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八年级英语上册Unit6 Grammar教学设计牛津译林版.docx

1、八年级英语上册Unit6 Grammar教学设计牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit6 Grammar教学设计(牛津译林版) 8上 Unit 6 BirdathingPerid 4 Graar一、Analsis f the teahing ntentsTeahing ntents本时是八年级上册第二模块Unit 6 的语法, 主要内容是让学生围绕观鸟这一话题,学习用动词不定式t d和in rder t表示目的,掌握“动词+宾语+动词不定式t d”的语法结构。这一语法结构看似简单,但由于英汉思维的差异,学生在实际应用中有一定的困难。教材提供的练习涉及了观鸟这一话题,但形式单一,数量偏少,无法满足通过

2、“体验”“感悟”等活动实现语言习得的要求。Teahingbets 授对象为初二年级学生,一方面他们初步具备用英语交流、沟通的能力,以及一定的独立探索的能力;另一方面,他们目前还不具备用英语思维的能力,所以教案的设计应该以能力的培养为核心。Teahing itesrds ≈ phrasesrite dn, tae phts f the birds, ae e laugh, let ein their shl trip Struture“动词+宾语+动词不定式t d”TextTeahing ethdsTas-based language teahing (TBLT)uniative lang

3、uage teahing (LT)TeahingbetivesLanguage nledgeB the end f this lessn, students are expeted t1 ae sure the students understand the use f t-infinitives r in rder t fr purpse2 use verbs + bets + t-infinitives t ae sentenesLanguagesillsStudents ill be able t use t-infinitives r in rder t tal abut piture

4、sLanguageappliatinStudents ill be able t use t-infinitives r in rder t t express their purpsesLearningstrategiesautni learning strategperative learning strategIprtant pintsT use t-infinitives r in rder t t express their purpsesDiffiult pintsT use verbs + bets + t-infinitives t ae sentenesTas applied

5、Students ae a dialgue t give Tn advie n hih plae Tn an g t and hat he an d during his sta in anheng二、Teahing preduresTie Teahing stepsTeahers ativitiesStudents ativitiesTeahing purpse1intinStep1RevisinHelp students revie the artile abut Zhalng Nature Reserve b asing se questins1 h d turists g t Zhal

6、ng ever ear?2 h d ebers f Birdahing Siet g t Zhalng ne a ear?3 hat d the need re peple t d?4 h are the inviting t help the?Use use t-infinitives r in rder t anser se questins abut Zhalng Nature Reserve1The g t Zhalng t ath birds/In rder t ath birds 2 The g t Zhalng t stud birds/ In rder t stud birds

7、3 The need re peple t unt and desribe the birds 4 The are n inviting turists t help the 教师通过问题,帮助学生复习关于扎龙自然保护区的,一方面可以检查学生对的理解情况,另一方面,可以为动词不定式的学习作好铺垫。6int16inStep 2 Presentatin1 Present the t sentenes and explain the use f t-infinitivesThe g t Zhalng t ath birds/In rder t ath birds The g t Zhalng t s

8、tud birds/ In rder t stud birds2 rganize students t have a disussinT: Tn is ne f best friends fr the USA I ill invite hi t visit anheng next nth hat plaes an he g?hat ativities an he d here?hat fd an the eat? et Please have a disussin and give hi se advieAnd u an anser lie this:He an g t ining Shppi

9、ng all t d se shpping3 As students t ae a dialgue t give Tnn advieTn: I a ing t anheng next nth here an I g and hat an I d there?S: u an g t shl t learn abut shl life in hina4 Enurage students t hange the flling sentenes ith in rder tand explain the use f in rder tTn an g t Huanghai Par t en the bea

10、ut f nature= Tn an g t Huanghai Par in rder t en the beaut f natureT learn re abut ilu, Tn an g n a trip t Dafeng Nature Reserve= In rder t learn re abut ilu, Tn an g n a trip t Dafeng Nature Reserve Enurage students t plete the sentenes arding t the pituresTn ill tae a aera _f ilu in Dafeng Nature

11、Reserve_ d sething fr ilu, Tnn ill help rers unt and desribe ilu1 bserve the sentenes arefull and find ut the use f t-infinitives2 Students have a disussin and give e se advie n hih plae Tn an g t and hat he an d during his sta in anheng3 Students ae a dialgue t give Tn advie n hih plae Tn an g t an

12、d hat he an d during his sta in anheng4 Students hange the flling sentenes ith in rder t and find ut the use f in rder t Students plete the sentenes arding t the pitures让学生找出规律,有利于培养学生自主学习的能力,而且学生自己总结的东西,他们不容易忘记。学生能学以致用:对所学的知识进行及时的练习,利于他们巩固,同时也能训练学生用英语的进行交际的能力。通过学生的已有的知识经验,导入到新知,顺其自然,水到渠成。借助于图片,让学生通

13、过完成句子的方式进一步巩固动词不定式作目的状语的用法。17int22inStep 3Pratie1 rganize students t pla a gaeT: N lets pla a gae The first student f eah tea ill get a piee f paper Theres a shrt sentene n the paper Please ae a lnger sentene b adding a t-infinitive Eah student ill rite ne sentene nl and then pass the paper n t the

14、next ne in ur teaTn an g t anheng Nature Reserve t 2rganize students t he the ansers1 Students add a t-infinitive t ae the shrt sentene plete2 Students help A ath the first parts f the sentenes n the left ith the send parts n the right设置游戏,能既让学生轻松一下,又能让学生在玩中进行操练,寓教于乐。22int34inStep 4Presentatin1 Lead

15、 students t find ut the struture f the flling sentenesT: hen Tn es t anheng,I ill invite hi t visit shlTn isnt failiar ith shl, s he needs e t sh hi arund shl2 Brain-str As students t list se verbs ith the struture “Verb + sb+ t d ” 3 Explain the use f verbs + bets + infinitivesT: Ver gd, but have u

16、 ntied that e an use d r t d ith verb help? But fr se ther verbs, e an nl use d ith the an u list the phrases f verbs + bets + infinitives1 Read the t sentenes arefull and disuss hat the struture f the sentenes is in grupsI ill invite hi t visit shlHe needs e t sh hi arund shl2 Students listphrases

17、f the struture “Verb + sb+ t d ” as an as pssible 3 Students listthe phrases f verbs + bets + infinitives学生仔细观察句子,自己动脑,总结出规律和结构。通过头脑风暴的方式,让学生列举出尽可能多的相关的短语。在学生理解带t的动词不定式作宾语补足语的基础上,引导学生找出不带t的动词不定式的动词34int44inStep Pratie1 Present se pitures and as students t intrdue shl life t Tn ith the help f the e r

18、ds bel iss Zhng _ (as sb t d sth) iss Zhng _ (advise sb t d sth) iss Zhng _ (need sb t d sth) iss Zhng _(tell sb t nt t d sth)2 rganize students t he ansers3 As students t plete the artile ith the rret fr f the verbsanheng Nature Reserve as set up in 1984 The gvernent built this reserve _(prvide) fd

19、 and ver fr the ildlife Last Sunda, ie invited e _(g) t this reserve _(ath) birds e sa an different inds f birds in the reserve And e als heard the birds _(sing) in the tree But the guide in the reserve tld us _(nt get) lse t the birds e hpe ur gvernent ust build re reserves _(prtet) rare birds1 Stu

20、dents l at the pitures arefull and plete the sentenes ith the help f the e rds2 Help Sand plete the sentenes 3 plete the artile ith the rret fr f the verbs运用所学的知识谈论图片,自主造句,达到学以致用的目的。进一步巩固操练设置语篇,进一步操练动词不定式,同时发展学生综合应用语言的能力。4inStep 6HerD se exerises句型转换:3 pints1 He ent t the librar beause he anted t br

21、r se bs (改为同义句) He ent t the librar_ _ _ _ bs2 The teaher tells the students t pla in the plagrund (把不定式改成否定形式) _ _3 He desnt n h he an r ut the aths prble (改为同义句) He desnt n _ _ _ _ the aths prble改错: 3 pints1The teaher ade the students t stand utside the lassr2 She ften hears sene t sing in the par3 L!an u see se bs fight ver there? 动词适当形式填空: pints1 drea is _ ( be) a teaher hen I gr up2 e have an urses _ (hse) in the llegeRefletin

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