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1、雅思英语作文真题Please you must be happier than me, so that I will not quit in vain, no matter how painful I am, I dont need to be sorry to make up for love, at least I understand your pursuit.悉心整理助您一臂(页眉可删)雅思英语作文真题 雅思英语作文大家知道怎么写呢?下面整理了真题及范文,供大家参考!雅思英语作文真题【1】写作题目:Scientists advise people to live a healthy l

2、ifestyle, but millions of people still continue with unhealthy activities.Why and what can we do to change this situation?题目讲解:题型类别:报告类(起因、影响及措施)题材类别:社会类话题(生活方式)考情分析及20_年1月份展望:继12月14号涉及原因分析的写作话题之后,本场考试依然为报告类题型。针对即将到来的1月份考试,建议大家重点熟悉议论类和报告类_写作框架和构思方法,多练习不同话题的语言素材,做到考场上灵活应对。与本场考试话题类似的旧题有:Some people th

3、ink it is the respoasibility for government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyles.Others think people should have a free for their own lifestyles decisions.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.( 20_.03.29)参考思路(针对不同人群有不健康生淸方式进行分析)不健康生活方式的原因:1.媒体过度渲染以瘦为美的观念导致女性饮食紊乱,比如盲目节食;2.工作量的增大使上班族长

4、期久坐,没有闲暇时间参与体育锻炼;3-科技进步使人们与电脑如胶似漆,尤其是年轻人,很容易沉迷网络游戏。解决措施:1.媒体报道应该被审查;媒体应倡导健康的生活方式;2.政府和企业建立合作关系,加大对公共运动设施的投入,让人们更多参与体育运动的机会。参考范文:As public health declines alarmingly, the significance of making smarter and wiser decisions liasbeen increasingly recognized.Although leading a healthy lifestyle becomes a

5、 valued concept,multitudes of people stick with their unhealthy choices.Therefore,possible contributorycauses of this pressing phenomenon and corresponding measures will be explored and putforward.Admittedly, getting nd of unhealthy habits is far from effortless.First and foremost, the massmedia ove

6、rexposes the public to portrayals of “ideal” body types and is a real culprit.To bespecific, fashions magazines, TV programmes and advertisements tend to glorify a slenderbody shape of females, thus exaggerating the importance of appearances in general.It istherefore not uncommon that many vulnerabl

7、e school-age girls, influenced by diet productscampaigns, are afflicted with eating disorders.Secondly, an increased workload should also beheld accountable.In this regard, due to a hectic work schedule, many white-collar workers haveto lead a sedentary lifestyle, being deprived of their spare time

8、to go the gytn regularly.Consequently, m order to save time and energy, these people are more likely to rely on fastfood, wdiich contains considerable amount of sugar and fat.Last but not least, technologicalinnovations have also distracted people from engagement in harmless relaxations and keepthem

9、 glued to computer screens.For instance, many youngsters get easily indulged in onlinegames and could probably fall victim to game addiction, which may,in a long tenn, lead todiminishing academic performance and social isolation.In the face of undesirable impacts brought by an unhealthy lifestyle, r

10、emedies are needed forindividuals and society as a whole.For one thing, appropriate media censorship could beimplemented.Various media are advised to campaign for a healthy lifestyle and encouragepeople from all walks of life to participate m outdoor activities.For another, partnership can beestabli

11、shed between the government and enterprises and a joint effort can be flirther made toincrease the number of public sports facilities,offering residents m both rural and urban areasmore opportunities to get involved in regular exercise.In brief based on the aforementioned analysis, the media coverag

12、e, a heavy workload, andenticing technological advancements are to be blamed for this disturbing phenomenon.Nevertheless, there are potentially effective measures to alleviate their adverse impacts.雅思英语作文真题【2】写作题目:In many countries, more and more people buy a wide range of household goods like telev

13、isionmicrowave oven and rice cooker.Do you think this is a positive or negative development?参考范文:With the proliferation of high-tech products in every walk of life, an overwhelming majority of families have possessed more than one piece of electrical device.Whether it does more good than harm to the

14、 society is what this essay focuses on.Admittedly, a growing proportion of families nowadays have been accustomed to living with these amazingly versatile appliances.On one hand, thanks to the sophisticated design, doing domestic chores ceases to be a bother.For instance, a vacuum cleaner can help m

15、ake even the carpeted floor dustless and a micro-wave oven make cooking a manageable and enjoyable process.Desirably, the present device can be so service-oriented that a rice cooker can automatically start to work as long as its owner presses a button on a remote control or set the schedule in adva

16、nce.Thus the time and energy saved allows people to work and rest better.On the other hand, some appliances such as television set and stereo system benefit the families in quite a different way.It has been a routine for many families to gather around a TV after dinner watching their favored program

17、s, which can be entertaining and informative in most occasions and educational in some.Nevertheless, it can be a potential threat to the health of family members as well as the environment as a whole.Firstly, the convenience brought about by the appliances also deprives them of the possibilities to

18、consume a regular amount of calories at home, which, in a long run,is likely to undermine their health since many of them have sat through a day in the workplace.Another detrimental effect is the notorious radiation and it has been reported that when some electrical device are placed in a limited cl

19、ose space, the radiation they giveoff is not added but multiplied and this can trigger cancer, hurt one s eyesight and particularly damage the pregnant.Pitifully, a large proportion of the electricity is not made good use of since the poor design and some people just use them lavishly.雅思英语作文真题【3】写作题

20、目:It is important to preserve both the culture and environment of the places you visit,but somepeople think it is impossible to be a responsible tourist.To what extent do you agree or disagree?参考范文:As the worldwide tourism is booming uqprecedentedly.culture and environment of the historical sites ar

21、e under serious threat.Therefore, the prevailing current of thought is that being a responsible tourist seems like an unlikely event,with which I side.In some aspects, chances are that visitors are able to shoulder the responsibility of the improvement of local areas.A case in point is that tourists

22、 could be flexible and tolerant of the culture clash.In addition, their attitudes towards environmental protection will also be well shaped by their consciousness.Nevertheless, though being of integrity, tourists have little else to do in myriad other areas.Taking the environmental elements into con

23、sideration, people find that the flooding of tourists leads to the destruction of tranquility in the tourism destinations.And for the purpose of attracting an increasing number of visitors to keep the money rolling in, businessmen are in high spirits in embanking new projects, which critically victi

24、mize both eco-system and landfonn.The reason why being responsible tourists are impossible should also be considered from the cultural perspective.Firstly,difference on both culture and custom will trigger misunderstandings, which finally leads to conflicts.Since no matter for visitors or locals, it

25、 is not easy to adapt to something new, such as languages, foods and clothes.What is worse, the prevailing of highly commercialized tourism put many ethnical cultures on the danger list.For instance, a great number of minority fanners choose to make some streamlined and common-seen handicrafts to at

26、tract tourists rather than preserving their traditionalfarming culture which symbolizes the intelligence of their forefathers.All in all, after the assessment of the impact on environment and culture, it is obvious that the likelihood of being a reponsible tourist is rather small.Sony to be dramatic, but the situation will last at least in the immediate future.

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