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本文(版高考英语大一轮复习第1部分模块考点复习Unit3Celebration教师用书北师大版必修10706233.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、版高考英语大一轮复习第1部分模块考点复习Unit3Celebration教师用书北师大版必修10706233Unit 3 Celebration对应学生用书P15话题:节假活动话题单词1.appealing / pil/ adj.吸引人的2.belief /b lif/ n信任;信心;信仰3observe /b zv/ vt.庆祝;观察;遵守4.admire /d ma/ vt.赞美;羡慕5merriment / mermnt/ n欢喜;嬉戏 /ks tend/ vt.交换7fall /fl/ vt.来临;掉下 8.energetic /en detk/ adj.精力充沛

2、的;充满活力的9trick /trk/ n诡计;恶作剧 vt.欺骗 10.gather / g/ vt.& vi.& n收集;集合;聚集11fireworks / fawks/ n烟花 12.origin / rdn/ n& vi.起源;由来;起因13celebrate / selbret/ vi.& vt.庆祝;过节 14.religious /r lds/ adj.宗教的15feast /fist/ n节日;盛宴 16.ancestor / nsest/ n祖先;原型话题短语 gifts 交换礼物 the sight of 看到3originate from 起

3、源于 4.admire the moon 赏月5have a delightful time 玩得开心 struck 被吸引7get together 聚集 reunion 家庭团聚9be crowded with people 挤满了人 meant to do sth.旨在;意在做某事话题句型1.In Chinese custom,people often set off fireworks on the Chinese New Year.在中国的习俗里,人们通常在春节燃放烟火。2People should go to clean graves and

4、 light incense in memory of their ancestors.人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。3Spring Festival is a time when each family has its members gathered together.春节是每个家庭团聚的日子。4For centuries,Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year.几百年来,人们一直庆祝这个传统节日来迎接新年的到来。5In our country men and

5、 women,boys and girls,all look forward to the Spring Festival,which is a time for family reunion,for enjoyment and merriment.在我们国家,人人都渴望春节的到来,这是一家团聚、充满快乐的日子。6Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year.节日就是要庆祝一年中重要的日子。话题语篇请你根据以下要点,向你的美国笔友介绍一下春节。要点:最重要的节日,阴历新年庆祝;新年从除夕开始,纪念祖先,庆祝美好生活;家人相聚,

6、穿新衣,放烟花,吃饺子,压岁钱;吃、喝、玩;告别冬天,迎接春天。享受生活,为习俗自豪,暂时忘掉工作的烦恼。【话题模板】The Spring Festival is the most energetic and important festival for Chinese people,which takes place in Lunar New Year.It is also a traditional festival in China,which is held in memory of the ancestors and celebrates the coming of spring a

7、nd new life.At the Spring Festival,family members will get together and hold a variety of celebrationsThe festival starts from Lunar New Years Eve.On this important feast day,people will dress up in colourful clothes,admire fireworks and enjoy dumplings.Adults may give children lucky money in red pa

8、per.The Spring Festival is a time when people eat,drink,and have fun with each other,looking forward to the end of winter and to the arrival of spring.Indeed,festivals let us enjoy life,be proud of our customs and forget our work for a while.对应学生用书P16.单词过关A拼写单词1 n 毕业2 adj. 传统的3 adv. 现今,现在4 n. 庆祝,庆典5

9、 n. 控制力;权力6 v. 服务;服役;提供(食物),端上(饭菜)7 n. 祝贺8 n. 邀请;请柬9 vt. 出席,参加10 adv. 不幸地B拓展单词11serve vt.提供,端上;服务 n服务 n仆人;职员;公务员12tradition n传统,惯例 adj.传统的 adv.传统地13retire vi.退休 n退休 adj.已退休的14apply vi.申请vt.应用 n申请人 n申请;应用15congratulation n祝贺 v祝贺16entrance n入口 v进入 n进入17unfortunately adv.不幸地 adj.不幸的 n幸运18contribute vt.

10、捐献,贡献 n贡献 n捐助者;贡献者19seriously adv.认真地,真诚地 adj.认真的,严肃的20production n生产,制造 vt.生产,制造 n产品C识记单词21scholarship n scholar n 22occasion n 23darkness n dark n. adj. 24destroy vt. destruction n 25decorate vt. decoration n 26boil vt.&vi. boiling adj. 27reception n receive v 28retire vi. 29apply vi. vt. applicat

11、ion n 30smartly adv. 31ceremony n 32entrance n enter v 33contribute vt. contribution n 34link vt. 35. seriously adv. D语境运用36The medicine the factory had many side effects,which proved that the was harmful.Therefore,the factory stopped its (production)37Any who would like to to become an assistant in

12、 our company should send us an before December 10,2016.(apply)38We are both very busy so we only see each other very He pays me visits in his spare time and we try to use the to express our love.(occasional)39Wed like to his birthday and the will be held in the hall.(celebrate)40It is three years si

13、nce he The teacher volunteered to help the children with their homework after (retire)答案:A.1.graduation2.traditional3.nowadays4celebration5.power6.serve7.congratulation8invitation9.attend10.unfortunatelyB11.service;servant12.traditional;traditionally13.retirement;retired14.applicant;

14、ngratulate16.enter;entry17.unfortunate;fortune18.contribution;contributor19.serious20.produce;productC21.奖学金学者22.时刻,时机23.黑暗,漆黑黄昏;暗处深色的;黑暗的24.破坏,毁坏破坏,毁灭25.装饰,布置装饰26.煮沸,沸腾沸腾的27.接待;招待会接受;体验;接纳28.退休29.申请应用申请(书);应用30.潇洒地;漂亮地31.典礼,仪式32.入口进入33.捐助;贡献贡献34.连接35.认真地;真诚地D36.produced;product;production37.applicant;apply;application38.occasionally;occasional;occasion39.celebrate;celebration40.retired;retired;retirement.短语排查A短语翻译1 烧毁2 参加,参与3 请求;申请4 根据,依据;依靠5 即使6 准时7 竖起;建造;举起8 继续,坚持9 也10 一点儿11 洗掉,冲走12 扑灭;生产;出版13

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