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1、英语竞赛复习题2015年英语竞赛复习题一、单词、词组翻译1. “B” END OF CAR: 车辆一位端2. Left side of car : 车辆一位侧3. Vacuum relief valve: 真空缓解阀4. Manway assembly: 人孔装配5. Tank weld seam: 罐体焊缝6. Tank head: 罐体封头7. Hand brake: 手制动8. Placard holder: 票插9. Air brake cylinder: 空气制动缸10. Truck assembly: 转向架装配11. Liquid trap: 聚液窝12. Stub sill:

2、小底架结构(无中梁结构)13. Draft sill:牵引梁14. Draft gear :缓冲器15. Cutoff valve: 截止阀16. Angle cock: 折角赛门17. Washout: 冲洗口18. Bottom outlet valve: 下卸阀19. Side bearing : 旁承20. Center plate: 心盘21. Butterfly valve; 蝶阀22. Commodity: 介质23. Brake beam: 制动梁24. Piston: 活塞25. Wheel tread:车轮踏面 26. Emergency reservoir: 紧急风缸27

3、. Auxiliary reservoir: 副风缸28. Air brake hose: 空气制动软管29. Branch pipe: 支管30. Brake cylinder :制动缸31. Brake shoe: 闸瓦32. Automatic slack adjuster: 自动闸瓦间隙调节器33. Wear liner: 磨耗衬垫34. Check valve: 止回阀35. Coupler: 车钩36. Steam jacket: 加温套37. Coupler shank; 钩身38. Yoke: 钩尾框39. End platform: 端部走台40. Side bearing

4、clearance: 旁承间隙41. Wheelbase: 轴距42. Running gear:走行装置43. Axle :车轴44. Seal ring:密封圈45. Bolster spring:摇枕弹簧46. Cast steel: 铸钢47. Underframe: 底架48. Body bolster:枕梁49. Striker :冲击座50. operating platforms:操作平台51. butt weld 对接焊缝52. longitudinal joint test plate 纵缝试板53. Welding Procedure Qualification 焊接工艺

5、评定54. flux 焊剂55. heat input 热输入56. ProcessFlowDiagram 程序流程图57. WorkInstruction 作业指导书58. CriticaltoQuality 关键质量特性59. fabrication and construction 装配与制造60. out-of-roundness of shells 罐体不圆整度61. NondestructiveTesting (NDT) 无损检测62.circumferential joint 环向焊接接头63. RadiographicExamination 射线检测64. magneticpa

6、rticle 磁粉65. ultrasonictesting system 超声检测系统66. unit (local) postweld heat treatment 整体(局部)焊后热处理67. rate of heating 加热率68. holding time 保温时间69. the minimum temperature 最低温度70. holding temperature 保温温度71. Coat 涂层72. corrosion 腐蚀73. lining 衬里74. protective coating system 防护涂层体系75. substrate 底材76. dew

7、point 露点77. rust 锈78. surface preparation 表面处理79. dry film thickness 干膜厚度80.Certification认证81.Audit Finding审核发现82.Characteristic特性83.Compliance Audit合规性审核84.Contractor承包商85.Customer-Supplied Parts客户提供的零件86.Noncompliance不遵守87.Nonconformance不符合88.Preventive Action预防措施 89.Quality Program质量大纲90.Special

8、Processes特殊过程91.Subcontractor分包商92.Transgression违反93.Verification验证94.Manual Review手册审核95.Documented记录96.Corrective Action纠正措施97.Auditee受审核方98.Conformance一致性99.Internal Audit内部审核100.Production, Inspection, and Test Planning生产、检验和试验计划101.Incoming Inspection进货检验 或 来料检验102.Identification and Traceabili

9、ty标识和可追溯性103.Quality Assurance Committee质量保证委员会104.Quality Assurance Nonconformance Reporting质量保证不合格报告二、句子翻译1、All tanks and appurtenances constructed for use in transporting materials classed as dangerous by the DOT must comply with the applicable DOT specifications and supplementary AAR requirement

10、s.The DOT specifications are general and minimum for tanks and equipment therefore.制造用于运输DOT分类为危险货物的所有罐体和附属装置必须满足适用的DOT规范以及AAR补充要求。DOT规范是此类罐体和设备的通用要求和最低要求。2、Car owner must identify appropriate areas of inspection for fatigue,corrosion wear,ets. and must have a “life-cycle”maintenance plan for cars.车

11、主必须确定适当的疲劳、腐蚀、磨损等检查区域,且必须为罐车制定“生命周期”维护计划3、Class DOT/TC -111 cars must be equipped with reclosing pressure relief devices,except where the applicant can demonstrate that a non-reclosing device affords an equivalent level of safety.DOT/TC-111类罐车必须配备重闭式压力缓解装置,除非申请方可证明非重闭式装置可提供同等安全级别。4、Postweld heat tre

12、atment, when required,shall be done before the final hydrostatic test, after any repairs to welding, and after all attachments to be welded to the tank shell or heads have been welded in place.在对焊接进行任何修复后,以及将所有附属件焊接在罐板或封头上之后。如需要焊后热处理,应在最终水压试验之前进行。5、The skirts of heads must be sufficiently ture to ro

13、und so that the defference between the maximum and minimum diameters will not exceed 1% of the nominal diameter.封头直边端必须足够圆,最大直径与最小直径之差不超过公称直径的1%。6、Welding shall not be done when the surface of the parts to be welded are wet.welding shall not be done when rain or snow is falling or during periods of

14、high winds, unless the welder and work are properly shielded.待焊件表面潮湿的条件下不得施焊。降雨、降雪或强风条件下不得施焊,除非焊工或焊接操作条件配备了适当的防护。7、Center sills or draft sills must be equipped with cast steel or forged steel center plates. Steel castings must comply with the current issue of the Manual of Standards and Recommended

15、Practices, Section B, Specification M-201.中梁或牵引梁必须安装铸钢或锻钢上心盘。铸钢件必须符合现行版本MSRP中B分册规范M-201的要求。8、The termination of the draft sill reinforcing plates must have corner radii not less than 1 in .(25.4mm) except that a termination on a head must have corner radii not less than 3 in.(76.2mm)端接牵引梁补强板时,角部半径不得

16、小于1英寸(25.4毫米),而端接罐端板时的角部半径不得小于3英寸(76.2毫米)。9、The minimum contact angle subtended by the bolster structure must be not less than 120,exclusive of the saddle plate .Consideration must be given to the compressive load on the bolster slabbing area where applicable .枕梁结构(不包括鞍板)的最小包角不得小于120,如果有枕梁鞍座垫板,必须考虑压

17、缩载荷对于该垫板区的作用。10、Interior heater systems and plug flanges, if welded to tank ,must be cast, forged or fabricated metal and be of good weldable quality in conjunction with the metal of the tank.内加热系统和插塞法兰(如焊接至罐体)必须为铸造、锻造或组焊金属,并且与罐体的金属具有良好的焊接性能。11、Interior heater systems shall be so constructed that th

18、e breaking off of their external connections will not cause leakage of the contents of the tank.内部加热系统的制造应确保在其外部接头的折断时不会引起罐体内部装运货物的泄漏。12、 Outside pipe connections to steam coils shall not be an integral part of the interior coils and shall be screwed or welded, or both, into outside pads or reinforc

19、ements.连接至蒸汽盘管外部管道的连接不得成为内部盘管的组成部分,应用螺栓连接或焊接(或两种方法均使用)在外部衬垫或补强上。13、The hand brake wheel shall have a nominal diameter of 22in .The brake wheel shall be of shallow configuration and shall be of steel or other material of equivaleng strength.手制动轮的名义直径为22英寸。手制动轮应采用薄型结构,材质为钢制或其他等强度的材料。14、Sill steps shal

20、l conform to the requirements of standard S-2044.Minimum usable length of tread shall be not less than 18 in .脚蹬应符合S-2044的要求,最小有用脚踏长度应不小于18英寸。15、Toe boards shall be of any combination of material grade thickness and support structure that will prevent more than 1/4in.horizontal deflection in respons

21、e to a 100lb horizontal load applied at any point along the toe board.踢脚板应考虑材料的类别、厚度和支撑结构,确保在踢脚板任何位置施加100磅水平载荷下变形不超过1/4英寸。16、The entire insulation must be covered with a metal jacket of a thickness not less than 11gauge (0.1196 inch) nominal (Manufacturers Standard Gauge) and flashed around all open

22、ings so as to be weather tight.整个隔热层必须以厚度不小于11规号(0.1196英寸)标称(制造商标准规号)厚度的金属外罩进行覆盖,所有开口周围配备防水板,以便防风雨。17、The exterior surface of a carbon steel tank and the inside surface of a carbon steel jacket must be given a protection coating.碳钢罐体的外表面以及碳钢外罩的内表面必须涂上保护性涂层。18、The center of gravity of the loaded car

23、must be reported on the Certificate of Construction and must not exceed 98 in.(2489mm).车辆重载时的重心高度必须写在制造合格证书上,且不得超过98英寸(2489mm)。19、The car structure must be designed to withstand a 50,000 lb(222.4kN) vertical load applied in both directions on the coupler head at the pulling face without yielding the

24、 loaded members or exceeding their critical buckling strengths.车辆结构必须能承受作用于钩舌内侧面的50,000磅(222.4kN)的向上和向下的垂向载荷,各承载构件不出现屈服或者超过其临界屈服强度。20、Provision must be made for jacking under bolsters, or at an approved alternate location, when required by car design.在车辆设计要求时,须在枕梁下方或者批准的其他位置提供顶车装置。21、 A test plate s

25、hall be prepared during fabrication for each WPS used in fabrication of the tank shell.制造期间应对罐板制造过程中采用的每个WPS准备试板。22、 Impact tests are required only when specified in the tank specification.当罐体规范中有此规定时才要求进行冲击试验。23、 A report of corrosion test specimens shall include identity of plate material (specifi

26、cation, grade, and heat number), welding procedure, welding electrodes, and corrosion rate each specimen tested.腐蚀试样报告应包括试板材料标识(规格,等级和炉号)、焊接过程、焊条和每个试样的腐蚀率。24、 The procedure qualification T-joint weld shall have not more than 1/8 in. difference in the lengths of the legs of the fillet weld.对于工艺评定所用的T

27、形接头焊缝,角焊缝焊脚长度的差异不应超出1/8英寸。25、 All parts shall be securely held together by bolts or other means while riveting. In no case shall the rivets be depended upon to draw the parts together.铆接时应用螺栓或其他方式将铆接件牢固地接合到一起。任何情况下都不能只靠铆钉把铆接件拉到一起。26、 All grinding shall be done in the direction of the length of the m

28、ember and not transversely.所有的磨削,应沿构件的纵方向进行,不得沿横向磨削。27、 Jigs, templates, gauges, and fixtures shall be used to ensure interchangeability of parts.使用的夹具、模板、量具和固定装置应保证零件的互换性。28、 The purpose of camber is to prevent undesirable conditions created by deflections under load.预挠度的目的是防止载荷下的挠曲所产生的不良状态。29、 Car

29、s must be built in the best, most substantial, and workmanlike manner, according to the true intent and meaning of the approved specifications.车辆必须按照所批准的规范的真实内容和含义以最好、最切实和技术成熟的工艺制造。30、 Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be reexamined to determine whether or not they are relevant.任何有争议的或可

30、疑的磁痕均应进行重新检测,以确定其是否是缺陷。31、 All nondestructive testing shall be performed in accord with a written procedure.NDT Procedures shall be approved by an NDT level.所有无损检测都应该根据书面规程执行,无损检测工艺规程应该由NDT三级人员批准。32、 Any inside or outside weld surface irregularities, including weld toes, that may interfere with the

31、radioscopic image.任何内外焊缝表面的不平整,包括焊趾,都有可能干扰射线检测图像评定。33、 High-intensity light illuminators shall be used for viewing areas of the radiographs between 3.0 and 4.0 density.当评定黑度在3.0到4.0之间的射线底片时,应使用高亮度观片灯。34、A complete set of radiographs for each tank shall be retained for not less than 5 years by the ta

32、nk fabricator or by the car owner.每个罐体完整的射线检测资料应由罐车制造商或罐车用户保存不少于5年。35、 The tank shall preferably be postweld heat treated as a unit in an enclosed furnace.最好应将罐体作为整体,将其放在一个密闭的炉子里进行焊后热处理。36、 During the heating, holding, and cooling periods, the furnace atmosphere shall be controlled to avoid excessive oxidation of the tank s

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