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1、英语语法四种完成时态LESSON EIGHT四种完成时态主系表 现在: 过去: 将来:You arerich.You were rich.You will be rich.过去将来:You would be rich.There be现在:There is a book on the desk .过去:There wasa book on the desk.将来:There will be a book on the desk.过去将来: There would be a book on the desk主谓宾状现在:You study En glish in the school.过去时:Y

2、ou studied English in the school.将来时:You will study En glish in the school.You are going to study English.You are to study English.You are about to study English过去将来:would study En glish in the schoolYou were going to study English.You were to study English.You were about to study English.You are st

3、udying English.You were studying English.You will be studying English.You woud be studying English.课堂练习1你知道你们老师的爸爸昨天为什么要打 beat他?2:你知道你们班的那个女孩子怎样成为你们班最好的学生吗?3:你知道昨天他们家的狗为什么咬 bit bite你吗?4:我妈妈昨天问我我打算在哪学英语.5:你知道你们学校的图书馆去年有多少图书吗?6:你知道他的父亲什么时候死的吗?7:你知道老鼠mouse为什么爱大米rice吗?8:你知道你们老师明年打算写多少本书吗?9:你知道你们老师现在在哪吃午

4、饭的吗 ?10:你知道昨天晚上7点半你爸爸和你妈妈在客厅里做什么呢吗?11:那个医生告诉我他临时在这个医院帮忙。课堂答案1:你知道你们老师的爸爸昨天为什么要打 beat他?Do you know why your teacher father beat him yesterday?2:你知道你们班的那个女孩子怎样成为你们班最好的学生吗?Do you know how the pretty girl of your class becomes the best students?3:你知道昨天他们家的狗为什么咬 bit bite你吗?Do you know why the dog of his

5、family bit you yesterday?4:我妈妈昨天问我我打算在哪学英语.Yesterday, my motherasked me where I was going to study English.5:你知道你们学校的图书馆去年有多少图书吗?Do you know how many books there were in the library of your school yesterday?6:你知道他的父亲什么时候死的吗?Do you know when his father died ?7:你知道老鼠mouse为什么爱大米rice吗?Do you know why th

6、e mouseloves rice?8:你知道你们老师明年打算写多少本书吗?Do you know how many books your teacheris going to write nest year?9:你知道你们老师现在在哪吃午饭的吗 ?Do you know where your teacheris having lunch?10:你知道昨天晚上7点半你爸爸和你妈妈在客厅里做什么呢吗?Do you know what your father and mother were doing in the living room at half past 7 yesterday?11:那

7、个医生告诉我他临时在这个医院帮忙。The doctortold me that he was helping in the hospital.四种完成时态完成时态的构成句型时态主系表主谓宾现在完成have (has) bee nhave (has) done过去完成had bee nhad done将来完成will have bee nwill have done过去将来完成would have bee nwould have done现在完成时态的基本用法1. 表示一个过去发生的动作对现在产生的结果和影响。应该明确现在完成时态属于现在时态的范畴。它所强调的不是过去发生的动 作,而是对现在产生

8、的结果和影响。否则用一般过去时态就够了。请看下面的对话 A We will send some one to America.我们要派一个人去美国。B I have beenthere.我去过美国。=I was there and I know the country very well. Would you send me there? 我去过那儿,很了解那个国家。能派我去吗?C I have not beenthere. 我还没去过那儿呢。=I didn t gto America. It is my turn. 我没去过。这次该我了。上面对话的前提是大家都抢着去美国。所以 B用现在完成时

9、态是想说明自己有经验,派他去好。而 C用现在完成时态是说自己没去过,轮也该轮到他了。两 句都是强调对现在产生的影响。Did you have lun ch? Have you had lun ch?Did you study En glish? Have you studied En glish?Laocha ng died?Laocha nghas died?Who was herer?Who has beenhere?Have you done your homework2. 表示过去发生的动作一直持续到现在通常用于持续性较强的动词,例如:live, study, wait for, be

10、等等,并且常常与since, for连用,si nee给出的是过去的一个时间点,女口 si nee 1958,而for往往给出的是一个时间段,女口 for three years。 He has studiedEnglish for eight years. Si nee 1980, they have known each other.注:完成时态表示延续的用法不可跟非延续动词连用,如: die, go, leave, receive等。请看下面例句:X His father has diedfor three years. His father has beendead for three

11、 years.第一句是错的。“死”这个动作不可能延续。但一种状态却可以延续。第 句用主系表句型是对的。过去完成时态,将来完成时态和过去将来完成时态学习完成时态应注意,所有完成时态在“态”的概念上是一样的,现在完成 时态、过去完成时态、将来完成时态、过去将来完成时态所不同的只是时间上的概 念。所以我们只要掌握现在完成时态,然后在时间上向过去推便是过去完成时态, 向将来推便是将来完成时态。3完成时态在主从句中的用法完成时态除上面讲到的两种基本用法之外,在主从句中通常可以用来表示主 句与从句动作发生的先后次序。his homework? Do you know he has finished现在完成

12、时态“ has finished”表示发生在一般现在时态“ know ”之前。 I heard he had bought a new car.过去完成时态“ had bought ”表示发生在过去时态“ heard”之前。现在完成时态“ have had supper ”强调吃过饭之后,即强调从句动作发生在 主句之前。从上面几个例句可以看出,在主从句中现在完成时态往往表示发生在另 一个现在时态的动作之前,而过去完成时态则表示发生在另一个过去时态的动作之 前。请注意下面的例句:以上简单地介绍了在主从句中完成时态的用法。请同学们在做练习时多加注、完成下列句子。1. He said (他从未去过西

13、藏 Tibet).2. (他从未给我写过信)since he left Beijing.3. He said (他下月底就不用我的照相机了 camera .4. I hope (雨会在明天中午前停下来) .5. By the end of that year (他已集了一千多张中国邮票)6. I really don tknow (他是否已经至U了实验室laboratory).7. The boy knows that he must be braver and firmer (在他经历了这样的事情之后)8. I could not remember whether (他已经付了字典钱) .9

14、. I m afraid I (到时还没有找到正确的答案)10. Don t worry. Before I get home I (就会把这件事全忘光的).、完成下列句子。1. He said that he had never been to Tibet.(他从未去过西藏 Tibet)2. He hasn t written to me (他从未给我写过信)since he left Beijing.3. He said that he would have done with (have used) _my camera bythe end of next mo nth. (他下月底就不

15、用我的照相机了 camera).4. I hope that the rain will have stopped by tomorrow noon. (雨会 在明天中午前停下来).5 . By the end of that year he had collected more than a thousand Chi nese stamps. (他已集了一千多张中国邮票)6. I really don t know whether he has got to the laboratory or not. 他是否已经到了实验室laboratory).7. The boy knows that

16、he must be braver and firmer after he has experie need such a thi ng .(在他经历了这样的事情之后).Has gone through8. I could not remember whether he had paid for the dicti on ary.(他已经付了字典钱)9. Imafraid I won t have got the correct answerby then.(到时还没有找到正确的答案).10. Don t worryBefore I get home I will have forgotten

17、 all about the matter.(就会把这件事全忘光的).三、完成下列句子。1.He said(他从未去过西藏Tibet).2.(他从未给我写过信)since he left Beiji ng.3.He said(他下月底就不用我的照相机了 camera).4.I hope(雨会在明天中午前停下来).5.By the end of that year(他已集了一千多张中国邮票).6.I really don t know(他是否已经到1了实验室laboratory)7. The boy knows that he must be braver and firmer (在他经历了这样

18、的事情之后)8. I could not remember whether (他已经付了字典钱).9. I m afraid J (到时还没有找到正确的答案)10. Don t worry. Before I get home I (就会把这件事全忘光的).二、时态选择。(该题全部取自于全国高考原卷)1. What do you want those old boxes?To put things in when I move to the new flat.A. by B. for C. of D. with2. he start at once or wait for a while?Le

19、t him start at on ce.A. Will B. Would C. Does D. Shall3. I can t tell you ifjt tomorrow.A. will rain B. rains C. shall rain D. does rain4. Did you watch the play on CCTV 1 last night? It was really good.No, I didnt. ?“ Tea House ” .A. What was it B. Whats onC. What was it about D. How about it5. Can

20、 you give me the right an swer?Sorry, I . Would you repeat that question?A. hadn t listened B . haven t listenedC . don t liste n D . was n t liste ning6. I promised to get there before 5 o clock, but now the rain is pQurThedown for me impatie ntly .A . may wait B . ought to waitC . could wait D . m

21、ust be wait ing7. Have nt see n you for ages! Do you still work in Fuzhou? ts two years since I worked there.A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I doC. No, I have nt D. No, I dont8. Goodbye, Peter, remember me to your pare nts.A. Its very kind of you to say so B. Than ks, I willC. You are so ki nd D. Than ks, wh

22、at a good idea9. You are talk ing too much.Only at home. No one me but you.A. is heari ng B. had heard C. hears D. heard10. We want some one to desig n the new art museum for us. the young fellow have a try?A. MayB. Shall C. Will D. Need11. I won der why Jenny us rece ntly. We should have heard from

23、 her bynow.A. has nt writte n B. does nt writeC. wont write D. had nt writte n12. I did nt like aunt Lucy, who without warning and prese nti ngA. always turned up B. has always turned upC. was always turned up D. was always turni ng up13. Has Tommy fini shed his homework yet?I have no idea; he it th

24、is morni ng.A. was doing B. had been doing C. has done D. did14. The little girl her heart out because she her toy bear and believedshe wasn t ever going tocfiit.A. had cried; lost B. cried; had lostC. has cried; has lost D. cries; has lost15. Hey, look where you are going?Oh, Im terribly sorry .A.

25、Im not no tic ing B. I was ntno tici ngC. I have ntno ticed D. I dontno tice16. Do you know your tow n at all?No, this is the first time I here.A. was B. have bee n C. came D. am coming17. Im sorry to keep you waiting.-Oh, not at all. I here only a few minu tes.A. have bee n B. had bee n C. was D. w

26、ill be18. my glasses?Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.A. Do you see B. Had you see nC. Would you see D. Have you see n19. You dontn eed to describe her.I her several times.D. meetA. had met B. have met C. met20. Who is Jerry Cooper? ? I saw you shak ing hands with him at the meeti ng.A. Don

27、you meet him yet B. Hadnyou met him yetC. Didn you meet him yet D. Have ntyou met him yet21. Helen her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband home.A. has left; come B. left; had comeC. had left; came D. left; came22. How long each other before they married?For about a year.A. have t

28、hey known; getB. did they know; were going to getC. do they know; are going to getD. had they known; got二、时态选择。(该题全部取自于全国高考原卷)1. What do you want those old boxes?To put things in when I move to the new flat.A. by B. for C. of D. with1.D do sth with sth or wa nt sth with sth意思是用什么东西或要什么东西做什么。2. he st

29、art at once or wait for a while?Let him start at on ce.A. Will B. Would C. Does D. Shall2. D. Shall shall表示征求对方意见。3. I can t tell you if it tomorrow.A. will rainB . rains C . shall rainD . does rain3.A. will rain表示将来发生的事。4. Did you watch the play on CCTV 1 last night? It was really good.No, I didnt.

30、 ?“ Tea House ” .A. What was it |B. Whats onC. What was it about D. How about it4.B. Whats on意思是演的是什么。5. Can you give me the right an swer?Sorry, I . Would you repeat that question?A. hadn t listened B. haven t listenedC. don t listen D. wasn t listening5. D. was n t liste ning表示刚才一瞬间,所以要用过去进行时。6. I promised to get there before 5 o clock, but now the rain is pouringldheynB. ought to wait D. must be waiting for me impatie ntly.A. may wait C. could wait6. D. must be waiting must be or must do都可以表示对目前的推测。该话应译成:想必他们等我等的不耐烦了。Must be must be doingMu

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