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book 7module 1 basketball.docx

1、book 7module 1 basketball Book 7 Module 1 Basketball.高频单词思忆 A基础单词1_v保持2_v上(学)3_n平均数4_adj.全部的;整个的5_n. 应得;值得6_adv./adj.现场直播地(的)7_adj.全国各地的8_v消减,缓冲9_v任命,委派10_v获得,得到11_v流血,出血12_v证实13_n变体;改编本B词汇拓展14_ v防守_ n防御;保卫_ adj.防御的15_ adj. 有天资的_ n天才;天资16_ adj.有价值的_ n值;价值 _ adj.值钱的;贵重的17_ n动力_ v促使;激发18_ adj.各种各样的_ n

2、多样性 _v变化,改变19_ n流行;普及_ adj.受欢迎的20_ adj.自私的_ n自私自利21_ n自然;性格;本性_ adj.自然的;天生的22_ adj.典型的_ n典型;类型23_adj.体谅的,考虑周到的_ v考虑24_ v道歉_ n歉意C.单词拼写1. Her books have been in _(流行)recently.2. The telegram asked for an _(立刻的)reply. 3. He has authority, but he doesnt try to _(控制)over others. 4. They _(任命)him to be ma

3、nager. 5. Every job has its difficulties and _(挫折).6A_(典型的) family here mostly contains only a couple and a child.7The spokesman refused to say anything on the _ (有争议的)subject.8. One cannot escape being punished after he _(犯) crimes.9We were given a _(处罚) kick after one of our players was hit.10The

4、car _(加快) and soon it overtook me.重点短语再现短语互译1_将名字改为;更名为2_在历史上3_成长;长大4_平均为5_一度;曾经6_rely on/upon7_all the time8_be rude to.9_draw sbs attention to.10_take possession of11_be named based on.短语运用 rescue.from; at one point; with an average of; in the history of; grow up be known a

5、s;by the time; based on take possession of all the time be rude todraw attention to1This story is _facts.2You _ me _ an embarrassing situation.3We didnt _ the car until a few days after the auction.4_ we reached home,he had finished his homework.5Its _ the most dangerous part of the city.

6、6The girl is _ polite to us.7When he _, he wants to be a lawyer.8_ a recent photograph _ your application form.9That was the disaster _ space travel.10Dont _your parents.You should respect them. 11The purpose of the article was to _ the problems faced by single parents.翻译句子1. 他是一位职业乐师,而非业余爱好者。 2. 我喜

7、欢他的演讲,他的演讲清晰且切中要点。 3. 毫无疑问刘欢是一个杰出的歌唱家。 4. 在猫的项圈上系个铃警告小鸟。( 5. 以这位将军为原型的电影很受欢迎。 6. 这颗新发现的星星以一个中国的天文学家来命名,为了纪念他对天文学作出的贡献。 7. 我发现他坐在椅子里,完全被杂志吸引了。(absorb) 8. 大部分的罪行都是年轻人犯下的。 9. 已经确定刘易斯的下一场拳击赛对阵汤姆。(confirm) 10. 如果必要,你可以用这些参考书。 . 语法回顾: 一. 根据汉语提示,写出下列词的派生词1bear_(可忍受的)2breath_(喘不过气来的)3centre_(中心的)

8、4humor_(幽默的)5person_(个人的)6father_(慈父般的)7self_(自私的)8technique_(技术的)9thank_(感谢的)10expense_(昂贵的)11dead_(致命的)12curiosity_(好奇的)13harm_(有害的)14envy_(嫉妒的)15noise_(吵闹的) 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. It is _(self)to do things in your own way and not to consider the wishes of other people.2. What a _(wonder)memory he ha

9、s! He recognized me at once though we had been separated for 30 years.3. Qingdao is a place that is _(worth)to be visited.4. Mr Smith didnt feel _(energy)enough to go to work, so he would stay at home this afternoon to have a rest.5. Generally speaking, people like to enjoy the _(beautiful)of nature

10、.6. The little boy has an _(artist)talent, which can be seen from his performances of dancing and singing.7. Its very _(consideration)of you not to talk aloud while our baby is sleeping.8. The author gave _(variety)reasons for having written the book.9. The _(popular)of mobile phones has grown in th

11、e last five years.10. I had a letter from William, one of my most _(value)friends.一完形填空Dont Take the Fun Out of Youth SportsWhen I joined a private football league a few years ago, the sport meant everything to me. My coach(教练)said that I had lots of potential(潜力), and I became captain of my_1_. Tha

12、t was before all the fun was taken out of_2_.At first, everyone on the team got_3_playing time. Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all its games, and the_4_started. Some parents, who had paid the coach extra so their daughters could have_5_oneonone training, got angry when she

13、didnt give them more playing time in our_6_. The coach was replaced.The new coach, however, took all the fun out of the game. All we did during practice was_7_. I always wished to God that it would rain so we would not have the_8_. Of course, all teams run drills; they were_9_. But we ran so much th

14、at, afterwards, we had trouble_10_. Younger people shouldnt be doing exercises_11_for 18yearold.I was very thin_12_I started football, but as a member of this team I wouldnt eat much , because I was afraid of being too_13_to run. I feared making mistakes, and the added pressure caused me to make mor

15、e than my usual_14_.Is all this pressure necessary? I_15_up leaving the football team. Four other girls did the same, and two of them stopped playing football completely. Thats_16_, because they had so much potential. They were just burnedout with all the pressure they_17_from the coach or their par

16、ents.I continued playing football at school and_18_my love for it. I joined a private team coached by my school coach. When I started playing_19_him, he told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous. After I_20_down, I played better. When you enjoy something, its a lot easier to do it well.1A.c

17、lass BclubCteam Dboard2A.playing BlivingClearning Dworking3A.great BequalCright BstruggleCattempt BprivateCgood Dbasic6A.matches BcoursesClessons Dprograms7A.jump BplayCrun Dshoot8A.duty BmeetingCoperation Dtraining9A.necessary BboringCscientific Dpractical10A.spea

18、king BmovingCsleeping Dbreathing11A.used BintendedCmade Ddescribed12A.till BsinceCbefore Dbecause13A.full BtiredClazy Dbig14A.size BshareCspace Dstate15A.gave BkeptCended Dpicked16A.sad BshamefulCsilly Dserious17A.received BsufferedCbrought Dfelt18A.reconsidered BrediscoveredCreformed Dreplaced19A.a

19、t BbyCfor Daround20A.fell BsteppedCslowed DCalmed二 语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。()If you go out to the fields at night in spring or summer, you can hear frogs singing _1_(joy) here and there. It seems as if they were performing a field symphony.The frog is a good and useful creature tha

20、t benefits human beings. They can catch fastmoving insects. Each frog eats a large number of pests that are harmful _2_ crops. This little creature is regarded _3_ “the natural enemy of pests”_4_ now frogs are getting fewer and fewer. This is because they are killed and put on the table as a delicio

21、us dish by their chief enemy, human beings. It is _5_ shameless and cruel act, isnt it?_6_ cause responsible for the rapid reduction of frogs is that farmers use insecticides (杀虫剂) to kill pests and frogs get killed as a result of drinking poisoned water _7_ eating poisonkilled insects.Something mus

22、t be done without delay _8_(save) frogs. If we dont punish those _9_ sell and kill frogs to make money, then one day all of us _10_(punish) by nature for failing to keep the balance of nature.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._(二)A:Oh, Christian, is that you? How have you been?B:Ive been okay. Ive

23、 just been busy with school. We really should get together and have _1_ chat. How about _2_(join) me for dinner tonight?A:Id love _3_, but Im leaving for Miami at 8 tonight because my brother is getting _4_(marry) on Saturday morning.B:_5_! I hope _6_ you have a nice time there.A:Well, what are you

24、doing now? Maybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while.B:I really wish I _7_, but Im on my way to the tennis courts.A:Tennis courts? I didnt know you could play tennis.B:Im taking tennis lessons. My roommate is on a tennis team and shes gotten me _8_(interest) in the sport. Do you know h

25、ow to play?A:A little, but I havent played for years. When I _9_ back from my trip, Ill join you in taking lessons.B:Its a deal. Just give me a call _10_ you get back.A:Youll get it.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._3 阅读理解ASports is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally cha

26、llenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as

27、 dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents and coaches criticisms to heart and find a

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