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1、广东省汕头市届高三英语第一次模拟考试试题汕头市2017届普通高考第一次模拟考试英语试题第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AJob DutyTo keep pace with the rapid increasing of company business and expansion steps,our Wuxi team is now recruiting(招聘)full-time GM Assistant to support on all aspec

2、ts of firms operation.It will be an attractive opportunity for fresh graduates who desire to explore themselves in administration within a fast-growing team.Responsibilities1.Assist senior management and team colleagues in arranging meetings and pipelining schedules etc.2.Assist in translation of re

3、lated documents,correspondence and other files(English or Chinese).3.Keep in touch with both internal and external parties(partners,clients,service providers)and maintain public relationship.4.Conduct administrative work as assigned by supervisor and senior management.Requirements1.Fresh graduates f

4、rom top universities majoring in linguistics or administration relate disciplines.2.Professional level fluency in English and Chinese is a must.3.Excellent command of Microsoft Office Word,Excel,PowerPoint and Out look.4.Details-oriented,team-player and keen on administration work with strong time m

5、anagement and communication skills.Working locations:WuxiInterested candidates,please submit your updated resume,available date,expected salary.Those candidates who reach the requirements will be contacted for further interview within one or two weeks time.Candidates are advised to submit their appl

6、ications as soon as they can because of the short timeline of our recruiting process.21.Why does the company need a GM assistant?A.To keep pace with the rapid development of society.B.To meet the need of enlarging the business.C.To give fresh graduates an opportunity to be a GM assistant.D.To explor

7、e itself in administration.22.What requirement should a candidate have?A.Being excellent in English and Chinese. B.Having good communication skills.C.Graduating from top universities recently. D.Being excellent in all Microsoft Office software.23.How soon will the candidates be interviewed?A.They wi

8、ll have an interview as soon as they submit their applications.B.They will have an interview on or two weeks after they submit their applications.C.They will have an interview as soon as they are selected from all the candidates.D.They will have an interview one or two weeks after they are selected

9、from all the candidates.BThe Alice Ferguson Foundation is a non-profit group that works to improve the environment by building relationships between people and nature.It teaches people ways to protect the environment.At the end of the year,it designs events to help children celebrate Christmas witho

10、ut increasing the amount of waste they create.Hanna Seligmann works for the foundation.VOA joined Seligmann recently during one of her talks.“So lets figure out what is in our bag of trash.”She shows adults and children how to reduce waste during the holiday gift-giving season.”You can sort it as a

11、cardboard item or you can sort it as a plastic item.”Seligmann works with volunteers.“We encourage using things that are already in your house like newspaper,old magazines,using a gift within a gift.You can wrap something in a reusable napkin,wrap something in a scarf,or a shawl(围巾)or even a reusabl

12、e tote bag(大手提袋).”Lori Arguelles is the executive director for environmental education at the Alice Ferguson Foundation.”Over time we realized that really just doing trash cleanups was the symptom of the problem,not getting to the root cause.And so it was just a little over a decade ago that we star

13、ted the initiative(项目)itself.”One activity is called the Trash Timeline Game.It teaches children that the things they throw away do not decompose at the same rate.For example,paper dissolves in about four weeks.An apple core takes two months.A metal can takes up to 100 years.A plastic bag will not d

14、ecompose for 450 years.Glass takes 1,000 years.And,they say, styrofoam(泡沫聚苯乙烯)never dissolves.Young people taking part in the program learn that reducing waste is important not just during the holidays,but every day of the year.24.Why is the Alice Ferguson Foundation created?A.To help children celeb

15、rate Christmas. B.To reduce the amount of waste.C.To make the environment better. D.To build relationships between people and nature.25.What suggestion does Seligmann give on wrapping gifts?A.It is better to use cardboard give on wrapping gifts?B.It is better to wrap gifts in some things capable of

16、being used again.C.It is better not to wrap gifts in plastic items.D.It is better not to wrap gifts at all.26.What can we infer from Lori Arguelless words?A.Doing trash cleanups means a lot to protecting the environment.B.We still need to make great efforts on the way to protecting the environment.C

17、.Over a decade our efforts to protect the environment proved fruitless.D.Over time we found the root cause of protecting the environment.27.Whats the meaning of “decompose”?A.break down B.break out up awayCA single blood test that can reveal a persons susceptibility(敏感性)to cancer and

18、 identify any potentially cancer-causing genes-that is the futuristic promise made by genetic testing.It is the reason why a female executive from Wuhan,surnamed Chen,recently spent$5.925(40,000yuan)on a genetic test report.She was drawn by advertisements that clanmed the rest could help”prevent pot

19、ential cancers in advance”.But without the guidance of a qualified genetic counselor,such book-length reports are almost not understood.Li Zongzhe,30,a cardiovascular(心脏血管的)doctor at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan,is about to become Hubei Provinces first intermediate-level genetic counselor.The hospital c

20、urrently has only two elementary-level counselors and none at an advanced-lever.In 2004,Li attended Huazhong University of Science and Technologys Tongji Medical College and studied under Professor Wang Daowen,director of the hospitals genetics clinic.Now,after a days work,Li goes to his office on t

21、he hospitals 24th floor to continue his research into genetic testing.He sleeps in his office,only going home twice a week to change his clothes.“I am entirely interest-driven,otherwise I wouldnt have lasted this long,”Li said.”The more research I do,the more I realize that all diseases,apart from e

22、xternal wounds,are related to genetics to some extent.”“Our job is to help clients understand their own genetic makeup so that we can evaluate the risks,understand the root causes,and offer the best possible treatments.”Recently Li worked with a couple whose first child had brittle(易碎的)bone disease,

23、and ruled out a random change as the cause of the genetic disorder.He there fore advised the family,who wanted a second,healthy child,to have a genetic test carried out on the fetus(胎儿)8 to 16 weeks after pregnancy to assess its probability of inheriting the disease.28.Why did Chen spend so much on

24、a genetic test?A.Because she suffered from cancer and needed to do a test.B.Because she wanted to prevent her potential of suffering from cancer.C.Because she wanted to reveal a persons susceptibility to cancer.D.Because she was attracted by a local advertisement.29.What can we learn from the passag

25、e?A.Li learned genetics from Professor Wang Daowen.B.Li is the best genetic counselor in China.C.Li home is on the hospitals 24th floor.D.Li finds from his research that all diseases are related to genetics.30.What did Li suggest the family do in the last paragraph?A.He suggested they should have a

26、second healthy child to have a genetic test.B.He suggested the mother should have a genetic test when she wanted to have a second pregnancy.C.He suggested they should make a genetic test on their second child immediately the mother had pregnancy.D.He suggested they should make a genetic test on thei

27、r second child 2-4 months after pregnancy.31.What is the best title of the passage?A.An interest-driven doctor B.A genetic counselorC.A genetic test D.A medical guidanceDIf you suddenly found out you only had 6 months to live,would the things in front of you matter to you?Would the emails waiting fo

28、r a response matter?Would the work youre doing matter?Would a big car and nice house and high-paying job and cool computer and mobile device and nice shoes and clothes matter?Im not saying they wouldnt matterbut its important to ask yourself whether they would.For many of us,its the loved ones in ou

29、r lives.If we dont have loved ones,maybe its time we started figuring out why.Maybe we havent made time for others,for getting out and meeting others and helping others.Maybe we have shut ourselves in somehow.Or maybe we do have love ones,but we dont seem to have the time we want to spend with them.

30、For many of us,doing work that matters would matter.That might mean helping others,or making a vital contribution to society,or creating something brilliant and inspiring,or expressing ourselves somehow.For many of us,experiencing life would matterreally being in the moment,finding passion in our li

31、ves,seeing the world and traveling,or just seeing the world thats around us right now.I highly recommend that you spend at least a little time now,and regularly,figuring out what really matters.Make the time for what does matter today.Put it on your schedule,and dont miss that appointment.Make those

32、 tough decisionsbecause choosing to live a life that is filled with the important stuff means making choices,and theyre not always easy choices.But it matters.Spend time with your significant others;show them how important they are.Take the time to stay with your child,to read with her,to play with her,to have good conversations with her,to take walks with her.Take time to be in nature,to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.The life you have left i

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