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1、学年高一英语上学期课时作业35课时作业(十)Unit 3The Million Pound Bank NoteSection Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!).单句语法填空1Today I will introduce you to Charles Dickens,the great nineteenth century English _(novel)答案:novelist2As a teacher,you should always be _with all the students,so when th

2、ey feel angry or unhappy,you must treat them with _.(patient)答案:patient;patience3I often went out to swim with my neighbor without parents _(permit)答案:permission4He hurried to the store,only to find the door_(close)答案:closed5He had just made up his mind_Georage came and told him something new.答案:whe

3、n6He is such a man who is always finding fault_other people.答案:with7Born into a family with three brothers,David _(bring) to value the sense of sharing.答案:was brought up8He is not careful._the contrary,he is very careless.答案:On9My husband loves an_(adventure) life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.

4、答案:adventurous10I think its time we_(seek) legal advice.答案:sought.阅读理解Some people cant get enough of scary movies.Theyve seen scores of scary films.Why do some people enjoy watching scary movies while others cant stand them?According to Glenn Sparks,a professor at Purdue University,one reason for th

5、e attraction is how you feel after the movie.Sparks research found that when people watch frightening films,their heart rate,blood pressure and breath rate increase.After the film is over,this physiological (生理的) response stays.That means that any positive emotions you experiencelike having fun with

6、 friendsbecome stronger.Instead of focusing on the fright you felt during the film,you remember having a great time.And youll want to come back for more.However,if your experience is negative (负面的),you might not.For example,lets say you were on a date that wasnt going well or you got into a car acci

7、dent on your way home.Again,because your response strengthens (加强) any emotions you experience,the negative feelings might make you skip a scary movie in the future.Some people turn to scary movies because theyre novel (新奇的)All of us are likely to pay attention to novel things in our environment.Sti

8、ll,negative emotions can beat novelty.If we experience high levels of fright,seeing a scary movie just isnt worth it.Research suggests that more men enjoy scary movies.This might be because men are braver and more likely to enjoy frightening things.In one study,males like a horror movie more when th

9、ey see it with a female who is frightened,and females like the movie more when they see it with a male who isnt frightened.语篇解读有些人喜欢看恐怖电影,但有些人不喜欢看,本文分析了其中的原因。1According to Glenn Sparks research,when people are watching a frightening film,_.Athey think of the good experiences in the pastBthey experie

10、nce too many negative emotionsCthey experience physiological responseDthey suffer from lower blood pressure解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的Sparks research found that when people watch frightening films,their heart rate,blood pressure and breath rate increase.可知,看恐怖电影时,人们会经历一系列生理反应。答案:C2If you experience something ba

11、d after watching a horror movie,_.Ayou look forward to something positiveByou wont remember much about the movieCyou may never want to watch such movies againDyou are not likely to turn to novel things in our environment解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的Again,because your arousal strengthens any emotions you experienc

12、e,the negative feelings might make you skip a scary movie in the future.可知,在这种情况下,观影者可能不会再想看恐怖电影了。答案:C3What do people usually do in the face of a novel thing?AThey experience high levels of fright.BThey try to beat negative emotions.CThey run away to avoid danger.DThey want to have a look at it.解析:推

13、理判断题。根据第四段的All of us are likely to pay attention to novel things in our environment可知,人们会关注新奇的事物,想去看一下。答案:D4A male will be more likely to enjoy a horror movie when_.Astaying with a brave femaleBstaying with some brave menCwatching with a frightened womanDwatching during the daytime解析:细节理解题。根据末段的内容可知

14、,男性在看恐怖电影时,如果有害怕看恐怖电影的女性陪同,会更享受看的过程。答案:C.完形填空I am 20 years old and work at a nursing home.Even though I go back home late every night,I never feel_1_with my job;because I know that I have_2_someones heart.One night while I was_3_,I was talking with a 76yearold lady named Retta.We were having a conve

15、rsation about the mystery meat dinner,_4_she stopped suddenly.She had a fixed_5_ on her face and tears in her eyes.When I asked her what was_6_,she merely smiled and took my hand.She then drifted into (不知不觉地陷入) a sound _7_.When I returned after a while to give a snack to Retta who had woken up,she w

16、atched me like we would_8_see each other again.Then,out of nowhere she spoke,“You are my _9_.You treat me as though we were a _10_.I just want you to know that God has a special place for you.You have given me _11_ in my last days here.Dont cry when I am_12_.I will watch over you while I stay with G

17、od.”I was so touched that my_13_were falling.I told Retta how much that_14_to me and kissed her good night.I was off the next night and when I returned to work the following day I was met with the_15_news that Retta had passed away the_16_on which we had spoken.I was heartbroken.The family asked me

18、to_17_the funeral (葬礼) since I had been one of Rettas “favorites”After the funeral,I began to realize that I shouldnt be upset.She knew she was going home and she was_18_.Retta inspired me.I_19_her every morning when I prepare to go to work.Because of Retta,I get more and more devoted to my job.She

19、will be in my_20_forever.语篇解读作者是一名护士,她带着爱心和耐心陪伴她的病人走完人生最后一段旅程。1A.satisfied BboredCpleased Dexcited解析:根据上下文可知作者是一个富有爱心的护士,尽管回家很晚,但从未对工作感到厌烦。答案:B2A.hurt BattackedCattracted Dtouched解析:由下文语境可推测作者的爱心和耐心让病人感受到快乐,她触碰到病人的心灵。答案 bed Bon dutyCin trouble Din surprise解析:当天晚上,作者和Retta待在一起,陪她聊天,故可推测作者那天晚上值

20、班。on duty值班。答案:B4A.after BwhenCso Dbecause解析:根据上下文可知作者和Retta在谈论晚餐的时候,她突然停止说话。答案:B5A.look BsmellCtype Demotion解析:根据下文“on her face”可知选look,即她脸上的表情凝滞,眼睛里含着泪水。答案:A6A.perfect Bgood Cright Dwrong解析:根据上下文语境可知作者问Retta怎么了。答案:D7A.journey BtroubleCsleep Dadventure解析:根据第三段“When I returned after a while to give

21、a snack to Retta who had woken up”可知她睡着了。答案:C8A.ever BneverClater Dimmediately解析:根据下文可知她看着“我”,好像以后我们再也不能相见了似的,因此选never。答案:B9A.partner Bmanager Cleader Dangel解析:作者如此耐心地陪着Retta,给她送甜点等,故Retta说:“你是我的天使。”答案 BgroupCteam Dunit解析:作者的耐心和爱心令Retta感动,故她称作者为天使,说她待自己就像一家人一样。答案:A11A.knowledge BmoneyCjo

22、y Dmedicine解析:根据下文可知作者在Retta人生最后的日子里给她带来了欢乐。答案:C12A.fired Blost Ckilled Dgone解析:根据后面的“while I stay with God”可知Retta劝作者在她离开这个世界时不要为她哭泣。答案:D13A.tears Bteeth Cpapers Dbooks解析:根据语境可知作者感动得流下眼泪,其他选项与语境不符。答案:A14A.suggested BmeantCled Dcontributed解析:作者告诉Retta,她的话对自己意义重大,因此选B。答案:B15Afortable BwelcomeCbad Den

23、couraging解析:Retta的过世对作者来说应该是一个“bad news”,其他选项与语境不符,因此选C。答案:C16A.night BweekCmorning Dafternoon解析:Retta正是在与作者谈心的那天晚上去世的。答案 BattendCcelebrate Dpress解析:根据下文语境可知Retta的家人邀请作者参加Retta的葬礼。答案:B18A.happy BsadCdisappointed Dfrightened解析:根据前面的“I began to realize that I shouldnt be upset.She knew sh

24、e was going home”可知作者认为Retta知道自己要“回家了”,没有很伤心。答案:A19Ae across Bchat withCcare about Dthink about解析:根据前文“Retta inspired me”可知作者上班之前常常想起Retta,其他选项均与语境不符。答案 Bhome Chead Dheart解析:根据上下文语境可知Retta将永远活在作者的心中。答案:D.短文改错I like riding my bike.Though it is not very new,but it is my best friend.I find

25、very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Riding gives me not only exercises but also pleasure.I use my bike almost in summer when the weather is warm and dry.It can be very pleasant in winter when it is cold and rain is pour down.It can also be very dangerous.Of course I will be very carefully.In

26、fact,accidents are not the only problem.Once I went to a bookstore by my mothers bike to buy some books and come out to find the bike missing.Now I have two strong lock.参考答案I like riding my bike.Though it is not very new, but it is my best friend.I find very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Rid

27、ing gives me not only but also pleasure.I use my bike in summer when the weather is warm and dry.It be very in winter when it is cold and rain is down.It can also be very dangerous.Of course I will be very.In fact,accidents are not the only problem.Once I went to a bookstore my mothers bike to buy some books and out to find the bike missing.Now I have two strong.

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