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1、李阳疯狂英语三最短文第二部分 特别奉献班李阳老师的话Teacher Li Words 一篇短文包括了英语的所有发音,重要的词汇,常见的语法,超级句型你读的次数越多,从中得到的东西也就越多。一篇文章只有重复到一百遍,数百遍,甚至一千遍,才能融入到你的鞋业。无限反复,无限成就!The more you read it,the more you get from it!那么,请用“三最法”反复操练李岚清副总理的英文申奥陈述。 北京赢了!中国赢了!举国同庆北京申奥成功!公元2001年7月13日,中华民族迎来了激动人心的历史性一刻:北京以56票的绝对优势赢得了2008年奥运会的主办权。这一天,世界仰慕北

2、京!北京获得2008年奥运会的主办权,是中国在提高国际地位方面矗起的又一座里程碑!是中华民族伟大复兴的又一大盛事!这是北京的胜利!是中国的胜利!胜利来之不易,但绝非侥幸!因为这是中国综合国力提升的必然结果!因为中国势在必得!勤劳勇敢的中华民族哦,请掀起学习英语的狂潮与巨浪,以崭新的面貌和高昂的斗志,迎接北京2008年奥运会的到来!迎接中华民族的伟大复兴!人民不会忘记申奥功臣!历史不会忘记申奥功臣!李岚清震惊世界的英文申奥陈述至今仍在全国人民的心中激荡回响。这么优秀的英语学习材料,我们无法抗拒! 李岚清英文申奥陈述【疯狂星级】五星级大学英语专业本科级外交家级【疯狂短评】北京赢得2008年奥运会主

3、办权,国务院副总理李岚清功不可没!他用流利地道的英文所作的申奥陈述不仅表明了中国政府支持北京申奥的坚定立场,也充分展示了泱泱大国新一代领导人的素质和形象。这么好的英语学习材料怎不令人怦然心动?Kims NoteThis powerful and touching speech was probably the perfect conclusion to beijings winning bid .It really proves that Beijing is an international city and that China is a key member of the interna

4、tional community .Li Lanqing delivered this speech in confident English .Its the perfect material for you to practice your English until you have reached the same level of confidence. Do your part to help welcome the world to Beijing by learning the international language! Beijing Makes Final Presen

5、tation Ladies and gentlemen,many people in the world have a dream,that one day they could come to China and visit Beijing.My countrymen have a very strong desire to stage an excellent Olympic Games in Beijing which is a great contribution to the Olympic movement and its history .I therefore hope fro

6、m the bottom of my heart ,that you distinguished IOC members, will help them realize their long-cherished aspirations. The Chinese sage Confucius says,”Isnt it adelight after all to have friends come from afar?”Indeed,it is our delight to welcome all guests with open arms in Beijing in the year 2008

7、.Im sure you will have a great games in Beijing! Thank you! 李阳疯狂英语“三最”记录为:21秒 李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为2口气 【参考译文】女士们,先生们,全世界很多人都有这样一个梦想,他们希望有朝一日能来到中国并访问北京。我的同胞也有在中国举办一次出色奥运会的强烈渴望,并将其看作是对奥林匹克及其历史的一个重大贡献,因此我衷心地希望尊敬的奥委会委员们能帮助他们实现这一期待已久的愿望。 我国先圣孔子说过,“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”2008年如果能在北京热烈欢迎各位客人,这将是我们最喜悦的盛事。我相信,届时你们将会在北京看到一次

8、伟大的奥运会,谢谢!申奥花絮震惊四座的英文陈述背后的小故事:李岚清餐桌前“疯狂”演练陈述。在莫斯科揭晓前的一天,这是李岚清副总理表示他要发表祝酒词,大家正纳闷没酒喝怎么要发表祝酒词呢。只见李副总理站起来用流利的英语进行了北京申奥陈述,大家才明白原来李副总理是在利用每一次机会演练,他这种认真的精神让大家很感动【额外成就感】WordsPhrases疯狂忠告:只有将每个单词完全读准,才能将上面的演讲脱口而出!(1)dreamdrimn.梦,梦想;v.做梦,梦见;梦想;幻想;想到 Im sure I can realize my dream of conquering English.我确信我能实现攻

9、克英语的梦想。 I certainly didnt promisee you the money;you must have dream it.我肯定没有答应过给你那笔钱,准是你在胡思乱想。(2)countryman n 同胞; 同国人;同乡;乡下人;农民(3)desiren 愿望,心愿;要求;V 想望,期望,希望;请求 He has a great desire for fame.他有出人头地的强烈愿望。(4)stage n. 舞台;戏剧;活动场所;发展进程; 阶段时期; v上演;筹备;举行(5)contribution n.捐献,贡献;捐助;投稿 He has a great contri

10、bution to the conpamy. 他为公司作出了巨大的贡献。(6)movementn.运动;运作;潮流;动向;运转 The trade union movement is concerned with working conditions.工会发起的这次运动与工人的工作条件密切相关。(7)from the bottom of ones heart【五星级成语】发自内心地,衷心地 From the bottom of my heart,I apologize for forgetting your birthday!忘记了你的生日,我向你表示发自内心的歉意。(8)distinguis

11、hedAdj.卓越的;著名的;卓著的;杰出的;超群的;出众的;尊贵的The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics.他在经济学知识方面出类拔萃。(9)realizev.认识到;了解;实行;实现The Chinese people are sure to realize the modernization of their country.中国人民必将实现国家现代化。She realize

12、d her dream of becoming an actress.她实现了当演员的梦想。I finally realized my goal of speaking good English.我终于实现了说一口里流利英语的目标。(10)long-cherishedAdj.被长期渴望的,期待已久的(11)aspirationn.热望,渴望;志向She has aspirations to become a great writer.她胸怀大志,要成为一位伟大的作家。is true aspiration is to become the president of the United Stat

13、es.他真正的抱负是想成为美国总统。(12)sagen.智者;贤人,圣人;年高望重的人;adj.贤明的,明智的;审慎的Thank youfor your sage advice.谢谢你的高见。He was a wise old sage,who kowe everything about Chinese medicine.他是一位精通中医的年长的智者。(13)delightn.快乐,高兴,喜悦(14)afaradv.远;在远处;远远地,遥远地GrammarStructureHave a strong desire to do sth .有做某事的强烈愿望,及渴望做某事I have a stro

14、ng desire to quit smoking this year!今年无论如何都要戒烟!She is an amazing woman with a strong desire to succeed.她怀有强烈的成功欲望,是一位杰出的女性。本篇财富统计 重点单词:14个 王牌例句:17个超级句型: 1个李阳老师最喜欢的名言Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 第三部分 实战篇特别提醒:李阳疯狂英语的书都是用来“脱口而出”的!每一个发音,每一个单词,每一个句子,每一篇文

15、章!否则,别买我们的书!看懂是骗人的,听懂的骗人的,说出来才是自己的。脱口而出才是真的成功!十篇,百遍,前边,不脱口而出誓不罢休!脱口而出,无限成就,无限风光,无限快感!永远记住:学习英语是体力劳动!李阳老师最喜欢的名言If you want your dreams to come true ,dont sleep.要想梦想成真,别偷懒! 第一章 疯狂人生激励 Crazy Encouraement-全国人民必备“三最”短文第1篇说干就干【疯狂星级】三星级高中生级国际公民级【疯狂短评】 很多人都喜欢把今天能做的事推到明天去做,而且总是为自己找借口拖延做某事,但到头来事情总是没做完。要想学好英语,

16、你今天就得痛下决心,而且这是你最后一次下决心征服英语!要立刻实施,立刻疯狂起来!今天就能脱口而出的短文,为什么还要等到明天才行动呢?【Kims Note】 This passage also applies to learning English .If you put off studying or practicing you will never be adble to speak good Englig .You cant wait until you have free time or extra money to take aclasse.The right time is noe

17、.Dont delay.Just do it! Just Do It!If you put off things for too long,they can easily become uncontrollable.The longer you wait to tackle a problem,the more difficult it becomes. Dont waste time thinking about how difficult something is. Just take the advice in this passage.Many people put off tomor

18、row what they can do today.They always look for excuses to postpone doing something.In the end,it never gets done. If we leave things undone ,we will eventually worry.This will cause unnecssary stress. Therefore,if you have this bad habit,its best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.

19、【李阳疯狂英语“三最”记录为:19秒】 【李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为:2口气】【参考译文】 事情一旦被拖得太久就会变得难以控制。问题拖得越久,就越难以解决。所以,不要把时间浪费在考虑某事到底有多难,从这篇短文接受忠告! 很多人把今天能做的事推到明日,他们总是找借口拖延做事。到头来,事情总是没做完。如果我们没有把事做完,我们心里会感到忐忑不安,从而造成不必要的压力。因此,如果你有这种坏习惯的话,最好是将它客服,尽快把事情做好。【李阳老师痛定思痛】我因为有“拖延”的恶习,才使我的成功大打折扣。我是“拖延”这个坏习惯的受害者。因为拖延,我的疾病不能得到即使治疗。因为拖延,我今天能做的事而没有做

20、。明日复明日,明日何其多;我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。这篇文章是我的最爱,我几乎每天都要读一遍。【疯狂英语战友口令】如果见到某人脱口而出这篇文章,他(她)一定是【额外成就感】Words&Phrases(1)put off 推迟,拖延;关掉,熄灭;摆脱He put off his departure till Friday. 他推迟到星期五动身。Ill haveto put off my visit until next month.我将不得不把访问推迟到下个月。(2)uncontrollable adj 无法控制的,控制不住的(3)tackle v. 应付难事,处理,解决;与.交涉(4)look

21、for 寻找, 寻求;期待(5)excuse n.原谅,宽恕;借口,理由;辩解Stop making excuses! 别再找借口了!Too much work is no excuses for not studying. 工作太忙不能成为不学习的理由。(6)postpone v.延迟,延缓,使延期,推迟(其后常跟名词后动词)We are postponing our trip until the weather grows warmer.我们将旅行推迟到天气暖和一些的时候。(7)in the end 最终,结果,到头来(8)eventually adv. 终于,最终,最后(9)stress

22、 n. 压力,重压;紧迫;重点 v.着重,强调 He is under a lot of stress because his wife is very ill.他的压力很大,因为他妻子病的很重。Father always put a lot of stress on table manners.父亲一向强调要有好的餐桌礼仪。I must stress that we havet much time.我必须强调我们没有多少时间了。(10)get rid of 处理掉;扔掉;摆脱;除去;去掉The old machine is no use .Ill be glad to get rid of

23、it.这台旧机器已毫无用处,我乐意把它处理掉。GrammarStructure“The longerthe more difficult ”是“The+比较级the +比较级”结构,表示“越越”如:The sooner,the better. 越早越好。“Its best to do something”表示 “最好去做某事”,可以用来向别人提出建议。“Leave things undone”中的leave 是及物动词,在此表示“让某人/某物处于某种状态”。【录音带模仿及操练说明】Kim老师用三种速度朗读,第一种用以全面纠正你的发音,第二种用以充分体会自然纯正的发音,第三种用以彻底强化你的发音

24、。将录音机开到最大声,跟着KIM老师同步疯狂操练。正确的发音压过你的声音,强行带动你走向成功之路!一定要有模仿、操练一百遍的决心!第二篇 不懂就问【疯狂星级】三星级高中生级国际公民级【疯狂短评】 耻与问者耻与学。知之为知之,不知为不知,不能含含糊糊,不懂装懂只能是自欺欺人。不要害羞!不懂就问!下面不仅仅是一片训练国际肌肉的短文,也是一个极有价值的建议。请用“三最法”将它脱口而出,不但你的英语将会有“质”的飞跃,而且你的自信心也将大大增强,从此不再害怕开口说英语。【Kims Not】 This is more than a passage to build your international

25、muscle. Its valuable advice for succeeding in English ang business.Pretengding to understand when you really dont is always a bad idear. Practice this passage and you will much more confident about asking for clarification.Dont be shy!Native speakers always ask questions when they dont understand.In

26、 fact,it shows you are listening!(美国专家的评述本身就是最好的“三最”练习材料,同样要脱口而出!) “Just Ask!” If you don”t understand ,dont hesitate to ask .Some Chinese seem to fell that it is im polite to ask questions even when they dont quite understand.However ,its much better to say that you dont understand than to pretend

27、you understand and answer very vaguely When you dont understand or havet caught what was said,you may ask by saying any of the following: “I beg your pardon?” “Im not clear on what you said/” “Im afraid I dont understand you .Would you mind saying it again?” “Im sorry I dont follow you.” “I didnt ge

28、t it.” You”ll improve your understand and the speaker will be happy to make his point adain!” 【李阳疯狂英语“三最”记录为:23秒】 【李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为:2口气】【参考译文】 如果你不明白的话,一定要毫不迟疑的发问。有些中国人以为是提问题是不礼貌的,即使在他们不是十分明白的时候。然而,你直言不懂比假装而含糊地回答要来的好。当你不明白或弄不清对方说什么是,你可以用以下方式来提问:“你能再说一遍吗?”“我没听清你说什么。”“恐怕我不明白你的意思。你介意再说一次吗?”“ 很抱歉我不明白你的意

29、思。”“你能重复一遍吗?”“我没有听懂。”这样将增进你的理解,而且说话者也乐意把他的要点再重复一遍。疯狂学习版 “Just Ask!” If you don”t understand ,dont hesitate (1) to ask .Some Chinese seem to fell that it is im polite to ask 犹豫,迟疑 做某事是不礼貌的questions even when they dont quite understand.However ,its much better to say that you dont understand than 比要好的

30、多to pretend you understand and answer very vaguely .When you dont understand or havet caught what was 假装,装作said,you may ask by saying any of the following: “I beg your pardon?” “Im not clear on what you said/” “Im afraid I dont understand you .Would you mind saying it again?” “Im sorry I dont follow

31、 you.” “Could you repeat that?” “I didnt get it.” You”ll improve your understand and the speaker will be happy to make his point adain!” Speak Out! Expressing opinions is one example of culture difference between east and west. Westerners express their opinions freely.They feel it is natural for people to have different ideas,and dont mind hearing views that differ from their own. You may express frankly w

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