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牛津深圳九年级上册Unit5 单元知识点复习.docx

1、牛津深圳九年级上册Unit5 单元知识点复习九年级上册Unit5 单元知识点复习Who among you wants to be on TV?你们当中谁想上电视?【解析】among 意为“在中”,用于数量是“三者(或以上)”的范围。例如:There are five boys in our group. Jack is the tallest among us.我们组有五个男生,杰克是我们当中最高的。【拓展】between意为“在之间”,用于“两者”之间的范围。常用词组:between .and .表示“在和之间”。例如:Who is strict with you between your

2、 parents?在你父母之间,谁对你严格?I sit between Mary and Ben.我坐在玛丽和本之间。Its time for Travel Quiz .到旅游知识竞赛的时间了【解析】句型It is time for sth 意为“到的时间了”,介词for 后面接名词或代词;这个句型也可以写成:It is time (for sb) todo sth“该(某人)做某事的时间了”。例如:Its time for bed.= Its time to go to bed.该睡觉了。Its time for them to go back to the classroom.他们该回教室

3、了。Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well.虽然安吉拉没有准备,但她似乎很放松而且真的答得很好。【解析】连词although 意为“虽然;尽管”,引导让步状语从句,与though 同义,但两者在用法上有区别:although 一般放于句首,不放句末,而though 可放于句首,也可以放于句末,放句末时意为“不过;然而;可是”;两者都不能与but 同时连用。例如:Although he isnt interested in English, he learns it very well.=

4、Though he isnt interested in English, he learns it very well.尽管他对英语不感兴趣,但他学得很好。He is very old, but he still works.他虽然很老了,但仍然工作。We want to go sightseeing; the weather isnt good, though.我们想去观光,可是天气不好。. Angela just had to answer six more questions to beat the other contestants.要打败其他参赛者,安吉拉只需再回 答六个问题【解析

5、】six more 意为“再多六个、再/又六个”。“数词+more”表示“又(多)几个,再(多)几个”的意思,相当于“another+数词”。例如:He ate two more apples.= He ate another two apples.他又多吃了两个苹果。Could you tell me one more story?= Could you tell me another story?你可以给我多讲个故事吗?Denise was so excited that she could hardly keep still.丹尼斯如此兴奋以至于几乎不能保持平静。【解析】so . tha

6、t .意为“如此以至于”,that 引导结果状语从句,so 后面接形容词或副词。当that 后面接肯定句时可转换为“adj. / adv.+ enough + to do sth(足够做某事)”;当that 后接否定句时可转换为“too . to do sth(太而不能做某事)”。例如:The boy was so smart that he could answer all the questions.那个男孩如此聪明以至于能回答所有问题。= The boy was smart enough to answer all the questions.那个男孩足够聪明,能回答所有问题。He ra

7、n so slowly that he couldnt win the game.他跑得这么慢以至于没能赢得比赛。= He ran too slowly to win the game.他跑得太慢,无法赢得比赛。【拓展】so that意为“为了;以便”,引导目的状语从句。例如:My mother gets up early every day so that she can make breakfast for me.妈妈每天早起以便能给我做早餐。Grammar More practiceIt was hot and smelt like a real jungle.它炎热而且闻起来像真的丛林

8、。【解析】smell like .意为“闻起来像”,其他几个连系动词look(看起来),sound(听起来),taste(品尝起来),feel(感觉起来)用法类似,后面可以接介词like,且要接名词作宾语;不接介词like 的时候,后面可直接跟形容词作表语。例如:This kind of flower smells like a banana.这种花闻起来像香蕉。This kind of fruit looks like a flower.这种水果看起来像一朵花。It sounds interesting. 听起来有趣。Oranges smell nice. 橙子很好闻。Then sudden

9、ly we saw a huge wave coming towards us.然后我们突然看见一个巨大的海浪向我们涌来。【解析】see sb / sth doing sth 意为“看见某人/某物在做某事”,表示在某个时间或情景中看见某人/某物正在做某事;而see sb /sth do sth 意为“ 看见某人/某物做了某事”,表示看见某人/ 某物做某事的全过程或经常看见某人/ 某物做某事。具有类似用法的常用动词还有:hear,feel等。例如:I saw him helping the old man just now.我刚才看见他在帮助那个老人。On his way home, he sa

10、w the two boys fighting.在他回家的路上,他看见那两个男孩在打架。Can you hear someone playing the piano?你能听到有人在弹钢琴吗?I often see them play football after school.我经常看见他们在放学后踢足球。. and the wave seemed to come over the top of us .波浪仿佛没过我们的头顶【解析】seem 是连系动词,意为“好像;似乎”。seem to do sth 意为“似乎做某事”,seem 后面也可以直接跟形容词或句子。例如:They seem to

11、 go travelling.他们好像要去旅游。He seems very happy.他似乎很高兴。It seemed that he had passed the exam.他似乎考试及格了。Did you enjoy working as an actor, Roddy?你喜欢当演员吗,罗迪?【解析】.enjoy doing sth 意为“喜欢做某事”,可与like / love doing / to do sth 互换。例如:My father enjoys reading newspapers after dinner.= My father likes / loves readin

12、g newspapers after dinner.= My father likes / loves to read newspapers after dinner.我父亲喜欢在晚饭后看报纸。work as意为“担任/当(职业)”,例如:He works as a manager in this company.他在这家公司当经理。Did you have any difficulty in acting?你在表演方面有困难吗?【解析】have difficulty (in) doing sth 意为“ 做某事有困难”,相当于have trouble(in) doing sth,介词in可以

13、省略。例如:He has difficulty (in) speaking English.= He has trouble (in) speaking English.他说英语有困难。语 法 梳 理 由although 和though引导的让步状语从句观察下列例句,归纳由although 和though引导的让步状语从句的用法。Although / Though Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well.Angela seemed relaxed and did really well although /

14、 though she was not prepared.Although / Though the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting them right.The questions were getting more and more difficult, but Angela kept getting them right.Although / Though it was a rainy day, many people came to watch the filming of Trav

15、el Quiz.He won the game although / though he was very tired.【梳理】让步状语从句常常用来对比两种观点,通常用连接词although / though 来进行引导,主要用法如下:1. although / though 引导的让步状语从句可位于句首,与后面的主句用“(, 逗号)”隔开,也可以直接放在主句之后。例如:Although / Though my grandpa is very old, he plays table tennis every day.= My grandpa plays table tennis every d

16、ay although / though he is very old.尽管我的爷爷年纪很大了,但他还是每天打乒乓球。2. although 比though 正式,且常常用于句首,但在一些情况下通常只能用though:(1)表示强调的时候与even连用构成even though,意为“即使;虽然”。例如:Even though I did not understand what she had said, I smiled at her.即使我并不理解她说了些什么,但我仍然朝她微笑。(2)though 用作副词表示“然而”的意思时,通常位于句末。例如:Jim said he would giv

17、e me a hand; he didnt, though.吉姆说他将会助我一臂之力,然而却没有(帮我)。3. although / though 都不能与but 连用,但是可以与yet 或者still连用。例如:Although / Though he was in bad health, yet he worked very hard.尽管他的身体状况很糟糕,但他仍然努力工作。Although / Though the weather was very terrible, the workers still worked for hours. 尽管天气非常恶劣,那些工人们还是工作了几个小时

18、。1. floor plan 楼层平面图2. talent show 达人秀3. pass out 昏迷;失去知觉4. keep still 保持静止;保持不动(的状态)5. emergency exit 紧急出口6. (be) ahead of sb 领先某人*7. would love to do sth乐于做某事;愿意做某事*8. on TV 在电视上*9. raise ones hand 举起某人的手*10. Its time for. 到的时间了*11. so . that . 太/如此以至于*12. seem relaxed 看起来放松*13. take part in . 参加*

19、14. keep doing sth不停地做某事;继续做某事*15. between . and . 在和之间1. on weekdays 在工作日*2. not only . but also . 不但而且*3. too much 太多*4. try ones best 尽某人最大努力*5. Well done! 干得好!*6. keep up 继续下去;坚持下去*7. try to do sth 尽力做某事*8. a piece of cake 小菜一碟;不费吹灰之力*9. to cut a long story short简而言之;长话短说*10. have difficulty (in) doing sth做某事有困难*11. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事*12. smell like . 闻起来像*13. not . at all 根本不;完全不*14. jump out of ones skin 大吃一惊*15. work as . 担任*16. to be honest 说实话*17. take place 发生

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