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1、大学英语三级考试2四川省大学英语三级考试(SCET 3)试题题型(一) 听力理解(15%)(Part I: listening Comprehension)这一部分包括三节:节为日常生活和交际场合中的一般对话,有题,每题含一组对话,对话后有一个问句。节有两个理解题,总词量为150左右,体裁为学生所熟悉的讲话、叙述和解说等。以上两节采用多项选择,读两遍。C节为听写填空,每个空格要求填入一到两个单词或短语。全文朗读三遍,第一遍没有停顿,第二遍在有空格的句子后面有停顿,第三遍同第一遍一样没有停顿,供考生进行核对。A、B、C三节的语速为每分钟约130个词左右对话部分为日常生活中的一般对话,句子结构和内

2、容不太复杂。知识点:人物关系、谈话的时间或地点、谈话人的态度、天气、数字、时间、等。(二) 词语用法和语法结构 (20%)( Part II: Vocabulary and Structure):共20题,考试时间15分钟。题目中40%为词和短语的用法,即8题,60%为语法结构,即12题。要求考生从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。词语用法和语法结构部分的目的是测试学生运用词汇,短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括教学大纲词汇表及语法结构表一级至三级的全部内容。知识点:形近词、近义词或反义词、虚拟语气、倒装结构、分词用法、独立主格结构、动词不定式、IT作形式主语、强调句型、等。(三) 阅读理解(

3、40%)(Part III: Reading Comprehension):共题,考试时间35分钟。要求考生阅读四篇短文,总阅读量2词。每篇短文后有五个问题。考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个答案。选材的原则是:1.题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、科普常识等,但是所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解。 2.体裁多样,可以包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等;3.文章的语言难度中等,允许3%的生词,影响理解的关键词用汉语注释。知识点:阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力: 1.掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2.了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节;3.既理解字面的意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的

4、判断和推论;4.既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文的逻辑关系。阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的难度。(四) 英译汉(10%)(Part IV:Translation from English into Chinese)本部分的主旨为考核考生根据上下文确切理解英语书面材料的阅读能力及将其通顺地译成汉语的书面表达能力。共5题,全体选自第三个部分阅读理解的四篇文章,每篇选1至2句组成一题,每题20词左右,5题的总词量不超过80个。考试时间15分钟。翻译的内容不存在背景知识带来的困难。知识点:要求从5个汉语翻译中选出一个最好的!要求翻译的语境不能脱离阅读理

5、解文章的上下文意思(五) 写作(15%) (Part V: Writing): 共1题,考试时间30分钟。要求考生写出一篇100个词左右的短文。要求能够正确表达思想,意义连贯,无重大语法错误。短文写作部分的目的是测试学生运用英语书面表达思想的初步能力。2007年6月四川省大学英语三级考试(cet3)真题13. Mr. Jones accepted our suggestion and tried every means to _ himself to his new conditionsA)suit B)adapt C)adopt D)regulate14. The _ of having o

6、nes marriage arranged by patients has disappeared in many parts of the world but continues in some Asian and African countriesA)content B)custom C)current D) context15. Computers of this type make the home an _ place to work in many cases.A) efficient B)effective C)affected D)affective16. Although i

7、t was very difficult for him to finish the task, he was _ to ask for help.A) reluctant B)impossible C)impatient D)reliable17. Cindys parents give her everything she asks for, and as a result, shes very much_.A) injured B)harmed C)spoilt D)hurt18. The old-fashioned chair in the living room has been_

8、in the family. It was my grandmothers originally.A)hand over B)handed out C)handed in D)hand down19. He told us to use our dictionaries to _any word we didnt understand.A)look for B)look out C)look up D)look at20. Young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they are acting _ for

9、their age.A)doubtfully B)appropriately C)conveniently D)elementarily21. The fierce competition in this trade gets _of this enterprises development.A)by the way B)in a way C)in the way D)on the way22. We have _ to the government for a home improvement loan.A)appointed B)approached C)arranged D)applie

10、d23. The Americans and British not only speak the same language but also _a large number of social customs.A)appreciate B)join C)share D)associate25. It was because the applicant was too self-confident _he failed in the interview.A)that B)therefore C)so D)benefited26. Liu Xiang was awarded a gold me

11、dal in the world championships. He _ a lot of hard training.A)should have experiencedB)must have experiencedC)should experienceD)must experience27. A good writer is _ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way.A)that B)it C)this D)one28. If the whole operation _beforehand, a great deal of ti

12、me and money would have been lost.A)was not plannedB)had not been plannedC)were not plannedD)has not been planned29. We think _impossible for them to finish their assignment in such a short time.A)it B) what C)this D)that30. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and two sons, _to arrive on the evening f

13、light.A)is B)are going C)are D)will be31. No sooner_ home than he was asked to start on another journey.A)Jack arrived B) Jack had arrived C) would jack arrive D)had jack arrived32. _ another chance, I will certainly pass the driving test.A)Give B)Giving C)To give D)Given Part III Reading Comprehens

14、ion (40%)(35 minutes)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each question, there are four choices marked A), B),C) and D). You should choose the best answer. Then mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with

15、 a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 33 to 37 are based on the following passage. When you have completed your college education, you will look for a job suited to your training, interests, and ambitions(志向). In most cases, you will visit a likely employers office and complete an a

16、pplication form for the position in which you are interested. The employer may then make a decision regarding your ability on the basis of the application form and a personal interview. Throughout your lifetime, however, you may find yourself in other job-seeking situations in an attempt to improve

17、your position. As you gain experience, you are likely to become ambitious for better and better jobs. These better jobs often request written letters of application and summaries of your background and experience. Your writing skills may an important part in obtaining the job you desire. In any job-

18、seeking situation, there are a number of ways you may use your writing skills: to complete an application form, prepare a resume, write an application letter, or write employment follow-up letters. As an ambitious job-seeker, therefore , you should be able to prepare all the written material that wi

19、ll help you obtain the job you want.33. According to the passage, in seeking a job ,the students_.A)will follow their interests and ambitionB)like to visit every employers officeC)can make an arrangement for an interviewD)will surely get a chance to improve position34. If you want to improve your po

20、sition and find a good job, it is important to_.A)understand the application form of the companyB)improve your writing skillsC)make a decision on the basis of your own desireD)get a job related to your education35. To find a job, it is not necessary to supply_.A) a letter of applicationB) a letter f

21、or an interviewC) an application formD) a resume36. Your application for a job should mainly inform the employer of your_.A) present position and incomeB) ability in letter writingC) background and experienceD) decision to apply for the job37. What may be the best title for this passage?A) How to Co

22、mplete a Job Application FormB) An Introduction to Job-seeking SituationsC) An Attempt to Find Better JobsD) Writing Skills Help Job-seekingQuestions 38 to 42 are based on the following passage. A credit card can be useful. You could take it into a store and buy a television set or new furniture or

23、clothing or anything you wanted. All you would have to do is to sign your name and take what you wanted out of the store without paying cash. But there is a problem with the cards-they can be financial poison. These cards are just like the poisons we use on insects. If we use them carefully, they ca

24、n be helpful; but if we use them too much, they can kill us. These cards can kill us financially just as real poison can kill our body. For any money that the user does not pay each month, the credit card company changes a percentage of that amount in interest. The insect is added every month, so a

25、bill that is not paid gets bigger and bigger.Over 10 percent of the families in the United States are “overextended”. That is, they have more debt on their credit cards than they can pay. Credit cards can be used for almost anything that money can buy. And they can even be used to pay for funerals.

26、For some credit card users, a funeral may be the only solution to the debt problems they have caused for themselves by using credit cards.38. A credit card is so useful in daily life that if you have one _.A) you can borrow money with no interestB) you dont have to pay anything you want.C) you dont

27、have to bring cash with youD) you can take anything free of charge39. What is the result of using the credit card too much?A) Causing financial problems to cards usersB) Leading to the death of credit card users.C) Increasing the rate of interest of the bills.D) Killing card users like real poison.4

28、0. Which of the statement is true according the passage?A) Card users have to pay interest for the money that is not paid in timeB) Interest will be charged for any money paid with a credit card.C) Ten percent of the money used by card users is charged as the interest.D) Card users will pay lower in

29、terest if they return the money in time.41. If people are “overextended”(in Paragraph 4) with their credit, it means _.A) they can no longer use credit cards for anythingB) they have to pay off debts with their money on their cardsC) they have used more money than they can pay offD) they will be ove

30、rcharged ten percent of interest42. What does the author mean by saying “a funeral may be the only solution to the debt problemsby using credit cards”?A) Some credit card users even use credit cards to pay for their funerals.B) Using credit cards to pay for funerals may solve debt problem.C) No interest will be charged for the money paid for funerals

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