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1、常州市学年中考英语一模统考卷含答案九 年 级 教 学 情 况 调 研 测 试 2017.5 英 语 试 题第卷 (选择题 48分)1、单项选择 (本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. From _ space, you can see 71% of the earth is covered with water. It looks like _ blue ball. A. /; a B. the; a C. a; a D. /; the2. It is impolite for children to _ when their

2、parents are talking with others. A. cut down B. cut out C. cut in D. cut short3. The Internet service fees are too high, and the speed is too slow. Thats why Premier Li Keqiang asks operetors (运营商) to keep Internet _. A. many cheaper and quicker B. very cheaper and quicker C. more cheaper and quicke

3、r D. much cheaper and quicker 4. Why is online shopping getting more popular? I think it _ save a lot of time. A. shoud B. can C. had better D. ought to5. What did you do yesterday? My brother took two friends of _ to play chess with us. But I dont know _ of them. A. his; all B. him; both C. his; ei

4、ther D. him; neither6. The man couldnt afford a new flat. But to settle his family, he bought a second-hand one, _. A. Still B. Instead C. Otherwise D. Anyway7. Did you go to Xue Yan _ the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)? Yes, The flowers were beautiful and bees were flying _ them. A. during, among B.

5、during, between C. through, among D. through, between Why didnt Sally play the violin at the concert last night? She said that her hand hurt, but that was only a(n) _ . I saw her play tennis just now. A. matter B. excuse C. result D. reason9. How do you plan to spend the coming summer holiday? I hav

6、ent decided. Iwonder _ during the holiday. A. where am I going to spend B. whether it was going to be sunny C. who will I invite to have a trip with me D. if my mother will give me extra homework10. The documentary Aerial China is quite popular around China recently. How do you find it? _. A. Its on

7、 TV B. Pretty good C. We enjoy it together D. All right答案:1-5ACDBC 6-10BABDB2、完形填空 (本题共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。13- year-old Jim had been asking his parents for an Iphone all year. So on Christmas morning he was very _11_ to find one under the tree. But he h

8、ad to agree to his mothers conditions _12_ the phone could be his. His mother wrote a message for him on a card: “Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iphone. But if you want this present, you have to follow my rules.”The first rule on his mothers list: “I bought this phone, so it is m

9、ine. Now, I am _13_ it to you. Arent I the greatest?”Then it read, “Remember: breaking any of the rules will _14_ the end of your iphone ownership.”“If it rings, _15_ it,” said rule number three. “It is a phone. Do not ever ignore (忽视) a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad.”Rule number seve

10、n: “Do not use phone to _16_ another person or lie. And dont take part in _17_ that might hurt others. You are not a rude person; do not let the iphone change that.”Rule number nine: Do not text or email anything to someone through this phone that you would not say in person. And do not text or emai

11、l anything to someone that you would not say out loud _18_ your parents in the room.”“Dont take lots of pictures. There is no need to record _19_. Keep your eyes up. See whats _20_ around you. Listen to the birds. Talk to a atranger. The experiences will be _21_ in your memory forever,” read rule nu

12、mber seventeen.At last, it read, “Most of these rules listed here do not just apply to (适用于) the iphone, but to _22_. I love you. I hope you will enjoy your new iphone.”11. A. excited B. worried C. lucky D. interested12. A. since B. as C. before D. after13. A. explaining B. lending C. returning D. d

13、escribing 14. A. come from B. lead to C. make up D. care for15. A. answer B. stop C. protect D. refuse16. A. call B. text C. email D. fool17. A. experiments B. experiences C. conversations D. expressions18. A. except B. without C. because of D. with19. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anythi

14、ng20. A. moving B. leaving C. happening D. increasing21. A. used B. stored C. hidden D. raised 22. A. children B. parents C. life D. health答案:11-15ACBBA 16-20DCDBC 21-22BC三、阅读理解 (本题共13小题;每小题2分,满分26分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ADo you find it diffcult to rent (租用) a house in Potsdam? Would

15、you like to buy a house here? The following information may help you.Note: apartment 公寓房; semester 学期; garbage 垃圾; available 可用的; rate 价格,比率23. What can we learn about Evergreen Park? A. People can rent a studio there. B. People can park for free there. C. People can visit it only on Saturdays. D. P

16、ets can play and live there freely.24. Who might rent the second apartment? A. People who have a pet. B. Students at Clarkson University. C. People who want to live in the city center. D. People who would like to live at 100 Racquette Road.25. Where can we most probably find this text? A. In a trave

17、l book. B. In a cultural magazine. C. On a house website. D. In a geography textbook.答案:BBCB “My wife got stick. She was continuously nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She has lost 30 pounds and weighed about 90 pounds in her 35 years. She g

18、ot very skinny, and was continuously crying. She was not a happy woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches heart pain and jammed nerves (神经堵塞) in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep only in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day. Our relationship was on t

19、he edge (边) of breaking up. Her beauty was leaving her somewhere-she had bags under her eyes ; she was poking her head; she stopped taking care of herself. She refused to shoot any films and refused any roles. I lost hope and thought that well get divorced (离婚) soon. But then I decided to act on it.

20、 After all, Ive got the most beautiful woman on the earth. She is the idol (偶像) of more than half of men and women on the earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her and to hug her shoulders. I began to spoil (宠溺) her with flowers, kisses and praises. I surprised her and pleaded her

21、every minute. I gave her lots of gifts and lived just for her. I spoken in public only about her. I presented all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of her own and our friends. You wont believe it,but she blossomed (花开). She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no long

22、er nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue (线索) that she CAN love that much. And then I realized one thing: The woman is the reflection (反射) of her man. If you love her to point of madness,she will become it. -Brad Pitt ( his wife, Angelina Jolie, a winner of an Academy Award, tw

23、o Screen Actors Guild Awards and three Golden Globe Awards, world-famous as Hollywoods highest-paid actress) 26. Why was their relationship on the edge of breaking up? A. The wife couldnt deal with her work and children. B. The wife lost her weight and was no more beautiful. C. The wife couldnt comm

24、unicate well with her husband. D. The wifes whole life was in a complete mess.27. What does the underline sentence probably mean according to the passage? A. I didnt know why my wife changed so much. B. I didnt understand her love any more. C. I couldnt believe how better she did become. D. I didnt

25、find how much she could love me.28. Which of the following may Brad Pitt agree? A. Famous peoples lives are different from common peoples. B. In the sunshine of love, women can remain beautiful. C. Women must depend on themselves. D. Stress from work and life may make one fall down forever. 答案:DCBC

26、Facebook (脸谱网) friends cannot replace the real thing, say psychologists (心理学家). People are happier and laugh 50% more when they talk face to face with friends or via web camera than when they use social networking sites, a study has found. Dr. Roberts, a famous lecture at the University of Chester,

27、said such websites dont appear to help make true friendships. Based on two questionnaires(调查表), he found there was no link between Facebook use and people with larger groups of friends. Dr. Roberts, whose work will be presented at the British Psychological Society conference in Harrogate , said, The

28、 bottom line conclusion is that our relationships are not dependent on the quantity of communication. They depend on quality, and even Skype (网络电话) is better at increasing the quality of our communication than time spend on Facebook. Even talking on the phone or texting , does not make people feel a

29、s good as sharing a smile, the research says. The studies suggest quality, not quantity, of communication is the most important for keeping friends for life. People find the most satisfying relationships come from a small number of close friends, with an outer ring of 10 significant others. With the

30、se people, it doesnt matter what type of social media (媒介) you use for communication. But people who want to contact the world at large using Facebook can be disappointed becausethey spread themselves too thinly, claim researchers. In a third study, Dr. Roberts asked people to communicate with frien

31、ds face to face or via Skype and keep a 14-day diary. This was compared with communicating via phone, text messages or social networking sites. People communicating face to face on Skype were 50% more likely (有可能的) to laugh, and they rated themselves as significantly happier.29.What is the idea of the fourth paragraph? A.Most people contact each other online. B.Keeping a friend for life is not easy. C.The quality of communication is important. D.Skype is better at unders

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