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1、山西省太原五中届高三第一次月考英语1山西省太原五中2011届高三第一次月考 英 语 试 题第一部分:听力(满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the mans sister do at present? AShe studies at a college. BShe runs a shop. CShe teaches at a school. 2What do we

2、know about the man? AHe has never thought of buying a new flat. BHe wants to rent a new flat now. CHe doesnt have enough money for a new flat.3What does the woman mean? AThe man should give up smoking. BThe man should lose weight. CThe man should follow the doctors advice.4Why does the woman refuse

3、to go shopping? AHer dress is worn. BShe wants to play baseball. CShe is too tired.5Where does the conversation mostly take place? AIn a hotel. BIn a restaurant. CIn a caf.第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间

4、。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What does the man plant to do next week? AMake preparations for the trip. BBuy a few things for the trip. CGo skiing in Korea.7What is the weather like now? AFine. BWindy. CSnowy. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8How much do these courses cost a term? A1,800 yuan. B90 yuan. C3,600 yuan. 9

5、Why does the woman want to attend the course? AIts good for her job. BTo find a job in a travel agency. CTo make more Japanese friends 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Who was injured in the fight? AThe teenager. BThe man. CThe shop assistant.11What die the teenager take? AA clock. BA diamond. CA mobile phone.12W

6、hat is the woman most probably? AA policewoman. BA store owner. CA saleswoman.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13When did the man reserve the room? AThree days ago. BA week ago. CTwo days ago.14Where does the man plan to go? ATo Shanghai. BTo New York. CTo London.15Where is the caf bar? AOn the ground floor. BOn th

7、e top floor. COn the 8th floor. 16What do we know about John? AHe will come tomorrow. BHe likes a room with a good view. CHe is in London.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where did James father spend his childhood? AIn India. BIn America. CIn China.18How old was James mother when she got married? A20. B21. C19.1

8、9What was James mothers first job? AA clerk. BA photographer. CA saleswoman.20What do we learn about James parents? AThey loved each other deeply. BThey often complained about each other. CThey still worked outside after their marriage.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分70分)第一节:单项填空(共40小题,每小题1分,满分40分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,

9、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21 concern about food safety seems to be subject that is being discussed all over the world. AThe; the BA; / CThe; a D/; the22Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didnt make any to me. Ameaning Bimportance Csense Dsignificance23The lift

10、and we were trapped inside it. Abroke down Bbroke up Cbroke out Dbroke in24The man had expected to see all his relatives when in hospital, but came to see him while many of his friends offered him their help. Anone Bno one Csomeone Danyone25When asked about the secret about staying young, he said th

11、at a balanced diet with exercise was the recipe for a healthy life. Aconducted Bconcluded Ccombined Dconnected26I wouldnt marry Pat even if she the last woman on earth. Ais Bwas Chad been Dwere27Our school plans a wide of outings, such as performances, picnics, swimming and museum trips. Alot Bamoun

12、t Cnumber Dvariety28- Remember the first time we met, Jim? - Of course I do. You in the library. Awere reading Bhad read Chave read Dread29-Where did you get to know her? -It was on the farm we both once worked in the 1970s. Athat Bwhich Cwhen Dwhere30- What are you busy with? - The conference in ou

13、r city next week. Aheld Bto be held Cbe holding Dwill be held31Please tell me the after service of the computer; Im worried about a break down sometime. Athere being Bit being Cthere is Dit is32Finally she got too tired and fell asleep at the desk, her right hand still a pen. Aheld Bto held Cholding

14、 Dwas holding33- What were you trying to prove to the police? - I was last night. AWhere BWhen CThat DWhat34You should report any incident, serious or minor it is. Awhat Bhow Cwhether Dhowever35- What is like being a sailor? - Wonderful. Aone Bthat Cthis Dit36“How could you lose so much money?” Char

15、lie asked his wife, eyeing her angrily from the kitchen table. Aat Bacross Cthrough Don37- Who has eaten all the cake, Jim? - Oh, must be your two pet dogs. Ait Bthey Cthat Dwhich38She is being pleased about it: she is very angry. Afree from Bfree of Cout of Dfar from39If you are planning to spend y

16、our money having fun this week, better it youve got some big bills coming. Aforget Bforgot Cforgetting Dto forget40If carefully, the experiment will be successful. Ado Bdoes Cdone Ddoing41- Could you spare me some ink? - . Here you are. AWith pleasure BIts a pleasure CThats nice of you DThank a lot4

17、2Tom, turn down the music. Why you make such a big noise while your baby sister is sleeping? Amust Bwould Cshould Dmay43I cant give you an answer right now. Id like more time to consider my decision. Astill Bfairly Cquite Da lot44As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new w

18、ays of making use of energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. Aprimary Balternative Cinstant Dunique45Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please? Awho Bwhat Cwhoever Dwhatever46Mary, here everybody else, stay where you are. Acome Bcomes Cto come Dcoming47Nobody b

19、elieved his reason for being absent from the class he had to meet his uncle at the airport. Awhy Bthat Cwhere Dbecause48- Havent seen you for ages! Do you still work in Guangzhou? - . Its two years since I worked there. AYes, I have BYes, I do CNo, I havent DNo, I dont49- Ive never found a better jo

20、b. - . AI dont think so BToo bad CCongratulations DDont worry50The factory was built in a secret place, around high mountains. Awhich was Bit was Cwhich were Dthem were51He had a lot of friends, only a few of invited to his wedding. Awhom Bthem Cwhich Dwho52It was what he meant rather than what he s

21、aid annoyed me. Awhich Bas Cwhat Dthat53A man with a bleeding hand hurried in an asked, “Is there a hospital around I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?” Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhat54David is such a good boy all the teachers like. Athat Bwho Cas Dwhom55The good news we were looking forward in

22、the end. Aarriving Bto arrive Cto arriving Dto arrived56It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, cut off, as a container to grow young plants in. Aof which the top Bthe top is Cthe top of which Dwith its top57 that I couldnt be absorbed in the work. AThey made so many noise BSo loudly they t

23、alked CIt was so noise outside DSuch a loud noise did they make58The famous pop singer has been the of fierce criticism in the countrys media since he was found taking drugs. Aaim Btarget Cfocus Dgoal59Is it true the new drug takes effect, the child with cancer will have a slim chance of survival? A

24、when Bthat Cwhenever Dthat when60As a teacher you should your method to the needs of slower students. Aapply; enable Badjust; meet Cincrease; change Dweigh; shape第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, an

25、d my sister a few days ago. 61 , I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to 62 them.My aunt and I were 63 for some things to buy for our family when I noticed two 64 on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her 65 near

26、by and the other one was 66 . So, I decided to sit down. While I was 67 my own thing there, I 68 that the family were not in front of the 69 anymore. I saw the girl 70 and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in 71 , crying.I knew that she 72 her family and was all by herself . No

27、w, I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or 73 big before and we all know that feeling. 74 I went up to her and asked what was 75 and in between tears she told me she was lost. I 76 her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the 77 on her face when she read it

28、. Then I went up to customer service center and 78 them what happened. People there promised to 79 her. After I left, the little girls parents went there and I could see them looking around for the person who had found their daughter and given her the 80 . Little did they know it was a regular teena

29、ger who did it.61ALuckily BUsually CSadly DSurprisingly62Ahelp Bencourage Cjoin Dsupport63Aanswering Blooking Cpreparing Dcalling64Achairs Bchildren Csigns Dtoys65Afriends Bbook Cfamily Dbags66Aclean Blarge Cempty Dbeautiful67Astudying Bcarrying Cbuying Ddoing68Anoticed Bbelieved Cdoubted Dunderstoo

30、d69Ashop Bgift Cgirl Dlady70Aget up Bcome up Cgive up Dmake up71Areturn Bdetail Cvain Dtears72Ahated Braised Clost Dlived73Asomewhere Bsomething Ceverywhere Deverything74AIf BAs CSo DOr75Aimportant Bwrong Cstrange Ddifferent76Alent Bgave Csent Dposted77Asmile Bhope Cpuzzle Dworry78Areminded Bwarned Casked Dtold79Alook out for Btake care of Cwait for

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