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1、实用外贸英语备课笔记 实用外贸英语 Applied Business English 孙绍芳 Unit one: Establish Business RelationsIf a new firm wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries, the person in charge must find out whom he or she is going to deal with. 1. How to obtain such informat

2、ion? What are the channels to find customers?web site (eg: log on some of the e-marketplaces, B to B site, esp. govt. SMEs portal. busidiness report or statement released annually /quarterly) advertisement( inc. magazines, newspaper, )banksChambers of Commerce in foreign countriestrade directoryChin

3、ese Commercial Counsellors Office in foreign countriesBusiness Houses of the same trade, etc.introduction of other customers 2. What sort of information you need to obtain?Contact details of the potential partners/customers (eg: name and address of the firms, fax No., mobile No., e-mail address etc.

4、)Business customs of the market,(eg: payment terms generally acceptable), social, political situation ect.,the Custom rules or regulations, compliance requirements for the products ,tax, tariff,Demographics, market structure, distribution channels, market segments, the purchase power ,interest & fav

5、or of the local consumers, Amount of competition, competitor companies and their activities and strategies. in the target market , the advantages and disadvantages of your products,( how does your product fit into a specific overseas market?) Information regarding market trends, market potential and

6、 buyer comment on export products and recommended price rangethe credential of your potential partners/customers. etc. (check if they are trustworthy)3. How to make customers status enquiries ?If you have interest in particular customers, you need to get the following information about them regardin

7、g their professional and financial position. ownership and financial details (eg. Registered capital / credit limit,etc. ) background and previous dealings ( the amount of each transaction& whom they are dealing with) turnover, profitability, number of employees, and sales amount key contacts in the

8、 company key suppliers and distributors prices and market activities Reputation and trustworthinessThese information must be up-to date, and a comprehensive analysis is needed.3.1 Ways of obtaining the information: Apply to bank ( bank to bank) Government Services( or government programmes) to assis

9、t SMEs , govt. export/import portal Chamber of Commerce Enquiry agencies International Factoring, etc.( eg. credit agency/ export credit insurance Co.)Status enquiries are generally headed “Confidential” or “private and Confidential”.Letters enquiring status are more or less stereotyped( follow old

10、fashion).It is only addressed to specific person who deal with it privately. Dont forget to guarantee that “any information you may give will be treated in absolute confidence.”3.2 What does an enquiring letter usually include?Introduce yourself,tell the prospective customer your aim ,give your cont

11、act details.List the questions you usually ask( or use a printed form and enclose a prepaid envelop): Is there a record of bad debts? 有无坏帐记录?How promptly are terms met? 还帐是否及时?( terms: date of meeting the debts)What amount is currently outstanding if any? 经常欠帐额有多少?What is the advisable credit limit?

12、 建议信用额度是多少?Notice: When reply status enquiry letters, Dont mention the name of the firm enquired about, Dont use such expression, eg: There is no problem. Or they never. ,Try avoid so positive tone. Say: we think., or It seems to us. Write tactfully , to avoid unnecessary trouble. At the end of your

13、 letter, dont forget to remind your customer: “This information is confidential (and is given without any responsibility on our part.)After you get the necessary information, you can sent e-mail to your prospective customes to establish business relationship. When you write such letters, Introduce y

14、ourself, Tell your customer how you get his/her name or address, Encloes your e-pamphlet / catalogue/ contact detail Express your wishes to do business with them, Almost all businessmen take the opportunities to send their good wishes, congratulations at festival time, promotions & wedding or send t

15、heir sympathy at difficulties, or illness of customers. Such letters are appreciated by customers and are certainly good for consolidating business relations. Remember that the best opportunities for creating good will is in the daily conduct of your correspondence.Unit Two: Trade Barriers Almost al

16、l countries in the world impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their boarders. These barriers are designed to protect their economy ,encourage their domestic production in areas which are economically inefficient, and tend to reduce the volume of imported goods. These barriers can be divid

17、ed into tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.1. Tariff BarriersTariff barriers are the most common form of trade barriers. It is a system of import duties or fees levied on goods being imported into the country. It can be divided into two kinds: revenue tariff and protective tariff. The former ai

18、ms to raise money for the government., and usually these tariffs are low. A protective one aims to discourage foreign business from exporting goods into the country in order to force foreign business to raise its price to cover the tariff . So usually these tariffs are very high.( eg: cars, luxuriou

19、s goods are levied high tariff in China, ) The protective tariffs ar classified according to different kinds of goods.2. Non-tariff barriers Non-tariff barriers are extremely effective restrictions, though they are less visible than tariff. The major categories are as follows:1).Government participa

20、tion in trade. It refers to discrimination in government purchase, state trading, subsidies, counteryailing duties(平衡关税) and the like.(eg: Agriculture products from EU, because of their high productivity and high government subsidies, their price is very low. When exported to other countries, they m

21、ay encounter counteryailing duties. )2).Customs and entry procedures. They refer to regulations about valuation methods, classification, documentation, health and safety inspection procedures. 3).StandardsThey refer to standards for products, packing, labelling, marking, and so on.( eg: complicated

22、technology standards, hygienic standard for foodstuff).4).Specific limitationsThey cover quotas, import restraints, licensing, exchange controls, and the like.( eg. Coal export quota in China)Quota is a quantitative restriction which limits the imports( or exports) of specific commodity during a giv

23、en period of time in terms of either physical quantity or value. In general, in the importing countries, quotas often required a licensing system. An import duty will reduce imports, but it does not impose an absolute limit on imported goods. Quota does.Import licensing system requires an importer t

24、o get government permit before importing goods into the country. ( iron rock import, if quota is small, but the total demand of domestic market is great, quotas are sold to some of the business who can not get the license, the quota recipients will get windfall profits, and government could also get

25、 windfall profits by auctioning off the licenses to the highest bidder ). The price of buying quotas will be added to the total price of the export/ import commodities which will restrict the amount of export /import.Foreign exchange control regulates the kind and quantity of permissible payments in

26、 foreign exchange. Imports are banned from the country if the authorities do not allow payment for them.5) Import chargesThey refer to prior import deposits, credit restrictions for imports, special duties, and so on.This also contribute the burden of importer.6). New Non- tariff Barriers(略) Besides

27、 the above restrictions, new non-tariff barriers are constantly being developed. Some are legitimate regulatory functions, eg: antipollution regulations the require automobiles to meet certain exhaust emission standard. Others may be introduced for reason of health, safety, or national security but

28、actually intended to restrict trade. Unit Three:Enquiries and RepliesEnquiries are usually made by buyers without engagement to get information about the goods to be ordered, such as price, catalogue, delivery date and other terms. If the enquiry is a general one, (not specific) ,the buyer usually a

29、sk the seller to send him or her a catalogue, pricelist, a sample book or a quotation sheet etc.1.What should be included in your enquiry letter?Your exact requirement which include: prices, discounts,specificationscatalogue,sample,packing,(sometimes)quantity,time of shipment(sometimes),or delivery

30、requirementterms of payment(sometimes)A printed enquiry form is usually used .2 . Methods of Stipulating Quality of CommodityThe quality of commodity refers to the outward appearance and the essential quality of commodities,such as shape, structure, color, flavor as well as chemical composition, phy

31、sical and mechanical properties.(物理机械性能)In foreign trade, the sellers and buyers are in different countries. The buyers are usually unable to see the commodities until they arrived at the port of destination. The how could the buyers get to know the quality of the commodities?There are two ways to i

32、ndicate the quality of jthe commodities.A. Sale by Descriptiona. Sale by Specification, Grade or Standard eg: 30”x40”x3”; L, M, S to describe size.The same kind of commodity can be classified to different grade,eg: GradeA, Grade B Grade C. In agricultural and by-product market, there is a commonly adopted standard,ie. Fair average quality(FAQ) which refers to the average quali

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