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1、八年级英语期中试110620102011学年第二学期八年级英语期中试题班级 _姓名 _学号 _成绩 _A卷(共100分).语音:(每题1分,共5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中。找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线总分读音相同的选项。( )1.calm A. salt B. half C. walk D. always ( )2.nine A. cinema B. kilometre C. fine D. village( )3.July A.usually B. music C. sure D. student( )e A.some B. alone C. post D. nobody( )

2、other A.fifth B.math C. tooth D. the .词汇(每题1分,共15分)A)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Ihope I willhave a_(robot)in 50 years.2. Im sorry I didnt finish _ (write) my homework.3.While the girl was shopping,the alien (go) out.4. Her husband said (help) others changed her life.5.His father is still in (danger ) now.B)

3、根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。 6. Dont _ (抄袭)others homework.7.Shell _ (成为) a doctor .8. I can do my own homework by_(我自己).9. We live in a poor and rural _(地区).10.I will have a (机会)to organize the party games.C)选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项.( )11.If you go to the party,youll have a great time. A. have fun B. had fun C. enj

4、oy you D. enjoyed yourself ( )12.Its time for class. Please dont talk anymore,or the teacher will be mad at you.A. be angry at B . be angry to C . be angry with D. be sorry at( )13. His name goes all over the world. A. around B. about C. everywhere D.anywhere( )14. I could sing many songs when I was

5、 four.A. would B. was able toC. can D. would able to( )15. He will return home this evening. A. today B.tomorrow C.night D.tonight .语法与情景会话(每题1分,共25分) 1. Kids will study _ home _computers.A. in, in B. at; from C. at , by D. at, on 2. People will live _ 200 years old in the future. A. / B. be C. to b

6、e D. in 3.Youaresupposed_onthemessagetoyourteacher. A.passB.passedC.topassD.passing 4. There will be _ trees this year than last year. A. fewer B. much C. many D. less 5. I cant find my ticket_.A.anywhere B.somewhere C.everywhere and there 6.I dont know how to use computers,_. B. either

7、C.also D. too 7. During the exam,we must nervous. A. go over B. get over C . turn over D. look over 8. We wont go to town if it _tomorrow.A. will snow B. snow C. snows D. wont snow 9. I think you should _ some money _ your friends. A. borrow; from B. borrow; for C. lend; from D. borrow; to 10. There

8、 _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. is going to be B. will going to be C. will be going to D. will go to be 11. Would you like to come?Yes, _.A. Id like B. Id love C. Id love to. D. Id to 12. You can imagine strangeit was! A.whenB.what C.which 13. Mike stayed with us _three months. A. in B. at

9、 C. on D. for 14. All my classmates went to the park _me because I was ill. A. besides B. except C .beside D. but 15. Mrs. Green told the boy _ soccer in the classroom.A. not play B. doesnt play C. not to play D. didnt play 16.This story is as _ as that one. A.the most terrible B.more terrible C. th

10、e terrible D. terrible 17. Beijing 2008 Olympics will be one of the most important in Chinese history. A. things B. events C. activities D. accidents 18 . Im very because my best friend didnt invite me to come to his party.A . popular B. happy C. upset D . late 19. He said the UFO here that day. A.

11、landed B. land C .go D. went 20.He is the advice of the plan all the time. B. love C. against D.for 21.There are _ people on the playground. A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of 22. If you want to talk to your teacher ,you should first. A. called to her B. calle

12、d up her C. called her up D. call her up 23. I will money charity.,at, to C . give, at D . give,to 24. He didnt get home _ 7:00 am. A. when B. while C. which D. until 25.If he go to college, he will have to study again. A. doesnt B. does C.dont D. isnt .动词考查(每题1分,共15分)A)选择恰当的动词形式填空。 1.

13、Our parents by hard-working when they were young. A.make a living B. made a living C. made living D. make living 2.Tom was very when he heard the _ news.Asurprising,surprised Bsurprised,surprisingCsurprising,surprising Dsurprised,surprised 3. Im going to _ your CDs on Sunday. A. spend B. take C. cos

14、t D. play 4. Dont _ others when they are in trouble. A. laugh at B. smile at C. laugh to D. smile to 5. Alan, dont shout ! I can _you. A. listen B. saw C. hear D.heardB)用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。fly to, run away, came in , argue with, found out , take off, pay for, remember to, getting on,fall in love with6.Y

15、ou should your warm clothes in spring.7. close the door and window.8.I always Beijing.9.Jim was talking with his friend when the man .10.Betty will Shanghai tomorrow.11.I dont want to you.Lets forget it soon12.She need to get some money to the summer camp.13.My little dog last week.14.Hows her son w

16、ith his friends?15. I thought I was failed my test but I just I passed!.V.按要求完成句子(每空1分,共20分)。A)句型转换 按括号内的要求转换下列句型,每空一词。(每空1分,共10分)1.People will use paper money in 100 years. (变为一般疑问句) _ people _ paper money in 100 years?2.Well leave at three in the afternoon. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ we leave?3.The alien was

17、looking at the souvenirs in a souvenir shop. (用划线部分提问) _ was the alien _ in a souvenir shop?4.Tony made a decision to go there by bus.(改为同义句) Tony _ _ go there by bus.5.I want to have a fight with my cousin. (变为否定句) I _ _ to have a fight with my cousin.B)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(每空1分,共10分)6.他擅长讲英语。He is goo

18、d English.7.Bob在他家养了一只宠物小猪。Bob a pig pet in their house now.8.我家离奶奶家很远。My home is very _ _ my grandmothers. 9.那则预言将会实现。The prediction will _ _.10.大部分年轻人喜欢周末睡懒觉。Most young people like to sleep _ _ weekends.VI.阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)。 (A)Lucy and Lily had a happy weekend last Sunday.They got up very early.Aft

19、er breakfast they went to a park.In the park, they saw a lot of flowers.Lucy wanted to pick one of them.But Lily stopped her.Then they went to the river.By the river they found a small boat.They got into (进入) the boat and started boating on the river.Two hours later, they left the boat and began to

20、climb the hill near the river.They reached (到达) the top (顶部) at half past eleven.There they had their lunch.What did they have for lunch?Eggs, bread and some oranges.In the afternoon, they went home.Their mother asked them, “Did you enjoy yourselves?”“Yes, very much ” They answered.根据短文内容,判断下列各句正误。正

21、确的在题前括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”.( )1.Lucy and Lily went to a park last Saturday( )2.In the park, Lucy picked some flowers( )3.They had lunch before they started to climb the hill( )4.They had eggs, bread and some oranges for lunch( ) 5. By the river they found a small boat.( B )Why do dogs chase(追赶) cats?- Her

22、e is a story about this.One day Cat and Dog get married. They are very happy together, but every night when Dog comes home from work, Cat says she is too sick to make dinner for him. Dog is patient(有耐心的) with her at first, but soon gets tired of making dinner after a days hard work. After all, Cat j

23、ust stays at home all day long.One day, Dog tells Cat he is going to work, but he hides in a box and wants to find if she is really sick. Cat thinks dog leaves, so she starts playing outside with other cats. They laugh and run about. Dog knows Cat isnt sick at all. He jumps out of the box. Dog is so

24、 angry that he starts chasing her all over the house.And dogs still like chasing cats today.6. go(es) to work every day? A. Cat B. Dog C. Cat and dog D neither of them7.Cat doesnt want to make dinner for Dog because_? A. shes sick B. shes busy C. shes lazy D. shes old8.Dog hides in the box in order

25、to find out _. A. if Cat is really sick B. if Cat stays at home C. if Cat cooks dinner for him D. if someone cones to his house9.After Dogs leaving, Cat _. A. stays at home all day long B. goes outside and play C. cooks dinner at once D. goes to the hospital10.When Dog finds that Cat lies to him, he

26、 is very_. A. happy B. tired C. relaxed D. angryB卷(共50分). 完形填空(每空1分,共10分)。 Mr Smith had a nice, brown coat. He 1 it very much, 2 his wife didnt like it, because it was 3 . She often said, “Give it to a 4 man.” But Mr Smith always said, “No, I like it.” One day a cigarette fell on it and made a hole

27、in it, 5 Mrs Smith said, “Please dont 6 it again.” Mr Smith took it to a small tailors and said to the tailor, “Please manke another coat 7 this one.” The tailor made the coat very 8 . Then he hit a cigarette and made a 9 in the 10 place.( )1. A. wore B. had C. put D. loved ( )2. A. but B. so C. and

28、 D. for( )3. A. new B. big C. small D. old ( )4. A. rich B. kind C. poor D. friend( )5. A. so B. and C. but D. or ( )6. A. had B. wear C. wore D. take( )7. A. about B. with C. like D. of ( )8. A. happily B. hard C. sad D. carefully( )9. A. picture B. hole C. map D. flower ( )10. A. same B. different

29、 C. great D. important.阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)A阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分) Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make it in Chinese. But the call in English is quite different from the one in Chinese. If you want to ask someone to answer the telephone, you can not say, “Please ask Mr. XX to answer the telephone.” Instead(代替,替换) you must say, “May I speak to Mr. XX?” If you want to ask who is answering the telephone, you should say, “Who is that? Is that Mr. XX speaking?” instead of “Who are you?” If you want to tell the other one who you are, you

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