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1、高中新课标必修三二单元检查题doc测试二 Unit 2 Hea I thy eat i ng(时间90分钟;满分120分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.Tom, be carefuI with the knife,or you may hurt yourself.A.No way B. Not at al IC. I wi I I D. No prob I em答案:c解析:考查情景交际;对对方的忠告表示接受,“I will我会的” O2.

2、I f you don t fee I yourse I f, remember to your doctorbefore taking any medicine A. request B.consuItC.comb i ne D.connect答案:B解析:考查动词含义;句意:如果你感觉不舒服,等咨询过医生后再吃 药。consult 咨询;request 请求;combine 结合;connect 连接。3.Dur ing the summer hoi iday he took part in many kinds ofactiv it ies, he benefited a lot A.o

3、f which B.from whatC. from wh i ch D. i n wh ich答案:c解析:考查动词搭配;根据句子结构可知是在非限制性定语从句中考 查动词搭配;benefit from从 中受益。4.Keep on us i ng our body-bu iId i ng equ ipment,and you wi I I geteffects A. ba I anced B. I i m i tedC. unaccepted D. unexpected答案:D解析:考查形容词词义;句意:持续使用我们的健身器,你会得到意想 不到的效果。因此选择D项;ba lanced均衡的;

4、I i mi ted有限 的;unaccepted无法接受的。5.I don t know why he has a I I commun i cation withme;there must be some misunderstanding between us.A. cut off B. cut downC. cut up D. cut i n答案:A解析:考查动词短语;句意:我不知道他为什么和我断绝联系;我们中 肯定有误会。cut off切断,断绝;cut down削减,砍倒;cut up切 碎;cirt in插嘴。6. hy?You look so happy!After months

5、 of hard work, I ve f in al ly got debt.A. i nto B. out ofC. out D. i n答案:B解析:考查介词短语;in debt欠债;out of debt摆脱债务。7. ay I take the magaz i ne out of the read ing room?No, you . Tt is not allowedA. needn t B. won tC. mustn t D. shou I dn t答案:c解析:考查情态动词;当may或might用于表示征求意见的问句时,其否定应答要用mustn to8. ave you to

6、ld h im the news?一I , but I forgot A.must B.shouId haveC. ought to D. wou I d答案:B解析:考查情态动词;根据句意“我本应该告诉他的,但我忘了”,可知 答案为should have,其后省略了 told。9. eed I buy anything for the host if I am invited to the party?一You buy any thin g, but you can if you want to.A. must B. mustn tC. have to D. don t have to答案:

7、D解析:don t have to意为“没有必要”,符合语境,答句句意:“你没有必要买礼物,但如果你想买的话,你也可以买。”10.Is there anything can interest you in today snewspaper?A. that B. wh i chC. what D. i t答案:A解析:考查定语从句;根据句子结构可知定语从句缺少主语,又因先行词是不定代词,因此用that引导。11.How can you have such a I ittie kid so Iong?Youshould let him rest for a while.A. to work B.

8、workedC. work D. work i ng答案:D解析:考查非谓语动词;句意:你怎么让这么小的孩子工作这么长时人不满的态度。12.Are you still busy?” Yes, I my work and it won ttake long. ”A.just fin i just fi ni sh ingC.have just fi ni shedD.just going to finish答案:B解析:考查时态;根据句意可知说话人的意思是“我快要完成了”,用现在进行时表示将来。13You wi I I be in good shape you take exerc

9、iseregularly A. un I ess B. whi leC. s i nee D. i f答案:D解析:考查连词;句意:如果你经常锻炼,你会有一个好体形。14.一Is any good fi Im thi s weekend?一Wait and let me have a Iook.A. on B. above C. out D. i n答案:A解析:考查副词;问句句意:周末有好电影上映吗?on表示“上演,上映”。15.Jack, you get drunk again! ?11 s none of your business 答案:D解析:考查情景交际;根据“不关你的事”可知说话

10、人对对方的忠告拒不接受,因此选择So what?那又怎样?第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。You are what you eat, so maybe it s time you started eating wisely.Experts at the f i rst Ch i nese Students Nutr i t i on and Hea I th Fest i va I i n Kun mi ng d id a survey I ast week 16 young peopIe s bad eating

11、hab it:watching teIev i s i on 17 hav ingmea I s or snacks .Doing th i s means you don t pay 18 to your food, forget how ful I you are, and so overea t. It can a I so _19 d igest i on d i seases. One way to 20 this is only to eat in certain areas of your home 11 i s not good to have snacks i nstead

12、of 21 . Manystudents th i nk that eat i ng sma I I snacks can improve 22 But i t often resu 丨 ts i n overeat i ng and hea I th prob I ems re I ated 23 a shortage of vegetab les, carbohydrates (碳水化合物)and v i tam in s. S nacki ng only works 24 it is we I I p I a nned a nd if i t 25 hea I thy foods suc

13、h as nuts, vegetab I es. 26 rather than water i s very bad,too. Gas dr i nks and frui t ju ice are usually h i gh in caI or i es and sugar,wh ich can cause 27 prob Iems. Water i s i mportant in mak ing your bra i n cells andevery 28 i n your body work proper I y. For your body to 29 fat, it needs at

14、 least e ight glasses of 30 water a day.Liquids Ii ke soda and coffee actually wi I I 31 water from your body.Refus ing to drink mi Ik i s another unheaI thy hab i t.Milk i s the best natural food一it 32 you withprotein,which makes your bones strong and teeth heaI thy.Choos i ng me a t and cer ta i n

15、 vege tab I es over ot hers. D i fferent foods provide d i fferent kinds of 33 If you don t have aba I a need d i e t, this can result in a weaker bodyChi Idren Iove br ight一coloured foods.Some food manufacturers (制造厂,生产商)add extra p igments (色素)to 34kids.But these are in fact 35 . Eating throat pil

16、ls as ifthey were sweets i s an unheal thy eat ing hab i t, to o 16.A. find ing out B. f o und outC.finding D.found答案:A解析:此处用现在分词作状语。find out “发现” ,find “找到”。17.A. but B. whi le解析:吃饭时看电视。while having mea I s 是 whi I e they are having mea I s的省略。18.A. money B. b i I I sC.attention D.back答案:c解析:由后面的fo

17、rget可判断出选C项。pay attent io n to注意”。19.A. cause B. affectC. produce D. make答案:A解析:这也容易导致消化疾病。cause “造成;导致” o affect “影 响” :produce 生产” ;make “制造”。20.A. keep B. causeC. avoid D. get答案:c解析:this指边看电视边吃饭使自己忘了饥饱,容易吃过量,下面所说 的则是“避免”产生这种情况的方法。21.A. vegetab I es B. mea I sC. food D. fruit答案:B解析:吃零食代替吃饭是没有好处的。2

18、2.A. read B. D.d iet答案:D解析:由下句判断选D项。很多学生认为吃零食有助于改善饮食。23.A. of B. forC. with D. to答案:D解析:related to是固定搭配,意为“与有关”。24.A. how B. wheneverC. un I ess D. i f答案:D解析:and连接两个并列的条件句,故该空选ifo25.A. in eludes B. ge tsC. takes D. holds答案:A解析:如果零食中包括一些健康的食品,那么对身体也会有好处。26.A. Taking medicine B.Drinking w

19、inesC. Hav i ng dr i nks D. Eating sweets答案:c解析:由 rather than water 及下一句的 Gas dr i nks and fruit juice 可判断出。27.A. sk i n B. we i ght解析:高热量、高糖分容易造成体重增加等问题。28.A. bone B. partC. I eg D. back答案:B解析:水对人的脑细胞及身体各个部位正常运行有很重要的作用。29.A. add B. I oseC. burn D. get答案:c解析:burn fat表示“燃烧/消耗热量”。30.A. bo i I i ng B.

20、pureC. hot D. cold答案:B解析:pure water 纯净的水”。31.A. take away B. blow awayC.take on D.take off答案:A解析:由actual ly可判断出,饮料不但不能代替水,而且还会消耗人体内的水分。32.A. gives B. provides解析:provide. . . with.给 提供 ”。其他三项都不与with搭配使用。33.A. v it am i n B. i ngredien tC.nutrit ion D.mater ial答案:c解析:不同的食物为人体提供不同的“营养” O34.A. thr i I I

21、 B. attractC. i njure D. pu I I答案:B解析:生产商在食品中加色素以“吸引”小孩子。35.A. un hea I thy chemi ca I sB.dangerous coloursC.harmfuI nutr i entsD.useless pee I答案:A解析:由but可知选A项。但这些色素恰恰就是一些不健康的化学物 质。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Treats are at the heart of Hal

22、 Ioween fun. But it s not easy for moms to make Ha I Ioween a I ittie heaIthier without being booed (发嘘声)by the kids. Nutr ition experts recommend a treat:choco I ate mi I k. Th i s dr i nk of Ha 丨 loween has the taste that witches,ghosts and superheroes love very much, but behi nd i ts tasty choco

23、I ate cos tu me, choco I ate milk i s packed with calcium and other nutr ierrts (营养)that grow ing k i ds need at Ha I I oween or any time of year.“Low fat choco I a te milk i s one of those rare t reats t hat kids love and moms can fee I good about, ” said researchers.It s a nutr i entpacked form of

24、 choco I ate that a I ways seems to sat i sfy.Plus,chocoI ate milk i s a much better alternative(替 代品)to sugar-f i I led sodas and fruit dr i nks tha t con tain I ittle or no nutr i ents. ”I n fac t, choco I a te milk may be one answer to he I p to cont rol the excess i ve consumpt i on of soft dr i

25、 nks, wh i ch some experts say i s a major cause of chi Idhood obesity in t h i s country .Studies have shown that k i ds who dr i nk f I avored milk tend to dr i nk fewersweetened soft dr inks and fruit dr i nks.Chi Idren aged n i ne and up who dr i nk more milk, ineluding chocolate mi Ik, tend to

26、we i gh I ess than kids who dr i nk more sugary sodas and I itt 丨 e mi Ik, accord i ng to a rece nt st udy. “Moms may not reaIi ze that chocolate milk i s just as nutr i t i ous as wh i te mi Ik, ” We i ss sa id, Flavored mi I k prov i des the same nine necessary nutr i e rrts and benefits as unflav

27、ored mi Ik;the ma i n d i fferenee i s the added sugar, but the amount is much I ess than what you d find i n soft dr i nks. ”36.What can we I earn from the passage?A.ChocoI ate mi Ik i s a good dr i nk only on Halloween.B.It s difficult for moms to give ch i Idren heaI thy dr i nks.C.Choco la te mi

28、lk corrt a ins the same nut r i e nts as norma I mi Ik.D.Sugar-f i I Ied sodas wi I I be rep Iaced soon by heaI thy dr i nks. 答案:c解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“It s a nutrient-packed form of chocolate that a Iways seems to satisfy.” 可知答案为 C 项。37.The underI ined words witches, ghosts and superheroesv inParagraph

29、One refers to A.things that don t exist in reaI ityB.extreme Iy k i nd people around usC.very popuI ar characters i n mov iesD.the sou Is of dead peopIe答案:A解析:词义猜测题。witch巫师;ghost幽灵;superheroes超人,都是 现实中不存在的,因此答案为A项。38.Accord ing to some experts,the ma i n factor that causeschi Idren s obesity i s .A.

30、dr i nking too much milkB.dr i nking too many soft dr i nksC.eating too many chocolatesD.eating too much nutr i t i ous food答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句话可知答案。39.Researchers found that k i ds who dr i nk flavoredmilk .A.wiI I grow much strongerB.wi I I lose we ight quicklyC.are I i kely to dr i nk I ess su

31、gary dr i nksD.are I ikely to become very fat答案:c解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的末句可知答案。BA new Wor Id Bank report warns that ch i I dren who do not geteno ugh good food i n the first two years of I i fe suffer I ast i ng damage. They may be underdeveI oped or under we i ght.They may suffer from poor heaI th or poor i nteI I i gence. I n add it ion, these chi Idren are more Ii keIy to drop out of schooI and earn less money as aduIts.At the same time, it notes that too I ittle food is n

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