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1、开放英语I1辅导材料开放英语I(1)辅导材料(一)语法1、名词复数大多数的名词复数形式由单数名词结尾加-s 构成,但是也有例外情况。(1)以辅音+y 结尾的名词要变y为i ,然后加 -es. baby babies party parties(2)以元音+y 结尾的名词,变复数是直接加-s ,如:daydays, boyboys, (3)以ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z结尾的名词变复数时,加es, 如: box - boxesbus - buseschurch - churches bush - bushes(4)以f 或 fe 结尾的名词,变复数时将 f 或 fe 变为ve ,然后加

2、-s ,如: half -halves leaf-leaves life-lives wife-wives(5)有些名词复数形式的变化是不规则的,如: child-children foot-feet man- men person-people(persons) tooth -teethwoman-women 2、代词的宾格和所有格主格(subject): I, you, he, she, it, we, they宾格(object): me, you, him, her, it, us, them所有格(possessive pronoun)(形容词性物主代词):my, your, his

3、, her, its, our, their注意:代词的主格常用作主语,代词的宾格常放在动词或介词的后面做宾语,而代词的所有格常用在名词前面做定语。(1) 代词的主格Where do you work?He is a manager.(2) 代词的宾格I can see her.Send her an email, please.The manager always eats lunch with him.Come and see us tomorrow.(3) 代词的所有格This is my dog. Thats its bed.Can you give me your pen, plea

4、se?Is that their house?3、与时间连接的介词(1) on 通常与星期或具体某一天的上午,下午或晚上连用。如:I have a meeting on Thursday.I have a meeting on Thursday morning.(2) in 通常与上午,下午或晚上连用(当日期没有具体说明时)如:in the morningin the afternoonin the eveningIll meet you in the morning.He is coming in the evening.(3) at 通常与具体的时间或具体某一点时间连用。如:I leave

5、 at 2 oclock.I am busy at lunchtime.(4) from to 与具体的时期连用。如:I play football from 7 oclock to 8 oclock every Saturday.(5) for 用来表示某事持续的时间。如:I go running for an hour every day.注意:在tomorrow, today 和 yesterday 前不用任何介词。如:Can we meet tomorrow?I didnt go to work yesterday.如果星期或时间前有last, this或 next 修饰,则不用任何介

6、词。如:Will you come with us next Friday?What are you going to do this afternoon?4、冠词的用法定冠词和不定冠词 商店、处所的名称前用的是定冠词the,表示在附近只有一家这样的商店或处所。 如果所谈的商店或处所不是具体的哪一个,则用不定冠词a/an.比较: the(只有一处) The bus stop is outside the post office. The supermarket is next to the chemists. a/an(一处以上) Theres a supermarket opposite t

7、he station and a supermarket near a bank.(1) 与可数名词的单数形式连用a、 不定冠词a/an 与可数名词的单数形式连用,有时可以表示“一个”的概念,如:Ive got a headache.Shes got a son and a daughter.b、 当单数名词所指事物是所指事物是唯一的或者谈话双方都知道其所指时,该名词前要用定冠词the, 如:Shes using the car today.Hes got a son and a daughter. The son is a lawyer and the daughter is a stude

8、nt.c、 当名词与物主代词 ( 如:my, our )或 指示代词 (如: this, that)连用时, 不再使用定冠词。如:This man is my uncle.These are our children.(2) 与可数名词的复数形式连用名词的复数形式或物质名词(物质名词不可数,如 meat, water 等)用来特指具体的某些事物时,需与定冠词连用,如:The books on the table are very expensive. The books in the cupboards(柜厨) are cheaper.桌上的书很贵,框橱里的书便宜些。I dont like t

9、he newspapers they sell in that shop.我不喜欢那家店里卖的报纸。The whisky in the cupboard is more expensive than the whisky on the table.柜厨里的威士忌酒比桌上的贵。I dont like the whisky in the cupboard.我不喜欢柜厨里的威士忌酒。注意:如果在泛指某类事物时,名词的复数形式前不用定冠词,如:Books are very expensive.I dont like English newspapers.Whisky is very expensive

10、.I dont like English cheese.( )不定冠词a/an和定冠词the的区别:a、不定冠词 a/an与可数名词的单数搭配,相当于汉语中的“一”,指某一类人或事物中的非特指的“任何一个”。b、定冠词the与可数名词的单数、可数名词的复数和不可数名词搭配,指独一无二的事物或已被提到的人或物。I am an accountant.(我是一名会计。会计中的一员。)These are the books I like.5、反身代词的用法(1) 如果句子的主语和宾语的所指一致时,动词之后有时使用反身代词。如:She is talking to herself.她在自言自语。She i

11、s only 12 months old, but she feeds (喂)herself.她才12个月大,但她能自己吃饭。(2) 注意如果宾语很明显,则很少用反身代词。如:I get up at 6:30 am.我早上6:30起床。I wash in the morning.我早上洗澡。I dress quickly.我很快穿好衣服。(3) 反身代词也常用来起强调作用。I do all the cooking myself.饭都是由我自己做的。(4) 反身代词有时也可用来与其他人做比较,如:I do all the cooking myself, but somebody else doe

12、s the washing up (洗碗)。饭都是由我自己做的,洗碗是别人的事。(5) 反身代词与介词by 连用时意思是“单独”(alone), 如:I was in the house by myself.我独自一人在家。She is waiting by herself.她独自一人在家。6、频度副词(1)常见的频度副词有never(从不), sometimes(有时),often(经常),usually (通常), always(总是). 从0%(never)到100%(always)可以这样排序: 0%100% never sometimes often usually always(2

13、) 注意频率副词在句中有不同的位置.在 be 动词之后: Im usually ill on planes. Are you usually at home on Monday? He isnt usually ill on planes.在实意动词之前: I usually work on Friday. I sometimes go to London. 、There is/ there are 句型的使用( )表示:某处存在,有.There are two plants in the house.There is a man in the office.( )疑问句要将is/are 至于

14、句首Is there a fax in the office? Yes, there is.Are there any plants in the reception? No, there arent.8、have got 和 have 的用法(1) 表示“拥有”的时候, have got 和 have 意思是一样的。注意它们在疑问句和否定句中的用法:to have gotHave you got a book?No, I havent (got a book).to haveDo you have a TV?No, we dont (have a TV).(2)、 any 通常用在疑问句和否

15、定句里:Have you got any sisters?Do you have any cousins?I havent got any sisters.(3)、简略回答Has he got a brother?Yes, he has. Hes got one.No, he hasnt (has not).No, he hasnt got any.Does he work now?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt (does not). Hes retired9、现在进行时(1)表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作,用现在进行时:结构是:主语+“be”+动词-ing 形

16、式I am waiting for an important call from my boss in Shanghai.He is talking to a customer.(1)否定形式是:在“be”动词后面加 “not”: My computer isnt (is not) working. Im (am) not eating lunch. They arent (are not) working today.(2)一般疑问句形式是:将动词“be”放在主语前面: Is he talking to a customer?(3)特殊疑问句的形式是:疑问句+“be”+主语+动词-ing形式

17、 What are you doing? 你在干什么? Where is he having lunch? 他正在什么地方吃午饭? What are they waiting for?他们在等什么呢?9、现在进行时(2)现在进行是也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻这个活动可能并没有进行。 Li Jun is working on a new database at the moment ,but right now she is sleeping. (Li Jun 正在建一个新的数据库 ,不过此刻他正在睡觉。) Wang Li is planning a new marketi

18、ng campaign at the moment, but right now he is visiting New York. (Wang Li 正在策划一个营销活动,不过此时他正在访问纽约。)Liu Fan is currently working on TV advertisements, but right now hes on holiday. (Liu Fan 目前正在从事电视广告的工作,不过此刻他正在度假。) 注意:currently要放在be和working之间。9、现在进行时(3)现在进行时的形式表示已经计划或安排好的将来的活动或事件。Shes starting work

19、next Monday.Shes going to Paris in Week 3.一般现在时与现在进行时 1、一般现在时:表示经常发生的事情(这 些动作可能每天、每时或经常发生) 2、现在进行时:表示现阶段或说话的此刻正在发生的事情。一般现在时: I cook for my family. I usually start work at nine o clock.现在进行时: Hes cooking. Im working now.3、英语中有些动词通常只用于一般时态,而不用进行时。这些动词表示相对静止的物质、心理及情感状态,被称为状态动词。我们学过的状态动词有: to haveI have

20、 two brothers. to have gotI have got two brothers. to likeI like TV. to loveI love coffee. to hateI hate my job. to thinkI think its beHe is English.10、询问价格(1)询问价格时要用How much 开头,动词用 to cost 或者to be.例如:How much does the flat cost a month? It costs 500 yuan.How much do they cost ? They cost 5

21、0 each.11、 打电话用语(1)、接电话 在家里,拿起电话筒接电话时常用Hello 开头,相当于汉语中的“喂”。 在办公室,接电话的通常自报家门,比如,单位的名称,有时还要说出自己的名字。例如:(Good morning),Caffe Roma. (Good afternoon),Caffe Roma.Franco Rossi speaking.(2)、打电话 在公务或比较正式的场合,打电话的人会先介绍自己。例如: Good afternoon, This is Lin Xiaoyan,Im calling about Hello ,Franco (Rossi) here. 在较随意的情

22、况下或跟听话人很熟悉时,可以这样介绍自己: Hello, Franco (Rossi) here.(3)、请人接听电话 请人听电话,可以这样表达: Could I speak to Franco Rossi,please? Can I speak to Franco Rossi,please? Is Sally there, please?(4)、询问打电话、接电话者 接电话者问打电话的是谁,通常这样说: Whos calling, please? 接电话者恰好是要找的人,可以这样说: Is that Polly Williams? Is that you, Mary?(5)、接听找人电话时,

23、可以说: One moment, please. Sorry ,he is not in. Sorry,she is not in. Hold on,please. Sorry, Im afraid he is out . Sorry, Im afraid she is out. Sorry, wrong number.(6)、留口信 请对方转达口信,可以说: Could I leave a message ,please? Can I leave a message , please?(7)、记录口信 主动提议为他人记录口信,可以说: Can I take a message ?(8)打电话

24、的开始语与结束语在给他人打电话的时候, 你可以说Hello.Its Tim here. 或者This is Tim. 打电话中做自我介绍时, 要说 Its +你的名字, 或 This is + 你的名字,而不说 I am在打完电话时, 通常要说再见Goodbye, 随便一点的情况下可以说Bye, Bye now ,See you soon, See you等。12、情态动词 can 表示允许 You can use the phone in the living room. You cant smoke in the bedrooms. Can I use the cooker in the

25、kitchen?在这些句子中,can 是情态动词,表示“允许”后接动词原形。其否定形式有两种写法,can not 或者cant.(2)、一般疑问句的构成方法是将 can 置于句首用于第一人称的疑问句,可以表示询问他人是否允许。例如: Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?(3)、can 用于陈述句的肯定句表示允许,用于否定句表示不允许。 She can smoke in the garden. 她可以在花园里吸烟。 You can do what you want .(作宾语) 你愿意做什么就做什么。 You cant be noisy.你们不能大声喧哗。13

26、、描述天气(1)、 描述当前的天气状况(weather)可以用一般现在时和现在进行时两种形式。询问天气状况常用Whats(what is) the weather like in +(某地)这个句式。回答时可以用It is (Its)+形容词,或者It is (Its)+ing形式等。例如:询问:Whats the weather like in Shanghai?回答:Its rainy.Its raining.Its sunny.Its shinning.(2)、当谈论一个地方的气候(climate)时通常只用一般现在时而不用现在进行时。例如: It often rains in summ

27、er in England. It doesnt usually snow in winter in Ireland. The temperature doesnt go below minus 15 degrees in spring. It is often sunny in autumn.14、描述城市(1) 询问城市的状况,可以用 Whats (What is) +城市名称+like?这个句式提问。 例如:Whats (What is) London like?(2)、描述城市的状况,可以用动词 to be+形容词。例如: London is busy, noisy, crowded

28、and exciting. But its too expensive.(3)、一些描述住房条件的形容词。这些形容词及其反义词也可用来描述城市情况。 beautiful ugly quiet noisy crowded empty expensive cheap expensive cheap big small busy calm safe dangerous well-organized chaotic (杂乱的) clean dirty(polluted) modern old-fashioned15、祈使句可以表示请求和指令。 (1) 祈使句的肯定式用动词原形。例如: Put it o

29、n the small table. Stand the lamp on the desk. (2)祈使句的否定式用 Dont +动词原形。例如: Dont put them on the desk.16、问路和指路(1) 问路常用的句式为: a. Where is + 场所? b. Where is the nearest + 场所? c. Is there + a/an +场所?问路: Is there a bank near here ?指路: a. Yes, the bank is on the corner,near the station. b. Yes, there is. Th

30、eres a bank on the corner,near the station.c. Im sorry, I dont know.例如:问路:Where is the nearest supermarket, please?指路:The supermarket is over there, opposite the caf.问路:Where is the bus stop, please?指路:The bus stop is outside the greengrocers.16、问路与指路(2) 乘车问路和指路,常用 get 一词 get to 到达某地; get on 上车; get off 下车例如:问路How do I get there?How do I get to the bus station?指路You take the number 38 bus.问路Where do I get on?指路You get

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