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高中英语一轮复习译林版Book8Unit 3.docx

1、高中英语一轮复习译林版Book8 Unit 3话题词汇1abstract adj.抽象的2exhibition n展览3style n风格4traditional adj.传统的5typical adj.典型的;有代表性的6inspiration n灵感;启发7art gallery画廊;美术馆8work of art艺术作品9under the influence of受的影响10break away from脱离;放弃话题佳作假如你叫李华,你的加拿大笔友Jean来信,表示想学习中国画,但是对中国画不太了解,请你根据下面内容,给Jean回信,简单介绍中国画的有关知识。1中国传统绘画是我国文化

2、遗产的重要组成部分,历史悠久,深受人们的喜爱。2传统国画的作画工具有:毛笔、墨、宣纸(Xuan paper)、颜料(pigment)。3中国传统绘画的重要特征是诗、书(calligraphy)、画、印(seal)的完美结合。4中国历史上有许多传统的国画家,如齐白石,擅长画虾;徐悲鸿,对画马颇有研究。佳作欣赏Dear Jean,I am very glad to learn from your letter that you like Chinese painting.The traditional Chinese painting,an important part of our countr

3、ys cultural heritage,has a long history.It is very popular among people at home and abroad.What we need for painting are writing brushes,Chinese ink,Xuan paper and pigments.Besides,an important feature of Chinese painting is that a painter should combine pictures,poems,calligraphy and seals perfectl

4、y.In fact,many painters are at the same time a calligrapher and a poet as well.In Chinese history,there are many famous traditional painters,including Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong.Qi Baishi was proficient in painting little shrimps while Xu Beihong was famous for his lively horses.Yours,Li Hua名师点睛本文熟练地运

5、用了各类复合句,如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等。本文还有效地运用了连接成分,如besides,in fact等及并列连词while等,使文章表达通顺、自然而不突兀。.写作必记单词1abstract adj.抽象的;n.摘要,概要2calculate vt.&vi.计算;推测calculation n计算;预测,推测3shadow n阴影,影子;阴暗处4commit vt.&vi.全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承诺,保证5being n身心;存在;生物 6reward n回报,报酬,奖励;vt.奖励,给以报酬rewarding adj.值得做的,有益的;报酬高的7changeable adj.多变

6、的,易变的 8accommodation n住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解accommodate vt.为(某人)提供住宿9dormitory n集体宿舍10passerby n路人,过路的人passersby (pl.)路人11admission n(机构、组织等的)准许加入,进入权;承认;入场费admit v承认;允许进入;允许加入12cloth n布料,织物;(一块)布clothing n衣服;(尤指某种)服装clothes n(pl.)衣服;服装13disgusting adj.令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的disgust vt.使厌恶,使反感disgusted adj.厌恶的,憎恶

7、的,反感的.阅读识记单词14birthplace n出生地;发源地15architecture n建筑;建筑学16output n产量,输出量;输出17medium n(艺术创作的)材料,形式;媒介,传媒;adj.中等的18acute adj.锐角的;强烈的;(疾病)急性的;灵敏的;敏锐的19consensus n共识,一致的意见20helicopter n直升机 21tank n坦克;(储存液体或气体的)箱,槽,罐22starry adj.布满星星的;像星星的,明亮的23agent n代理人,经纪人24ankle n踝,踝关节25suite n(旅馆)套房;一套家具26canal n运河;灌

8、溉渠27souvenir n纪念物,纪念品28scenery n风景,景色,风光29scholarship n奖学金scholar n学者;奖学金获得者30chef n厨师,(尤指)主厨,厨师长31spray vt.喷,喷洒,向喷洒;n.喷剂;喷雾;浪花32dip vt.&vi.浸,蘸33wrinkle vt.&vi.(使)起皱纹;n.皱纹,皱褶,皱痕语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1What type of accommodation(accommodate) are you looking for ?2The small city has the climate that is change

9、able(change) in the extreme.3After much calculation(calculate) they decided to give him the position of manager.4He gained admission(admit) into this university.5I met him on a starry(star) winter evening.6I showed them I was independent by wearing strange clothes(cloth)(2016全国)7Peter will take up h

10、is post as the head of the travel agency(agent) at the end of next month.(2015陕西)8I have learned a lot from my motorhead:publishers need printers,engineers need mechanics,and architects(architecture) need builders.(2016天津)1range从到,在和之间2be eager to do sth.渴望做某事3be typical of是特有的;是典型的4upwards

11、 of在以上,大于,超过5be off to动身去6build up增强,积累,增多7make a reservation预订8gain admission to被录取9experiment with用做实验10cut up切碎,剁碎;使难过11lay out布置,设计;铺开,展开12cut sth.out(of sth.)剪出,剪下13have a go(at)试一试语境活用运用上述短语完成片段A boss 1.laid out(设计) a building for a medical factory at the foot of the mountain.The deer living h

12、ere are 2.cut up(难过) now,because 3.upwards of(超过)1,000 trees in the forest have been cut down.Their home has been destroyed,so they will off to(动身) look for a new settlement.They are 5.having a go at(试一试) climbing over the mountain.Luckily,the local government has realized this and is doing som

13、ething to help them.1only状语位于句首,主句用部分倒装Only on such a trip can you gain a better appreciation of European art.只有在这样的旅行中你才能更好地欣赏欧洲的艺术。仿写只有当你在你心中找到宁静的时候,你才会与其他人保持好的关系。(2014湖南)Only when you can find peace in your heart will you keep good relationships with others.2Hardly.when.Hardly had we left the dor

14、mitory the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room.第二天早晨我们一离开宿舍,就意识到把地图落在宿舍里了。仿写萨布丽娜的话音刚落,艾伯特就很尖刻地说:“别那么小气。” 并冲她伸出一根手指表示警告。(2014湖北)Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said sharply,“Dont be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her.3现在分词短语作结果状语After his graduat

15、ion,this project was exhibited in art galleries all over China,making him famous nationwide.他毕业后,这个项目在中国各地的艺术画廊展出,使他闻名全国。仿写新建的小木屋沿街排成一行,将这个古老的小镇变成了一个梦幻之地。(2016北京)Newlybuilt wooden cottages line the street,turning the old town into a dreamland.4once引导的时间状语从句Once it is stuck on,you can spray the diffe

16、rent sections of the picture with paint.一旦它被贴住,你就可以用颜料喷涂画的不同部分了。仿写消防人员和救护人员一到,拉里和那个人自然退让到一边,让他们进行专业救援。(2016全国)Once fire and emergency people arrived,Larry and the other man backed off and let them go to work. commit vt.投入;犯罪;承诺;保证(1)He was sent to prison for a crime that he didnt commit.他蒙冤入狱。(剑桥词典)

17、(2)After shooting his wife,he committed suicide in the bedroom.在开枪打死妻子后,他在卧室自杀。(3)They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations.他们呼吁西方国家向最贫穷的国家投入更多的钱。(1)commit suicide/a crime/an error(fault)自杀/犯罪/做错事向投入commit oneself/sb. to (doing) sth.承诺/保证(做)某事(2)commitment

18、n承诺,保证,承担义务make a commitment to do sth.答应做某事单句语法填空(1)On balance,I think I would rather not commit myself to going(go) with you.(2)We made a commitment(commit) to keep working together.(3)The government committed itself to reducing taxes.(4)A robbery was committed(commit) near here last night. reward

19、 v酬谢;奖励,奖赏n奖金;回报;报酬(1)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.学生们一直努力学习功课,他们的付出最终会获得成功的。(2016北京)(2)The government rewarded him for saving the child.政府因他救了那个小孩而奖赏他。(3)He received a medal in reward for his bravery.他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。r

20、eward sb.for sth.因某事而奖赏/酬谢某人reward sb.with sth.用某物回报某人in reward for 为奖赏;为报答as a reward for作为对的奖赏/回报reward,award,prize(1)reward作名词表示“赏金,奖励”或一些作金钱的报酬;作动词时则表示“奖励,酬谢”,只能以人或人的行为作宾语。(2)award作名词指“奖品,奖金”等;作动词表示“授予,给予;判给”,可以跟双宾语,award sb.sth.把某物授予/判给某人。(3)prize只能作名词,表示“奖赏、奖金、奖品”,尤指在比赛中获得的荣誉。基础知识训练用award,rewa

21、rd,prize的正确形式填空(1)He received a reward of 900 from the police for catching the criminal.(2)The winner was awarded a gold medal.(3)He won the first prize/award in the singing contest.(4)He was awarded a scholarship as a prize,which was also a reward of his diligence.写作能力提升一句多译(5)我送给他一本书来答谢他的帮助。I gave

22、 him a book in reward for/as a reward for his help.(reward n)I rewarded him with a book for his help.(reward v) cut up切碎,剁碎(1)He cut up the meat on his plate.他在盘子上把肉切成小块。(2)The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers are repairing one of the main pipes.水供应已暂时被切断,因为工人们正在维修其中一个主管

23、道。cut down on缩小;缩减尺寸、数量等;削减cut across/through抄近路穿过cut short中断,打断cut off切砍掉;切断;隔绝cut in插嘴cut back on减少,削减单句语法填空(1)She found it hard to keep both ends meet,so the hostess decided to cut back on daily necessities.(2)Dont cut in when Im speaking.(3)Expenses ought to be cut down in every way.(4)When I wa

24、s trying to cut across/through the lawn,an old man glared at me. lay out布置,设计;铺开,展开(1)The garden is laid out in a formal pattern.这花园是按正规式样设计的。(朗文词典)(2)You should lay aside your feelings when judging peoples abilities.当你判断一个人的能力时,应该把自己的感情放在一边。lay down放下;声明;躺下lay aside储存;不去考虑;搁置一旁lay off解雇lay emphasis

25、/stress on强调单句语法填空(1)He showed us how to lay out a printed page.(2)Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off.(3)He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.(4)I want you to lay aside these useless prejudice.(5)The lecturer wanted to lay stress on the importance of education. accommoda

26、tion n住处,膳宿;调节;和解;预订铺位单句语法填空(1)We can accommodate him for the night.(2)He will accommodate me with the use of his house while he is abroad.(3)At the end of the day,she returned to take me back to my accommodation(accommodate)(2014安徽)完成句子(4)无论走到哪里他都能适应新环境。Wherever he goes,he can accommodate himself t

27、o new circumstances.名师点拨accommodate vt.容纳;向提供住处;使适应;顺应accommodate sb.for the night留某人过夜accommodate sb.with.给某人提供accommodate oneself to使适应 be off to动身前往短语填空(1)He set off early so that he could get there on time.(2)They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.(3)My family was badly off in those days.(4)Yo

28、u said he was off duty.(5)Not only will you pass the interview,but you will be off to a better start. Once it is stuck on,you can spray the different sections of the picture with paint.一旦它被贴住,你就可以用颜料喷涂画的不同部分了。(1)Once trust is lost,what is left?一旦失去了信任,还剩下什么呢?(2015全国)(2)Once broadcast,the TV play wil

29、l be very popular with young people.一旦开播,这部电视剧将会非常受年轻人的欢迎。once在本句中引导时间状语从句,意为“一旦就”。如果once引导的从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句中的谓语动词含有be动词的某种形式时,或从句为“it be.”形式时,从句中的“主语be”或“it be”可以省略。基础知识训练单句改错(1)Once,it is difficult to forget.写作能力提升补全句中的省略成分(2)Once heard,the song will never be forgotten.Once it is heard,the song w

30、ill never be forgotten.教材与语法填空We started our trip in Spain and went to M laga,1.where Picasso was born.Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art,and he did not just paint,but made sculptures and worked with all kinds of visiting Spain,we went to Paris.In the Louvre Museum we saw the famous Mona Lisa 3.painted(paint) by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci,4.who was also an architect,scientist and engineer.Later we went to the Muse dOrsay see(see) the m

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