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1、南京市四年级英语阅读理解训练10题含问题详解南京市四年级英语阅读理解(训练)10题(含问题详解)1In the United States, every year, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. Because Canada is north of the United States , and is colder, the harvest comes earlier in the year. In Canada, people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday

2、 in October.The harvest brings a lot of food to the people. On Thanksgiving Day people in Canada and America like to have a big meal with their friends and family just like Chinese people do at Mid-Autumn Festival. Many Canadians and Americans put flowers, vegetables and fruits around their homes to

3、 say Thank you for the harvest.At a Thanksgiving Day dinner, many Canadians and Americans will eat turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin pies. These are food like the food of many years ago. They are saying Thank you ! for the harvest that comes every year.1Which country has the Thanksgiving Day like the Un

4、ited States?AJapan. BChina. CCanada. DKorea.2In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of_.AJanuary BMay CNovember DDecember3Canada has Thanksgiving earlier in the year because _.Athey like flowers Bthe harvest comes earlierCthey have a big meal Dthey want to be different4The

5、harvest brings_ to people.Aflowers BturkeysCfood Dpumpkins5What do people usually say on Thanksgiving Day for the harvest?AGood morning. BIm hungry.CHello. DThank you.【答案】1C2C3B4C5D【解析】【分析】试题分析:1根据第一段第二句Canada also has the Thanksgiving Day.可以选择C。句意:那一个国家像美国一样有感恩节?加拿大。2根据第一段第一句In the United States,ev

6、ery year,Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November可以选择C。句意:在美国感恩节是在11月的第四个星期四。3根据第一段第三句But because Canada is in the north of the United States,so it is colder and the harvest comes earlier in the year可以选择B。句意:加拿大的感恩节来得早一点是因为丰收来得早一点。4根据第二段第一句The harvest brings a lot of food to people可以选择

7、C。句意:丰收给人们带来食物。5根据全文最后一句They are saying “Thank you” for the harvest that comes every year可以选择D。句意:人们在庆祝丰收的感恩节时经常说什么?谢谢。【点评】这篇文章简述了加拿大的感恩节的时间,和人们在感恩节的活动。【考点】记叙文阅读。2I have many teachers now and I love them all, but I think I love my English teacher, Sophia, best.Sophia is from the UK. But she loves Ch

8、ongqing very much. She thinks Chongqing is great. She loves Chongqing food. Do you know what she likes for breakfast? Bread and milk? No, she doesnt. She only has noodles(面条). Hot pot(火锅)is her favorite and she always eats it on Saturday and Sunday. Sophia has a daughter and a son. Her daughters nam

9、e is May. Her sons name is Jack. They are 8 years old. They go to the same school. They like hot pot, too. They are all in Chongqing now.We have English from Monday to Friday. So Sophia is very busy. But she is always nice and happy. All my classmates like her and her classes very much. She often pl

10、ays English games and sings English songs with us. When we have questions, we like to ask her for help.Now I think I can do well in English because I have the best English teacher, Sophia.1My English teacher Sophia is in _ now.Athe UK BBeijingCthe USA DChongqing2For breakfast, Sophia only has _.Anoo

11、dles BbreadChot pot Deggs3_ like(s) hot pot very much.AMay BJackCSophia DMay, Jack and Sophia4From the passage, we know _.AI like Sophia, but she isnt my favorite teacherBSophias daughter and son dont go to the same schoolCwe have English classes from Monday to FridayDwe cant ask Sophia for help bec

12、ause she is very busy5The best title(标题)can be “_”.ASophias Family BMy Favorite TeacherCSophia, an English Star DSophia and I【答案】1D2A3D4C5B【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇短文中,作者给我们介绍了他最喜欢的老师Sophia。Sophia来自英国,现在住在重庆。她喜欢重庆的食物,尤其是火锅。她非常的友好,所有的同学都喜欢她。1细节理解题。根据短文第二段的内容They are all in Chongqing now可知,Sophia来自英国,但她和她的两个孩子现

13、在都在重庆。故应该选D。2细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Do you know what she likes for breakfast? Bread and milk? No, she doesnt. She only has noodles(面条)可知,Sophia的早餐只喜欢吃面条。故选A。3细节理解题。根据短文的第二段中Hot pot(火锅)is her favorite and she always eats it on Saturday and Sunday. 以及They like hot pot, too.可知,Sophia和她的两个孩子都喜欢吃火锅。故选D。4推理判断题。根据短

14、文第三段的第一句话We have English from Monday to Friday.可知,作者从周一到周五上英语课,故C是正确的;根据短文中I think I love my English teacher, Sophia, best可知A不对;根据They go to the same school可知B不对;根据When we have questions, we like to ask her for help.可知D不对。5主旨大意题。在这篇短文中,作者给我们介绍了他最喜欢的老师Sophia。Sophia来自英国,现在住在重庆。她喜欢重庆的食物,尤其是火锅。她非常的友好,所有

15、的同学都喜欢她。所以B选项,我最喜欢的老师这个题目最能概括全文的意思,故选B。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。3True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)May and Peter are at a bird park. They are very happy to see those lovely birds.May: Peter, look at those small birds.Peter: Where are they? I cant see them.May: Shh, dont shout. The birds dont lik

16、e noise. Oh, they fly away.Peter: Sorry, May. Sorry, birds.May: Look, Peter! That bird is catching a fish over there.Peter: And those two birds are flying together.May: Oh, theyre flying to their babies near the pond. Where are you going? You are walking so quickly.Peter: Im going to the pond. I wan

17、t to see the birds and their babies.May: Dont run. You should(应该) walk slowly.Peter: All right.May: Do the birds eat a lot of fish, Peter?Peter: Sorry, I dont know. Lets go and ask Miss Guo.1May and Peter are visiting a bird park.2May is talking loudly.3Peter is talking quietly and walking slowly.4T

18、here are some baby birds near the pond.5These birds all like to eat fish.【答案】1T2F3F4T5F【解析】【分析】May和Peter去了一个鸟类公园,在那里他们看到了很多可爱的小鸟。Peter说话声音很大,走路也很快,May提醒他不要大声说话、快速走路,否则会把鸟吓跑的。1根据短文开头May and Peter are at a bird park.可知,May和Peter现在一个鸟类公园。由此可知这句话是正确的。2根据短文中May: Shh, dont shout. The birds dont like noise

19、.可知,May让Peter不要大声说话,否则会把鸟吓走的,因此May没有在公园里大声说话,这句话是错误的。3根据上文Peter: Where are they? I cant see them. May: Shh, dont shout. The birds dont like noise.和下文May: Dont run. You should(应该) walk slowly.可知,May提醒Peter不要大声喊,走路要慢,由此可推测,Peter并没有小声说话、慢慢地走路,故这句话是错误的。4根据短文中May: Oh, theyre flying to their babies near t

20、he pond.可知,May看到两只鸟要飞到池塘边去找幼鸟。由此可知这句话是正确的。5短文中May: Do the birds eat a lot of fish, Peter? Peter: Sorry, I dont know.提到这些鸟吃鱼,但是没有提到公园里的鸟都喜欢吃鱼,故这句话是错误的。4阅读理解。It is evening, an old cock(公鸡) is sitting in a tall tree. A fox(狐狸) comes and stands under (在下面) the tree. He looks at the cock.“ Hello, Mr Cock

21、, I have some good news for you.” says the fox.“Oh?” says the cock, “What is it?”“All the animals are good friends now. Lets be friends, too. Please come down and play with me.”“Fine!” says the cock, “Im very glad to hear that.” Then the cock looks, “ Look! There is something over there.”“What are y

22、ou looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there. They are coming this way.”“Animals?”“ Yes, theyre dogs.”“What? Dogs!” asks the fox. “ Well.well, I am going now. Goodbye.”“Wait, Mr Fox.” says the cock. “ Dont go. They are only dogs. Dogs are our friends now.”“Yes. But they dont know

23、that yet(还).”“I see, I see.” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep in the tree.根据上文内容,判断下列问题是否正确,正确T, 错误 F。1The cock and the fox are good friends.2The cock is in the tall tree and the fox is in the tall tree, too.3Dogs are coming.4The fox isnt cute.5The cock isnt clever(聪明的)【答案】1F2F3F4T5F【解析】【分

24、析】试题分析:这是一个故事,故事中狐狸骗公鸡说现在所有的动物都是朋友,它也想和公鸡成为朋友,其实是想吃掉它。但是公鸡很聪明,它篇狐狸说来了一群狗,吓跑了狐狸。1根据短文中“All the animals are good friends now. Lets be friends, too.可知,狐狸想和公鸡成为好朋友,所以这时候他们还不是朋友。故这句话是错误的。2根据短文的开头It is evening, an old cock(公鸡) is sitting in a tall tree. A fox(狐狸) comes and stands under (在下面) the tree.可知,公

25、鸡在树上,而狐狸在树下面。故这句话不对。3根据文意可知,公鸡知道狐狸故意说想和它成为朋友,其实是想吃掉它。所以它骗狐狸说来了一群狗。其实并没有狗,它只是想吓跑狐狸。故这句话是错误的。4根据文意可知,狐狸骗公鸡说现在所有的动物们都是朋友,它是想骗公鸡跟它成为朋友,然后把它吃掉。因此狐狸不是可爱的动物,这句话是正确的。5根据文意可知,公鸡知道狐狸故意说想和它成为朋友,其实是想吃掉它。所以它骗狐狸说来了一群狗。其实并没有狗,它只是想吓跑狐狸。因此这只公鸡非常聪明,这句话是错误的。考点:故事类短文阅读。5阅读理解。Im a Chinese girl. My name is Wei Hua. Im tw

26、elve. Im a middle school student. I have a good friend. He is an American boy. His name is Winter. He is eleven. We are in Class 3, grade 1. He is in Row 2. His number is 4. Im No. 3 in Row 3. We are in No. 45 Middle School. Mr. Liu is our English teacher, and Miss Li is our Chinese teacher. They ar

27、e good teachers. We all like them very much.读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容,符合的写T(true),不符合的写F(false)。1Wei Hua is an American girl.2Winter is Wei Huas good friend.3The boy is No. 2 in Row 2.4Winters English teacher is Mrs. Liu.5Miss Li is their Chinese teacher.【答案】1F2T3F4F5T【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了他的学习生活、他的朋友

28、和他的老师。1根据短文的开头Im a Chinese girl. My name is Wei Hua.可知,魏华是一个中国的女孩,这句话说她是美国的女孩,因此是错误的。2根据I have a good friend. He is an American boy. His name is Winter可知,魏华的朋友是一个美国的男孩叫Winter,因此这句话是符合文意的,是正确的。3根据短文中He is in Row 2. His number is 4.可知,Winter这个男孩在第二排四号,这句话说是第二排二号,是错误的。4根据短文中Mr. Liu is our English teach

29、er可知,作者和Winter的英语老师是刘先生,不是刘女士,故这句话是错误的。5根据短文中Miss Li is our Chinese teacher.可知,刘女士是他们的语文老师,这句话符合文意,是正确的。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。6Are you good with children? Do you have time in the afternoon?We need a babysitter(保姆)for our daughter. She is four years old. Hours are s 2:00p.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday

30、. We will pay you $ 10 each hour. For the job, you will look after our daughter, tell here stories and play with her. You will work at our house. We live on Zhingshan Road, Across form Zhongshan Park. Please call Mr. Xiao at 856-70230.1_ is wanted in the ad.AA teacher BAbabysitter CA worker DA child

31、2If you get the job, you will work _hours a day .Athree Bfive Cfour Dsix3If you get the job, you will get _ a week.A200 dollars B100 dollars C300 dollars D400 dollars4You will work _ if you get the job.Ain the morning Bin the afternoon Cat night Don weekends5What job does not the babysitter need to do ?ATelling stories BPlaying with the babyCTeaching the bab

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