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山东省济南市届九年级英语上学期月考试题 人.docx

1、山东省济南市届九年级英语上学期月考试题 人山东省济南市2018届九年级英语上学期10月月考试题(满分:120分,时间:90分钟,考试方式:闭卷)I. 读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,选出一个最佳答案。(5分) 1. Wheres my English _ /bk/? I cant find it.A. back B. book C. bake D. bike2. Does Tom _ /ple/ basketball every weekend?A. play B. place C. plane D. plan 3. Theres a lot of work to do. Can you _ /

2、help/ me?A. have B. keep C. help D. hope4. My uncle does exercise _ /evr/ day. Hes really healthy.A. very B. every C. even D. early5. They think the people in Jinan are _ /frendl/.A. friendly B. fresh C. finally D. fairlyII.选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)6. -Mary, welcome to the tennis club. -Th

3、ank you, I love playing _tennis. A .a B. an C. the D./7. -The air in Jinan is_ than last year. -Yes, look at the beautiful blue sky. A. fresher B. freshest C. dirtier D. dirtiest8. The retired couple enjoy_photos. They always go out with their cameras.A. take B. took C. to take D. taking9. There isn

4、t _ in todays newspaper A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything 10. Haveyoufoundthepoorcat yet?Yes.But itwaswhenwefoundit.Thebadweatherkilledit A.dyingB.diedC.dead D.die11. -Whats your favorite _? -Physics. Its interesting and useful. A. fruit B. job C. subject D. vegetable

5、12. What do you usually do in the morning? I often practice _English.A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D.speaks13. Money is very important _its not the most important thing in our life. A. or B. and C. but D. so 14. -Is she a teacher or a nurse? -_. She has worked in the school for three years. A. Ye

6、s, she is B. Shes a nurse C. No, she isnt D. Shes a teacher15. - Im a little _now.- Oh, there is a supermarket nearby. Lets get something to drink. A. thirsty B. worried C. hungry D. bored16.-When did Mr. Green arrive in London? -He arrived there _ the evening of December 24th. A. on B. in C. at D.

7、to17 ._ fine weather it is today!A. What a B. How a C. What D. How18. -_ do you study for a test, Frank? - By working with groups. A. Why B. When C. How D. Where19. Mr. Cooper is _ tired _he cant do anything this morning. A. so; that B. too; to C. both; and D. so; as20. -_sunny day ! - Yeah. Lets go

8、 on a spring trip. A. What a B. What C. How D. How a21. WillwehavedinnerattheHopeRestaurant? -Maybe.Wellgothereiftheshow_before6.ButIdontknowifthere_any freetablesthen.A.willend;wereB.willend;willbeC.ends;wereD.ends;willbe22. If you dont know that new word, you can _in the dictionary.A. look it up B

9、. look up it C. look them up D. look up them23. The twin sisters have some things in common. They are_good at English. A. both B. either C. all D. none24. The ice-cream _ good, but its bad for your teeth. A. looks B. feels C. sounds D. tastes25. It is hard for the young people to _ a new house becau

10、se of the high price. A. sell B. change C. afford D. provide26. -Peter, _ you interested in science?-Yes, sure. I want to be an scientist, you know. A. do B. are C. does D. is27. Tom was _ excited _ say a word when he saw TFBOYS for the first time. A. as; as B. so; that C. too; to D. so; as28. Excus

11、e me, could you tell me _? I come from Honghe. A. where are you from B. where do you come fromC. where you come from D. where did you come from29. How do you like the program Comedy Happy Person (欢乐喜剧人)? _.We can get a lot of happiness from it . A. Pretty good B. I cant stand it C. Its terrible D. I

12、ts boring30. I stayed up late to study for my English test last night. _.A. So was I B. So did I C. Neither did I D. Neither was I31. _ the test paper carefully before you hand in it. A. Check B. Checks C. Checking D. To check32. Can you tell me _? Yesterday. (2010年,德宏中考)A. when did he buy the car B

13、. where did he buy the carC. when he bought the car D. where he bought the car.33. Andy studies hard every day _ her dream come true in two months. A. to make B. making C. make D. makes34.The teacher told us the moon_ around the earth. A. went B. goes C. going D. move35. Excuse me. I want to know _.

14、Sure, with my pleasure! A. how can I get to the park B. where is the nearest post officeC. when did you leave school D. if you can help me carry the box完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15分)Jimmy was five years old and lived with his parents, the Watsons, in Smithville, in the southern

15、 United States. He loved his big black _36_, Big Boy. Last week, in the early hours of the morning, a strong smell suddenly woke Big Boy up _37_ his sleep. The dog got up and walked into the kitchen. There the smell and the heat grew stronger. Big Boy could _38_ that something was wrong, very wrong.

16、 He barked(吠) and ran up to the second floor. He barked and barked at the door of Jimmys room, _39_ there was no answer.The he ran to Mr. and Mrs. Watsons room. He barked again, more loudly, and tried to _40_ the door open. Mr. and Mrs. Watson didnt wake up. Big Boy ran back to Jimmys room. He made

17、as much _41_ as he could.Finally, Jimmy came to the door and opened it. “Big Boy, whats wrong?” Jimmy said. Big Boy took Jimmys _42_ in his mouth and tried to pull him down to the first floor. “Big Boy, Big Boy, stop! Stop! What are you _43_? Mum, Dad, come quickly! Help! Help!” Jimmy shouted loudly

18、.His parents ran out of their room. They understood that there was a fire. They _44_ picked Jimmy up and ran out of the house. Big Boy ran after them. Just then, the fire came all the way up to the top of the _45_.Big Boy saved the family! Hes a hero today in Smithville. 36. A. hat B. boy C. bag D.

19、dog37. A. for B. from C. into D. with38. A. feel B. wish C. report D. remember39. A. so B. but C. if D. because40. A. keep B. turn C. push D. close41. A. food B. money C. noise D. friend42. A. head B. nose C. neck D. hand43. A. doing B. saying C. writing D. drinking44. A. quietly B. slowly C. quickl

20、y D. seriously45. A. tree B. house C. family D. mountain IV补全对话阅读对话, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分) Alex: Hi, Judy!Judy: 46 Did you have a good school trip yesterday?Alex: Yes. We had a great time.Judy: _ 47Alex: No, we didnt. We went to a farm.Judy: _ 48Alex: It is about 30 miles away from our s

21、chool.Judy: Oh, its a little far. How did you get there?Alex: 49 It took us about half an hour. The train ride was fun.Judy: What did you do there?Alex: We fed some animals. There were quite a lot of animals on thefarmJudy: What else did you do?Alex:50Judy: Sounds like you had a great school trip.46

22、.A. Who is that? B Hi, Alex! C. Whats this? D. Fine, thanks.47.A.What time is it? B .Did you go to the farm?, C. Where did you go? D. Did you go to Green Park?48.A. How far is it? B. When did you get there? C. How much is it? D. How long did it take?49. A. I came here by subway. . B .I rode a horse.

23、 C.Wegot there by train.D.We took the bus.50.A. Wealso picked apples. B. We fed the chickens.C.They played volleyball. D. They went for a walk.V.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、D、C、D四个选顶中。选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(10分)A Mr. Robert had a son named Ben, a three-year- old boy. The little boy had been asking for a pet

24、dog for two months, but his father kept saying. Impossible. A dog will kill our rabbits. No way.” Ben was disappointed. One evening, when Mrs. Robert was cooking potatoes in the kitchen, Ben cried, ”Dad always says no. Ill never have a dog in a million years.” She looked at his face. How could she l

25、et him down again? An idea came to change her husbands mind. “Dear, I know a way to get you a dog,” she said, She handed Ben a potato and told him to keep the potato until it turned into a little dog. How cool Ben thought it was! The next morning, Mr. Robert looked out of the window. Guess what? He

26、saw Ben taking a potato for a walk.“Thats crazy,” Mr. Robert said to his wife.“Thats right. Your boy cant get a dog. He finally has a potato as a pet. He sleeps with it, talks with it and even showers with it,” she said. ”Even cooking potatoes makes him cry.”Mr. Robert felt worried a lot and made a

27、decision. He brought back a cute little dog that night. Everyone was happy. Mr. Robert thought he saved his son. Ben was sure that his mother had magic. Everything seemed perfect until one evening Ben asked,” Mom, can I have a pet horse? ” She looked at him and said,” Well, first you have to take a

28、watermelon”51. Ben kept asking for _for two months.A. a pet rabbit B. a pet chicken C. a pet dog D. a pet horse52. Bens father said Impossible because a dog would_.A. run round B. hurt Ben C. be noisy D kill their rabbits53. Mrs. Robert told Ben to keep _because it would turn into a dog.A. a potato

29、B. a tomato C. a watermelon D. a banana54. Mr. Robert brought back a little dog because_.A. his friend gave it to him B. he was worriedC. his wife bought the dog D. he liked the dog55. Whet did Ben think of his mother? A. She was lazy. B. She didnt love him C. She had magic. D. She was very strict.B

30、Philip is a school boy. On his twelfth birthday, he decided to give up eating meat. “I dont think its right to eat animals,” he said. “They live on the Earth just like us and they are our friends.” Philips parents were not happy about that. “You are a growing boy,” his mother said. “You need meat. Do you want to stay short and be weak?” His mother put some beef, rice and carrots in front of him. “I want you to eat all your food n

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