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1、福建师范大学网络教育入学考试大学英语试题附标准答案福建师范大学网络教育入学考试大学英语试题1、One of my teeth is so _ that it is going to be missing soon(2)( ) Alose Bloose Closs Dlost标准答案:B2、How about taking a walk?Oh, I think its _ cold for a walk(2)( ) Avery much Btoo much Cmuch too Dso much标准答案:C3、You are supposed to write your composition e

2、very _ line.(2)( ) Aone Ba Cother Danother标准答案:C4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle _ in a town.(2)( ) Afor Bat Cup Ddown标准答案:D5、The reason for my absence was _ I had fallen ill.(2)( ) Awhy Bbecause Cfor Dthat标准答案:D6、This is the university _.(2)( ) Aat which do

3、we study Bwe are studying Cwe are studying at Dwhere we study at标准答案:A7、It was in this house _ the important meeting in history was held.(2)( ) Awhere Bthat Cwhich Din which标准答案:B8、She looked so honest that we all regarded her story _.(2)( ) Alike true Bas true Clike real Das real标准答案:B9、Mrs. Brown

4、as well as her children _ to go Paris on holiday next week.(2)( ) Ais Bare Cwill Dwill be标准答案:A10、He is training hard, hoping to _ a new world record.(2)( ) Aset off Bset aside Cset up Dset out标准答案:C11、_in the arguments about the morality of artificially reproducing life is the fact that,at present,

5、 cloning is a very inefficient procedure.(2)( ) AOverlooked BOverlooking CHaving overlooked DHaving been overlooked标准答案:B12、Well_ what our country expects of us.(2)( ) Akeep up with Bput up with Cstand up to Dlive up to标准答案:D13、The writer has listed why cloning is not feasible to be _on humans.(2)(

6、) Aamended Badopted Cadjusted Dadapted标准答案:B14、He was a charming and _host whose house was an_rendezvous( 集合的) of the great.(2)( ) Aaccomplished, accepted Baccomplishing, accepting Caccomplishing, accepted Daccomplished, accepting标准答案:A15、I think the chief thing that _ me about Mr. Bush was his kind

7、ness and humor.(2)( ) Ahit Bstruck Cbeat Dknocked标准答案:B16、Mrs. Clinton was always neatly and quietly dressed _ her age and status.(2)( ) Ain regard to Bin accordance with Cin reference to Din comparison with标准答案:B17、We discussed only such problems _ concerned everyone of us.(2)( ) Athat Bwhat Cas Dw

8、hether标准答案:A18、After the _of 17 British passengers, Mr. Blair continued to express his concern over the safety of the other passengers still on board the hijacked airliner.(2)( ) Arelay Brelease Cconvey Dtransfer标准答案:B19、The “quality” newspapers are often held _ as an example of impartial journalism

9、.(2)( ) Aback Bin Cup Donto标准答案:C20、At the age of 14, he went to his uncles farm, where he had lessons on botany _ .(2)( ) Aself-taught Bself-teaching Cbeing self-taught Dhaving self-taught标准答案:B21、He cant drive a car. Let _fly an aero-plane.(2)( ) Asolitary Blonely Calone Dloneliness标准答案:C22、The bo

10、y said to his mother in an _ voice that she shouldnt have blamed him.(2)( ) Ainjury Binjurious Cinjured Dinjuring标准答案:D23、_how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth, it remains a mystery hard to solve.(2)( ) AIn turn BAs to CThanks to DAs a rule标准答案:B24、In the era of m

11、arket economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be _by manufacturers.(2)( ) Arejected Breformed Crelived Dreinforced标准答案:D25、Hes widely known more _a poet than _a novelist.(2)( ) Afor,to Bfor,as Cas,for Das,as标准答案:D26、The football match was held over until further notice _the continual rain.(2

12、)( ) Aon account of Bthanks to Cbut for Das for标准答案:B27、The rain was heavy and _the land was flooded.(2)( ) Aconsistently Bconsequently Cconstantly Dcontinuously标准答案:B28、Another issue _the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens.(2)( ) Aconfining Bconfirming Cconfronting Dcontri

13、buting标准答案:C29、A window in the kitchen room was _; there was rubbish everywhere and the clock had been stolen.(2)( ) Ascattered Bsmashed Cscratched Dscraped标准答案:B30、Knowing that her son was suffering from a _ disease, the mother cried her eyes out.(2)( ) Adeadly Bdying Cdead-like Ddeathly标准答案:A31、So

14、me people consider it unwise to _themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.(2)( ) Aparticipate Binvolve Ccombine Dassociate标准答案:B32、I have just come here to see if I can be_ to you.(2)( ) Ahelp Bof help Cwith help Dfor help标准答案:B33、Imagine _with someone who never stops _practical jokes on you

15、.(2)( ) Ato live, to play Bto live, playing Cliving, to play Dliving, playing标准答案:B34、The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels _ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.(2)( ) Aearned Bgained Cawarded Dclaimed标准答案:A35、Those who had moved to America under the _that America was pa

16、ved with gold everywhere started to regret their decision.(2)( ) Aillusion Bintention Cimpression Dconcept标准答案:A36、_change your mind,please give us a call.(2)( ) AWere you to BWould you CCould you DMight you标准答案:A37、When _, he denied _ anything illegal.(2)( ) Aquestioned, doing Bbeing questioned, do

17、ing Cquestioning, doing Dquestioning, having done标准答案:B38、See you later. Jenny. Im glad _ with you for six months.(2)( ) Ato work Bto be working Cto have worked Dto having been working标准答案:C39、The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair_in the breeze.(2)( ) Aflowed Bhad flowed Cflowi

18、ng Dwas flowing标准答案:A40、_from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.(2)( ) ABecause cutting off BWhile to be cut off CAlthough cut itself off DEven if cut off标准答案:D41、The actors have to _ before they appear in front of the audience.(2)( ) Acover up Bpaint u

19、p Cmake up Ddo up标准答案:C42、Quite a lot of people watch TV only to _time.(2)( ) Apass Bkill Cwaste Dspend标准答案:A43、John was never particular _ the food his wife served.(2)( ) Aabout Bof Cfor Dto标准答案:A44、The designing of a satellite in the heavy environment is _an easy job.(2)( ) Aby all means Bby means

20、 of Cby no means Dby any means标准答案:C45、Edward is the boy _I think scored the winning point for the basketball team.(2)( ) Athat Bwhat Cwhom Dwho标准答案:D46、It is often more difficult to find trained men than _for scientific research.(2)( ) Agetting financial support Bto get financial support Cget finan

21、cial support Din getting financial support标准答案:B47、John is a good student, _his best subject.(2)( ) Aas English Bbeing English CEnglish as DEnglish being标准答案:D48、_great was the destruction that the South took decades to recover.(2)( ) AVery BToo CSo DSuch标准答案:C49、You ought not to _him the news that

22、day.(2)( ) Atell Bbe telling Chave been told Dhave told标准答案:D50、Hot metal _as it grows cooler.(2)( ) Acontracts Breduces Ccondenses Ddecreases标准答案:A51、Do you have a preference _a particular food?(2)( ) Awith Bat Cfor Din标准答案:C52、By now most freshmen have grown so used to university life that they ha

23、ve forgotten all those_ about the university they originally had.(2)( ) Aconcerns Bworry Cdreams Dambition标准答案:C53、Many people want to buy it because._. the price is reasonable; _ , its rather durable.(2)( ) Aon one side, on the other side Bfor one thing, for another Con the one hand, on the other h

24、and Din one part, in the other part标准答案:C54、The proposal _we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed upon by all.(2)( ) Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dof which标准答案:C55、Spring _, we may look forward to better weather.(2)( ) Acomes Bhas come Cto be coming Dhaving come标准答案:C56、The purpose of t

25、he research had a more different meaning for them than_ .(2)( ) Afor ours it had Bit did for us Cwith us Dwith ours标准答案:B57、_from the balcony when he saw a policeman approaching him.(2)( ) AJumped down the thief BDown the thief jumped CDown jumped the thief DDown did the thief jump标准答案:C58、Can you s

26、ee a man and his horse _are crossing the bridge?(2)( ) Awho Bwhich Cthat Dall标准答案:C59、_, I cannot agree with him on the matter.(2)( ) AMuch as I respect him BMore as I respect him CAs I respect him much DAs I respect him more标准答案:A60、But for your help, we _the work as scheduled.(2)( ) Acould not fin

27、ish Bwould not have finished Cwould have finished Dcould have finished标准答案:B61、Do you know _the population of China is?(2)( ) Ahow many Bhow much Cwhich Dwhat标准答案:B62、Advertising is different from other forms of communication_the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.(2)( ) Ain that Bnow t

28、hat Csee that Dwhereas标准答案:A63、I know nothing about his journey _ he is likely to be away for six months.(2)( ) Aexcept Bunless Cexcept that Dapart from标准答案:C64、_editor and _publisher of this magazine is a learned man from Britain.(2)( ) AAn, a BThe, a CThe, the DThe, /标准答案:D65、Many a white-collar w

29、orker_to return to the easy days of university or college.(2)( ) Awishes Bwish Chave wished Dwishing标准答案:A66、Would you like him to paint it blue?Id rather he _it green.(2)( ) Apaints Bpainted Cpaint Dis painting标准答案:C67、James dressed himself up as a plumber before leaving the house lest he _.(2)( ) Awas recognized Bcould be re

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