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高中英语译林版选修8教学案Unit 3 Section 2.docx

1、高中英语译林版选修8教学案Unit 3 Section 2.单词拼写1The children were having fun, chasing each others shadows (影子)2Society should create a system of rewards (奖励) and punishments to encourage good behavior.3We can reach a consensus (共识) on this matter because we have much in common to cooperate.4As the birthplace (出生

2、地) of Lu Xun, Shaoxing holds great importance to many Chinese and has long been a famous tourist attraction.5Stevens mother taught him music and often took him to concerts, art galleries (展览馆), and operas.6The pond (池塘) full of various kinds of fish will be available to visitors tomorrow morning.7Yo

3、ud better fill up the tank (箱) with oil, or you might use up the fuel halfway.8The large drop in industrial output (产量) this year came as a big shock to the local government.9Lucy has a(n) acute (敏锐的) eye for fashion, which makes her a very good shopping companion.10Some people say beauty itself is

4、abstract (抽象的). Do you agree?11It was his brother who committed (犯罪) the murder.12Television is a very efficient medium (媒介,媒体) for spreading information.拓展词汇1Spainn西班牙Spanish adj. &n西班牙人(的);西班牙语(的) 2architecturen建筑;建筑学architect n建筑师3calculatevt.&vi.计算,推测calculation n计算;推算巧记单词派生词architecturearchitec

5、turecalculationcalculate去eion.补全短语1more than超过2settle in定居于3a variety of多种多样的4act as当作5upwards of在以上,大于;超过6be off to 动身去7relate . to . 与相关8work out计算出9take on招收10put on展出1教材原句As you know, I am with my aunt and grandmother.你知道的,我是跟姑妈和奶奶一起来的。句型点拨as引导的非限制性定语从句。佳句赏析As everyone knows, there will be a spe

6、ech competition on environment protection between Class One and our class.大家都知道,一班和我们班之间将进行一场有关环保问题的演讲比赛。2教材原句By popular consensus, this is the most valuable painting in the world it is impossible to calculate what price it would fetch if it ever came on the market.举世公认,这幅画是世界上最珍贵的油画作品如果把这幅画放到市场上,很难

7、估算它的价值。句型点拨“It do sth.”句型。佳句赏析No matter how fast you run, it is impossible for you to catch up with him.无论你跑得多快,你都不可能赶上他。1(教材P34)He experimented with different styles of painting, but was most famous for his work in Cubism, which often uses acute angles and where the world is represented as

8、 being constructed of cubes and rectangles.他尝试过多种不同的绘画风格,但尤以立体派作品著称。立体派常常运用锐角,在立体派画作中世界被视为由立方体和长方形构成。 be famous for ( be known for) 因而著名This actor is famous not only for his talent but also for his kindness.这位演员很出名,不仅因为演技好,而且因为他心地善良。be famous/known as作为而出名(as后接表示职业、身份等的名词)be known to为所知/熟知(介词to后接sb.

9、; famous不用于该结构)She was more famous as a writer than as a singer.她作为作家比作为歌手名声更大。He is_known_to_all in our village, for he is ready to help others.我们村子里的人都知道他,因为他乐于助人。语境串记The young man is famous/known as a singer and he is most famous/known for singing popular songs which are known to many teenagers.这

10、个年轻人作为一名歌手而出名,他主要是因唱流行歌曲而出名的,这些歌曲为很多青少年所熟知。2(教材P34)By popular consensus, this is the most valuable painting in the world it is impossible to calculate what price it would fetch if it ever came on the market.举世公认,这幅画是世界上最珍贵的油画作品如果这幅画在市场上出售,很难估算它的价值。 calculate vt.& vi.计算,推算;计划,安排;指望Please wait a momen

11、t while I calculate your bill. 请稍等片刻,我马上就把您的账单结算出来。(1)calculate (that) .估算/推测(2)be calculated to do sth. 打算,故意做某事(3)calculate on sb./sth. 指望某人/某物I calculate_that we will reach London at about 3 pm. 我估计我们大约在下午3点到达伦敦。This advertisement is calculated to_attract (attract) the attention of housewives. 这个

12、广告旨在吸引家庭主妇们的注意力。 We calculate_on having fine weather for the sports meeting.我们指望开运动会时有一个好天气。 3(教材P34)Besides the works of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century.除了达芬奇的作品,卢浮宫还藏有6 000多幅其他欧洲画家的画作,时间跨度从13世纪到19世纪。 range

13、vi.(在范围内)变化;变动;排列;涉及n.种类;范围;一系列;山脉(1)range from . to . 从到之间变化range between . and . 在之间变化range in age/size from . to . 年龄/尺寸范围在之间(2)in/within range 在可及的范围/射程内out of range 在范围外a wide range of 各种各样的The room rate at this hotel ranges_from $30 to $50 per day.这个旅馆的房价每天从30美元到50美元不等。They kept on firing befo

14、re the enemies were out_of_range.趁敌人还在射程之内,他们继续射击。We offer a_wide_range_of holidays to choose from.我们提供各种旅游度假方式以供选择。4(教材35)With Impressionism, the painter abandons the idea of representing things exactly as they look in a photograph, but seeks to show movement and the feelings of the moment, through

15、 the use of colours, light and shadows.在印象派时期,画家摒弃了把事物展示的就跟照片上一样的想法,想通过颜色、光线以及阴影的应用来展示物体的运动和绘画时瞬间的感受。 shadow n.阴影,影子;阴暗处The tree threw a long shadow in the moonlight.月光下,那棵树投下长长的影子。cast a shadow on给投下阴影under the shadow of 在的阴影中in shadow 在阴暗处His fathers sudden death in the accident cast a shadow on h

16、im.他父亲在事故中突然死亡给他的心灵蒙上了一层阴影。These people have been living for years under_the_shadow_of fear.这些人多年来一直生活在恐惧的阴影中。He turned away from her, his face in_shadow.他扭过头去背着她,脸在暗处。5(教材P35)Unfortunately, although van Gogh committed his whole being to painting, he received little reward for his effort.不幸的是,虽然凡高全身

17、心地投入到绘画中,但他的努力没有得到多少回报。 commit vt. & vi.全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承诺,保证(1)commit oneself to (doing) sth. be committed to (doing) sth.全身心做某事;承诺/保证做某事commit a(n) mistake/error 犯错误commit a crime 犯罪commit suicide 自杀(2)commitment n. 承诺;许诺;奉献;投入make a commitment to do sth.保证/承诺做某事commitment to 对的奉献/投入He didnt commit h

18、imself to anything on that matter.他没有对那件事做出任何承诺。From then on, I committed myself to_losing_weight and getting into shape. 从那以后,我决心减肥,恢复正常体形。I felt I did not have to make such a commitment (commit) to you.我觉得我没有必要对你作出这样的承诺。 reward n.回报,报酬,奖励vt.奖励,给以报酬(1)in reward (for)作为(对的)报答或奖赏as a reward for 作为的报酬

19、/奖赏(2)reward sb. for (doing) sth. 为(做)某事而报答某人reward sb. with sth. 用某物奖赏某人It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work. 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。As_a_reward_for her passing the test, her parents bought her a new bike.作为对她考试及格的奖赏,父母给她买了一辆自行车。We reward_him_for_finding our lost dog.他找回了我们丢

20、失的狗,我们因此报答了他。He made great contributions to the local education and was_rewarded_with the title “Saluting Rural Teacher”他对当地教育做出了巨大贡献因而被授予“最美乡村教师”的称号。6(教材P35)Today, van Goghs paintings are worth upwards of millions of dollars each.现如今,梵高每幅作品的价值都在数百万美元以上。 upwards of ( upward of)在以上,大于,超过For safetys s

21、ake, dont drive upwards_of 30 kilometers per hour in the city.为了安全起见,在市内开车时速不要超过三十公里。名师点津upwards of 相当于over或more than,后接数词。7(教材P35)Tomorrow we are off to another museum in Amsterdam.明天我们将动身去另一个在阿姆斯特丹的博物馆。 be off to .动身去,以开始The next day he was off to Beijing where he hoped to find a job.( The next da

22、y he left for Beijing where he hoped to find a job.)第二天他动身去北京,希望在那里找份工作。go off离开;爆炸;发出响声leave off 停止fall off 从掉下来take off 起飞;脱下;事业成功turn/switch off 关闭The thieves ran away when the alarm went_off.警报器一响,小偷就逃走了。Lets leave_off here for lunch.吃午饭了,就到此为止吧。联想发散表示“动身去,启程去”的短语还有哪些?set_off_to,_set_out_for,_le

23、ave_for8As you know, I am with my aunt and grandmother.你知道的,我是跟姑妈和奶奶一起来的。as you know是非限制性定语从句,意为“正如你所知道的”。(1)as引导的非限制性定语从句位置很灵活,可放在句首、句中,也可以放在句末;as在定语从句中是关系代词,作主语、表语或宾语,含有“正如”之意。As is known to us all, China has developed rapidly in the past few years.众所周知,中国近几年发展迅速。As_everyone_knows,_Huangyan Island

24、 in the South China Sea belongs to China.众所周知,南海中的黄岩岛属于中国。(2)as引导限制性定语从句时,常用于the same as, such . as等搭配中。Zhang Jike is such an excellent table tennis player as many fans are crazy about.张继科是一名如此棒的乒乓球运动员,以至于许多球迷都为他着迷。名师点津which也可以代替整个主句内容,引导非限制性定语从句,但不可放在句首,其含义也不同,表示“这是”。He had been admitted to Peking

25、University, which_made_us_all_surprised.他被北京大学录取了,这让我们所有人都感到很意外。9By popular consensus, this is the most valuable painting in the world it is impossible to calculate what price it would fetch if it ever came on the market.举世公认,这幅画是世界上最珍贵的油画作品如果把这幅画放到市场上,很难估算它的价值。句中it作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式短语to calculate what

26、 price it would fetch。It is very polite not to speak loudly in public.在公共场合不大声说话是非常礼貌的。语法拓展it作形式主语的常见句型:(1)It isadj.that .(2)Its adj.(not) to do sth.(3)It isadj. for/of sb. to do sth.It_is_certain_that free medical care will be given to most people in our city.我们城市的大多数人将享受免费医疗,这是确信无疑的。 It_is_very_ea

27、sy_for_him_to deal with such a thing.处理这样的事情对他来说是很容易的。Its_clever_of_you_to_answer this question correctly.你真聪明,正确回答了这个问题。名师点津在It isadj.for/of sb. (not) to do sth.结构中,若形容词是描述动词不定式行为者的性格、品质的,动词不定式短语之前用of sb.;若形容词仅仅是说明不定式的特性,动词不定式短语之前用for sb.。.单句语法填空1The school rewarded him with a prize for his excelle

28、nt studies.2He found it difficult to support a family, for upwards of $40 was spent on food every day.3Committed (commit) to providing better services, the company will provide net users with all the information they need.4They have achieved a consensus that if the company is set up, he will own the

29、 share of 15%.5The loss has not yet been_calculated (calculate) accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond one hundred million dollars.6The prices of the shoes range from $25 to $100.7As I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.8The more I thought of the in

30、terview and recalled the detail of it, the more certain it appeared that I would be offered the job.9We are off to Qingdao tomorrow and want to make an early start.10Such food as they gave us was hardly fit to eat.11His movie won several awards at the film festival, which was beyond his wildest dream.12What he has said is more than I can understand.完成句子1He had_an_output_of (有的输出量) over 20,000 pieces of art in his life, some of which are still shown in galleries.2The company gave him a car in_reward_for (作为奖励) his contributions to the company.3It_is_impossible_to_finish_the_task (完成工作是不可能的) w

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