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成人高等教育学士学位英语真题1 1.docx

1、成人高等教育学士学位英语真题1 1成人高等教育学士学位英语真题1(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Paper OnePart Dialogue Completion(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.Joanna: Dont you think thats a good match? George: _ It goes well with your scarf, too.(分数:1.00)A.No, of course it is.B.Yes, it looks great.C.No, I dont think so.D.Yes, glad to hear that.解析:解析

2、根据对话可知,乔安娜在询问乔治她的搭配如何,根据乔治的回答“它和你的围巾也很配”可知,乔治认为她搭配得很好。四个选项中,只有B项(是的,它看起来很棒)最符合语境。故选B。2.Kevin: I am afraid Ive spilt ink over the table cloth. Tommy: _(分数:1.00)A.Oh, never mind about that.B.No, not at all.C.Oh, I never heard of it.D.No, certainly not.解析:解析 根据对话可知,凯文在向汤米表示歉意。情景交际中,在当事人道歉时,另一方应该尽力安慰,表达

3、没有关系。选项A(没关系,不必对此介意)符合语境。故选A。3.Ben: Help yourself to a cigarette. Carlo: No, thank you.(分数:1.00)A.Im trying to cut down.B.I owe you one now.C.Have you got a light?D.Id be glad to.解析:解析 本在邀请卡洛抽烟,根据卡洛的回答“不,谢谢你”可知,卡洛在委婉地拒绝。四个选项中只有选项A(我正努力戒烟)给出了拒绝的理由,其他三个选项都属于接受邀请的回答,不符合语境。故选A。4.Mark: Can I still get ti

4、ckets for tonights show? Linn: _ Only if somebody cancels.(分数:1.00)A.Here you are.B.Thats all right.C.Im afraid not.D.Which row would you like?解析:解析 马克在向林咨询他还能否得到今晚演出的门票,根据林的回答“只要有人取消的话就可以”可知,票已经没有了。只有选项C(恐怕不行了)委婉地回答了问题。其他三个选项均不符合语境。5.Customer: Could you tell me how much this parcel to France is? Po

5、stman: _ Anything else?(分数:1.00)A.Yes, please.B.I am not sure about it.C.Go ahead.D.Ill just check for you.解析:解析 顾客在向邮递员咨询邮寄包裹的邮费是多少。邮递员应该仔细地进行核查,并礼貌地询问顾客还有没有其他问题。选项B的描述不符合语境,选项A没有直接回答问题,选项C(去吧!)不符合语境。只有选项D(我会为你核查)符合语境。6.May: Tell your brother I hope he soon feels better. Luis: Thats very kind of yo

6、u. _(分数:1.00)A.I am sorry to hear that.B.Ill pass it on.C.How is he?D.He must have known it.解析:解析 根据对话可知,梅让路易斯转达对其弟弟的关心与问候,路易斯应该礼貌地向梅表达感谢,并强调一定会转告。pass.on意为“传递,转告”,只有选项B(我会转达你的问候)符合语境。7.Lucas: Hello, Lucas speaking. May I have a word with June? Mary: _ Hang on a moment.(分数:1.00)A.She is not in right

7、 now.B.Shall I ask her to ring you back?C.Ill just see if shes in.D.Would you like to leave a message?解析:解析 卢卡斯在打电话,接通后他要求和琼通话,根据接电话者玛丽后半句的回答“别挂断,等一会儿”可知,她要帮忙去找琼。只有选项C(我去看看她在不在)符合语境,其他三个选项都是表明琼不在,不需要对方等待,不符合语境。故选C。8.Margret: Would you mind not using my toothpaste? Allen: Im sorry. _(分数:1.00)A.Ill do

8、 that.B.Thank you for asking.C.Thats fine.D.I thought you didnt mind.解析:解析 根据对话可知,玛格丽特要求艾伦别再用她的牙膏,此时艾伦应该道歉并做出解释。四个选项中只有选项D(我原以为你不会介意的)符合语境。9.John: Why dont we just go out for a coffee? Steve: _ Ive promised myself an early night.(分数:1.00)A.I think its great.B.Its nice of you to ask.C.No, not really.

9、D.OK, Id love to.解析:解析 约翰向史蒂夫提出建议,邀请他出去喝杯咖啡,根据史蒂夫后半句的回答“要早点上床睡觉”可知,他在委婉地拒绝邀请。只有选项C属于否定回答。其他三个选项均不符合语境。10.Mommy: John, where are the cakes? Dont tell me you ate them all! John: _ I couldnt help it.(分数:1.00)A.No, I didnt.B.I dont know who ate them.C.Yes, I did.D.No, I cant tell you.解析:解析 约翰的妈妈问他是不是把蛋糕

10、都吃光了,根据约翰后半句的回答“我实在是忍不住”可知,他确实把蛋糕吃完了。只有选项C属于肯定回答。故选C。11.Mori: You look so angry. What happened? Susan: Nothing. Id rather not talk about it. Mori: Come on. _(分数:1.00)A.Ill just not ask about anything.B.You need to let off some steam.C.If I were you, Id be mad, too.D.Thats easy.解析:解析 根据对话可知,莫里在向苏珊询问发

11、生了什么事情让她如此生气,在苏珊不想再提及此事时,莫里应该引导她宣泄自己的情绪,这样才能开心起来,所以选项B(你需要把怒气宣泄出来)最符合语境。12.Julie: I bought this dress two years ago. Its style went out already. Jack: Oh, come on, _(分数:1.00) always follow the fashion.B.none of your dresses suits long as it looks good on should care about tha

12、t.解析:解析 根据对话可知,朱莉在向杰克抱怨自己两年前买的衣服过时了,杰克安慰说你穿着好看就好。选项A(你总是紧跟时尚的步伐)不符合语境;选项B(你的衣服都不适合你)与本题语境无关;选项D“你应该关心一下”跟前面的come on不相符。选项C中肯地表达了自己的意见“不管过时与否,只要在你身上穿着好看就行”。故选C。13.Mike: Professor Coppers class is so boring. I just cant stand it any more! Susan: _ Its required.(分数:1.00)A.Well, why not just drop out of

13、 it?B.Why, you can say that again.C.Well, you might as well get used to it.D.Why, I couldnt agree more.解析:解析 迈克在向苏珊抱怨科珀教授的课太无聊,自己再也无法忍受。根据苏珊后半句的回答“这门课是必修的”可知,她在试图劝诫迈克。四个选项中,只有选项C(你还是适应它为好)与后半句回答相符。其他三个选项都不符合语境。故选C。14.Speaker A: Dont you play golf? Speaker B: _(分数:1.00)A.Yes. No sport interests me mo

14、re than golfing.B.Yes. I have never played golf in my life.C.No. Only once in a while.D.Yes. And I hate to spend much money on sports.解析:解析 说话人A询问说话人B是否打高尔夫。选项B意为“是的。我从来没打过高尔夫球”;选项C意为“不。我只是偶尔打”;选项D意为“是的。我讨厌在体育运动上花太多钱”。这三个选项都是前后逻辑不通的句子。只有选项A“是的。任何运动都不及高尔夫能激起我的兴趣”符合语境。15.Clair: Do you feel like eating

15、 out? Jenny: _ We havent eaten out for ages.(分数:1.00)A.Thats a good idea.B.You say it.C.Yes, I can feel it.D.Right, see you there.解析:解析 克莱尔邀请詹妮出去吃饭,根据詹妮后半句的回答“我们很久没有出去吃了”可知,她同意该提议。选项A(这是个好主意)表明她接受邀请。其他三个选项不符合语境。故选A。二、Part Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Scientists sa

16、id they have found evidence of a giant planet far out in our solar system. In a statement, the California Institute of TechnologyCaltechsaid this planet travels a very strange long and thin orbit in the distant solar system. The discovery was made by two researchers at Caltech: Konstantin Batygin an

17、d Mike Brown. They used mathematical modeling and computer simulations (模拟) to find the planet. So far, there have not been any direct observations of the planet. My jaw hit the floor, said astronomer (宇航员) Mike Brown, the moment he realized there might be a ninth planet. The scientists said it woul

18、d take this planet 10,000 to 20,000 years just to make one full orbit around the Sun. The new planet, called Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times the size of Earth. If they are right, the newly found planet would be the ninth planet in our solar system. Pluto (冥王星) had been called the ninth planet

19、 until 2006, when it was renamed a dwarf planet. Actual confirmation of a ninth planet would be very big news. This would be a real ninth planet, Brown said in the statement. There have only been two true planets discovered since ancient times, and this would be a third. Its a pretty substantial par

20、t of our solar system thats still out there to be found, which is pretty exciting. While they did not get a picture of Planet Nine yet, the scientists say they are using the biggestand besttelescopes on Earth to try to find Planet Nine. They are also working on improving their computer simulations.

21、They want to find out more about Planet Nines orbit, and its impact on the outer part of our solar system.(分数:10.00)(1).The newly found planet _.(分数:2.00)A.moves around the SunB.was discovered by two astronomersC.travels around far away from our solar system解析:解析 根据文章第三段第一句话“The scientists

22、 said it would take this planet 10,000 to 20,000 years just to make one full orbit around the Sun. ”(科学家称这颗行星围绕太阳公转一周可能要花上一万到两万年的时间)可知,这颗新发现的行星是围绕太阳转的,所以选项A正确;从文章第一段第三句可知,是两位研究人员发现了这颗行星,所以选项B错误;从第一段第二句“.long and thin orbit.”可知,选项C错误;从文章第一段第一句“.far out in our solar system. ”可知,它是在太阳系较远的地方,而不是选项D(离太阳系

23、很远的地方)。故选A。(2).The possibility of finding a ninth planet made Mike Brown _.(分数:2.00)A.confusedB.frightenedC.satisfiedD.surprised解析:解析 文章第二段中的“my jaw hit the floor”意为“下巴掉到地板上了”,表明他很惊讶,与选项D同义。(3).According to the scientists, _.(分数:2.00)A.the planet is ten times larger than the takes the plan

24、et less than 10,000 years to make a full orbitC.Pluto was once thought to be the ninth planet in the solar systemD.Pluto was given a new name after it was discovered in 2006解析:解析 根据文章第三段最后一句“Pluto had been called the ninth planet.”(2006年以前,冥王星被称作第九行星,之后就被重新命名为“矮行星”)可知,冥王星曾经被认为是太阳系的第九颗行星。故选项C正确。选项A表达

25、有误,应为“是十倍”而非“大十倍”;选项D应是2006年被重新命名而非被发现。(4).It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that _.(分数:2.00)A.there is no actual confirmation about the ninth true planets were discovered in ancient timesC.scientists have found three planets in modern timesD.the ninth planet is the only one discovered

26、since ancient times解析:解析 根据文章第四段第一句“Actual confirmation of a ninth planet would be very big news. ”(对第九颗行星的真正确认将会是令人震惊的消息)可推断出,还未能真正确认第九颗行星。故选A。(5).To find Planet Nine, scientists are using all the following EXCEPT _.(分数:2.00)A.mathematical simulationsC.advanced telescopesD.large

27、spacecrafts解析:解析 根据文章第一段倒数第二句“They used mathematical modeling and computer simulations to find the planet. ”以及文章最后一段第一句“.they are using the biggestand besttelescopes.”可知,只有选项D是没有被提到的。故选D。四、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Helicopter parenting describes a style of raising children where parents are over-pr

28、otective and do too much. The term was used for the first time in the late 1960s. It describes parents who watch over their kids like a helicopter. Today, modern technology allows these helicopter parents to watch over from even far away. They can give their children directions at any moment from an

29、ywhere. Author Julie Lythcott-Haims wrote a book titled How to Raise an Adult . In her book, she gives readers a closer look at this parenting style. Over-parenting, she says, comes in three types: the first is the over-protective parents who think the world is scary and unsafe and unpredictable. An

30、d therefore, I must protect and prevent. The second type is the over-directive typethe parent who says, I know best what leads to success and you will do as I say. Youll study these topics, do these activities and you will be highly achieving at all of it. The third type is the concierge (看门人)the pa

31、rent who just wants to make life smootherfrom waking their kid up, to keeping track of their deadlines, to making sure they havent forgotten anything, to even doing the homework for the kid. Julie Lythcott-Haims says she experienced the effects of helicopter parenting firsthand when she worked as dean of first-ye

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