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1、英汉翻译的易错词语A/ an + 序数词:在原来的基础上又次The author will have to modify the manuscript a fourth time.作者要把那部书稿进行第四次修改。That house is really A-1.那间房子确实是一流的。He bought a bakers dozen of biscuits.他买了13块饼干。A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his nose.一个大嗓门的人把那个孩子吵醒了。He was a cat in the pan.他是一个叛徒。A cat may

2、look at the king.小人物也应该有同样的权利。Is he a Jonah?他是带来厄运的人吗?Jim is fond of a leap in the dark.积木喜欢冒险行事。A little bird told me the news.消息灵通人士将消息告诉我。Angela is a man of a woman.安杰拉是个像男人的 女人。Nellie is a man of his word.内莉是个守信用的人。He paid a matter of 1000 yuan.他大约付了1000元。It is a nice/ pretty/ fine kettle of fis

3、h. I have a stomachache.真糟糕,我胃疼了。She is a nose of wax.她没有主见。Glen spent a small of fortune on a tour round the world.格伦花了巨资周游世界。A visit from the stork生孩子A whale at / on / for擅长A whale of a /an 极好的A world of 大量,极大,无数,无限Above the salt坐上席,受尊敬Be absent in 去了I only used to Accent for soup.我只在做汤时加味精。Lazine

4、ss is his Achilles heel.懒惰是他唯一致命的弱点。We should call him Adam.我们应该叫他的名字。After a fashion多少,勉强,稍微地All are very well. Set your mind at rest!大家都很好,你放心吧!All is very well.一切都好。Her point is all my eye.她的主张是胡说八道!Bess ate all of six fruit cakes.贝丝足足吃了六块蛋糕。All the world and his wife were so kind to Marlin.人人都对马

5、琳好。To be all thumbs笨手笨脚的Shes all wet. She regards him as honest.她认为他诚实可靠,她全错了。All woman 最标准的女性,最理想的女性American Beauty月月红Among the rest其中一个Animal spirits活力And what not等等Another pair of shoes另外一回事Anything but绝不Anything / everything under the sun一切事情Apple polisher马屁精Why is Mary like April weather ?为什么梅丽

6、喜怒无常In the pink of health很健康Around the clock24小时连续不断的Julie as good as gave Gavin a lecture.朱莉事实上已经教训了加文一顿。As good as gold很乖As likely as not很可能As soon as not 宁可,宁愿Ask after问候At no time 从不,绝不At onceand既又At once expense嘲笑At pleasure 随意Athletes foot香港脚Your august father is my friend.令尊是我的朋友。Baby-kisser为

7、竞选而到处笼络人心的政客Backseat driver多管闲事Bad/ ill blood不和,敌对Whos that old bag?丑女人Ball of fire精力旺盛的人Banana oil花言巧语He bought a battery of files.他买了一组锉刀。Be at home in 精通Be at home with 自由自在的,无拘无束的Be caught with chaff上当Be death on 擅长Be dressed to kill 打扮得十分迷人Be eating one使某人不安、烦恼Be good to eat可吃,可食用的Be in long cl

8、othes在襁褓中Be left to the tender mercy of 受的虐待,摆布Be not at home to 不会客Be/come of age成年Be of an age同龄Be possessed with / by 迷上Be revenged on 对报仇Be well mounted骑着好马Tom is beat.汤姆很累.Beat the Dutch做令人惊奇的事A bed of flower/ roses / down安逸舒适的生活Doris is always beefing about her food.多丽丝总是对食品抱怨。She will die bef

9、ore she will marry that madman.她宁死也不予那个疯子结婚。Before long 很快Before the flood在远古时代,很久以前Behind bars坐牢Behind the eight ball陷入困境Behind time迟到To bell the cat(为大家)去冒险Benchman 收音机和电视机的修理工Bench warmer候补球员Bend an elbow纵饮,喝酒过多To bet on the wrong horse希望落空To bet your boots确信Better half配偶,妻子Big gun, wheel, cheese

10、, shot红人,要人, 大亨,有影响的人Big head自高自大的人Big mouth 多嘴的人Big nose/ long nose高鼻子To be big on 热心于, 偏爱To be big with child怀孕的,临盆的Big-timer业界的知名人士Birdbrain笨蛋Birthday suit / clothes裸体,光着身子Black and white 书写的东西Black dog忧郁,沮丧Blue baby患先天性心脏病的婴儿Blue blood 贵族血统Blue stocking 女学者,才女Blue-eyed boy心腹,亲信Bluenose严谨的人Boilin

11、g point生气的时刻Born to / in the purple 出生于皇室的Who gave Celia a box on the ear ?一巴掌,一拳He got a brain wave and solved the problem.他灵机一动解决了这个问题。Brass tacks基本问题Bread and butter 必需品,生计,职业Bread-and-butter letter感谢信Dont miss a break!不要错过机会!He broke wind.他放屁了。Briefs短内裤Bring home to one是某人明白Bring ones pigs to a

12、fine market做了亏本生意Bring the house down 薄的全场喝彩Bring to bay是陷入绝境Brown studyN. 沉思Brown-nose拍的马屁Brush up 复习Buck一块钱bugV. 安装窃听器Bug house 疯人院Bull in a china shop鲁莽的人Bull session 漫谈,自由讨论Bulls eye完全正确Bury ones head in the sand逃避现实Busy-body爱管闲事的人Phil is but a pupil.菲儿只是一个小学生。There is no man but hates her.没有一个人

13、不讨厌她。To better one up恭维,讨好某人To buttonhole强留人的谈话To buy for a song廉价的买卖To buy one something 送给某人某物By the skin of ones teeth差点就没有Is Harold by way of being a sailor?哈罗德是个水手?“处于地位“Cabinet photograph六英寸照片Cakes and ale人生乐趣He has no call to flare up.他么必要发怒。To call one names辱骂某人He is a Cancer.他出生于巨蟹宫时段。Be ca

14、nned预先录制的Cannot but不得不Cannotmore完完全全地Be cap in hand恭敬地Be capable of anything什么坏事都干得出来Care killed a cat.忧虑伤身。Be careless无忧无虑的To carry a torch for单恋To carry coals to Newcastle多此一举To carry off成功地处理To carry the ball 承担责任Cathouse妓院Catch me doing it!我绝不做那样的事!Catsuit今生连衣裤Be catty恶毒的To chance ones arm冒险一试Ch

15、ickens come home to roost.自食其果China policy 对华政策Clearing hospital 野战医院Cold fish 冷酷无情的人Be cold turkey直接了当地To come before.在之上To come down 降价To come off举行To come to苏醒Confident man 骗子Cook ones goose毁掉某人、自己Cool hand厚颜无耻的人Count ones chickens before they r hatched打如意算盘To count sleep失眠To cry up大加赞赏To cut cor

16、ners偷工减料To cut one dead装作不认识To cut ones eyeteeth变得懂事,有经验To cut ones teeth长牙To cut the mustard胜任,有能力Cut-offs牛仔短裤Dead shot神枪手Be dead to the world睡的很香Be dead-beat筋疲力尽Deliver the goods不负所望To die kin ones boots死于非命To do brown欺骗To do in 杀死To do time坐牢To do.up brown做的十全十美Dog丑女Hes being dogged.他正被跟踪。Dog day

17、s三伏天Dogs age很久Dont make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you.不要在别人面前表现出软弱,否则会受到欺负。Doormat逆来顺受的可怜虫。To dress to the nines盛装Drive ones pigs to market打鼾Duck soup易如反掌的事Dumb Dora傻女Dumbbell笨蛋Dutch uncle严厉的教训To eat ones cake and have it too鱼和熊掌兼得To eat ones words承认错误To eat the leek忍受屈辱,被迫收回所说的话To egg s

18、omebody怂恿Eleventh hour最后一刻Be engaged with 与.谈话Enough to make a cat speak离奇的令人惊讶He likes jogging ever so much.非常Eye opener令人大开眼界的东西Face the music 勇敢的接受批评、处罚Fair-weather friend酒肉朋友To fall on ones feet/leg有好运气、化险为夷A fast subordinate忠实的下属A fast woman放荡的女人To foot the bill 付账For a time 暂时for all the tea i

19、n China无论如何For good 永久Be for my money正合我意For the life of me 无论如何Four hundred名流Four-letter word下流话Fox-sleep假睡A French leave 不辞而别From China to Peru举世,到处To get fresh 变的无理To get in ones hair使人烦恼To get the boot被解雇To get the business受到粗暴对待To get the key of the street无家可归Get the monkey off!戒毒!To get the pi

20、cture明白Girl Friday 女秘书To give a person a piece of ones mind责备Give me some skin!咱么握手吧!To give one a big hand为鼓掌To give one the air拒绝、冷落To give one the axe解雇某人To give one the bag解雇To give one the bird解雇To give one the brush把某人抛弃To give one the dose of his one medicine报复To give ones hand to 与订婚To give

21、oneself airs摆架子,装腔作势To go a long way大有帮助To go Dutch各付各的To go fly a kite滚开To go to bed with the chicken早睡To go to sea出航,当水手Go to the bar当律师Go up in the air勃然大怒Good and 十分Be hard up缺钱Have a sweet tooth爱吃甜食Have it 说Have itching ears爱听新奇的事Have no nerves泰然自若Have no opinion of 印象很坏Have other fish to fry另有

22、重要的事要安排Have the face 厚颜无耻Have time to burn有用不完的时间Hear is in the right place心地善良High tea下午茶Horse sense常识Hot air谎话、空话Be hung up on 迷恋In Dutch失宠、遇到困难In good part友善地In kind 同样地In low water缺钱In ones good books 为某人所喜欢In parts 分开In poor fig健康欠佳In the black盈余In the green 血气方刚的、年富力强的In the light of 按照In the

23、pink身体健康In the red亏本In the way碍事Keep ones nose clean少管闲事Keep ones shirt on保持冷静Keep open house十分好客Locker room更衣室Be long in the tooth 年纪大To look as if butter would not melt in ones mouth 虚情假意,看起来老老实实,装的一本正经To look shy at/ on 以怀疑的眼光看着To look through blue glasses 一悲观的眼光看实物Love child私生子Love seat双人座椅Lovel

24、y and非常Make a clean breast of 和盘托出Make a pig of oneself大吃大喝Make an example of somebody杀一儆百Make eyes at抛媚眼Make light of 藐视,轻视Man and boy 从小到大To mean business说话算数,认真To measure ones length跌倒在地上To meet ones feet死于非命Men of millions百万富翁Milk and honey 多种多样的享受Ones native heath家乡No love lost毫无爱情of family 出身名

25、门的,世家的Old timer老资格的人,老手Be on the rocks破产On thin ice处于危险Only too非常Open-and-shut十分简单Out of place不合适的Pass the time of day with sb.寒暄Pay the debt to nature死,了此一生To pig it 住在肮脏的环境里Promise oneself期待,盼望Pull ones leg捉弄Pull ones socks鼓足勇气Put ones foot in ones mouth出言不逊Rain check推迟,改期Rare and 非常Return ticket来

26、回票,双重票Return to ones mutton言归正传Rub one the right way 使某人高兴Rubber check空头支票Salt of the earth 社会中坚Say uncle投降Search me!我可不知道!See beyond ones nose 有眼见To see eye to eye 完全一致To see with half an eye 一目了然To sit on ones hands 袖手旁观To slip of the lip说漏嘴Spring chicken 生手Swear at 谩骂In the swim 赶潮流Talk turkey言归正

27、传To tell on 告密Ten to one 很可能Thank-you work无报酬的工作The answer is lemon 无法理解The dead of night半夜The goose hangs high形势大好The man in / on the street 普通人The small hours凌晨Things have never been better.非常好To tie up忙于To a man全部地To a proverb全所共知地To good purpose很有效地To turn up ones nose at不屑一顾Under age未成年Under th

28、e counter走后门Upper-case大写的Wait on one服侍,招待某人Walk on air得意洋洋,兴高采烈To wear the pants当一家之主Well-to-do富裕的,小康的Whats cooking?发生了什么事?Whats the game?究竟发生了什么事?Will a duck swim?这还用问吗?Jenny was with child when she left Guangzhou.珍妮离开广州的时已怀孕了。Rebecca is a woman of the town.丽贝卡是个娼妓。Lily is a woman of the world.莉莉是一个深通人情世故的女人。She has a yello

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