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1、作文范文之英语作文校绘画社团60字英语作文校绘画社团60字【篇一:绘画社团活动计划】 胡桥一中社团“绘画小组”活动计划 -王全辉 我校开展社团活动绘画兴趣小组,在于培养学生对绘画的兴趣、爱好、增长知识、提高技能、丰富学生的课余文化生活,为今后培养绘画人才起着积极推进的作用,同时丰富校园生活。绘画艺术对于陶冶情操、启迪智慧,促进学生全面发展,具有重要的作用。本学期我校的绘画社团,由本人和韩相枫、张怡三位教师分别辅导六、七、八年级。为了给爱好绘画的同学一个良好的学习环境,现将本学期绘画小组的活动安排制定如下: 一、活动的目的: 通过绘画兴趣小组的活动,使学生的绘画特长得以更好的发展,更 深刻的了解

2、绘画基础知识和基本技能,培养学生的观察和创新的思维能力,提高学生审美素养。让酷爱绘画的学生在课余时间能尽情挥洒手中的画笔,自由放飞心中的梦想,为我们校园生活增添光彩! 二、活动的内容: 美术是一个很广的课程,设计、绘画、欣赏等都是学习的内容。学的多不如学的精,所以教师应该给学生制定具体的学习内容,而这次的社团活动小组学习的内容主要从以下几个方面着手: 2、重视基础方面的学习,从简单的几何形体、线条入手,过度到简笔画、素描、色彩等方面,从而来解决课堂中难以解决的疑难问题;以绘画为主,以欣赏名人名画名作为辅。 3、通过一段时间的基础知识学习,逐步让学生利用基础元素进行创作,以创作画为主进行教学,给

3、学生自己创作作品的时间和空间。训练学生的动手能力和造型能力。 4、指导学生从事美术创作,培养学生的观察能力和热爱生活的习惯,以校园中的好人好事以及丰富多彩的活动为主旋律,创作出内容积极向上,催人奋进,有一定的艺术品味的作品。 5、激励学生自主的参加各种环境布置,如:美化教室或回家以后装饰自己的房间等实践活动,使学生的特长得到发挥和锻炼。 三、活动要求: 1、 组织学生按时参加活动,并保持室内清洁。 2、 每天下午第三节课后六、七、八年级分年级进行社团活动,小组成员必 须准时到达指定教室。3、 绘画小组成员应严格遵守纪律,不准在教室大声喧哗,不准做与绘画学 习无关的事。 4、 每次老师布置的作业

4、,学生都应按时完成。 5、 爱护教室内的设施和用品。 四、采取的措施: (1)美术教师要认真负责,把它看成是学校教育的组成部分,使小组 活动开展得生动、活泼、丰富。教师要做到精心计划,精心备课,精心上课,这 样才能保证兴趣小组的深度、广度和力度。 (2)做好组织工作。 在学生自愿报名参加的基础上,要挑选各班有一定美术基础、成绩较好的学 生参加。要选出有工作能力的学生担任组长。兴趣小组要在教师的指导下充分发 挥学生的骨干力量。 (3)订立必要制度,抓好思想工作。 要教育学生自觉遵守学习制度,准时参加美术学习。明确学习目的,培养勤 奋好学,积极进取的精神,促进学生的全面发展。 在学期结束时,要举办

5、全校性的美术绘画作品展览,展示学生的学习成果。 为学生提供表现自己实力的机会,增强学习自信心。 王全辉 2013年11月【篇二:2016北京高考一模英语作文应用文汇总】 第一节 (15分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你得知故宫正在招聘暑期义务英文讲解员, 请你给相关部门负责人写一封申请信,内容包括: 1. 介绍你的基本信息; 2. 说明你的优势; 3. 表示你希望被录用。 注意:1.词数不少于50; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 dear siror madam, _ _ _ sincerely, li hua dear sir or madam, i have learned t

6、hat english volunteer guides for the forbidden city are wanted in the summer vacation. i am writing to apply for this position. im a senior 3 student in hongxing middle school, and i believe i am qualified for the position. these years, i have been on several exchange programs in america, so i am co

7、nfident with my communication skills in english. whats more, as a fan of chinese ancient history, i am sure my knowledge will prove helpful when i introduce the forbidden city to foreign guests. i would be very grateful if you could offer me the opportunity. thank you for your consideration. sincere

8、ly, li hua 第一节(15分) 假设你是红星中学学生李华,你在网上看到一则征寻语伴的广告,并对此感兴趣。请你根据广告的内容,予以回复。简要介绍自己的中文优势和英语方面的需求。 im looking for an online language partner. i will help you with english in exchange for my chinese practice. you must be a native speaker with standard mandarin*pronunciation and also want to improve your eng

9、lish. 注意: 1. 词数不少于50; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:mandarinn.普通话 dear kathy, i am li hua, a student of hongxing middle school. i would like to be your language partner. as a host of the school radio station, i can speak standard mandarin. so i can surely help you with your pronunciation. in contrast to m

10、y chinese, my english is not that good. i strongly feel the need to express myself more clearly, especiallyin spokenenglish. if we become language partners, i hope we can work on that.if you have any question, please write to me. looking forward to your reply. yours, li hua 2016东城一模 第一节(15 分) 美国友好校学

11、生来你校参加为期一周的艺术交流活动,你负责接待并致辞。 发言内容包括: 1.表示欢迎; 2.简要介绍学校的某艺术社团的基本情况(例如:合唱团、戏剧社、舞蹈队、 书画社等); 3.表示美好祝愿。 注意:1.词数不少于50; 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 dear friends, 考核题材为欢迎致辞。难度较大,容易出现赘述或表达不得当等现象。重要 要点如下: 1. 欢迎:welcome to our one-week art festival! 2. 简要介绍学校某艺术团的基本情况,既可以选择写列举中的也可以写列举外的。但不能把列举项逐一翻译。 3. 表达美好祝愿:we hope you ca

12、n enjoy / best wishes and have fun! one possible version: dear friends, welcome to our one week art festival! our school offers a wide variety of art programs. the drama club is among the best. it has been giving nice performances nationwide. and you will get a chance to watch their shows. of course

13、, we are looking forward to appreciating your wonderfulperformance as well! we hope you can enjoy the art festival as much as we do. best wishes and have fun! 第一节(15 分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请给你的美国同学jim 写一封电子邮件, 告知周末你不能参加他的生日聚会,希望他谅解。邮件的内容包括: 1. 表达歉意; 2. 说明理由; 3. 告知已准备了生日礼物。 注意: 1.词数不少于50; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词

14、数。 dear jim, _ best wishes, li hua dear jim, im terribly sorry that i cant go to your birthday party this uncle will come to beijing from america on saturday afternoon. myparents want me to go to the airport with them to pick him up. so its a pity thati cant have fun with you then.i wish

15、 you a happy birthday and hope everything will go well. by the way, ihave bought the latest cd of jay chou for you as a birthday present and i willgive it to you on monday. best wishes, li hua 第一节(15分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。今年寒假你参加了学校组织的赴美游学活 1. 感谢对你的照顾; 2. 感谢带你体验西方文化; 3. 邀请他们来中国游玩。 注意:1. 词数不少于50; 2. 开头和结尾

16、已给出,不计入总词数。 dear mr. and mrs. smith, _ _ yours, li hua dear mr. and mrs. smith, hows everything going? its been almost a week since i left america and i miss you very much. during the winter holiday, you took good care of me. your love made me feel at home. besides, you showed me around new york and

17、 the visit to times square was great, which left me a good memory and helped me learn more about american culture. thank you very much. i hope youll come to china one day and ill take you to the places of interest in beijing. i am looking forward to your reply. yours, li hua 动。请给接待你的史密斯夫妇写一封感谢信,内容包括

18、:【篇三:八年级上册牛津英语作文范例】 八年级上册牛津英语作文范例 mark twain was an american writer. he wrote many famous novels. mark twain was born in the countryside in florida in 1835. he moved to the city with his family when he was four years old. at the age of 12, his father died. he began working from his childhood and did

19、 different jobs. the adventures of tom sawyer is one of his most famous novels. he didnt show his writing ability from an early age, and it came from his personal experiences. 2、新学期开始, 学校组织了不同的课外兴趣班。下面表格中是八年级六班的学生参加课外活动的情况。这个班级共有48名同学。请根据表格及提示内容写一份报告, 阐述一下具体情况。1. 参加电脑社团的学生最多(the most), 可见大部分(most of

20、)学生喜欢玩电脑; 2. 很多学生也参加乒乓球社团, 可见很多同学也喜欢运动。 at the beginning of the new term, there are different after-class activities in our school. there are forty-eight students in class six, grade eight. twenty-one students joined the computer club. and the number of students in the computer club is the most. we

21、can see that most of the students like to play computers. there are fourteen students joining the table tennis club. we can see that many students also love to do some sports. eight students joined the english club. there are only five students in other clubs. 3、电脑让我们的很多工作变得简单, 请根据下面的中文提示, 说一说电脑的好处。

22、 1. 电脑出现以前, 大量的工作需要手工来完成, 但是现在人们可以用电脑来工作, 比以前快很多;2. 过去人们经常在图书馆查找信息, 而现在人们可以通过上网查找信息, 这样对人们来说更方便、快捷;3. 电脑技术在不断发展, 有了电脑的帮助, 我们的生活会更好、更舒适。 before the appearance of the computer, a large amount of work needed to be completed by hand. however, now people can use the computer to work. so they can finish t

23、heir work at a faster speed than before. in addition, people always looked for information in the library in the past. however, people can use the internet to look forinformation they need now. in this way, its more convenient and faster for people. the computer technology is still developing, and w

24、ith its help, our life will become better and more comfortable. 4、许多伟大的发明家用他们的发明改变了世界, 让我们生活得更好。你想成为一个小小发明家吗? 1. 水陆两用汽车: 既可以在陆地上跑, 也可以在水下跑; 2. 这种汽车两侧有两个翅膀, 下面有四个轮子, 在地面上时, 跟普通汽车一样, 但在水下时, 四个轮子会隐藏在车底, 两侧的翅膀会变为两个船桨促使汽车前行; 3. 比一般的汽车更方便、更省油; 节约资源, 减少污染。 生词提示: hide (隐藏), resource (资源), paddle (桨) my inve

25、ntion is a car. people can use it on the land or in the water. this kind of car has two wings on its two sides and four wheels under the car. on the ground, it can run as well as the ordinary car. however, when it is in the water, the four wheels will hide under the car and the two wings will become

26、 two paddles to make the car go forward. compared with the ordinary car, this kind of car is more convenient and uses less petrol. more importantly, it can save resources and make less pollution. i think my invention will help people live a better life in the future. 5、假设你到英国进行为期半年的教育交流学习, 并且学习即将结束。

27、写一下你的经历和收获。提示: 1. where have you lived? 2. how are the people around you? 3. what have you learnt during your educational exchange? 4. what advice can you give other students? my exchange visit will end, but i will never forget this experience in england, i have lived in a host family. th

28、e family members are very friendly to me. they have taken me to visit many places of interest. and they have cooked traditional english food for me. i have studied in a language school. there i have learnt about their language, culture and history. i think going on an exchange visit is a great exper

29、ience. it will help you get along well with different people and learn many different things. if you have a chance, dont miss it. 6、根据下面的内容提示写一篇作文, 提示: 1. 中国古代, 花木兰, 擅于射箭; 2. 北方发生战争, 父亲必须去参军打仗, 但父亲年老多病, 弟弟年幼, 木兰决定代替父亲去; 3. 十二年之后, 战争结束, 木兰成为一名著名的将军, 回到家换上女装, 战士们才知道木兰是位年轻的女孩。 生词提示: hua mulan(花木兰), sho

30、ot the arrow (射箭) in ancient china, there was a girl called hua mulan. she was good at shooting the arrow. when the war happened in the north of ancient china, her father had to join the army to fight against the enemies. but her father was old and sick and her younger brother was too young, so hua mulan decided to fight instead of her father. after twelve years, the war ended. hua mulan became a famous general. she came back home. when she wore the girls clothes, the soldiers knew she was a young girl.

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