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本文(新疆兵团农二师华山中学高中英语 Unit2 Poems导学案无答案新人教版选修6.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新疆兵团农二师华山中学高中英语 Unit2 Poems导学案无答案新人教版选修6.docx

1、新疆兵团农二师华山中学高中英语 Unit2 Poems导学案无答案新人教版选修6Book6 Unit 2 PoemsPeriod one Vocabulary Study. Fill the blanks with proper words.1. poet poem poetic poetryOnly by writing a in language can I convey my deep love for my mother.Only after I finished reading his collection of religious did I understand his soli

2、d belief in God.Only if you use lots of expressions in your writing can you get high grades.2. convey emotions/ message/an idea/thanks/loveAds the message that thin is beautiful.All the information can be in the simple diagram(图表).3. flexible/ inflexible/flexibilityShanghai began testing a retiremen

3、t system last October.We appreciate your in dealing with the matter.4. take it/things easy take sth. seriously take ones time_. Everything will go on well._. We are waiting for you._everything , you will accomplish you dream.5. run out of run outWild with anger, the teacher the classroom.To make mat

4、ter worse, we our candles. So we have to stay here in the darkness.With all the money , we have to go home on foot.6. be made up of/ consist of/ make upWomen only a small proportion of the prison population.The committee representatives from every state.7. in particular particularly be particular ab

5、outMarty about his food. He is not easily satisfied.We are hoping to expand our business, Europe .Steve was in bad mood when he got back.8. exchange ideas/opinions in exchange for exchange sth. for sthI have offered to paint the kitchen a weeks accommodation(住宿).It is a place where you can chat and

6、.He a blue jacket a black one.9. let sth. out let alone let sb. downWhen I found a car rushing past me, I a cry in surprise.It is no good the secret. If so, you will be unemployed.There is no denying that the baby cant even sit up yet, walk.There is no doubt that the worst feeling is having our fans

7、 .Exercises one:endless minimum branch flexible salty eventually await bare1. I think you probably know that China has adopted a policy in her foreign trade.2. Mon added salt but it still wasnt enough.3. To our great relief, he got a job and moved to a new flat.4.I cant put up with his complaints an

8、y more.5. Looking after a car costs a of 10,000 yuan.6. Take it easy. Success will always you as long as you have faith in your mind.7. Our company will set up a in Paris.8. Seeing a ragged child with feet in the cold winter, the little girl gave all her pocket money to him.convey concrete emotional

9、 contradictory repetition tease1. Dont take what he said seriously-he was only .2. She found it hard to her feeling in words at the moment.3. Constant will make everybody feel bored, even though you are president of the school.4. The answer to the question were various and .5. Women tend to be , whi

10、le men are sensible when facing problems.6. Have you got any suggestions on how to deal with these difficulties.take it easy be popular with run out of be made up of in particular make sense (of)1. she has been with the kids for hours and is beginning to patience.2. Life happiness and sorrow.3. It w

11、as a good concert-I enjoyed the last song .4. I cannot what he said just now.5. “ .” The doctor said to the patient. “You have been making great progress.”6. America has also produced jazz, which all age groups all over the ones sorrow go blank try out transforminto it is appropriate that1.

12、 These days, even a walk in the woods can be a sport.2. , many people died in the earthquake.3. Because of the global warming, we should plant trees at this time.4. The idea sounds fine, but we need to it in practice.5. Faced with lots of difficulties, my mind .Vocabulary Exploration1. 把押韵的诗做记号。这首诗听

13、起来像是一首童谣,但是它却表达了丰富的情感。在我看来诗歌是最美的文学。_the poem which _. It sounds like a_ _. but it _ rich _. In my opinion, _ is the most beautiful literature.2. 只有通过不断的重复你才会记住所有的单词。Only by constant _ will you keep all the new words in mind.3. 你买黄金还是钻石并不矛盾。It is not _ whether you buy gold or diamond.4. 别紧张。我们还没有用完时间

14、。新图案在6个月之内完成。我们有灵活的计划。_. We havent _our time. The new pattern will be completed within 6 five months. We have a _ plan.5. 这汤太咸了。你加的是盐不是糖么?The soup is too _. Did you put salt into it instead of sugar?6. 如果你不是道我们的祖国有多少部分组成, 你会被嘲笑的。If you dont know how many parts our country is _ , you will be _.7. 你听过

15、那首歌爱無止境么?Have your heard the song love is _8. 我们并不贪婪,我们想要的是你最低限度的帮助。你这首诗的翻译。We are not greedy. What we want is your _ help- your _ of the poem.9. 我们一直在等你的杰作。尤其是你的粉丝们迫不及待想看你的新作。你不能让他们失望哟。We have been awaiting your new _. In _, your fans cant wait to see your new works. you cant let them down.10. 最终,经

16、过8年的自学,那位图书管理员得到了毕业证。_, the _got his _after 8 years self-learning.11.让赞助商伤心的是,他提供的奖学金并没有发到那位小提琴手和钢琴手手中。To the _ _, the _ he provided was not given to the violinist the pianist .12. 关于这个章节,我们交流想法是合适的。之后,我的大脑不会变成一片空白。It is _ to _ our ideas about the _ After that , my brain wouldnt go _ any more.13. 试试

17、我们的新技术。你就会轻易把悲伤转化为动力。_ _our new _. you will _ _ into motivation easily.14.让我们惊讶的是,新娘,新郎 都赢得了奥运冠军称号。To our surprise , the _and the _ won Olympic _.15. _养成了一个坏习惯。当_及其愤怒时, _总是赤身裸体,坐在黑暗中狂吃狂喝。_ forms a strange habit . when _ is extremely angry, _ is always _ and sitting in the _ eating drinking heavily.P

18、eriod two Language StudyI. Translate the following phrase by referring to the text book and underline them.A. Warming up and reading.1.might have been first poetry2.either or3.There are reasons why4.列一张清单5.describe an aspect of a season6.有意义7.recite sth. to a baby8.a river scene9.押韵的词10.写诗11.用某种方式12

19、.给某人强烈的影响13.传达某种感情14.许多不同形式的诗15.童谣16.使孩子们快乐17.文字游戏18.清单诗 19.诗的长短比较灵活20.向地主哈腰21.用铅做成的22.熬夜到很晚23.不紧张24.用光25.由17个音节组成26.用少量的词语27.在下页的顶端28.受到某人的欢迎29.尤其30.汉语诗歌的翻译B. Using language31.打拍子32.找到一位赞助商33.很有可能是34.滋润心灵35.激发某人做某事41.去远足43.赢得奖学金36.拿到文凭37.获得冠军38.抓住不放39.给某人展示某物40.参加比赛42.尝试44.发出叫声II. Fill in the blank

20、s by using the proper prepositions(介词).1. Some poems tell a story or describe something _ a way that will give the reader a strong impression.2. _ playing _ the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.3. One of the simplest kinds of poems are those like Poem B I saw a fish-pond all _

21、fire.4. We would have on our first football match if I hadnt taken my eye _; if we hadnt run out_ our energy.5. Another simple form of poem Chinquain is made up _ five lines.6. Haiku is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular _ English writers.7. English speakers also enjoy oth

22、er forms of Asian poetry - Tang poems from Chinaparticular.8. so many different forms of poetry to choose , students may eventuallywant to write poems their own.9. these, students can convey a strong picture in just a few words.IIISentence structures.一、读句子并总结列举原因的句型:1. There are various reasons why

23、people write poetry. .2. The reason why people write poetry is that the poems can convey their emotions._.3. Some students cheat in the examinations because of the following reasons: firstsecondthird_4. Many students cheat in the exams and the reasons are as follows:firstlywhats more, last but not l

24、east5. Students cheat in the exams because they want to delight their parents._.请结合上面的结构与下面的词写一段话。(write nursery rhyme, cant get a diploma)Example:There are various reasons why people write nursery rhymes. Firstly, people write nursery rhymes in order to recall an enjoyable or unpleasant incident. W

25、hat more, _二. 翻译并总结with结构, 然后完成句子:1. With many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.2. With the diamond ring stolen, the bride and bridegroom were in deep sorrow.3. With the librarian awaiting us patiently, we searched the necessary infor

26、mation thoroughly.4. With the competition around the corner, the poet became more and more nervous.5. With a position open to public, she needs a sponsor to sponsor her to run for it.6. With the lights off in the cottage suddenly, the violinist could no longer have a concert.7. With the journalist_

27、(convey) the latest message in time, lots of lives will be saved in the disaster area.8. With his life _(transform) by the accident, I think there is no way he can recover from it soon.三、 读句子体会while 的用法和意义并造句。1. Some rhyme while others do not.2. While the ice outside the door has melted, the ice in

28、my heart will never do.3. You can read the poems to your father while Im exchanging ideas with my pen pal on the net.4. We must have been burgled while we were asleep.5. While the branch school is appropriate for me to study in, I do not have much time available.1._2._3._四、读句子总结likely的用法并翻译句子。1. Do you think the speaker in the poem is mor

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