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新目标英语七年级下册 知识点总结.docx

1、新目标英语七年级下册 知识点总结Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1. play chess 下国际象棋2. play the guitar 弹吉他3. speak English 说英语4. English club 英语俱乐部5. talk to 跟说6. play the violin 拉小提琴7. play the piano 弹钢琴8. play the drums 敲鼓9. make friends 结交朋友10. do kung fu 会(中国)功夫11. tell stories 讲故事12. play games 做游戏13. on the wee

2、kends (在)周末1. play +棋类/球类 下棋,打球2. play the +西洋乐器 弹/拉乐器3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事4. be good with sb. 善于与某人相处5. need sb. To do sth. 需要某人做某事6. can + 动词原形 能/会做某事7. a little + 不可数名词 一点儿8. join the club 加入俱乐部9. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事10. like ding sth.喜欢做某事11.

3、show sth to sb = show sb sth “把某物给某人看”语法1、情态动词can的用法: 情态动词无人称和数目的变化,后面必须接动词原形,情态动词和动词原形一起构成谓语。常用的情态动词有:can, may, must, need。“能、会”是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,不能单独做谓语,只能和实义动词原形或动词原形一起构成谓语,常见用法如下:(1).表示某种能力。(2).表示请求或许可。二、动词play的用法: play games with sb 与某人做游戏(1).play+西方乐器名词,乐器名词前要加the,“play + the+ 乐器”“弹奏某种乐器”。 play

4、the guitar弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴 play the drums 敲鼓play the violin 拉小提琴 play the trumpet吹喇叭 (2).play加球棋牌时,球棋牌前不加the,“play +球类名词”表示“踢、打某种球”。play ping-pong打乒乓球 play football/soccer踢足球 play basketball打篮球 play baseball 打棒球 play volleyball打排球 play chess 下国际象棋 play cards 打牌 (3). play with+玩具/其他名词 He can pl

5、ay with a ball. 三、be good(1).be good at (doing) sth 擅长 精通 (2).be good with sb/sth 善于应付/相处的,对有办法 (3).be good for sb/sth 对有益处 Unit 2 What time do you go to school?短语get up 起床 get home到达家中 get to work到达工作岗位 make breakfast做早饭 make a shower schedule做一个洗澡的安排 practice guitar 练吉它 leave home 离家 take a shower

6、 = have a shower 洗淋浴澡 take the Number 17 bus to the Hotel 乘17路公共汽车去旅馆 go to class 上课 go to school 上学 go to work 上班(反义词 go home) have breakfast/dinner/lunch吃早晚午饭go to bed 睡觉(反义词get up) put on 穿衣服(反义词take off) do ones homework 做家庭作业 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. to do sth. / tell sb. Sth.know ab

7、out sth. 知道某方面的情况 love to do/doing like to do/doing 喜欢干某事 listen to the early morning news on radio 听电台早间新闻 watch the early morning news on TV 看电视早间新闻 around six oclock 六点左右 in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 listen to 听 语法always, usually, often 和sometimes 都是频度副词,常用于动词be 之后,行

8、为动词之前。always 意思是“总是”、“永远”,表示动作重复,状态继续,中间没有间断,通常用来修饰动词的一般时态。若修饰动词进行时,则有“老是”,“再三地”的意思,带有厌烦、不满、赞美等感情色彩。usually(75%)意为“通常”,着重表示已习惯的动作。反义词为:unusually。often(50%)意为“时常”、“经常”,表示常常这样,但不总是这样,反义词为: seldom。sometimes(30%)表示“有时”、“不时”的意思,说明的是偶尔发生的事情或情况。它的位置比较灵活,可置于句首、句中、句末。下面的排列更直观地说明了这几个词的频率的大小。alwaysusuallyoften

9、sometimesseldomnever总是100%通常80%经常60% 有时30% 几乎不5% 没有0.Unit3 How do you get to school?短语1.get to school 到校 2.take the subway 乘地铁 3.take the train 坐火车 4.leave for 到 地方去 离开去某地 5.I m afraid恐怕6.look like看起来像7sound like听起来像8.fromto从到 9.think of 想到 想起 10.every one 每一个 11.everyone 每个人 12. how far 多远 13.take

10、the train to school 乘火车去上学 -year-old boy一个8岁的男孩15.go to school by boat乘船去上学 16.on the school bus乘坐校车 different from和不同 18.worry about 担忧 焦虑 担心 19. take sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人某些时间去做某事20. thanks for因感谢你 21 two hundred students二百名学生22. hundreds of studengs数百名学生 23. stop listening t

11、o music停止听音乐24. stop to listen to music停下去听音乐25. bus station 汽车站26. dream to do sth梦想做某事 27. live in a small village住在一个小村子里28.cross the road 过马路29. 20minutes walk二十分钟的步行30. have to不得不31.betweenand 在.和之间e true 实现,成为现实 33.Im not sure. 我不能确信。 34.have a good day at school 上课快乐 35.walk to school 走路上学 36

12、.how long 多久,多长 often 多久一次38.go on a ropeway 乘坐索道语法一、交通方式的询问: How do you get to school ? 回答: to school.I get / go to school注意点:并不是所有都用take, 也并不是所有都用by,注意四个方面1 步行特殊的: walk = go .on foot , 2 By car , by bike = drive a / my car , ride a / my bike 3 By +交通工具无冠词, 但 ride a bike/ drive a car/ take a

13、bus 等必须有冠词a/ the.4 除了介词by +交通工具外,还可以用on/ in +交通工具,on a bus, in a car , on my bike .2、到达get表示“到达” 后接名词需加to 接地点副词不加to. reach表示到达 是及物动词 其后直接接宾语。 arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点 后接副词不需介词。 三、花费spend, cost, pay 与 take(1)spend 的主语必须是人。常用于 spendon sth或 spend(in) doing sth.意为“某人花时间/金钱做某事”。(2)cost的主语只能是物。常用于sth c

14、ost sb some money意为“某物花费某人多少钱”。(3)pay的主语必须是 人。常用于sb pay some money for sth.意为“某人为某物付款”。(4)take用于 It takes sb some time( money) to do sth. 句型中。Unit 4 Dont eat in class短语 rules 学校规章制度 2.break(fallow/keep)the rules 违反(遵守)规章制度 3. arrive late for class = be late for class 上课迟到 4.dining hall饭厅,餐厅5

15、. in class 在课堂上 6.on time准时(in time及时)7. eat in the classroom 在教室里吃东西 8. wear a hat (hats) 戴帽子 9. listen to 听 uniforms校服 11. wear uniforms穿制服12.I see我明白了 13. have to do 不得不做保持安静15.according to根据,依据 16.make (up)rules 制订规则17.share (sth )with sb和某人分享()18. on school days在上学期间1

16、9. on school nights在校期间的晚上 20. practice (playing) the piano 练习弹钢琴21.go out外出22.see friends看望朋友23.clean (ones) room打扫房间 the dishes洗餐具25. too many/much太多的(可数/不可数 )26.make (ones) bed铺床 27.go to bed去睡觉(be in bed 在床上)28.think about (sb/sth/doing sth)考虑(某人/某物/做某事) strict (with sb)对某人)要求严格 30.lea

17、rn to do sth学(做某事) 31. Dont talk. = No talking.不要说话一、on time“准时,按时”,指按规定的时刻不早不晚。Eg:He always go to school on time.他总是按时上学。 in time“及时”,指没有迟到,时间还充裕。Eg:Fireman reached the house on fire in time.消防员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。二、hear、listen和sound都有听的意思,但三者是有区别的: hear听说 侧重于听的内容。 Eg:Im sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你

18、生病了 我很难过。 I never heard such an interesting story. 我从来没听过这么有趣的一个故事。 listen听侧重于听这一动作。Eg:Listen to me carefully. 认真听我说。 sound听起来 它是系动词 后面接形容词等。Eg:That sounds great. 那听起来真不错。 三、help作动词意为“帮助”,常用的结构有:help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事help sb with sth(n.)帮助某人做某事Eg:I often help him with his lessons.我常帮他学功课。help on

19、eself(myself/yourself/herself) to+n.请随便用Eg:Please help yourselves to some fruit.请随便吃些水果。help还可作名词,表示“帮助”,是不可数。 四、too mang,too much与much too易混词组意义及用法例句too many形容词,“太,太多”,接可数名词There are too many people in the park.too much形容词,“太多”,接不可数名词I have too much homework today.much too副词,“太,非常”,接形容词或副词My mother

20、 is much too busy.九、either,too与also易混词意义及用法例句either“也”,用于否定句中,置于句末时用“,”隔开I wont go there,either.too“也”,用于肯定句句末,用“,”隔开I like dancing,too.also“也”,用于肯定句句中I also like English.Unit5 Why do you like pandas?词组:1. my favorite animals 我最喜欢动物2. would like sth. 喜欢某物3. would like to do sth. 喜欢做某事4. would like s

21、b. to do sth. 想让某人做某事5. see the pandas first 先看看熊猫6. be very cute 非常可爱7. practice speaking English 练习说英语8. be lazy 懒惰9. be interesting 有趣 beautiful 漂亮 ,美丽 smart 聪明 really scary 很吓人 kind of important 有点重要14.kind of + adj. /alittle + adj. 有点 from = come from 来自16.walk on two

22、legs 用两条腿走路 kind of boring 有点儿无聊18.sleep all day 整天睡觉 and white 黑白相间 right (答) 对了21.a kind of + n. 一种22.all kinds of + n.(pl.) 各种各样.23.You are right . 你说得对 (表示赞同)24.all right 好的 ;不错 (同意对方的建议)25.Thats right .那是对的 (表示判断对错)26.Thats all right .没关系;别客气 (用来回答别人的道歉或感谢) friendly to sb

23、. 对某人友好 shy 害羞的 of Thailands symbols 泰国的象征之一30.want to save the elephants 想拯救大象31.a symbol of good luck 一种好运气的象征32.can also draw 也会画画33.get lost / be lost 迷路 ; 丢失34.places with food and water 有食物和水的地方 them to live 帮助它们生存36.cut down many trees 砍伐很多树木37.kill elephants for their ivory

24、 猎杀大象以搜取象牙 ones life 拯救某人的生命39.forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 (还没做)40.forget doing sth. 忘记曾经做过某事 (已经做过) in danger 处于危险中 out of danger 脱险43.cut down 砍倒44.cut up sth. 切碎某物45.things made of ivory 象牙制品46.more than 多于47.less than 少于48. agoodnameforsb. 对某人是一个好名字49. whatanimals 什么动物50. bekindtos

25、b对某人善良、好51. begoodtosb对某人好52. walkforalongtime 走很长时间53. nevergetlost从不迷路Unit 6 Im watching ones homework on the phone 打电话交谈 look see read 的大致区别:watch 观看,看 watch TV 看电视 watch a football game 看一场足球比赛see 看见(看的结果) I can see the bird in the tree.look 看(看的动作) Please look at the black

26、 阅读,读书,读报 She is reading a story.4.go to the movies 去看电影 5.That sounds good. 那听起来不错6.TV show 电视节目 six oclock 在六点钟8. Wait for sb /sth 等侯某人/某物9. all 、 also 、often 、never 等副词应该放在be动词,情态动词及助动词之后,行为动词之前。He never stop talking. I often get up at six.We are all students. The boys can also swi

27、m. They all like English. Lions also come from South Africa.10. thanks for sth 谢谢某物 thanks for doing sth 谢谢做了某事 11. some of + 宾格代词(us / you /them ) some of us 我门当中的一些人 Some of +名词复数 some of the students 一些学生12. in the first /second /next / last photo 在第一/第二/下一个/最后一张照片里13. at school 在学校 at home 在家 at

28、 the pool 在游泳池 at the mall在商店14. be with sb 与某人一起15. with 是一个介词,with短语不能做主语:请区别以下两个句子:Tom with his friends is playing soccer.Tom and his friends are playing soccer.16. a photo of my family 一张我家的照片17. what about doing sth. 用于提出建议,做点什么怎么样? 18. 电话中介绍自己:This is (speaking)或 It is (speaking). 问对方是谁:Who is

29、 that ? 或 Is that (speaking) ?19. Not much = Nothing much没忙什么 be free 空闲的20. join sb. for sth./ doing sth. 和某人一起做某事 21. live with sb. 和某人住在一起 live in +地名 住在某地22. family 当家人讲是复数,如:Zhu Huis family are at home. 当家庭(整体)讲是单数,如:Jims family has one shower.23. be like 像一样 sound like 听上去像 look like 看上去像24. a

30、ny other + 可数名词单数 any other night / picture / singer25. miss sb. 想念某人 wish to do sth. 希望做某事26. a photo of sbs family 一张某人家庭的照片27. study + 学科 表学习什么 如study English 学习英语 study for sth. 表为了什么而学习如study for the English test 为了英语考试而学习 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 learn to speak English.Unit 7 Itsraining1. rain rainy/raining ; snow snowy/ snowing; wind windy; cloud cloudy; sun sunny2. How is the weather in Beijing? = Whats the weather like in Beijing?3. -Hows it go

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