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1、外研版七年级下册方位介词图解练习题含部分答案方位介词教学目标 1.学生能了解一些常用的方位介词分类及其用法,并能够使用教学步骤1.导入He drives.He drives on the road.He drives to the school.方位=方向+位置2.具体分析(1)表位置介词意义图示例句in/inside在之内The students are reading in the classroom.学生们在教师里读书。outside在外面He parked his car outside the heater.他把汽车停在剧场外面。at在(小地点)He is at home now.i

2、n在(大地点)He is in China now.在某一个地区之内的方位Shanghai is in the east of China.to表示在某一地区之外的某方位Japan lies to the east of China.on两地接壤The boat is on the river.那条船在河上。在上面(表面接触)North Korea is on the northeast of China.beneath在.下面(表面接触)The paper is beneath the book.above在上方(不接触)(可指温度海拔等刻度)The plane flew above the

3、 clouds.飞机在云上飞行。The altitude of the mountain is 300 meters above sea level.below在下方(不接触)(可指温度海拔等刻度)The sun sinks below the horizon.太阳沉没在地平线下。Your temperature is below 37C.over在(正)上方(垂直)There are several bridges over the river. 河上有好几座桥。under在(正)下方(垂直)The boat sailed under the bridge.船在桥下行驶。behind在后面(

4、外部)Olive hid behind a tree.奥列弗藏在一棵树后面。before在.(外部)之前(指时间较多)He made a speech before a large audience.他在许多观众面前发表了讲话。near/nearby在附近(有一定距离)I dont need a car because I live near the city centre .我不需要汽车,因为我住在靠近市中心by/beside在旁边(可能触摸到)Our house is by the river.我们的房子在河边。Come and sit beside me.过来坐在我旁边。next to紧

5、挨.(触手可及)My best friend sits next to me in class.上课时我最好的朋友坐在我的旁边。against紧靠,依靠The man leans against the wall.between在之间(指二者)The letter B is between A and C.字母B在A和C之间。among在之间(指三者或三者以上)The house stands among the trees.房子在树丛中。round/around/about在.周围(指时间时表示大约)There is a road around/round/about the school.

6、学校周围有条路。It is round/around/about six oclock 大约6点钟across from/opposite在.对面There is a tall building across from/opposite the bank.这家银行对面有一座高层建筑物。He sat opposite me on the train.on the left在左边There is a tree on the left of the house.on the right在右边There are some bikes on the right of the the mi

7、ddle of在.中间The playground is in the middle of the the back of在.(内部)后方The woman is at the back of the the front of在.(内部)前方The driver is at the front of the front of在.(外部)前方There is a tree in front of my house.on the corner of在.拐角上The coffee shop is on the corner of the street(

8、2)表方向介词意义图示例句along/down沿着Walk along/down this street, then turn left, you can see the post office.沿着这条街走,然后向右拐,你就可以看到邮局。across横过、越过(穿过平面)If the road is busy, dont walk across it.如果道路拥挤,就不要横穿马路。through穿过(穿过空间)We drove through the tunnel.我们开车穿过了隧道。past从某事物的一旁经过The car drove past my house.这辆车开过了我家。over

9、从平面的一边到另一边或跨越过某一高度The dog jumped over the fence.这只狗跳过了栅栏。into进入到之内They put the apples into the baskets.他们把苹果放进篮子里。out of从出来Dont look out of the window in class.上课时不要朝窗外看。onto到另一个平面上Dont jump onto the desk.不要跳到桌子上。off脱离某一地方He got off the bus just now.他刚才下了公交车。up向上The monkeys climbed up the trees to p

10、ick the bananas.猴子爬上树上去摘香蕉。down向下The ball is rolling down the hill.球正往山下滚。round/around围绕All sat around the table.所有的人围绕着桌子坐。to到.去He took a flight from Beijing to Shanghai.他坐飞机从北京到上海from从.来towards(美)/toward(英)向.,朝着,接近The teacher walked towards me.这个老师向我走来。away from从.离去He took the ball away from the t

11、able.3.总结方位介词练习一、根据中文提示,用适当的方位介词填空:1. There is a big pear tree _ (在的前面) my house.2. Who was _ (在的后面) you when you were waiting in a line?3. Whats _(在的下面)the desk?4. The children are playing hide-and-seek. Maomao is hiding himself _(在里)the wardrobe.5. The tallest boy in my class sits _ (在的隔壁) me.6. T

12、hey are standing _ the door. (在外面)二、用适当的介词填空:1. You cant see the ball. Its _ the door.2. Shall we meet _ the gate of the cinema?3. Is he playing _ the street or _ the road?4. Are they _ a factory or _ a farm?5. I sit _ the twins. The elder sister is _ my left and the younger one is_ my right.6. The

13、big tree _ our classroom is nearly 100 years old.7. The teacher is writing on the blackboard _ the classroom.8. - Where is the light? - Its just _ the table.9. - Where are the lamps? - They are _ the desks.10. A plane is flying _ the clouds.三、翻译句子:1. 梅梅坐在我的前面,我坐在她的后面。_2.她正在学校门口等着妈妈。 _3. 迈克坐在吉姆和萨姆之间。

14、 _4. 医院对面有一家银行。 _5. 盒子里有什么? _6. 讲台上有些彩色的图片。 _7.看,孩子们跑进了屋子。_8.我正站在玩具店的外面。_9. 床下有双运动鞋。 _10.黑板在教室的前面。 _11.教室前面有棵大树。 _12.那条河上有座桥。_13. 餐桌上面悬挂着一盏灯。_14. 许多鸟正从我们的头上飞过。_四、根据所给图片及英文提示完成句子1. car, run, bridge _2. bus, in front of, hospital_3. plane, fly, forest_4. cake, in the box_5. dog, lying, the table_ 中考练兵

15、( ) 1. The birds fly _ the woods.A. above B. on C. under D. inside( ) 2. - Can you see the hole _ the wall? (河南) A. on B. in C. among D. between( ) 3. There is a map _ the wall. (北京) A. on B. from C. in D. at( ) 4. - Where is Lily? - We are all here _ her. (辽宁) A. beside B. about C. except D. with(

16、) 5. Miss Gao is standing _ all her students.A. between B. middle C. centre D. among( ) 6. - Guess, how much does it cost? (广东) - I think it costs _ 15 and 20 dollars. A. from B. between C. among D. with( ) 7. Some shops open _ 10 a.m. and 3:30 p. m. during the Spring Festival holidays. (山东) A. at B

17、. between C. from D. about第三大题参考答案1. Meimei sits in front of me and I sit behind her.2. She is waiting for her mother at the school gate.3. Mike sits between Jim and Sam.4. The hospital is opposite a bank.5. Whats in the box?6. There are some colourful pictures on the teachers desk.7. Look! The chil

18、dren are running into the house.8. Im standing outside the toy shop.9. There is a pair of trainers under the bed.10. The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.11. A big tree is in front of the classroom.12. There is a bridge over the river.13. There is a light over the table.14. A lot of birds are flying over our heads.

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