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1、绝命毒师第一季第2集中英文对白Are you okay?你还好吗- You are a life saver. - Yeah, man.-你简直是救命恩人 -是啊 伙计- We cant thank you enough. - Hey, mad props.-我们实在太感激你了 -太感谢了I could have sworn the guy said south.我发誓那人说的是往南面开But then, all of a sudden were off the main road.但是突然一下我们就离开了大路Im trying to read the map while Im driving

2、,我想边开车边看地图which is a bonehead maneuver.实在是个愚蠢的行为And all of a sudden. Bang, were in that ditch.突然砰的一声 我们就掉进了沟里Yeah, bam, Im like, what the hell? You know?对 砰 我还搞不清楚发生了什么Yes, and my coffee mug.对了 还有我的咖啡杯Coffee? My mug of coffee?咖啡 我的咖啡杯It spills all over my pants. I mean, just. a nightmare.全洒在我裤子上 简直就

3、是恶梦Dude, you so need GPS. I mean, for real.伙计 说真的 你该装个GPS导航仪Like I said,就像我说的we couldnt be more grateful.我们对你感激涕零Cant we just dump them here?难道就不能把他们扔这儿吗What, then somebody finds them?什么 等着别人发现他们吗Then what? People have seen us.那时怎么办 已经有人看见我们了Youre gonna flood it, man.你得把车子沉到河里 伙计Im not gonna flood i

4、t. Shes not going to flood, all right?我不会把车沉到河里的 它不能沉 懂吗Were just gonna stay positive, right?我们得乐观点 明白吗Were going to clean up this mess. Wish you would start.我们要收拾好这烂摊子 希望能发动起来Damn it. See? You flooded it.该死的 看见没 她已经进过水了All right. All right. You know what?好吧 好吧 你知道吗The RV is going to start now.车子会发动

5、起来的The RV is going to start right now.车子会马上发动起来的Its gonna start and were gonna发动起来以后drive it over to your house.我们就开去你家- My house? - Yes.Your house-我家吗 -对 你家39Were gonna drive it over there and park it overnight.我们把它开过去停一个晚上- And then tomorrow. - No, man, not my house!-然后明天一早 -不行 不能去我家Shut up!闭嘴Afte

6、r we finish cleaning up this mess,收拾好这烂摊子后We will go our separate ways.你走你的阳关道 我过我的独木桥Our paths will never cross.从此井水不犯河水And we will tell this to no one.天知地知你知我知Understood?明白吗What, I can talk now?我现在能说话了吗Fine.好吧That goes double for me.你都已经替我说完了Okay, okay. Be good to me.很好 争气点Yes!成了Yes, ok, ok.很好 很棒O

7、h, shit.该死Walt?沃尔特You ing out?你出来吗Yeah, absolutely.当然You wanna hear something funny?想听趣事吗We had a faculty meeting last thursday上周四 我们开了教工大会And the topic was senior class photos,内容有关毕业生留影and how we had instituted a new rule last year去年我们定了新规定that seniors are allowed to允许毕业生have photos taken by a phot

8、ographer of their choice,选择喜欢的摄影师来拍摄毕业照you know, not necessarily不一定the photographer that the school hires.用学校雇的摄影师Thats so -所以So, anyway, some of the senior girls总之 有些毕业班的女生们were going to that.前往glamour shots place, to have their photos taken,高级的摄影棚拍毕业照and now theyre bringing us all these photos,结果等

9、她们拿来了所有照片and Joan Epperman, you know Joan,琼 埃普曼 你认识的suddenly has to go through all these photos突然发现照片都拍出她们乳沟了and turn them down, because they show cleavage.所以得仔细检查 然后退回去Did you get enough pancakes, sweetie?亲爱的 还要薄饼吗Yeah. Im good.不用了 我饱了You know, even these small-busted girls. have cleavage.甚至那些平胸的姑娘

10、 都有乳沟Apparently theres some new type of brassiere,很明显 现在有种新型的胸罩or something.或是别的玩意The wonderbra.神奇胸罩Its the wonderbra.那叫神奇胸罩Yeah? OK.是吗 好的Hey, there. Youve reached Walt, Skyler and Walter Junior.你好 这里是沃尔特 斯凯勒和小沃尔特的家We cant e to the phone right now,我们现在不能接so please leave us a message.请留言Hello, Mr. Wh

11、ite. This is AT&T calling.你好 怀特先生 这里是美国电报公司Are you happy with your current long distance service?您对您现在的长途服务满意吗Cause if youre not, I would definitely, really really如果您不满意 我将会love to talk to you as soon as possible about.很乐意尽快与您联络Hello? Hello, hello. This is Walter White speaking.你好 我是沃尔特怀特You said he

12、 was practically dead, okay?你不是说他已经死了吗You said he would die any minute!你还说他马上就会死Listen, I am having breakfast with my family right now,听着 我正在和我的家人吃早餐and I really dont appreciate these sales calls.我真的不太喜欢这些推销Well, too bad, man, cause guess what.太糟糕了 伙计 猜猜发生了什么Hes still not dead!他还没死I went and put my

13、ear to the RV, I can hear him, like,我把耳朵贴在车上 就能听到rolling around in there, all right?他在里面滚来滚去的声音I think hes awake, man. I think hes trying to get loose.我想他醒了 大概想要松绑Where the hell are you? Im freaking out over here!你到底在哪里 我在这里快疯了- Calm down, damn it. -该死的 冷静下来 - Are you gonna help me clean this up?-你会

14、帮我收拾残局吗- Weve got loose ends here-这事还没完呢 - Calm down!-冷静I will be there after school.放学以后我会过去的After school? Are you shitting me?放学后 你在敷衍我吗Ditch it, man, call in sick.别上班了 打请假Listen, that is just not going to work for me.听着 对我说什么都没用Im not interested in that at all.我完全不感兴趣And I would appreciate if you

15、 dont call here anymore.希望你不要再打来了Damn. Theyre so annoying, those people.可恶 这些人可真是烦- You have a good day, sweetie. - Okay, mom, you too.-过得开心 宝贝 -好的 妈妈 你也一样Bye, honey.再见 亲爱的- Drive safe. - Okay.-开车当心点 -好的Yo, yo, yo, 148-3369,唷 唷 唷 148-3369representing the ABQ.代表阿尔布开克What up, bitch?何事 贱人Leave it at th

16、e tone.提示音后留话So, the term chiral手性这个术语derives from the Greek word hand.来源于希腊语的手And the concept here being that, just as your left hand,它在化学中的概念是 就如同你的左手and your right hand are mirror images of one another, right?和你的右手互为镜像Identical, and yet opposite.一样而又对立Well, so too organic pounds can exist as所以 有机

17、化合物mirror image forms总是以互为镜像的形式of one another all the way down at the molecular level.存在于分子水平上But although they may look the same,虽然看似相似they dont always behave the same.但是生物活性不尽一样For instance.比如说For instance.比如说Im sorry. for instance.抱歉 比如说Thalidomide.酞胺哌啶酮镇静剂The right-handed isomer of the drug thal

18、idomide这种药物的右旋异构体is a perfectly fine good medicine是一种很有效的药物to give to a pregnant woman用于减轻to prevent morning sickness. But,孕妇晨吐的症状 但是make the mistake of giving that same pregnant woman如果给孕妇错服了the left-handed isomer of the drug thalidomide,酞咪脈啶酮的左旋异构体and her child will be born with那么她生出的婴儿horrible bi

19、rth defects.将会严重畸形Which is precisely what happened in the 1950s.此等事件曾在上个世纪50年代发生过So, chiral, chirality,那么 手性的 手性mirrored images, right?镜像 懂了吗Active, inactive.一个有活性 一个没有活性Good, bad.一好一坏Yes, Ben?本 请讲Is this gonna be on the murder?这个会出现在凶杀案里吗What?什么Is this gonna be on the mid-term?期中考试会考吗(沃尔特听错了)The ch

20、irality on the mid-term? No, no, well, maybe,期中考试会不会考手性 不会 也许maybe, yes, you know, but prepare也许会 对for it to be on the mid-term.要做好出现在期中考里的准备Cant hurt to know it, right?多知道一点也没损失 不是吗Knowledge is power!知识就是力量Oh, no, no.不 不Not good. Not good.不妙了 不妙了What the.怎么Hey, hey, you, you, hey.你 你Listen. No, no,

21、 no, no!听着 别 别 别Oh, God!上帝啊MILFs?辣妈性爱What the hell is a MILF?辣妈性爱是什么鬼东西Now what?现在怎么办The other one, out in the RV, hes.另一个 在车里的 他- Youre sure? - Yes.-你确定 -是的Youre positive?肯定吗- You know what, feel free to go check it yourself. - Yes, good idea.-不然你自己去看好了 -对 真是个好主意Maybe I should do that before he也许我该

22、在他晃悠到大街上之前do wanders off down the damn street.亲自去观察一下- Okay, you know what, I. - All right, all right!-你知道吗 我 -行了 行了The one downstairs, tell me about him.楼下的那位 说说他的情况e on, anything, something!快点 什么都可以 说点什么- Start with his name, at least! - Krazy-8.-至少可以先说名字 -疯狂小八Krazy-8? What the hell does that even

23、 mean?疯狂小八 这到底什么鬼意思I dont know, man, okay? I mean, hes like,我不知道好吗 他就像个疯子Krazy-8, okay? I dont know.行了吗 我也不知道So, you work with him regularly?那你经常跟他合伙吗No, not him so much.不 跟他合作得不多- His cousin, mainly. - Whos his cousin?-主要是跟他表弟 -他表弟是谁- The guy out in the RV! - All right, all right.-车里的那个 -行了 行了Krazy

24、-8s one level higher.疯狂小八比他高一等级One level higher?高一等级Yeah, you know, not like street level.对 不是街头混混水平Higher.更高一级You know, theres like a starbucks at every corner?就好比到处都有星巴克Krazy-8 is, like, the dude that sells starbucks his beans.疯狂小八 就是卖给星巴克咖啡豆的人Okay, so hes a distributor.好吧 所以他算经销商Okay, so, is he.好

25、吧 那么 他I mean, is he. in other words.我是说 他是不是 换句话说What is his reputation for violence?他是不是暴力狂Well, um.这个He did try to kill us both yesterday, so theres that.他昨天想要杀了我们 所以应该是吧What Im trying to say is that hes a distributor, right?我想说的是 他是个经销商 对吧Hes a. Hes a businessman, hes a man of business.他是 他是商人 生意

26、人It would therefore seem to follow也就是说that he is capable of acting他可能不会out of mutual self-interest, yes?表现地那么狭隘 对吗What?什么Do you think he is capable你觉得他这个人听得进道理吗of listening to reason?What kind of reason?什么道理You mean like Dear krazy-8, listen,像是 亲爱的疯狂小八 听好if I let you go, will you promise not如果我放你走 你

27、能保证to e back and waste my entire family,不回来杀我全家no colombian neckties. you mean that kind of reason?不砍我脑袋 你是说这种道理吗No, man, I cant say as I have不 伙计 我可不敢说high fuck hopes as that concern.我他妈的对他寄予如此大的厚望What was that?什么声音What was what?怎么了e!来看啊We gotta tie him up.我们得把他绑起来Why the hell didnt we tie him up?咱

28、们刚刚怎么没绑着他呢Because he was out cold.因为他昏过去了But what if hes faking it?可要是他是装的呢Like if it was me, Id be all faking being knocked out, yo!换做是我 肯定会装成给打晕了And then, when the coast is clear,然后 等到危险过去了Id be up looking for weapons and shit,再起来找武器waiting to pounce!等机会突袭Now if it was me, and I couldnt如果现在换做是我fin

29、d a decent like weapon找不到件称心的武器I would just lie back down, and bide my time.我就会躺回去 再等时机So now what do we do?那我们现在做什么You keep asking me that你老问我like you think I have some answer.好似我心里有底似的- Well, you gotta do something! - We!-你总得做点什么吧 -是我们We have got to do something, and I am opened to suggestions.我们得做点什么 我愿意听听你的建议Man, uh-uh, okay, this whole thing was your deal!伙计 整件事都是你搞出来的Dont you dare put that on me!你怎么能赖到我头上呢You brought those guys out there,是你把这些人带出来this is your responsibility.全是你的错Like I came to you, begging to cook meth.说的像是我找到你 求着给你制毒似的Nerdiest old dude I know,像我跟你说 书呆子老伙计啊you wa

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