turn to page 17 and look at the picture.There are three pairs of twins in the picture. Lets listen to the tape then finish la and lb.Object:Let students learn some adjective words.Attention:If students have trouble in “quietly” and “loudly”, the teacher should s

9、how them“quiet” and “loud” first.Then correct the answers.设计意图:以讨论日常生活中学生比较感兴趣为话题,可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的好奇心,引出本单元的新单词及反义词。Step 3 1c First let Ss practice the conversations in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins.Object:Let students master the new structure.Attention:1. Correct th

10、e mistakes.2. Show the structure on the blackboard:be+ comparative adjective form+ than.verb+ comparative adverb form+ than.设计意图:先引导学生学会谈论新的句型结构,为下一步的话题深入做铺垫。Step 4 1d Now, lets rewrite the writing about your friends using comparative adjective or adverb forms.Ask a student to rewrite the passage. T

11、he other students write on their exercise books.Attention:1. The teacher circles the main structure in a sentence using a colorful chalk.2.It is difficult for students to use “more + adjectives/adverbs than.”. The teacher should offer some help as needed.设计意图:在生活中运用语言进行交际。激发学生们学习英语的好奇心、表现欲以培养语言学习的信心

12、。Step 5 2a Let students listen to the dialogue in 2a.Now listen to the tape. We should find which words are used with er or more. Please write them down.Object:Master the rules of how to change an adjective or adverb into the comparative form.Attention:Introduce the rules and ask students to write t

13、he rules on their notebooks.设计意图:根据书本上听力练习上的容少,编成一个小对话,让同学们表演,增强学习情趣。Step 6 2b Play the recording again. Ask students to fill in the boxes.There are two friends, Tina and Tara. Lets listen to the tape again. This time we should find out how Tina and Tara are different.After finishing the activity, t

14、he teacher asks someone to share the answer.Objects:1. Train students listening skills.2. Master the new patterns.Attention:The structure “as. as” may be difficult for students, so the teacher should explain the patterns before the practice.设计意图:让学生在完成听力训练的过程中到黑板上演示,既提醒了其他同学要专心听课,也使去完成任务的同学增强了征服挑战的欲

15、望。 Step 7 2c Now look at 2c. Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on the page 81. Please ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom.Ask two students to read the dialogue on the left.They both can get three stars. Objects:Train students to master the structures:be+

16、comparative adjective form+ than.; verb+ comparative adverb form+ than设计意图:改编后的对话容在容量上比课文容多,反复出现目标语言比较级形容词句子,让学生学得轻松,学的自如。Homework: Write six sentences: Write about the things that are the same and different between you and your best friend.设计意图:把课堂所学的知识运用到实际生活中去。Black board Design(设计意图:本节课的重点,学生必须掌

17、握。)Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.The First Period (Section A la一2c)Structure:1. be+ comparative adjective form+ than.2. verb+ comparative adverb form+ than.3. as+ adj /adv+ as4.形容词或副词变比较级规则教学反思: 在教学实践中,我也体会到,人教版英语教学应当处理好以下关系:1正确处理教师“教 ”和学生“学”的关系。教师应更多的关注如何让学生学会自学,而不是单方面的向学生灌输语言知识。教学过程应该是学生在

18、教师的帮助和指导下,掌握知识,并且形成技能的过程。教师应当更好的发挥学生的主体地位,让学生自己去发现问题、分析问题、解决问题。2 在教学设计过程中,要尽可能考虑学生情感在教学中的运用。要设法让学生在快乐的环境下学习,充分地调动学生的情感因素,当然也不能单纯的追求快乐而忽视学生对知识的掌握和能力的培养。3 任务型教学要求学生在教学中不仅要关注学习的结果也要关注学习的过程。学生完成学习任务的过程就是发现问题、思考问题、解决问题的过程,这就是提升学习能力的过程,把握好了这个过程,结果就有了保证,在现实教学中,师生对过程的重视的程度往往不够。4 在教学中恰当的引入竞争的学习机制,使学生学习热情高涨,培

19、养学习激情,感受成功的乐趣。5 在反思中成长。反思是实践的一面镜子,每次教学反思都能折射出教学的成功和不足。只有汲取成功的经验,改进不足,才能不断提高课堂教学的质量,保证教学任务的圆满地完成。五、课堂实录Step 1 Leading in (about 7 minutes)T:How often do you exercise?S2:Three times a week.T:Good! Who do you play with?S2:I often play with my friends.T:Do you like him?S2:Yes, of course.T:Can you tell u

20、s something about your friend?S2:OK! His name is Tony. He is 12 years old. He is tall and thin. He likes playing basketball. He studies English well. His hair is short. He is my good friend.T:Great! I think everyone has a good friend or a person that you love. Can you write them down? Please try you

21、r best to describe them using adjective or adverb words. Lets get started.Ask a student to write on the blackboard.Attentions the teacher can ask more than one student to answer the question, in order to finish next task.Step 2 la, 1b (about 5 minutes)Check the writing.T:Please turn to page 17 and l

22、ook at the picture.There are three pairs of twins in the picture. Lets listen to the tape then finish la and lb.Object:Let students learn some adjective words.Attention:If students have trouble in “quietly” and “loudly”, the teacher should show them“quiet” and “loud” first.Then correct the answers.S

23、tep 3 1c (about 5 minutes)T:Practice the conversations in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins.Object:Let students master the new structure.Attention:1. Correct the mistakes.2. Show the structure on the blackboard:be+ comparative adjective form+ than.verb+ comparative adv

24、erb form+ than.Step 4 Practice (about 5 minutes)T:Now, lets rewrite the writing about your friends using comparative adjective or adverb forms.Ask a student to rewrite the passage. The other students write on their exercise books.Attention:1. The teacher should circle the main structure in a sentenc

25、e using a colorful chalk.2. It is difficult for students to use “more + adjectives/adverbs than.”. The teacher should offer some help as needed.Step 5 2a (about 7 minutes)Let students listen to the dialogue in 2a.T:Now listen to the tape. We should find which words are used with er or more. Please w

26、rite them down.Object:Master the rules of how to change an adjective or adverb into the comparative form.Attention:Introduce the rules and ask students to write the rules on their notebooks.Step 6 2b (about 5 minutes)Play the recording again. Ask students to fill in the boxes.T:There are two friends

27、, Tina and Tara. Lets listen to the tape again. This time we should find out how Tina and Tara are different.T:After finishing the activity, I want to ask someone to share the answer.Objects:1. Train students listening skills.2. Master the new patterns.Attention:The structure “as. as” may be difficu

28、lt for students, so the teacher should explain the patterns before the practice. Step 7 2c (about 5 minutes)T:Now look at 2c. Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on the page 81. Please ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom.Ask two students to read the dialogu

29、e on the left.T:Then how many stars should we give Sam? S:Three stars.T:How many stars should we give Tom?S:One star.T:Tom is as smart as Sam, how many stars can Tom get?S:Three stars.T:Well done. They both can get three stars. Just do it like this. Now, lets start.Objects:Train students to master t

30、he structures:be+ comparative adjective form+ than.; verb+ comparative adverb form+ thanBlack board DesignUnit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.The First Period (Section A la一2c)Structure:1. be+ comparative adjective form+ than.2. verb+ comparative adverb form+ than.3. as+ adj /adv+ as4.形容词或副词变比较级规

31、则六、教学反思 在教学实践中,我也体会到,人教版英语教学应当处理好以下关系:1正确处理教师“教 ”和学生“学”的关系。教师应更多的关注如何让学生学会自学,而不是单方面的向学生灌输语言知识。教学过程应该是学生在教师的帮助和指导下,掌握知识,并且形成技能的过程。教师应当更好的发挥学生的主体地位,让学生自己去发现问题、分析问题、解决问题。2 在教学设计过程中,要尽可能考虑学生情感在教学中的运用。要设法让学生在快乐的环境下学习,充分地调动学生的情感因素,当然也不能单纯的追求快乐而忽视学生对知识的掌握和能力的培养。3 任务型教学要求学生在教学中不仅要关注学习的结果也要关注学习的过程。学生完成学习任务的过程就是发现问题、思考问题、解决问题的过程,这就是提升学习能力的过程,把握好了这个过程,结果就有了保证,在现实教学中,师生对过程的重视的程度往往不够。4 在教学中恰当的引入竞争的学习机制,使学生学习热情高涨,培养学习激情,感受成功的乐趣。5 在反思中成长。反思是实践的一面镜子,每次教学反思都能折射出教学的成功和不足。只有汲取成功的经验,改进不足,才能不断提高课堂教学的质量,保证教学

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