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高二英语北师大版必修五教学案Unit 15 Section 2 含答案.docx

1、高二英语北师大版必修五教学案Unit 15 Section 2 含答案.词义匹配1assignmentAexceptional good, excellent2alternative Bimportant, interesting or rewarding enough to justify the time, money or effort that is spent3outstanding Ctask or duty that is assigned to sb.4misunderstand Davailable in place of sth. else5pour Eto cause (

2、a liquid or substance that flows like liquid ) to flow in a continuous stream6lack Fbe without (sth.), have less than enough of7access Gto form a wrong opinion of (sb./sth.)8worthwhile Hmeans of approaching or entering (a place ) way in答案:1.C2.D3.A4.G5.E6.F7.H8.B.根据词性及汉语提示写出单词1reflectvt.反映;反射reflect

3、ionn映像;倒影;反映;反射;深思2selectvt.选择;挑选selectionn选择;挑选;精选品selectiveadj.选择性的,可选择的3punishmentn惩罚;处罚punishvt.惩罚;处罚.补全短语1to a certain extent在某种程度上2put off 延期3be proud of 为感到骄傲4be related to与有关5hand out分发6contribute to 捐献;起作用7set up创立,建立8take up开始从事9set off出发,引爆10add up to 共计11be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事12have a

4、ccess to可以获得(接近)1Some schools teach how to pass tests so that the students can go to university.有些学校教授如何通过考试,以便学生能上大学。句式分析how to pass tests为“疑问词不定式”结构,作teach的宾语;so that引导目的状语从句,意为“为了”。佳句赏析学校应该教学生如何做人以使他们将来成为好公民。Schools should teach their students how to conduct themselves so that they can become goo

5、d citizens in the future.2.Once I caught him and a friend seeing who could spit the furthest off the school stage!有一次我在学校的舞台上见过他和一位朋友比谁吐唾沫吐得远。句式分析seeing .现在分词短语,作caught的宾语补足语;who引导的从句作seeing的宾语从句。佳句赏析他进来的时候注意到他的书打开着掉在地板上。He noticed his book lying open on the floor when he came in.3He was very bright

6、 and should have done much better, in all his other subjects.他非常聪明,其他学科本该也学得很好。句式分析should have done表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,意为“本该做某事,而实际未做”。佳句赏析他很明智,应该不会失去这样好的机会。He is very wise and shouldnt have missed such a good chance.During our school life, we have enjoyed many teachers lessons. Well, which one do you th

7、ink is your favourite teacher? And why?I_think_my_English_teacher_in_Senior_High_School_is_my_favorite._She_has_much_teaching_experience_and_knowledge,_and_she_always_makes_us_interested_in_her_class._She_always_makes_her_class_interesting._She_used_to_explain_things_with_lots_of_practical_examples_

8、and_simplify_the_things_that_seemed_difficult._In_addition,_she_often_encourages_us_and_makes_us_filled_with_confidence.FastreadingChoose the best answer according to the text.1Which subject of Graham Lawrences is the worst?AScience.BAstronomy.CMaths. DGeography.2What made Graham Lawrence miss his t

9、eacher Mr Jenkins so much?AHis humor.BHis interesting classes.CHis encouragement to Graham Lawrence.DBoth B and C.3Why is teaching difficult according to Brian Jenkins?AThe school is very large.BThe class size is too large.CThere are problems and not enough money.DThe government lacks money.4Graham

10、began to like science because _.AMr Jenkins told him science is very important.BMr Jenkins made the class lively.CMr Jenkins took him outside and built a rocket.Dhe had to pass the science exam.5What can we learn from the article?AMr Jenkins teaching method was so traditional that many students were

11、 very upset.BMr Jenkins loved teaching very much but he would give it up soon.CGraham was diligent and hardworking.DGraham was a difficult student before he met Mr Jenkins.答案:15CDCBD.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and then fill in the chart with the information in the text.Graham Lawrence (a

12、student)Brian Jenkins (a teacher)The impressions on each otherMr Jenkins always made his class interesting by using lots of practical examples and simplifyingsome difficult things.Mr Jenkins made us full of confidence and believed we could do things.Graham was a difficultboy with some bad behaviors

13、at first.Graham changed quickly into a bright,_successful boy, and I often feel proud_of him now.Their wishesWhen preparing a programme, I could phone him and ask_for his opinions.The government should put more money on science_education.The size of classes should be decreased.考点1alternative adj. 可选

14、择的;另类的;两者(或若干)中择一的 n可供选择的东西(或办法等)教材原句What does “alternative education” mean?选修(教育)课是什么?(1)alternative values/energy另类的价值观/替代能源(2)have no alternative but to do sth. have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只有做某事have the alternative of 拥有的选择权There doesnt seem to be an alternative solution.似乎没有别的解决办法。Some peo

15、ple prefer alternative lifestyles.一些人更喜欢另类的生活方式。To stay where I was is my only alternative.留在原地是我唯一的选择。I had no money, so I had no alternative but to_stay (stay) at home.我因为没钱,所以除了待在家里别无选择。1句型转换I had no choice but to report him to the police.I hadnoalternativebutto report him to the police.2完成句子她别无选

16、择,只有请几天假。She had no alternative_but_to_ask_for_a_few_days_leave.你拥有选择说话或保持沉默的权利。You have_the_alternative_of_speaking or keeping quiet.考点2reflect vt.反射;反映vi.仔细考虑 教材原句Our school motto reflects the importance we place on good manners, hard work and success.我们学校的校训反映了我们关注良好的行为举止、勤奋学习和成功的重要性。(1)reflect s

17、b./sth. in sth.(从镜子中)映出某人/物的影像reflect sth. from sth. 从某物(表面)反射(光、热、声音等)reflect on/upon sth. 思考某事(2)reflection n. 反映,反射,映像,思考Nature is the glass reflecting the truth.(谚)大自然是反映真理的一面镜子。Her beautiful face and hair were_reflected (reflect) in the mirror.她漂亮的脸蛋和头发映现在镜子里。I often reflect on the beauty and c

18、omplexity of life.我经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。She was lost in reflection on her future.她为自己的未来而陷入沉思中。用reflect的适当形式填空Take some time to reflect on your future plans.The hills are_reflectedin the water.In no way did his work reflect his abilities.We can see the reflection of the tree in the lake.考点3select vt.挑选 教材原句

19、Well, select another one then.那么,挑选另一个吧。select sb. to do sth.挑选某人做某事select .as 挑选作为select .for 为而挑选select .from 从中挑选selection n. 挑选,选择,选拔We selected him to take part in the composition competition.我们挑选他参加这场作文比赛。The shop has a fine selection (select) of cheeses.那家商店有各种精美乳酪可供选购。She selected a diamond

20、ring from the collection.她从收藏品中挑选了一枚钻石戒指。辨析比较select“精选”,指在同种类的许多东西中,仔细审慎地加以选择,标准较严格,即在精选之中有所淘汰choose“选择;抉择”。用途较广,指一般的“选择”;意为“抉择”时,侧重意志和判断elect指通过正式手续进行的“选举”;后接人及所任的职务1选词填空: select, choose, electWe chose to go by train.Six programmes have been selected to take part in the festival.They organized a po

21、ll to elect a president.2翻译句子She lets her son select his own Christmas present.她让儿子自己选择圣诞礼物。They were selected from many applicants.他们是从许多报名者当中选出来的。考点4to a certain extent在某种程度上 教材原句To a certain extent, youre right.从某种程度上说,你是对的。to some extent 在某种程度上to a great/large extent 在很大程度上to such an extent 达到如此

22、程度to what extent .? 在多大程度上?to the extent that . 达到的程度I agree with you to a certain extent.某种程度上我同意你的意见。Success depends to a large extent on attitudes.成功在很大程度上取决于态度。To what extent did she influence your decision?她在多大程度上影响了你的决定?Violence increased to the extent that people were afraid to leave their ho

23、mes.暴力不断升级,到了人们害怕离家的程度了。名师指津表示“在某种程度上”还有in some way, to some/a certain degree等。完成句子他变得简直让我认不出来了。He has changed to_such_an_extent that I no longer recognized him.这在多大程度上符合所有学校的情况?To_what_extent is this true of all schools?在某种程度上,一些广告是不可信的。Some advertisements to_some_extent/to_a_certain_extent are unb

24、elievable.考点5add up to总共有,共计达 教材原句The only thing I can remember from school maths is that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees!现在我对学校所学的数学能够记得的唯一的东西是一个三角形的角度总和等于180度!(1)add up合计,加起来add to 增添,增加add . to . 把加到上(2)addition n. 加,增加in addition 另外in addition to 除之外(还有)My income this year adds up

25、 to $30,000.我今年的收入总共达到3万美元。The bad weather added to our difficulties.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。Will you add more sugar to your coffee?你的咖啡要多加些糖吗?形象记忆用add的相关短语完成句子Perhaps you think money could add_to (增加) your happiness.Add_up (加起来) all the figures and find out what they add_up_to (总计为)If you find the coffee too

26、 strong, add_some_water_to (加点水) it.I also play basketball in_addition_to (除之外) football.There are six other applicants in_addition (另外)考点6set off出发,启程,动身;点燃,使爆炸;触发;引发,引起 教材原句I remember that he let me pour some powder into the rocket and then another student lit a flame to set it off.我记得当时他让我将一些炸药粉倒

27、入火箭,然后另一个学生点火使之爆炸。写出下列各句中set off的汉语意思The old man set off down the path towards the river.出发;动身The incident set off a chain of events which resulted in the outbreak of World War .引发;引起Dont mention anything about wedding youll only set her off again.触发;触动Fires are forbidden here in case they set the f

28、ireworks off.点燃,使爆炸set out出发;开始set about doing 开始做某事set off 出发;引爆set back 推迟,延缓set up 成立;建立;创立set aside 留出;存储John set up a business of his own at the age of 20.约翰二十岁时便建立了自己的事业。How could he set about preparing the party when he was lying helpless in bed?他病在床上自顾不暇,怎能着手准备这次聚会?They set out to plough the

29、 field early in the morning.他们一大早就开始犁地。介、副词填空The rain set back our journey a whole week.On a nice weekend we set out for the hills.Try to set aside at least an hour each day for learning.If you want to catch that train wed better set off for the station immediately.They set up a monument to memorize

30、 the dead soldiers.The peasants set about making preparations for spring sowing.考点7lack v& n缺乏,没有 教材原句.but it was probably because I lacked confidence in myself.但是那也许是因为我太缺乏自信了。(1)lack (for) sth.缺乏某物(2)have no lack of 不缺乏for/from lack of 因为缺乏(3)lacking adj. 缺乏的be lacking in . 缺少Idle folks lack no excuses.(谚)懒汉辩解,何患无辞。He had no lack of strength.他不缺乏力气。I didnt drop in on her for/from la

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