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1、王迈迈幽默四级词汇帮你记忆单词王迈迈幽默四级词汇帮你记忆单词(1)很多的同学都反映考试的时候单词量不够,但背的时候又枯燥而且容易忘记.那么如何才能使背单词成为趣事,又能通过考试呢?今天我们就来用幽默法来记忆四级词汇,下面我们就来看看下面这一篇-1. A Bad Day 倒霉的一天.看谁最倒霉. There was a guy in a bar, just looking at his drink. He stayed like that for half an hour. Then, this big trouble-making vehicle mechanic stepped up to

2、him, gripped his collar, took the mug from him, and drank it all down. The poor man started weeping. The mechanic said, “Come on ,man, I was just joking. Here, Ill buy you another drink. I just cant see a man crying. ”“No, its not that. Im distressed. This day is the worst of my life. My burden is s

3、o heavy. First, I was late getting to my office. My boss had a hostile temper, and fired me. When I left the building to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said they could do nothing and ditched my case. I got a cab to return home, and when I left it, I remembered I left my wallet a

4、nd credit cards there. The cab driver just drove away. When I got home, I found my beloved wife died of her heart attack, coiled beneath her blanket. I left home and came to this bar. And just when I was thinking about committing suicide, you emerged and drank my dose of poison.” 译文 有个家伙坐在酒吧里,盯着自己的酒


6、,喝光了我那剂毒药。” 四级词汇 1.guy n. 人,家伙 n. 酒吧间,售酒(或食物等)的柜台 条,块 (门、窗等的)闩,栅栏 vt. 闩(门、窗等),在设栅栏 阻止,拦阻 阻塞,封锁(道路等) 3. vehicle n. 运载工具,车辆 传播媒介,工具,手段 4. mechanic n. 技工,机械工 【联想】mechanical a. 机械的,由机械制成的 机械学的,力学的 机械似的,呆板的 / mechanism n. 机械装置 机构,结构 办法,途径 5. grip v. 紧握,抓紧 吸引住的注意力(或想象力等) n. 紧握,抓牢 控制 【搭配】 come get to

7、 grips(认真)对待(或处理) 6. collar n. 衣领,领子 (狗等的)项圈 7. mug n. (有柄的)大杯 vt. 对行凶抢劫 8. weep v. (为)哭泣,留(泪) 渗出 9. distress n. 痛苦,悲伤,忧虑 不幸,危难 贫困,困苦 vt. 使痛苦,使悲伤,使忧虑 10. burden n. 重担,精神负担 重负,负荷 vt. 加重压力,烦扰 负重,装载 11. hostile a. 不友好的,敌对的,怀有敌意的 敌方的,敌人的 12. temper n. 脾气,情绪 韧度 vt. 调和,使缓和 使回火 【搭配】 lose ones temper发脾气,发怒

8、13. ditch n. 沟,渠道 vt. 抛弃,摆脱,逃脱 14. cab n. 出租汽车 司机室,驾驶室 轻便马车 15. credit n. 信贷,赊欠 相信,信任 赞扬,称赞;功劳 学分 vt. 相信,信任 (to)把(贷款)记入,存入(帐户中) (to)把归入 【搭配】 to sb.s credit 在(某人)名下;(某人)值得赞扬 16. beloved a. 被钟爱的,受爱戴的 17. attack v. 攻击,进攻,抨击 n. 攻击,进攻,抨击 (疾病等)突然发作18. coil v. 卷,盘绕 n. (一)卷,(一)圈 线圈 19. beneath prep. 在下面,往下面

9、 (地位等)低于,次于 在掩盖下 连也不值得,有失的身份 ad. 在下方,在底下 20. commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(蠢事、坏事等) (oneself)使承担义务,使承诺 (to)把托付给,把置于 调拨供使用,拨出 【联想】 commitment n. 承诺,许可,保证 信奉,献身 承担的义务 21. suicide n. 自杀 自取灭亡 22. emerge vi. (from)出现,浮现 (问题等)发生,显露,(事实)暴露 23. dose n. (一次)剂量,一剂,一份 反馈测试 1.Im going to call a _ repair my car this aft

10、ernoon. A) machine B) machinery C) mechanic D) mechanical 2. There is supposed to be a safety _ which makes it impossible for trains to collide. A) appliance _B) accessory C) machine D) mechanism 3. The audience were _ by the play. A) grasped B) snatched C) gripped D) seized 4. The government is eng

11、aged in a project to pacify (使缓和) the _ element of society. A) hospital B) hostile C) humble D) humid 5. He _ into a temper, just because I was a few minutes late. A) took B) made C) flew D) lost 6. A good deal of the _ for their success must go to John, the captain. A) reputation B) respect C) cred

12、it D) compliment 7. They committed the patient the mental hospital. A) to B) into C) for D) of 8. By signing the lease we made a _to pay a rent of $ 150 a week. A) confinement B) conception C) commitment D) commission 答案详解 1. 【答案】 C。译文:下午我要打电话叫机械工来修汽车。machine机器;machinery机器(总称);mechanic机械工;mechanical

13、机械的。 2. 【答案】 D。译文:人们设想有一种安全装置使火车不可能相撞。mechanism机械装置,机构;appliance工具,器械;accessory附件。 3. 【答案】 C。译文:观众们被这个戏剧吸引住了。grasp, grip, snatch和seize都可以作“抓住,抓紧”讲,但其引申意义却不同。如:I grasped (领会,理解)the main points of the speech. / The pictures gripped (吸引)my imagination. / I managed to snatch(迅速取得,迅速的做) a minute for a qu

14、ick sandwich at the station. / I couldnt seize (掌握意思,把握,了解) the meaning of his remarks. 4. 【答案】 B。译文:政府在实施一项工程以缓和社会的敌对因素。hostile敌对的,不友好的;hospital医院;humble谦卑的,恭顺的;humid潮湿的。 5. 【答案】 C。译文:仅因我晚到了十几分钟他竟大动肝火。flyget, gointo a temper发脾气,勃然大怒。 6. 【答案】 C。译文:他们的成功在很大程度上归功于队长约翰。credit功劳;reputation名望,声望;respect尊

15、敬;compliment恭维,致意,赞美。 7. 【答案】 A。译文:他们把患者移交给精神病院。将移交给,把委托于 8. 【答案】 C。译文:通过签订租约,我们承诺每周付租金150美元。commitment承诺,允诺;confinement限制;conception概念,构想;commission佣金,回扣。(2)两个农夫 Texan farmer goes to Australia for a vacation.There he makes an acquaintance with an Aussie farmer and gets talking. The Aussie

16、 shows off his superb acres of wheat field and the Texan says, “Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice as large, and the yield is also twice as abundant.” Then they walk around the surroundings to do some sightseeing, and the Aussie shows off his herd of oxen. The Texan immediately boasts,

17、 “We have longhorns that are at least twice as large as your cattle.”The conversation has, meanwhile, almost died when the Texan sees a swift herd of kangaroos hopping through the field in the distance. Amazed, he asks, “What the hell are those?!” The Aussie replies with a doubtful look, “Dont you h

18、ave any grasshoppers in Texas?” 译文 一个得克萨斯州的农夫到澳大利亚度假,认识了一个澳洲的农夫,就聊了起来。澳洲人向他炫耀自己数英亩的麦田,这个得州的农夫说,“哦!我们的麦田至少有这两倍大,并且收成也是你们的两倍多。” 然后他们在这个农场周围走走,看看风景,澳洲人又向他夸耀自己的牛群,得克萨斯州人立即吹嘘说,“我们的长角牛至少是你们的牛群的两倍。” 正当谈话有点进行不下去的时候,得克萨斯州人看到远处有一群袋鼠从田里跳过,他惊奇地问,“那些到底是什么?” 澳洲人疑惑地看了他一下回答说,“你在得克萨斯州难道没看到过蚱蜢吗?” 四级词汇 1.n. 假期,休假 vi.

19、度假 2.n. 相识的人,熟人 认识,相识,了解 3.superb a. 极好的,高质量的 4.acre n. 英亩 5.yield vt. 出产,产生 放弃,让出 vi. (to)屈服,服从 倒塌,垮掉 n. 产量,收益6.abundant a. (in)丰富的,富裕的 大量的,充足的7.surroundings n. 周围的事物,环境 8.sightseeing n. 观光,游览 9.herd n. 牛群,兽群 vt. 使集中在一起,把赶在一起 10.ox n. 牛 公牛 11.boast vi. (of, about)自夸,夸耀 vt. 以拥有而自豪 夸口,吹嘘 n. 自吹自擂,自夸的话

20、 12.longhorn n. 长角牛 音乐探测器 13.horn n. (动物的)角,触角 号角,喇叭,报警器 14.conversation n. 会话,交谈 15.meanwhile ad. (=meantime)其间,其时 16.swift a. 速度快的,迅速的 敏捷的,反应快的 17.kangaroo n. 动袋鼠 18.hop v. 单脚跳, (鸟,蛙等)跳跃 19.amaze vt. 使惊讶,使惊愕,使惊叹 20.hell n. 地狱,阴间 极不愉快的经历(或事情) 【搭配】the hell到底;阴间 / like hell拼命地,极猛地 / to hell with让见鬼去吧

21、 21.doubtful a. 难以预测的,未定的 怀疑的,可疑的【联想】doubt n. 疑惑,疑问,怀疑 v. 怀疑,不相信 / undoubtedly ad. 无疑,必定 【搭配】beyondout of doubt无疑地,确实地 / no doubt无疑地,很可能 / in doubt不能肯定的,怀疑的 / without (a) doubt无疑地,必定地 22.grasshopper n. 蚱蜢,蝗虫;小型侦察机 反馈测试 1.I the acquaintance of her through his introduction. A) took B) made C) had D) g

22、ot 2.We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield _any military threat. A) up B) to C) in D) at 3.Texas, the second largest state of America, is _in natural resources. A) wealthyB) scattered C) abundantD) deposit 4.The house is in beautiful _. A) surroundingB) surroundings C) environmen

23、tsD) circumstances 5.Mary that she would succeed where others had failed.A) exaggerated B) boasted C) warned D) joked 6.He was _in condemning the violence. A) swift B) quick C) fast D) rapid 7.I am doubtful _I should tell the story to her. A) that B) whether C) what D) when 8.We had no reason to _th

24、at he might try to kill himself. A) doubt B) suspect C) convince D) distrust答案详解1.【答案】B。译文:我是由他介绍才认识她的。make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人,接近某人。 2.【答案】B。译文:我们爱好和平,但我们不是那种屈服于武力威胁的人。yield to屈服于,对妥协,投降于;yield up放弃,出产。 3.【答案】C。译文:得克萨斯是美国第二大州,自然资源丰富。abundant丰富的,充足的;wealthy富有的,有钱的;scatter散布,驱散;deposit寄存。 4.【

25、答案】B。译文:这房子周围环境优美。surroundings用作复数,指周围具体的物质性的东西;environment不用复数,指特定的能对人的发展产生影响的自然环境或生活的环境条件;circumstances常用复数,指动作或事物发生的环境或情况。 5.【答案】B。译文:马莉吹嘘说她会在别人失败的方面取得成功。exaggerate夸张,夸张地说,后面通常跟名词,不跟that从句。如:We are inclined to exaggerate our troubles.我们遇到困难的时候往往会夸大其辞。boast后面既可跟名词,也可跟that从句,作不及物动词用时通常和介词of或about连用

26、;warn警告;joke开玩笑。 6.【答案】A。译文:他立即谴责了那种暴力行为。swift表示非常迅速,并含动作轻巧不费力之意;quick指在较短时间内完成,没有耽搁;fast指运动着的人或事物具有动作迅速的特点;rapid着重动作本身的速度快。 7.【答案】B。译文:我不知道是否该告诉她那番话。doubt, doubtful后面跟从句时,肯定句通常用if(whether)引导,否定句和疑问句通常由that引导。 8.【答案】B。译文:我们没有理由猜疑他试图自杀。convince确信,通常用在convince oneself that句型里;distrust不信任;suspect表示“怀疑”

27、,含有“猜测”的成分,不是不相信,只是有点“怀疑”;doubt表示“怀疑”,含有“不相信”的成分。(3)An Example of Tragedy 一个灾难的例子 Bill Clinton is visiting an urban school. In one class, he asks the students if anyone can give him an example of a “tragedy”. One little boy stands up and offers his viewpoint, “If my best friend who lives next door w

28、as playing in the street when a van came along and killed him, that would be a tragedy.” “No,” Clinton utters, “That would be a violent ACCIDENT.” A girl raises her hand, “If a school bus carrying fifty children drove off a cliff, killing everyone involved. that would be a tragedy.” “Im afraid not,”

29、 explains Clinton, “That is what we would call a tremendous LOSS.” The room is tense and silent; none of the other children volunteers. “What?” asks Clinton, “Isnt there any one here who can give me an example of a tragedy?”he urges. Finally, a boy in the back raises his hand and stands upright. In

30、an uneasy yet sincere voice, he says, “If an airplane carrying Bill & Hillary Clinton were blown up by a bomb, that would be a tragedy.” “Wonderful!” Clinton beams. “Marvelous! And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?” “Well,” says the boy, “because it wouldnt be an accident, and it certainl

31、y would be no tremendous loss!” 译文 比尔克林顿正在某城市的一所学校视察。在一个班里,他问学生能否给他举个“灾难”的例子。一个小男孩站起来自告奋勇发表观点,“如果住在隔壁的我最好的朋友在街上玩,突然有辆货车开过来把他撞死了,我觉得这就是灾难。”“不,”克林顿说,“这是严重的意外事故。”一个小女孩举手说,“如果载着50个孩子的校车翻到悬崖下,车里的每个人都遇难了。这就是灾难。”“我认为这恐怕不是,”克林顿说,“这是我们通常说的巨大损失。”教室里气氛紧张,一片寂静,再也没有其他的孩子主动起来举例了。“怎么了?”克林顿问道,“难道这儿没人能给我举个有关灾难的例子吗?”终

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