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Unit 1 Cultural relics 教案 新人教版必修2.docx

1、Unit 1 Cultural relics 教案 新人教版必修2Unit 1 Cultural RelicsI教学目标技能目标GoalsTalk about cultural relics Review attributive clauses, including restrictive and non-Write a short reply to a letter and give your opinionTake notes and judge who gives the best evidencerestrictive attributive clauses 目标语言功能句式Expre

2、ssions used to give opinionsI think highly of.I dont agree that”Besides.I must say that I agree with you. I must say that I dont agree with you. As far as Im concerned, I think. As I see it. Dont you agree /think (that). I cant help thinking (that). I would like to say. In my opinionview. Personally

3、, we should Well, obviously we shouldThe point is. 词汇1.四会词汇 cultural, survive, remain,state, rare, dynasty, vase, belong, gift, ton, stone, once, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, artist, reception, light, mirror, wonder, remove, furniture; secretly, wooden, doubt, trial, consider, opinion, e

4、vidence, prove, pretend, maid, castle, sailor, treasure,besides 2认读词汇 relic, amber, Frederick William I, Prussia, Prussian, Peter the Great, Czar, St Petersberg, Catherine, Konigsberg, Baltil Sea, Leningrad, Jan Hasek, Anna Petrov, mystery 3.词组 look into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war,

5、take apart, think highly of 4.重点词汇 belong, once, heat, design, light, wonder, doubt, remain, prove, consider, besides, survive, furniture, opinion语法The attributive clauses with which/who/where/when A cultural relic is something that has survived一 It is your job to look into any reports of cultural r

6、elics that have been found in China. You are sent to a small town where you find a relic that was stolen from a place. This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because. Later,Catherine 1I had the Amber Room . outside St Petersburg where This was a time when the two countries were at w

7、ar. In 1770, the room was completed the way (that) she wanted it. 重点句子1. Frederick William I, the king of Prussia could never have imagined that 2. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape 3. It was made for the palace of Frederick .4. In 1716, Frederick William I gave it to Peter the

8、 Great, as“gift of friendship 5. In return, the Czar gave the king of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers. 6. The Amber Room soon became part of the Czars Palace in St Petersburg. 7. Later, Catherine 11 had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside 8. This was a time when the two countries were at war.

9、 9. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, 10. After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. 11.1 think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room. 教材分析与教材重组 1.教材分析 本单元以cultural relics为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述它们的起源。发展和保护等方面的情况,复

10、习并掌握定语从句,能在英语口语交际过程中判断别人给出的依据,并给出自己的观点,能回信并就如何保护和处理世界文化遗产给出自己的观点。 1.1 Warming up假设你是一个文化遗产部门的工作人员,被派往一个小村镇,去调查一个罕见的明朝花瓶被盗事件。这时有一个男的试图阻止你,并坚持认为这个花瓶是属于他家的,那么对此,你要对他说些什么? 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading的热身部分,有两个问题组成。第一个问题是想出一个你了解的文物遗产,如果这个文物遗产不见了,你会感觉如何,为什么会有这样的感觉?第二个问题是你发现了一个文物遗产/I,那么你会怎么处理它?这样的两个问题便为引出Readin

11、g: InSearch of the Amber Room做好了铺垫。 1.3 Reading是关于寻找丢失了的普鲁士国王威廉一世送给俄罗斯沙皇的那个琥珀屋的建立、被毁、重建的整个历史。第一段说The Amber Room has“strange history,并对它进行洋细的描述。第二段叙述了The Amber Room的来历及其在俄国的用途:沙皇的冬宫和会见重要客人的会客室。第三段叙述了叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中,并按照她的意愿对这个琥珀屋进行了重新设计,使之成为世界上最伟大的奇迹之一。第四段,叙述了1941年9月,纳粹德军入侵圣彼得堡,并掳走了琉拍屋,使

12、之成为一个谜。第五段,讲述了现在德俄两国人民依据旧的琥珀屋,在夏宫建立了一个新的琥珀屋。设计这篇文章的目的是让学生从文化遗产的历史中,体验人类文明发展的过程,提高学生保护文化遗产的意识。 1.4 Comprehending既有知识性的问题,让学生了解文章的细节(exercise 1),同时又跳出了课文,对文章进行了整体评价(exercise 2)0由易到难,有较好的梯度,全面考查了学生对文章的理解。 1.5 Learning about Language分Discovering useful words and expressions和Discovering useful structures

13、两部分。其中第一部分的Exercise 1根据英语解释,写出对应的单词。Exercise 2练习belong to的词义和用法。Exercise 3练习介词at的用法。第二部分的Exercise 1从文中找出7个含that /which /who /where /when的定语从句。Exercise 2 Join the pairs of sentences using thatwhich /who /whose /where /when without commas(限定性定语从句)。Exercises 3 Join the pairs of sentences usingwhich/who

14、 /whom /where /when with commas(非限定性定语从句)。 1.6 Using Language分Reading,Listening and Writing和Speaking and writing和Reading and writing三部分。在第一部分的Listening中要求学生take notes while listening进一步提高听力水平。第二部分中speak and write down a short list of reasons for your choice.练习这种句型It can be proved that-because-第三部分Re

15、ad a letter from a German newspaper and write a reply to this letter and give a reason why you agree or dont agree with the writer. 1.7 Summing up从四个角度:有用的动词,动词短语,其他的表这和新句型结构总结本单元内容,并总结所学的有关文化遗产方面的知识。 1.8 Learning tip建议学生亲自去博物馆看一些中国文化遗产,并主动担当导游向外国游客介绍这些文化遗产,同时练习英语口语,并向外国游客学习英语同他们交朋友。 2.教材重组 2.1从话题内容

16、分析,Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending和Leaning about Language内容一致,将其设计成一节阅读课。 2.2将Using Language设计成一节语言学习课。 2.3将Workbook里的Listening和Listening Task整合成一节听力课。 2.4将Workbook里的Talking和Speaking Task设计成一节口语课。 2.5将Workbook中的Reading Task和Writing Task整合成一节阅读和写作课。 2.6将Workbook里的Using Words and Expre

17、ssion与Using Strictures和Using Language中的Summing up与Learning Tip和Workbook中的Checking Yourself设计成一节复习课。 3.课时设计与课时分配 (经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可用6课时完成) 1st period Warming up and Reading (1) 2nd period Grammar 3rd period Listening 4th period Speaking 5th period Reading (B) and Writing 6th period Comprehensive Revisi

18、on(以上课时分配与教材重组,仅供参考,教师可因时因地因人而异,不必拘泥于此。)Unit1 Cultural RelicsThe first periodWarming up and readingTeaching goals1.Target language a. Important words and phrasesculture, state, look into, rare, vase, belong to, in search of, gift, ton, stone, melt, once, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, arti

19、st, in return, reception, light, wonder, at war, remove, furniture, secretly, wooden, doubt, remain, mystery, apart, take apartb. Important sentence styleIn return, the Czar gave the King of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers. P2This was a time when the two countries were at war.P2There was no doubt th

20、at the boxes were then put on a train for .P2After that , what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.P2I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.2. Ability goals Enable the students to talk about the story of Amber Room.3. Learning ability goals Help the students lea

21、rn how to talk about cultural relics and have the sense of protecting cultural relics.Teaching difficult points Talk about cultural relics and what should be done with themTeaching methods 1. Learning to the tape 2. Group discussion and presentation 3. Multi-functional teaching equipmentTeaching aid

22、s A recorder, a projector, and some slides Teaching procedures & waysStep oneAsk the students to check the new words and expressions of this unit with each other in this unit. Step two warming upThe warming-up exercises raises the students awareness that there are some well-known cultural relics bot

23、h at home and abroad. Ask the students to try their best to think of the cultural relics they know. T: Now, class, look at the title of this unit. Tell me what the topic is this unit. S: Cultural relics T: Do you know what cultural relics are? (Students answers)T: All of you did a good job. Ok, let

24、me tell you what cultural relics are. Cultural relics are traces or features surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of them.They represent the culture of a place and some periods of history. Some of them are in danger because they are being destroyed. Then can you give some examples

25、of the cultural relics that are in need of being protected? (The Great Wall; The pyramids in Egypt; Angkor Wat.)Part three Pre-reading1. Leading-inT: Ok, class, do you think these cultural relics beautiful?S: Yes, very beautiful.T: Suppose one of them got lost, how would you feel and what will you d

26、o with it?S: (find,rebuild,protect)T:Thanks four your good suggestions. Now lets learn “ In Search of the Amber Room”.2. Explaining pictures Ask the students to read the text first and then answer the following questions:1).Why was it called Amber Room? (It was given the name because almost seven th

27、ousand tons of amber used to make it.)2). What happened to the Amber Room? (First, it was built in Prussia. Then, Frederick William I, the king of Prussia, sent it to Peter the Great, as a gift of friendship from the Prussia to the Russian people. And the Amber Room soon became part of the Amber Roo

28、m soon became part of the Czars winter palace in St Peterberg.)3. Listening Ask the students to read the text carefully and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Ask the students to tell the characteristics of the text 1. It tells the history of the Amber Room so that we know what happened. 2. I

29、t uses the past tense.Part five Post-readingFinish the comprehending exercise in P2 Part Six Learning about language1). Frederick William I, the king of Prussia, could never have imagined that . 情态动词+have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评和反悔等意思。 Eg: You should have told me earlier. What shall we do now?2)Once i

30、t is heated, the amber can be made into any shape. Be made into被制成,被做成3)be at war 处于交战状态4)remain后,常跟名词,意思为“保持,继续,依然”5).belong to Then finish the exercise in “Learning about language” and “Discovering useful structures.”Part Seven Homework:1. Review the key sentences in this part.2.Review the words i

31、n the second period.The Second Period GrammarTeaching goals:1. Target languagea. Vocabularytrial, consider, prove, tell the truth, pretend, think highly of, besidesb. StructuresI think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.Besides, my father once told me that any person who finds something could keep it.I must say that I agree with you.I must say that I dont agree with you.2. Ability goalsEnable the students to make judgments and to write a short reply to a letter, then give their own opinions. 3. Learning ability goals Help the students learn how to

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