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1、英语应用能力考试B级习题及答案1I am sorry,but I have a question to _C_ you (打扰你一下,我有一个问题想问你)A) treat (治疗) B) influence(影响) C) ask(问) D) change(改变)2Please give us the reason _A_ the goods were delayed. (请给我们一个原因,为什么这货物延误了)A) why B) which C) what D) how3Peter will _B_ the job as Sales Manager when John retires (当约翰退

2、休时,皮特将接管销售经理的职位) A) put away(抛弃) B) take over(接管) C) work out(算出) D) make up(组成)4There is no doubt _C_ he is a good employee (这是毫无疑问的,他是一个好员工) A) as B) who C) that D) what 5I feel its a great honor for me _D_ to this party. (我被邀请到这个聚会而感到无比荣幸) A) to invite B) invite C) having invited D) to be invited

3、6Dont _D_ me to help you if you are not working hard. (如果你不努力工作,不要指望我帮助你) A) guess(猜测) B) speak (说) C) plan(计划) D) expect(期望)7It was two years ago _A_ his sister became a doctor (他的妹妹两年前成为了医生) A) that B) where C) who D) what8The general manager has promised to _B_ the matter in person (这总经理承诺亲自调查这问题

4、) A) get up(起床) B) look into(调查) C) see off(送行) D) put on(穿上)9If you move,you must inform us _D_ the change of your address (如果你迁居了,你必须通知我们你改变的地址) A) with B) for C) in D) of10_C_ his lecture is short,it gives us a clear picture of the new program (尽管他的演讲是短的,但是给我们一个清楚的画面对于他的新计划) A) If(如果) B) Because(

5、因为) C) Although(尽管) D) When11. How much does it _A_ to take the online training course (在线培训班花费了多少钱) A) cost B) give C) pay D) spend12. If you need more information, please contact us _B_ telephone or email. (如果你需要更多的信息,请通过电话或者邮件方式联系我们) A) in B) by C) on D) for13. Mr. Smith used to smoke _C_ but he

6、has given it up recently. (史密斯以前的烟瘾很重,但是近来他戒掉了)A) immediately(立即地) (B) roughly (粗粗地)(C) heavily(猛烈地) (D) completely(完全地)14. He was speaking so fast _D_ we could hardly follow him. (他说话如此的快,以致于我们不能跟上) A) what B) as C) but D) that 15. Please call me back _D_ you see this message. (请一看我的消息,马上给我回电话) A)

7、as well as B) as early as C) as far as D) as soon as 16. We havent enough rooms for everyone, so some of you will have to _A_ a room. (我们这里没有足够的房间给每个人,因此你们不得不分享同一个房间) A) share(共享) B) stay(逗留) C) spare (多余的) D) live 17. Before _B_ for the job, you will be required to take a language test. (在申请工作之前,你必

8、须先做一个语言测试) A) apply B) applying C) applied D) to apply 18. If you want to join the club, youll have to _C_ this form first. (如果你想加入俱乐部,你将必须先填这个表格) A) put up(举起) B) try out (实验) C) fill in(填写) D) set up (建立)19. _B_ the rain stops before 12 oclock, we will have to cancel the game. (由于这雨在12点之前停了,我们将不得不

9、取消这个游戏) A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 20. As the price of oil keeps _B_, people have to pay more for driving a car. (由于油价一直在涨,人们不得不花费更多钱在开小汽车上) A) to go up B) going up C) gone up D) go up 21. What are the essential differences _A_ selling and marketing (销售和营销的本质区别是什么,between.and固定搭配) A) between

10、B) from C) among D) for 22. Jack called the airline to _C_ his flight to Beijing this morning. (杰克打电话去航空公司确认今天早上去北京的航班) A) improve(提高) B) believe(认为) C) confirm(确认) D) insure(确保) 23. It was in the year of 2002_B_they set up a branch company in China. (在2002年,他们在中国建立了分公司) A) as B) that C) what D) whi

11、ch 24. Youd better _D_advice before making a project plan. (你在做项目规划前,你最好寻找一些建议) A) put down(放下) B) take in(接受) C) turn out(结果是) D) ask for(寻找) 25. Young people now live a life-style _A_their parents could hardly dream of. (年轻人现在的生活方式是他们父母几乎不可能的梦想) A) which B) why C) when D) where 26. While traveling

12、 in France, he _B_some everyday French. (当他在法国旅游的时候,他学会了一些日常法语) A) gave up(放弃) B) picked up(学会) C) drew up(起草) D) got up(起床) 27. Hardly _D_ at the office when the telephone rang. (我一到办公室这个电话就响了) A) I arrived B) I had arrived C) did I arrive D) had I arrived 28. To work _C_with the machine,you must r

13、ead the instructions carefully. (为了机器有效的工作,你必须仔细阅读这说明书)A) firstly(首先) B) naturally(自然地) C) efficiently(有效地)D) generally (通常地)29. Well have to continue the discussion tomorrow _A_we can make a final decision today. (我们明天将继续讨论,除非我们今天能做出最后的决定)A) unless(除非) B) because C) when D) since 30. If you have th

14、ree years work experience,you will be the right _A_ for this job. (如果你有三年的工作经验,你将是适合这个工作的人) A) person B) passenger(旅客) C) tourist(旅行者) D) customer(顾客) 31. The newspaper _A_ two people were killed in the accident. (这报纸说,两个人在这个事故中被杀了) A) says(说) B) talks(讨论) C) calls(呼叫) D) asks(问) 32. She told us bri

15、efly about how they succeeded in _D_ the new product. (她简单地告诉我们,她们在这新产品中是怎样成功的,succeeded in后接ing形式)A) develop B) to develop C) developed D) developing 33. The big IT company will _A_ a new research center in the city. (这大的IT公司将在这个城市建立一个新的调查中心) A) set up (建立) B) break up(打破) C) get up (起床) D) turn up

16、 (出现)34. I _A_ at 130 kilometers per hour when the policeman stopped me. (当警察让我停下来的时候,我的驾驶速度已经达到了每小时130公里) A) had driven B) have driven C) drive D) was driving 35. Information about the new system is easy to _C_ on the Internet. (一些关于新体制的信息很容易在互联网上找到) A) like B) go C) find D) open 36. Id like to int

17、roduce you _B_ James Stewart, the new manager of our department. (我想把你介绍给詹姆士斯图尔特,詹姆士斯图尔特是我们部门新的经理。Introduce sb to sb固定搭配) A) with B) to C) of D) on 37. We had a(n) _D_ with him about this problem last night. (昨天晚上我们和他讨论了一些这个问题) A) explanation(说明) B) impression(印象) C) exhibition(展览) D) discussion (讨论

18、)38. We talked for more than three hours without _B_ a cup of tea. (我们交谈了3个多小时,没有喝一杯茶,without是介词,后面接ing形式) A) to have B) having C) have D) had 39. They had to give up the plan because they had _C_ money. (他们不得不放弃这个计划,因为他们用完了钱) A) come up to(达到) B) got along with(和睦共处)C) run out of(用完)D) taken charge

19、 of (负责)40. _A_ she joined the company only a year ago, shes already been promoted twice. (尽管她加入这个公司才一年多一点,但是她已经被提拔两次了) A) Although(尽管) B) Because C) If D) When 41. Please keep a detailed _D_ of the work that you have done. (请保持一个详细的记录关于你做的工作) A) paper(纸) B) idea(想法) C) exercise(运动) D) record(记录)42.

20、 _C_ our great surprise, the new secretary can speak four foreign languages. (让我们很惊讶是,这个新来的秘书会讲4种外语,to sb surprise固定搭配) A) Of B) In C) To D) For 43. The department manager _B_ a new plan to promote sales at the meeting. (这个部门经理提出一个新的计划来在这个会议中促销商品) A) took away(带走) B) put forward(提出) C) looked after(

21、照顾)D) got on (进步)44. What he told me to do was _D_ I should get fully prepared before the interview. (他告诉我的是:我应该在应聘之前进行充分的准备) A) what B) if C) which D) that 45. When dealing with a _A_ task, Alice always asks for help from people around her. (当处理一个困难任务时,爱丽丝总是向她周围的人寻求帮助) A) difficult(困难的) B) wonderfu

22、l(极好的)C) funny(有趣的) D) simple(简单的)46. Location is the first thing customers consider when _A_ to buy a house. (地理位置是顾客第一考虑的事情当他们计划买一个房子的时候) A) planning B) planned C) to plan D) having planned 47. Soft drink sales in this city have _C_ by 8% compared with last year. (在这个城市软饮料的销售与去年相比已经增加了8%) A) picke

23、d(采摘) B) moved(移动) C) increased(增加) D) pushed (推)48. If I hadnt attended an important meeting yesterday, I _B_ to see you. (要是我昨天没有参加一个重要的会议,我就已经来看你了) A) will have come B) would have come C) have come D) had come 49. To obtain a visa to enter that country for the first time, you need to apply _B_. (

24、为了获得第一次进入那个国家的签证,你需要亲自申请) A) in part(部分地) B) in person (亲自) C) in turn(轮流) D) in place(在适当的地方) 50. The new model of the car was put into production in 2007, _D_ helped to provide another 1400 jobs. (这新的汽车模型在2007年投入生产,它又帮助提供了1400个工作岗位) A) that B) when C) what D) which Section BDirections: There are 5

25、0 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.1Thomas was cheerful and(help) _helpful_,and we soon became good friends (由cheerful and可知需要填形容词)2The goods that you o

26、rdered ten days ago will(deliver) _be delivered_ to you tomorrow (货物是被送递)3Gas prices are(high) _higher_ here than in other parts of the country (由than可知需要填比较级)4The past decade has seen great economic(develop) _development_ in this country. (economic为形容词后面接名词)5If the engineer(come) _came_ here yester

27、day,the problem would have been solved. (虚拟语气,由红色字体提示,需要用过去式) 6While this new law does not(direct) _directly_ affect the quality of work,it will greatly benefit employees (修饰形容词affect,需要用副词)7Now many young people spend several hours a day(talk) _talking_ on a mobile phone. (spend.doing,花费时间做某事) 8In

28、China,it is quite(nature) _naturel_ for people to go back home for the Spring Festival. (quite后面接形容词,注意这个形容词的写法)9The manager was surprised at the news when he(receive) _received_ the phone call yesterday (对事实的陈述) 10Advances in medical technology have made it possible for people(live) to_live_ longer

29、 (it possible for sb to do sth,为固定用法)11. What a (wonder) _wonderful_ party it was! I enjoyed every minute of it. (感叹形式,形容词修饰名词(party) 12. The film turned out to be (successful) _more successful_ than we had expected. (than提示为比较级)13. Readers are not allowed (bring) _to bring_ food and drinks into the

30、 Library at any time. (allow to do sth,为固定用法)14. The manager has promised that she will deal with the matter (immediate) _immediately_. (修饰动词(deal with),需要用副词形式)15. We are looking forward to (work) _working_ with you in the future. (looking forward to后面接ing形式)16. Today email has become an important means of (communicate) _communication_ in daily life. (根据句子意思需要用名词形式)当今电子邮件在日常生活中

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