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unit 11 The Plugin Drug.docx

1、unit 11 The Plugin DrugUnit 11 The Plug-in DrugI. Teaching objectives1. Learn to use quotations as an expository means.2. Learn to write a cause and effect paper.3. Learn to be critical of social issues.II Teaching time: six class periodsIII Teaching Procedure: Step 1 Warm-up activities 1. Elicit st

2、udents responses to the implications of the title by asking questions such asWhat does the word “drug” connote to you? Can you infer from the subtitle of the essay “TV and the American family” the meaning of the main title “The Plug-in Drug”? Why does the author associate TV with drug?How does the t

3、itle reveal the authors attitude and the message she intends to get across? 2. Check students attitudes toward TV. Ask students how they react to the authors opinion by such questions asDo you like watching TV? Are you TV-addicted?Do you agree with the author that TV has harmful effects? What roles

4、do you assign to TV?What effect does TV have on the Chinese family as a general rule?Do you think the authors concern is relevant to the situation here in China?Step 2 Relevant information1. About the authorMarie Winn is the author of The Playground Book, The Sick Book, The Baby Reader, and other bo

5、oks for parents and children. This selection is taken from The Plug-in Drug, published in 1977.2. The development of TV industryTV broadcasting began in the U.S. in 1941, and in 1946, after World War ended, TV began to grow rapidly. By 1975, almost 127 million TV sets were in use. By the 1970s almos

6、t 100% of all wired homes in the U.S. had at least one TV set. The average American has his set turned on for about 6.5 hours each day. In fact, TV has become the Americans eye and ears on the worldStep 3 Organization of the textCall students attention to the function of quotations. Explain how quot

7、ations may serve as effective means of exposition. Ask student to find out the quotations in the text and explain how they are related to the authors logic, thus contributing to the coherence of the passage. An outline of the texts organizationEarly enthusiasm over TV as Para. 1-5a wonderful inventi

8、on Quotations 1-3 from early writers and commentators to show the general view in favor of TV as a new invention Rising concern over Para. 6-8 too much TV viewing Quotation 4 (para.7) to illustrate a popular view which helps to soothe the worrying parents Criticism of TVs negative Para. 9-14effects

9、on family life Three more quotations (para. 10, 12, 13) to criticize how TV dominates family life and diminishes interaction between parents and children. Appeal for a better family Para 15-endlife without TVThe ordering of the quotations reflects peoples general attitudes toward TV - beginning with

10、 wild admiration of TV as a wonderful invention but ending with strong criticisms of its negative effects on the healthy way of family lifeStep 4 Language points Words and expressions1. ingrained, If habits and beliefs are ingrained, they are so fixed that they are difficult to change or to destroy.

11、 e.g. The belief that one should work hard is ingrained in our culture.their ingrained assumption of social superioritythe deeply ingrained belief that the pursuit of material wealth is good2. perspective: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance (对事物的)合理观察,洞察力:e.g.

12、 He wanted to leave the country in order to get some perspective on his trouble. 他想离国他去,这样能对自己的困难有个正确的认识。3. afflict: cause trouble, pain, distress to sb; suffer from, e.g. be afflicted with hysteriabe afflicted at (by) sad newsHe felt much afflicted at (by) the sad news. 听到那个坏消息他感到很难过。A nightmare af

13、flicts me from time to time. 恶梦不时折磨着我。Unemployment afflicts 12 million workers in that country. 在那个国家120万工人深受失业之苦。4. establish: prove, show (sth.) to be true 确定, 证实,e.g. - Weve established his innocence. 我们已证实他无罪。The police cant establish where he was at the time. 警方无法确定当时他在哪里。5. perch: (of bird) co

14、me to rest or stay (on a branch, etc.) (of person) sit, esp. on sth. high or harrowE.g. perch on high stools at the bar 坐在酒吧的高凳上perch on the edge of ones seat坐在座位的边上6. preposterous: unthinkable ; absurdE.g. It is preposterous that virtue should go unrewarded while vice goes unpunished.7. splinter (a

15、) break-up into small sharp piecesE.g. The windscreen cracked but did not splinter.挡风玻璃裂了,但没碎。(b) splitE.g. Authority is so splintered that the group seems to be run by nobody.权利如此分散,小组的事好像没人管似的。8. refrain: n. (a) lines of a song or poem which are repeated , esp. at the end of each verse; (b) a much

16、 repeated saying or idea refrain (+ from): v. hold oneself back fromE.g. we must refrain from littering in public places.9. the peer group: a group of people of the same age, class, position, etc.10. ameliorate: (=improve, alleviate) (fml.) When someone or something ameliorates a situation, they mak

17、e it better or easier in some way E.g. They advocated increased intervention in the economy to ameliorate the worse effects of capitalism.11. television-oriented: interested in and influenced by TV12. assign: consider sth. to be caused by 把(某事)归因于,把(某事)归属于E.g. He assigned the blame to me. 他把过错的责任归于我

18、。 Jealousy was assigned as the motive for the crime. 有人提出嫉妒是这一犯罪行为的动机。13. subsidiary: secondary , not of first importance14. apologist: a person who defends something by argument卫道士15. equivocal (a) (fml.)If you say something which is equivocal, it is deliberately vague or ambiguous because you want

19、 to avoid speaking the truth E.g. She gave an equivocal reply. He found me equivocal on the subject. (b) Equivocal behavior, attitudes, and events are difficult to under- stand, interpret, or explain. E.g. The anarchists attitude to violence is so often equivocal and subjective.16. disperse (a) When

20、 something disperses or when you disperse it, it spreads over a wide area.E.g. Building tall chimneys to disperse the smoke is no solution at all.(b) when a group of people disperses or when someone disperses them, the group moves apart and the people leave in different directions.E.g. I had seen ma

21、ny crowds dispersed by policemen.The foot soldiers rapidly dispersed and vanished into the woods.17. sorcerer: a person who performs magic by using the power of evil spirits 18. counterbalance: weight or influence balancing another19. skirmish: fight between small parts of armies/fleets20. in princi

22、ple: If someone agrees with or approves of something in principle, they generally agree to the idea of it but may be unable or unwilling to support it in practice. E.g. I wish to know if you agree in principle to the idea. 21. gobble: (infml.)(=wolf) If you gobble some food, you eat it very quickly

23、and greedily. E.g. Still hungry, I gobbled a second sandwich.22. stint: a period of time which you spend doing a particular job or activity or working in a particular place E.g. Im having a rest now; Ive done my stint. I arrived at the University for a three month stint as a lecturer.23. regiment: (

24、esp. passive and derog.) force strict discipline on (sb./sth) 严格地管制; organize, discipline E.g. lead a regimented life 过受到严格管制的兵营式的生活24. conjure up: bring into the mindE.g. conjure up the happy past The music conjured up memories.25. on the spur of the moment: without preparation or planning26. sane:

25、 (in this context) in possession of good relations/of a close bond27. mediate: act as go-between or peacemaker 28 accede to: to give approval to( a request agreement, etc.)E.g. The directors have agreed to accede to the workers demandsBy signing the papers, all the parties acceded to the contract. 2

26、9. backlog: a reserve E.g. The campers took a backlog of food in case they got lost. 野营者们带了一些储备食物,供迷途时用。 30. beneficial: having good affects beneficiary/benefit fromE.g. Fresh air and good food are beneficial to the health.The holiday has been beneficial.31. an index of the common interest: an indic

27、ation of the common interest32. inroad: unfriendly entry; hostile incursion33. reminisce: (fml. And lit.) If you reminisce about someone or something from your past, you remember them and write or talk about them, often with pleasure and affection. E.g. Wartime experiences were something to reminisc

28、e about.34. swoop-down: coming together35. socialize: meet people socially, for example at parties E.g. I socialized with the philosophy students. There was very little socializing between staff and students.36. reduce: change something into a different and less complicated form, for example by sepa

29、rating it into its parts E.g. Every building in the area was reduced to rubble. This kind of analysis reduces the problem to its simplest form.37. allow for: If you allow for problems, delays, extra expenses, etc, you include some extra time or money in our planning so that you will be able to deal

30、with them when they occur.E.g. If you are self-employed, allow for tax and national insurance.38. purport to: (fml.) claim to E.g. There were advertisements for cosmetics purporting to delay the development of wrinkles. The Party purports to be the alternative government in Britain.39. eliminate: to

31、 remove or get rid of40. grievance: a feeling that something that has happened or been done is unfair E.g. Her extravagance had given him a sense of grievance. Colin never harboured a grievance for long.41. fester: to become infected and diseased42. at any length: for some length of time; in some detail43. substantiate: prove the truth of sth. E.g. It was the one piece of evidence that could substantiate my statement.Your report might be difficult to substantiate.I suppose she could substantiate your story?44. respondent: a person who responds to a pollDifficult sentences (para

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