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初三 语法梳理+易错题.docx

1、初三 语法梳理+易错题中考英语重点语法梳理一、名词1.不可数名词。常见的不可数名词有:advice, information, juice, news, furniture, food, water, time(时间), paper(纸), work(工作), meat, fish, chicken, pork, beef, drink, weather, fun, space(空间), room等典型例题:1. Father went to his doctor for _. A. an advice B. advices C. some advice D. the advices2. Th

2、ere are no_ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some cabbages. A. milk B. meat C. vegetables D. pears3. Its so crowded here. Lets make some _ for the lady. A. ground B. room C. seats D. chairs只修饰不可数名词的短语: much, a little, little, a bit of只修饰可数名词:many, a few, few, a number of可数不可数名词均可以修饰:enough, some, any,

3、 a lot of, lots of, plenty of注意:a number of大量的,许多,谓语动词用复数形式the number of的数量,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式few/a few; little/ a little(only +a little/a few)典型例题:3. A number of students _ in the dining hall. Let me count. The number of the students _ about 400. A. are; is B. is; are C. are; are D. is; is表达不可数名词的数量可用:a

4、 bag of(一袋), two pieces of(两则/两张), a glass of, four bottles of等, 注意单位量词是可数名词。如: a few pieces of news几则新闻典型例题:1. There are still _ in the kitchen. We dont have to buy more drinks. A. orange juice B. tomatoes C. bottles of cola D. glass of juice 名词复数归类:以辅音字母+-o结尾或以-o结尾名词复数: tomatotomatoes, potatopotat

5、oes, heroheroes, radioradios, pianopianos, zoozoos, photophotos以-f或-fe结尾改f或fe为ves。 leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves, wifewives, halfhalves, lifelives(生命), knifeknives, shelfshelves。特殊的有:roofroofs。不规则归类:ooee: toothteeth, footfeet; manmen: manmen, womanwomen, FrenchmanFrenchmen, EnglishmanEnglishmen 特殊:German

6、Germans mousemice(老鼠)单复同形:Chinese(中国人), Japanese, fish, deer, sheep注:中日不变,英法变,其余+s。通常以复数形式出现的词,谓语动词用复数,常见的有:clothes, glasses, trousers, shoes典型例题:1. There _ a pair of shoes under the bed. The shoes _ hers. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are注:有单位量词就以单位量词决定单复数。多个名词的复数: 一般将中心名词变成复数:girl studen

7、ts 女学生 two birthday parties, many apple trees 特殊: women teachers, men doctors 两个名词均变复数典型例题:1. All the _ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday. A. man B. men C. woman D. women名词所有格,表示”某人的或某物的” : s格:Lucys room, Lucys and Lilys rooms, childrens books, students paren

8、ts, ten minutes walk of格:a photo of my mother我妈妈的一张照片(照片中是我妈妈) 双重所有格:a photo of my mothers我妈妈拥有的一张照片(照片上不是我妈妈) a book of my mothers 我妈妈的一本书 a room of Lucy and Lilys露西和莉莉共同的房间 a friend of mine我众多朋友中的一个(of+名词性物主代词) a friend of Toms fathers 汤姆爸爸的一个朋友注意固定搭配短语: the key to 的钥匙/关键 the answerto 的答案a ticket

9、for 的门票注意“数词-名词单数”构成的复合形容词与所有格的互换:a twenty-minute walk 与a twenty minutes walk典型例题:1. Both _ are broken. We need to buy them another two. A. Nancys and Catherines bicycles B. Nancy and Catherines bicycle C. Nancys or Catherines bicycles D. Nancy or Catherines bicycle2. Your brother looks really charm

10、ing in the photo. -Oh, thats not _. Its my uncle. A. a photo of my brothers B. my brothers C. a photo of my brother D. he3. Excuse me. Could you please show me how to do the exercises? -Sorry, I dont know, either. Here is _ exercise book. He has the answers _ the exercise. A. Tim; for B. Tims; on C.

11、 Tonys; to D. Tony; of二、冠词不定冠词用法:第一次提到某人或物。用于序数词前,表示“再一,又一”。典型例题:1. Never give up, my son. You can always try _ second time if you fail _ first time. A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; the固定搭配中。如:such/so such a/an+ adj.+n. so+adj.+a/an+n.典型例题:1. We had _ that we were almost worn out. A. a so blue d

12、ay B. so blue a day C. such blue day D. a such blue day2. _ exciting news! Weve never had _ long vacation before. A. What; such a B. What an; a such C. How; such a D. What; so a定冠词用法:特指/第二次提及典型例题:1. After half _ hour, Simon started to dig _ tenth hole. A. a; the B. /; a C. a; / D. an; a2. Yesterday,

13、 _ 8-year-old boy fell into the river. _ boy was saved by a policeman. A. an; A B. an; The C. a; The D. a; An世界独一无二的事物前典型例题:1. Of all _ planets, _ earth is the only one which has lives living there. A. the; / B. the; the C. /; / D. /; a姓氏复数前,表一家人乐器前形容词副词最高级前; 用于表示顺序的词前; the+adj.表一类人典型例题:1. Spring is

14、 _ first season and winter is _ last. A. a; a B. the; the C. /; / D. the; / 山河湖海方位前,专有名词前与名词所有格连用表示:在处 at the doctors在医务室零冠词用法:复数名词表泛指三餐、球类、棋类运动前季节月份星期前典型例题:1. People often go skating in _ winter. A. / B. a C. an D. theby+交通工具注意:take a bus, go in a boat, in a red car, ride on a bike典型例题:1. -Did you

15、have _ good time? -Yes. We went there by _ horse. It was fun. A. a; a B. a; / C. the; the D. a; the三、代词多个人称并列顺序:你他我-you, he/she, I my/mine, our/ours, your/yours, their/theirs, his与his, her/hers, its/its的区别:前者相当于形容词,后者相当于一个名词。my book/pen/father/=mine His father is a doctor and mine is a teacher.反身代词:

16、强调“亲自”。常见反身代词短语:by oneself独自, enjoy oneself玩得开心, dress oneself给自己穿衣, make oneself at home如在家中一般, help oneself to随便吃点., talk/say/think to oneself自言自语/心里想典型例题:1. Who gave Guy the model gun? -Nobody. He made it _. He really enjoyed _ when he was doing it. A. him; him B. himself; himself C. him; himself

17、 D. his; him2. Cindy, is it OK to leave you at home by _? -Of course, Mum. A. myself B. herself C. yourself D. yourselvessome/any作为“一些”的区别:some用于肯定句中,在问句中表委婉请求用some而不用any; any用于否定句和一般疑问句中典型例题:1. There are _ Germans here, but here arent _ Americans. A. some; any B. any; some C. some; some D. any; any

18、2. Would you like _ bread? A. some B. any C. a few D. enough it用法: 固定句型:It be + adj. for/of sb. to do sth. (of形容词修饰人,可以用sb. be +adj.来进行检验; for形容词说的是动作) It take somebody sometime/some money to do sth. find/think it + adj. to do sth.发现/认为做某事是 代指上文提到的同一个事物,代指天气、金钱、时间、距离、温度等。典型例题:1. Most people find _ex

19、citing to watch a football match. A. it B. this C. Which D. its2. _ is impolite _ you to cut in line when you are waiting for a bus. A. This; for B. It; for C. This; of D. It; of3. Last night I lost my watch and didnt find _ everywhere. But my father will buy _ for me next week. A. it; it B. it; one

20、 C. one; one D. one; it辨析:spend/take/cost/pay人+spend+时间/金钱 +in doing sth. 或 人+spend+时间/金钱 +on sth.take见上固定句型:It takes/took to do人/物+cost+金钱pay for固定短语that/those可用于比较级结构中,为避免重复代指前文提到的同类事物,单数用that, 复数用those.all, any, none(数量3); both, either, neither(数量=2)another, 三者及以上的泛指;再,又,另 another+数字=数字+moreother

21、:adj. 其它的 the other:两个中的另一个或特指其它的others, 泛指,其他的某人或物 相当于一个名词;the others:特指剩下的人或物。固定搭配:one the other. some others. 一些.另一些.something/everything/nothing/anything/everyone等复合不定代词:作主语时,谓语动词单数,如:Everyone is here. 形容词修饰这些复合不定代词时放在他们的后面,如:something important anyone else辨析:What does she look like?与What is she

22、 like?及What is she?第一个侧重问外貌(高矮胖瘦),第二个侧重性格品质,第三个问的是职业=What does she do?典型例题:1.Whats your math teacher like? -_. A. Hes twenty-seven years old B. He works in our school C. He s creative and outgoing D. He likes physics and biology2. What does Mary look like? -_. A. Shes well B. Shes tall C. Shes a doc

23、tor D. She likes dancing四、动词1.系动词+形容词/名词,作表语。 初中阶段常见系动词:(1) be动词; (2) 感官动词:look, sound, smell, taste, feel; (3)“变得”:become, turn, get, grow, “保持”keep, stay,remain等 keep/stay healthy2.情态动词:情态动词表推测:must表推测,只能用在肯定句中, can表推测只能用于疑问句和否定句中,may表推测可用于肯定或否定,但是语气非常弱。典型例题1. These two boys _ twins. They look the

24、 same. A. can be B. may be C. must be D. would be2. Look at the old lady in red. Is it Mrs. Smith? -No, it _ be her. She has gone to India. A. can B. mustnt C. cant D. may3. -Is that Mr. Brown there? -It _ be him. Im not sure. A. may B. shall C. need D. mustmust的否定形式mustnt表示的是禁止,不允许。典型例题:1. You _ cy

25、cle in the park. Look at the sign! -No bikes. A. can B. cant C. neednt D. mustntmust开头的问句的否定回答只能用neednt /dont have to典型例题:1. Must I finish my homework today? -No, you _. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldntmust与have to区别:前者主观上认为必须,后者客观要求必须。should与ought toshall I/we?和Will you? would you please?表示请

26、求或劝说had better do/not doWhy not/Why dont you do3.非谓语动词 常见几组短语辨析:try to do sth./ try doing sth.stop to do sth./stop doing sth. remember to do sth./remember doing sth. forget to do sth./forget doing sth. like to do/doing后+to do 的动词:encourage, allow, want, ask, tell, order, teach sb. to do sth. hope to

27、 do/ wish sb. to do decide to do=decide on sth. agree/plan/offer/learn to do sth. allow sb. to do sth./allow doing sht.允许某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth. /suggest sb. doing建议某人做某事后+doing的动词:mind/enjoy/finish/practice/keep (on)/miss/avoid/feel like/give up/ doing sth.使役动词:make/let/have sb. do sth.感官动词:see

28、/watch/hear sb. do/doing sth.注:被动语态还原to典型例题:1. From that day on Mary practiced _ the piano every day. A. plays B. playing C. played D. to play五、数词、形容词、副词和介词、连词1.数词 基数词表示概数,不确切:hundreds/ thousands/ millions of 确数: 基数词+原形(hundred/thousand/million) 日期表达法:月日在前年在后 年代表达法:in the 1980s 钟点表达法:分钟数30,分钟数+past+

29、时钟数; 分钟数30,(60-分钟数)+to+(时钟数+1); 时钟数+分钟数 分数表达法:基数词+序数词 (基数1,序数词加s) at+时间点:He came home at 7p.m. 年龄表达法:He is at the age of 8/he is 8 years old/He is a eight-year-old boy. in ones + 基数词复数:在某人多岁的时候2.形容词副词的原级、比较级与最高级原级结构:asas/ 或not so/asas典型例题:1. Though the player is over thirty, he can still run _ some

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