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1、三年级下册英语素材知识点归纳广州版教学教材三年级下册英语素材知识点归纳-广州版广州版小学三年级下册知识点归纳Module 1 Colors(颜色)重点句型:1.Lets go to play. /Lets play a game. /Lets (建议某人做某事)Lets color it. /Lets color it yellow. /Lets color the +物+色.OK./ Good idea. /Great. /Thats good.2.What color is it?/What color is the +物(单数)? Its(It is)+颜色. What color ar

2、e they?/What color are the+物(复数)? Theyre(They are)+色.3.What color do you like?I like +色.4.Do you have/like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont.即时演练:一、找出不同类的单词,并把字母编号写在括号内。( B ) 1. A. pet B. big C. bird( C ) 2. A. bathroom B. kitchen C. fridge( B ) 3. A. beside B. tree C. behind( C ) 4. A. stool B. sofa C. blue(

3、 C ) 5. A. tall B. small C. gate( A ) 6. A. Sally B. Japan C. British( C ) 7. A. train B. bike C. toy( A ) 8. A. clean B. door C. floor( B ) 9. A. classroom B. clean C. office( B ) 10. A. geese B. farm C. mice二、请根据问句内容,把相应答句的大写字母编号写在括号内。Part I:A. Is that your family tree? ( B ) 1. Yes, she is.B. Is

4、that old woman your grandmother? ( A ) 2. No, its Janes family tree.C. Is the man with a hat your father? ( G ) 3. Yes, there are.D. Who are those two children? ( E ) 4. Theyre trees.E. What are these? ( D ) 5. Theyre Mary and Tom.F. Is there a big toy car in the box? ( H ) 6. There are three.G. Are

5、 there two triangles? ( F ) 7. No, there isnt.H. How many trees are there? ( C ) 8. No, he is my uncle.Part II:A. Is that boy your brother? ( D ) 1. Hes Lindas husband.B. Is your mother tall? ( F ) 2. Shes my aunt.C. Do you have any goldfish? ( B ) 3. No, she isnt.D. Who is that man? ( A ) 4. Yes, h

6、e is.E. Whats this? ( C ) 5. Yes, I do.F. Whos that lady with short hair? ( E ) 6. Its a turtle.三、请选择适当的词填空。1. The boy _is_ (are / is) Liu Xiang.2. The girls mother _is_ (is / are) beautiful.3. Look _at_ ( at / on) the boy.4. Is _she_ (he / she) Sams daughter?5. _Whos_ (Whos / Whats) that girl? _She

7、s_ (Shes / Hes) my sister?6. _Are_ (Is / Are) they tall? Yes, they _are_ (arent / are).7. _Her_ (She / Her) hair is short and black.8. Jack and Lily _are_ (is / are) brother and sister.9. Look at _my_ (I / my) family tree.10. Whos the woman _with_ (with / in) white hair?11. Uncle Jack is a tall _man

8、_ (man / boy).12. I _have_ (have / has) two uncles. 13. The bull _has_ (have / has) two big horns.14. Uncle Tim has _some_ (some / any) sheep.15. Do you _have_ (have / has) any brothers?16. _Who_ (Who / What) are they? Theyre my brother and sister.17. My bedroom _has_ (have / has) a big window.18. T

9、here arent _any_ (any / some) juice in the fridge.19. Are there _any_ (any / some) juice in the fridge?20. _Do_ (Are / Do) you have a farm?21. Those are some _sheep_ (sheep / sheeps).22. Put the wardrobe in the corner. _All right_ (Thank you. / All right.)四、请选择适当的词补全短文和对话。mother, father, sister, gra

10、ndfather, grandmother, tall, beautifulIm Jack. This is a picture of my family. Look!1. The boy is me. The girl is my _sister_2. That man is old. Hes my _grandfather_.3. That woman is old, too. Shes my _grandmother_.4. The lady is my _mother_. Shes _beautiful_.5. That man is my _father_. He is _tall_

11、.Wheres, Shes, from, name, withA: Whos that girl _with_ long hair?B: _Shes_ my friend.A: Whats her _name_?B: Rose.A: _Wheres_ she from?B: Shes _from_ Australia.Module 2 Positions(位置)重点句型:1.Wheres my +物(单数)?/ Where is the+物(单数)? Its +方位词+the+物. / The+物(单数)is+方位词+the+物. eg. Wheres my car?/ Where is th

12、e dog?Its on the desk. / The dog is under the chair. Where are they?/Where are the +物(复数)? They are +方位词+the+物./ The+物(复数)are+方位词+the+物.eg. Where are they? / Where are the cats? They are on the bed./ The cats are in the box.(the可以换成my, your)2.Is it +方位词+the+物?/ Is the+物(单数) +方位词+the+物? eg. Is it in

13、front of the TV?/ Is the book behind the schoolbag?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.即时演练:一、写出下面单词的复数形式。1. cat_cats_ 2. horse_horses_ 3. sheep_sheep_ 4. goose _geese_ 5. mouse_mice_6. fish_fish_ 7. that_those_ 8. this_these_ 9. box _boxes_ 10. bus_buses_11. child_children_ 12. bull_bulls_ 13. Chicken _chicken

14、s_ 14. man_men_ 15. woman_women_二、请根据问句内容,把相应答句的大写字母编号写在括号内。Part I:A. Do you have tape recorder? ( D ) 1. Yes, it is.B. Who is Jack? ( A ) 2. Yes, I do.C. Where are you from? ( E ) 3.Its in that corner.D. Is your school bag? ( B ) 4. Hes my uncle.E. Where is the cupboard? ( C ) 5. Im from China.Part

15、 II:A. Thank you! ( C ) 1. Thank you!B. Whats that? ( B ) 2. Its a bull.C. Here is your tissue. ( A ) 3. Youre welcome.D. Where are the birds? ( E ) 4. She is my cousin.E. Who is the pretty girl? ( D ) 5. Theyre in the tree.三、请选择适当的词填空。1. Jiamin _is_ (are / is) a boy. He _has_ (have / has) a pet.2.

16、This is _my_(I /my) father. _His_(His /Her) name is Wang Dong.3. Sally and Janet _have_(have/ has) two new pencils.4. Is _your_ (your / you) grandfather old?5. Do you _have_(have / has) a red bag? 6. Who _is_ (is / are) the beautiful lady? _She_ (He / She) is my aunt.7. Do the boys have _any_(some/

17、any) bikes?8. A goat _has_ (have / has) four legs and a tail.9._Do_(Do/Dont) you have a cow? No, I _dont_ (do/dont)10. Miss White has two _children_(child /children)四、根据字母提示把短文补充完整。A: Hi, Bob.B: Hi_, Lily.A: Who is that T(t)_all_ man over there _?B: He_ is my uncle.A: Whats_ his name?B: His_ name is

18、 Martin. He has_ a big farm.A: Wow!B: Is his farm_ big?A: Yes, I(i)t_ is. He has_ many pigs, chicken and geese.B. Do_ you like the farm?A. Yes, I do.Module 3 Personal information(个人信息)重点句型:1.How old are you?(问年龄)I am(Im)+数字./I am +数字+years old. How are you?(问好) Fine./I am fine. Thank you.2.This is f

19、or you./The toy car is for you. /The bananas are for you. Thank you.3.Happy birthday! Thank you.4.May I have your telephone number? Yes./OK. Its +电话号码.5.Whats your telephone number? Its +电话号码.即时演练:二、请根据问句内容,把相应答句的大写字母编号写在括号内。Part I:( C ) 1. Where are you from? A. Yes, I do.( D ) 2. Are you from Japa

20、n? B. They are American stamps.( A ) 3. Do you have a toy car? C. I am from the UK.( B ) 4. What are these? D. No, Im not.( F ) 5. What is that? E. Yes, it is.( E ) 6. Is this a postcard? F. It is a toy.Part II:( F ) 1. What are these A. Im from Germany.( C ) 2. Is Zhang Jie from Japan? B. No, I don

21、t.( A ) 3. Where are you from? C. No, she is from China.( B ) 4. Do you have a Japanese stamp? D. Shes in the living room.( D ) 5. Wheres your mother? E. Its a picture of my bedroom.( E ) 6. Whats that, Xiaoling? F. They are spiders.三、请选择适当的词填空。1. What _are_ (is / are) these? They _are_ (is / are) c

22、ircles.2. Is that _man_ (man / men) from Canada? Yes, _he_ (he / she) is.3. _My_ (I / My) mother is beautiful. _Her_ (Your / Her) name is Alice.4. This is a _German_ (German / Germany) ship.5. The pigs and cows _have_ (have / has) tails.6. The boy _on_ (on / in) the chair _is_ (is / are) Philip.7. W

23、e are _Chinese_ (China / Chinese). We have some _American_ (American / America) postcards.8. _Do_ (Are / Do) you have pets? No, I _dont_ (am not / dont).9. My uncle and aunt have _some_ (some / any) geese. They dont have _any_ (some / any) ducks.10. This is _a_ (a / an) Chinese stamp.11. That is _an

24、_ (a /an) American car.12. There is _an_ (a / an) old desk in the bedroom.13. I dont have _any_ (some / any) British friends.14. I have _some_ (some / any) French postcards.15. Do you have _any_ (some / any) cow?16. There are _some_ (some / any) geese in the farm.四、请选择适当的单词,使对话意思完整。(与Module 1 练习四重复)

25、Part I:Wheres, Shes, from, name, withA: Who s that girl _with_ long hair?B: _Shes_ my friend.A: Whats her _name_?B: Rose.A: _Wheres_ she from?B: Shes _from_ Australia.Module 4 Fruits(水果)重点句型:1.May(Can)I have an apple/some grapes? Sure./ Of course./OK./Yes. Here you are.2. I want/like an orange/some

26、pears.3. But we have some bananas. (but用于转折)4.What do you want? I want 5. Bananas are good for us. (be good for对有好处)6.What fruit do you like? I like (some)+水果(复数).7. What about you? 你呢?(反问别人情况)8. What is for lunch? 以什么作为午餐?即时演练:一、请把下列单词进行分类,并按不同的类别,把大写字母编号写在相应的横线上。A. duck B. sheep C. mother D. daugh

27、ter E. uncle F. goose G. dog H. goldfish I. husband J. aunt K. rabbit L. father M. brother N. frog O. turtle P. chicken Q. cousin R. horseFamily(家庭成员):C D E I J L M QAnimals(动物): A B F G H K N O P R二、请根据问句内容,把相应答句的大写字母编号写在括号内。Part I:( C ) 1. Draw your bedroom! A. Yes, it is.( A ) 2. Is the sofa behi

28、nd the table? B. Its my bedroom.( D ) 3. Where is that stool? C. OK!( B ) 4. Whats that? D. Its in the bedroom.( G ) 5. Do you have a stool in your bedroom? E. No, Im not.( E ) 6. Are you from China? F. I am from Britain.( F ) 7. Where are you from? G. Yes, I do.Part II:( D ) 1. Put the books on the

29、 desk. A. Yes, there are.( G ) 2. Which one? B. I am from China.( E ) 3. Where are the shelves? C. No, there isnt.( A ) 4. Are there any sofas in your bedroom? D. All right.( C ) 5. Is there a stool in your bedroom? E. They are on the floor.( B ) 6. Where are your form? F. No, Im not.( F ) 7. Are you from Australia? G. The one beside the wall.三、请选择适当的词填空。1. This _is_

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