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1、高三英语图片类作文讲义学生版辅导讲义(Student)学员编号: 年 级: 高三 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师: Tony Chen授课类型T (图片作文写作要点)T (图片作文写作步骤和写作模板)T (图片作文高分秘诀)授课日期及时段图片型作文学习T1 图片作文要点学习一、 能力培养能力1:A. 图片作文引入 I、常规要求1. 简单描述图片2. 揭示图片所反映的现实问题3. 结合社会实际、自身情况谈观点与看法II、具体写作步骤:1. 认真审题。仔细观察图片,准确理解画面的整体意思。 2. 找准下笔点,描述图片,不可丢开图片任意发挥。 3. 发表议论。可以展开合理想象,

2、从静态引出动态。 III、关注要点1. 要切题。不是写所有细节,而是要讲述图片的要点或寓意。2. 不能仅仅描述图片内容,更重要的是要进行分析和表达观点。3. 要保证例子与主题及图片相关,避免离题。B. 高考中图片作文常见的考题形式2000年到2013年间上海市高考中出现的图片作文3次,分别是02年,10年和12年。下面,我们先来看看2002年,2010年和2012年高考考试的作文题:1、2012年上海高考英语真题IIGuided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the

3、 instructions givenbelow in Chinese.上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy所在班级的两堂绘画课(如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括: 对两堂绘画课的具体描述; 你从中获得的启发。2、2010年上海高考英语真题IIGuided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions givenbelow in Chinese.下图是小学新生的课堂一脚,对照你当时的上课情况,作出比较并谈谈你的感受。你的作文必须包

4、括:描述图片里学生上课的场景比较你同时期的上课情况简单谈谈你的感受3.2002年高考作文简要描述图片内容,结合生活实际,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想。C.其他考试作文常见的考题形式1. 2014年虹口区一模Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.简要描述图片内容;结合生活实际,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想。2. 2013年闵行二模请简要描述下面两幅图片内容,并简要谈谈你的感想。3. 2013年长宁一模下图是一个孩子被父

5、母送出国留学时的一幕。请针对图片反映的社会现象,谈谈你对此事的看法。你的作文必须包括: 描述图片内容 谈谈你的看法4. 2013虹口一模请认真观察下面的漫画,然后简要描述漫画内容,并根据你对该漫画的理解,谈谈自己的思考和看法。 参考词汇:缸:vat; 漏出来:leak out; 漏洞:loophole二、能力检测Directions: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy所在班级的两堂绘画课(

6、如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括: 对两堂绘画课的具体描述; 你从中获得的启发。 【范文赏析】Date: June 8, 2012Last week, I sat in on two painting classes at a primary school. In one class a student dipped her feet in ink and made a painting out of footprints. By contrast, the same student used a brush to make a breath-taking landscape

7、paintingso vivid that one could almost smell the refreshing rivers and hear the chirping birds.Though standing in stark contrast, the two paintings bothintriguedme. In fact, they reminded me of what Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said, “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” Its

8、 thismaximon success that lends insight into the two paintings. The first painting represents that we should remain grounded and be cautiousof being carried away with temporary success. A kite stays afloat because its attached to a reel; otherwise it will instantly lose its balance before eventually

9、 crashing into the ground. So it is with us.However, success requires more than being simply down-to-earth, with aloftyideal being anothercrucialfactor. So grand was the scenery portrayed in the second painting that it embodied the reach of our dreams. Instead of ignoring the gleam of light, the spa

10、rk of wisdom that flashes across our mind and worshipping thelusterof the sky of geniuses, wed be better off trusting that the gleam and the spark will one day shine as brightly as a search light if we have faith in ourselves.The paintings taught me to dream big and act small. And I believe, by doin

11、g so, the warm light of success will cascade into my life.T2 图片作文篇章结构和经典模板一、 能力培养能力1:图片作文篇章结构和经典模版1.篇章结构第一部分:简要表述图片中所显示的内容,揭示主旨大意,注意抓住与主题内容相关的核心内容。第二部分:提出图片让你所想到的问题,并对此发表观点,给出支持自己观点的论据。第三部分:提出一些解决问题的建议,或作出一些呼吁。2.写作套路-经典模版As is vividly shown in the picture, _ (描述图片). It is a common phenomenon that _(

12、简单说现象). As far as I am concerned, _(我的观点). My reasons are listed as follows.To begin with, _(观点一). _(论据). Whats more, _(观点二). _(论据). Last but not least, _ (观点三). _(论据). In conclusion,_ (重复主题,呼吁人们应该这样做.). Only by doing this can we_(美好的憧憬seize every golden minute to welcome a splendid future/ achieve

13、our success and living out our values/.).能力2:常用好的开头和结尾1)描述图片As is seen in the picture, . As is vividly described in the picture, . As we can see in the picture, . 2)结合图片,联系身边的一种现象After seeing the picture, I cant help falling into deep thought. This picture reminds me of . When it comes to. Recently

14、the phenomenon has aroused a wide concern that. 3)阐述观点 As far as I am concerned, . My reasons are listed as follows.二、能力检测检测1:赏析这篇范文,总结常用句型(开头,正文,结尾)简要描述图片内容,结合生活实际,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想。【范文赏析1】(90分以下学生适用范文)As is vividly shown in the picture, when a young girl was riding a bike, almost all her family member

15、s were around, protecting her in case anything unexpected should happen, which did annoy the girl as she really wanted to manage it herself. Its a common phenomenon that parents care too much about their children. As far as Im concerned, I dont think it wise for parents to overprotect their children

16、. My reasons are listed as follows:To begin with, too much love from parents will spoil a child and makes it hard for children to get along well with others because a spoilt child is usually self-centered and unconfident. Whats more, if parents take pains to pave way for their children. Chances are

17、that they will be at a loss as to how to deal with a tough problem in future, which will cause them to be eliminated from the fierce competition. Finally, overprotection will prevent children from further developing their overall ability, thus having a negative effect on their all-round development.

18、 Its high time for parents and children to think over this situation. As for parents, they ought to give children more space to try, to succeed and even to face up to the failure. And for children, its essential to be independent of their parents.In conclusion, its parents duty to show love for thei

19、r children; however, they should find the balance between holding and letting-go. 作文句式总结学习:1.非限制性定语从句使用:As is vividly shown in the picture, when a young girl was riding a bike, almost all her family members were around, protecting her in case anything unexpected should happen, which did annoy the gi

20、rl as she really wanted to manage it herself. 2.Chances are that句型的使用:Chances are that they will be at a loss as to how to deal with a tough problem in future, which will cause them to be eliminated from the fierce competition.3.非谓语动词的自如使用:Finally, overprotection will prevent children from further d

21、eveloping their overall ability, thus having a negative effect on their all-round development. 4.It is high time句型恰当使用:Its high time for parents and children to think over this situation. 【范文赏析2】(90分以上的学生适用)Due to the one-child policy in China, most families have only one child and therefore this ch

22、ild is regarded as the treasure of the whole family. Both the parents and grandparents usually over indulge the child. We can see in the picture, When a child is learning to ride a bicycle, the parent and the grandparent are sweating from running alongside the bike and are trying their best to prote

23、ct the child for fear that they should fall and hurt themselves. We all know the greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. So I think, for the parents, they should be aware of the negative effect too much pampering has on their child. Under the parents protectio

24、n, the child knows only comfort and ease. If they dont learn how to live independently, how can they cope with the adversities which they will meet in the future? For the children, they should let their parents know that they have confidence in themselves and are able to exist in the competitive com

25、munity without the constant watchful eye of an eager parent.The path to success is filled with various kinds of difficulties and obstacles. Only when we have learned to stand on our own two feet, can we survive in the 21st century. 三、能力点评T3看图说文高分秘籍一、 能力培养能力1:美化文章高分作文秘籍:A.使用较高级的词汇 a.善用高级词汇 用词得体是写作的前提

26、,在此基础上使用一些高级词汇,既可以体现出作者的语言驾驭能力,又有助于获得高分。例如:1.晚词优先:try:attemptdifficult:challengingimportant:vital/ significantmany: considerable/ massive/ substantialmore and more: a growing number of/ an increasing number of/ be on the riseAs we all know: As is generally acknowledged2.派生优先:Sad: discouraged 气馁的 dep

27、ressed 沮丧的 downhearted 垂头丧气的 low-spirited 情绪低落的Certainly: obviously apparently 显然地 evidently undoubtedly 毫无疑问地b.多实少虚用词尽量精确能够体现语言的accuracy的能力,例如:nice(generous, humorous, smart, gentle, easygoing, warm-hearted等)c.短语搭配写作时如果能够正确使用短语,有两个好处:一是使用短语会给文章增光添彩,自然会增加得分点。二是考生在考场上有时过于紧张、思维短路,但还得凑够词数,那么用短语替代一个单词不失

28、为好办法。例如: I want /am expecting a reply from you. (looking forward to) I cannot bear it.(put up with)B.使用较丰富的句式1. 同位语从句或者是插入语。 Mr liu, our oral English teacher, is easy-going. 2引用一个个的排比句,一个个得对偶句,一个个的不定式,一个个的短语,如此表达将会使文章有排山倒海之势! Whether your tastes are modern or traditional, sophisticated or simple, th

29、ere is plenty in London for you. We have got to study hard, to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to realize our potentials and to pay for our life. 3.独立主格: If time permitting, I will go to Beijing with you. With the homework finished, I went home It being Sunday, we go out to go shopping. 4.倒装: So hap

30、py and excited are they that I see their eagerness for knowledge, which is powerful in all our life. Expensive and painstaking as it is Personally, I choose to go abroad and study if I find it necessary.Only by living knowledge can we strive to learn. 5排比 I came,I won, I conquer. Reading makes us wi

31、se while exercises make us strong. 6. 拟人 A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. 真理还来不及穿上鞋子,谎言已经走遍了半个世界美句大变身: 1.The problem is very urgent, so we should try our best to solve it So urgent is the problem that we are supposed to spare no effort to address it.2. If what we have been striving for is pleasure-seeking,our nation will be deprived of the right to rise.

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