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1、人教版高中英语选修十一词汇表人教版高中英语选修十一词汇表(1-5单元)(含教材例句及用法讲解)本词汇表主要特色:1.呈现教材原文例句,重视词汇在语境中的运用。2.词汇用法讲解紧扣新课标和新考纲,深度和广度适中,条理清晰,系统完整。3.精选高考真题例句、词典例句和时文例句,例句具有典型性和示范性。4.展示高考真题,揭示高考命题角度和思路。5.适合高一学生同步使用以及高三学生总复习使用。Book11 Unit11.tectonic /tektnk/ adj. 地壳构造上的;起因于地壳运动的 New Zealand sits on two tectonic plates which are cons

2、tantly moving and hitting into each other, causing a lot of geological activity, including earthquakes and volcanoes. 新西兰位于两个不停运动而又相互碰撞的地壳板块上,从而引起许多地震、火山等地质活动。(P2)2.geological / di:ldkl / adj. 地质学的;地质的 geology /dildi/ n. 地质学 3.plateau/ plt / n. 高地;高原In the centre of the island is an area called the

3、Central Plateau, where most of New Zealands volcanic activity occurs.岛屿中部叫做中部高原,新西兰的多数火山活动都是发生在这个地区。(P2)4.backbone/ bkbn/ n. 脊椎;脊柱;主要山脉 A huge range of mountains, called the Southern Alps, form the backbone of the South Island. 山脉被称为南阿尔卑斯山脉,形成了南岛的脊梁。(P2)5.graze / grez/ vi. 放牧;吃草To the east of the mo

4、untains are plains and gentle hills used for farming and grazing sheep. 在山的东面是平原和温和的山丘,用来耕种和放牧羊群。(P2)6.strip / strp/ n. 狭长的地域或水域 To the west is a narrow, coastal strip. 西面是一条窄窄的海岸带。(P2)7.carve / k:v/ vt. 雕刻;切开a carved doorway雕花的门道They carved their names on the desk.他们把自己的名字刻在书桌上。8.paddle/ pdl/ vt. 用

5、桨划(小船);(用桨划船)运送 New Zealand was first settled in about 1000 AD by people from other Pacific islands, who paddled their great canoes south in search of a better place to live. 最早来新西兰定居的人是公无1000年左右来自太平洋其他岛屿的移民。他们为了寻找一个更好的居住地方,划着大独木舟南行到这里来的。(P2)9.uninhabited/ nnhbtd / adj. 无人居住的;杳无人迹的The arrival of the

6、 first humans into the uninhabited land changed it forever. 第一批人类来到这块无人区以后,这块土地发生了永久性的变化。(P2)10.extinction / kstkn / n. 灭绝;绝种 11.fern/ f:n / n. 蕨类植物Most moved to the North Island, where the climate was better for growing sweet potatoes and fern roots for food. 大多数人搬到了北岛,那里的气候更适宜种植红薯和蕨类植物。(P3)12.scar

7、ce/ sks/ adj. 缺乏的;不足的As the population grew and land and food became scarce, the people became more war-like. 随着人口的增长,土地和食物变得稀少,人们变得更加好战。(P3)scarce resources稀缺资源Details of the accident are scarce.事故的详细情况了解不多。Food was becoming scarce.食物越来越紧缺。13.warlike/ w:lak/ adj. 好战的;尚武的;善战的 14.tribe/ trab / n. 部落;

8、部族 Some tribes were wiped out as stronger tribes fought to take over the land. 随着更强大的部落争夺土地,一些部落被消灭了。(P3)15.wipe out 清除;垮台 Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.只有这样我们才能消灭敌军。Wipe out the bath before you use it. 使用浴盆前先把里面擦洗干净。16.take over 接管;接收She decided that I was the ideal person to ta

9、ke over the job. 她认定我是接手这份工作的最佳人选。Its time for him to retire and let someone younger take over as director. 他现在该退休了,让更年轻的人来接替。17.fence/fens/ n. 栅栏;篱笆;围墙 To protect themselves, the people began to live in pas; that is, villages on the top of hills surrounded by several rows of tall fences. 为了保护自己,人们开

10、始生活在“pas”中;也就是说,山顶上的村庄被几排高大的栅栏包围着。(P3)18.immunity/ mju:nti / n. 免疫性They brought with them European diseases that the Maori had no immunity to and, worsestill, they traded guns with the local tribes. 他们带来了一些欧洲疾病,毛利人对这些疾病没有免疫力,更糟糕的是,他们同当地的部落来交换枪支。(P3)immune/ mju:n / adj. 免疫的;免受(伤害)的19.Christianity/ kr

11、stinti /基督教20.treaty/ tri:ti / n. 条约;协议;协定 In 1840,Britain signed a treaty with the representatives of various Maori tribes. 1840年,英国与各毛利人部落的代表签署了一项条约。(P3)21.representative/ reprzenttv / n. 代表22.ownership/ np / n. 所有权;物主身份This treaty recognized Maori ownership of their land and the coastal waters ar

12、ound New Zealand. 该条约承认毛利人拥有他们的土地和新西兰周围的沿海水域。(P3) 23.unrest /nrest/ n. 不安的状态;动乱Unfortunately, when the Maori people did not want to sell their land to the new settlers, especially at the extremely low prices they were offered, unrest between the Maori and Europeans (Pakeha) grew, which led to seriou

13、s fighting in many parts of the North Island. 不幸的是,毛利人并不想把他们的土地卖给新移民,特别是在他们得到的极低的价格下,毛利人和欧洲人(Pakeha)之间的动荡加剧了,这导致了北岛许多地区的激烈战斗。(P3)industrial/ civil/social/ political/ popular unrest工业 / 平民 / 社会 / 政治 / 民众动乱There is growing unrest in the south of the country.这个国家的南方日益动荡不安。24.civilian/ svln / n. 平民The w

14、orst fighting was between 1860 and 1872, after which the Maori were finally defeated by larger numbers of British and Australian soldiers and civilians. 最惨烈的战斗发生在1860年到1872年之间,之后毛利人最终被大量的英国和澳大利亚士兵和平民击败。(P3)25.fasten/f:sn, fsn/ vt. 系牢;拴紧Fasten your seatbelts, please.请系好安全带。使固定Mamma fastened the pictu

15、re on the wall. 妈妈把画固定在了墙上。26.elastic/ lstk / adj. 有弹性的27.suspension/sspenn/ n. 吊;县挂;悬浮 28.appetite/ ptat / n. 食欲;胃口 He has a healthy appetite. 他胃口很好。He suffered from headaches and loss of appetite .他患有头痛和食欲不振。29.buffet/ bfe / n. 自助餐30.pasta/p:st:, ps-/ n. 意大利面食(包括通心粉及面条等)31.porter/ p:t(r) / n. 守门人;

16、行李搬运工 32.suite/ swi:t / n. (宾馆中的)套房33.lounge/laund/ n. 起居室;休息室 34.laundry/ l:ndri/ n. 洗衣店 35.helicopter/ helkpt(r) / n. 直升飞机 36.brunch/ brnt/ n. 早午餐;晚早餐 37.dairy/ deri / n. 牛奶场;乳品店38.statistics/ sttstks / n. (pl) 统计;统计数字 adj. 对生态环境友好的;不妨害生态环境的The many eco-friendly hiking tracks throug

17、hout these uniquely beautiful areas of NZ make hiking a pleasure. 在这些独特美丽的新西兰地区,许多生态友好的徒步旅行路线使徒步旅行成为一种乐趣。(P8)40.subtropical/ sbtrpkl / adj. 亚热带的 New Zealands scenery ranges from glaciers to subtropical forests, beautiful lakes and fiords to fast flowing rivers and snow-covered mountains, not to ment

18、ion kilometres of sandy beaches - some of which you will have entirely to yourself. 新西兰的风景从冰川到亚热带森林,美丽的湖泊和峡湾,到湍急的河流和白雪覆盖的山脉,更不用说几公里的沙滩了其中一些你将完全属于自己。(P8)41.fiord /fjd/ n. 峡湾;海湾42.not to mention 不必提及;更不用说We cant afford a car, not to mention the fact that we have no garage. 我们买不起汽车, 没有车库的事就更不必说了。43.rec

19、reation/ rekren / n. 娱乐;消遣 For those who like their recreation to be a little more challenging, there is white-water rafting, canyoning, sky diving and abseiling. 对于那些喜欢娱乐的人来说,他们的娱乐活动更有挑战性,他们有激流泛舟、峡谷、跳伞、跳伞。(P8)44.raft/r:ft, rft/ n. 木筏;木排 45.get around New Zealand is small and easy to get around.到处走动

20、She gets around with the help of a stick.她拄着拐杖四处走动。传播;流传News soon got around that he had resigned.他辞职的消息很快传开了。46.hemisphere /hemsf(r) / n. 半球The best time to visit NZ _is from November to April - summer time in the southern hemisphere. 参观新西兰的最佳时期是从十一月到四月南半球的夏季。(P8)47.schedule/ edju:l / n. 时间表;进度表48.

21、extensive/ kstensv / New Zealand has an extensive air service which is relatively cheap if you Iook for discounted fares. 新西兰的航空客运是很普遍的,如果你要找打折机票,那么价格相对来说是很便宜的。(P8)adj. 广阔的;大量的Extensive repair work is being carried out.大规模的修缮工作正在进行。广泛的Extensive research has been done into this disease.对这种疾病已进行了广泛研究。

22、49.flexible/ fleksbl / adj. 灵活的;可通融的 51.pace/ pes / n. 速度;步调 nrns / n. 保险 n(r) / vt. & vi. (常与against 连用)保险;确保Although the crime rate in New Zealand is low compared with some countries, it is also advisable to insure against theft as some travellers have had things stolen fro

23、m their cars. 虽然新西兰的犯罪率比一些国家低,但也有必要为一些旅行者从他们的车里偷东西而投保。(P9)53.theft/eft/ n. 盗窃54.handy/hndi/ adj.近便的Our house is very handy for the station.我们家离车站很近。便利的Credit cards can be handy they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash. 信用卡很方便,有了它你就不用携带大量现金了。55.consultant/ knsltnt / n. 顾问;咨询者Contact one

24、of our travel consultants, either by phone or email. 通过电话或电子邮件联系我们的一位旅游顾问。(P9)56.guidance/ gadns / n. 指导;指引57.database/ detbes / n. 数据库;基本数据;资料库 58.caterket(r) vi. & vt. 备办酒菜;承办酒席;提供食物(娱乐节目)We have a large database of hotels, camping grounds and bed and breakfast places which cater for all budgets.

25、我们有一个庞大的数据库,包括酒店、露营地、床和早餐场所,以满足所有的预算。(P9)cater for sb/sth 为某人提供;适合某人的需要 The class caters for all ability ranges.这个班对各种不同水平的人都适合。TV programs usually cater for all tastes. 电视通常提供适合各种口味的节目。59.enquiry/ nkwar / n. (=inquiry)n.C调查,探究 a murder enquiry谋杀案调查询问;打听a telephone enquiry电话查询60.extension/ kstenn /

26、n. (电话)分机;延伸;伸展 61.vertical/ v:tkl / adj. 垂直的 62.axis/ kss / n. 轴;轴线Book11 Unit21.detect/dtekt/ vt. 侦查;探测;检定The tests are designed to detect the disease early.这些检查旨在早期查出疾病。We are trying to detect and understand how the climates change. 我们正努力探寻并理解气候是如何变化的。2jogger/ dg(r) / n. 跑步锻炼的人;慢跑者 A few hours la

27、ter, a jogger discovered a man dead in a taxi. 个小时后,一个慢跑者发现一个人死在出租车里。(P12)3.forensic/ frensk / adj. 法庭的;法医学的The police forensic team immediately went to the crime scene to look for evidence that would lead them to the killer. 警察法医小组立即前往犯罪现场寻找证据,将他们带到凶手的现场。(P12) 4.spray/ spre / vt. 喷射;喷溅Police collec

28、ted samples of blood that had sprayed over the front and back seats and after laboratory tests, they found the blood belonged to three different people. 警察采集了喷洒在前面和后面的座位上的血液样本,在实验室测试后,他们发现血液属于三个不同的人。(P12)The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide.庄稼定期喷洒杀虫剂。Shes had the car sprayed blue.她让人把汽车喷成了

29、蓝色。n. 喷剂;喷雾的液体a can of insect spray. 一罐喷雾杀虫剂5.fingerprint / fgprnt / n. 指纹;手印 They were covered in blood and a fingerprint had been left on top of the blood stain. 他们身上沾满了血迹,还在血迹上留下了指印。(P12) 6.stain/sten/ vt. (被)玷污;留下污渍I hope it doesnt stain the carpet.希望它别把地毯弄脏。n. 污点;污处a blood/a coffee/an ink, etc.

30、 stain血迹、咖啡渍、墨痕等7.wrap/rp/ vt. 包;裹 A month later, on 21 December, a fisherman fished out of the river a body wrapped in plastic and bound with rope. 一个月后,12月21日,一名渔民从河里捞出一具尸体,用塑料包裹并用绳子捆起来。(P12)I wrapped the baby (up) in a blanket.我用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。8.bind/band/ vt. 缚;绑9.torso /t:s/ n. (人体的)驱干 As well as ta

31、king a DNA sample, the forensic surgeon X-rayed the torso. 除了采集DNA样本,法医外科医生x光检查了躯体。(P12)10.surgeon/s:dn /n. 外科医生 11.X-ray vt. 照X 光;照X 射线12.abnorma/lbn:mla/ adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的 abnormal levels of sugar in the blood 血糖值不正常Is the child abnormal in any way? 这孩子是否在哪方面有点不正常?13.emergency/ im:dnsi/ n. 紧急情况;紧急事件14. by law 根据法律By law, hospitals must report cases of knife or gun shot wounds

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