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5A Unit 4 Hobbies单元教案设计.docx

1、5A Unit 4 Hobbies单元教案设计Unit 4 Hobbies一、单元分析: 本单元的话题是兴趣爱好。学生在三、四年级已经学习了动词类单词:run, eat, drink, talk, sleep, fly, jump, swim, skate, play, draw,已经学过like+名词复数或特指的相关句型。教师可以请学生运用句型I like.分享自己的兴趣爱好,或运用句型He/She likes.介绍他人的兴趣爱好。在教学过程中,教师可以结合四年级上册Unit4的话题,也可以结合学生喜爱的颜色、科目、动物、季节、食物、衣物、玩具词汇,设计综合活动,操练动词like。二、单元目

2、标:(1)认知目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写肯定句I/We/They like (doing). He/She likes (doing).和Look out!2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇hobby, with, also, play the piano, watch films, both, group, about, idea, ice, hole, wet 4.能唱歌曲We all like climbing5.能听懂、会说、发音准确字母y在单词中的读音。(2)技

3、能目标:1.能够运用所学知识用3到5句话正确描述自己和他人的爱好。2.会用科学的方法记住本单元的单词及短语。3.会根据情境较熟练使用like/likes+名词复数/特指名词, like/likes+动词ing4.能初步掌握动词ing的三种规则。(3)情感目标:1乐于和同伴合作,乐于介绍自己和他人的爱好。2会理解英语中的小幽默。 3. 在教师的引领下,能积极、愉快地投入课堂教学活动。三、教学重点:1. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写肯定句I/We/They like (doing). He/She likes(doing).和Look out!3.

4、会根据情境较熟练使用like/likes+名词复数/特指名词, like/likes+动词ing四、教学难点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写肯定句I/We/They like (doing). He/She likes (doing).和Look out!2. 能够运用所学知识用3到5句话正确描述自己和他人的爱好。3. 会根据情境较熟练使用like/likes+名词复数/特指名词, like/likes+动词ing五、课时划分:课时安排: 共五课时。第一课时:Story time &Think and write第二课时:Grammar time & Fun time 课课练Period 1-

5、2第三课时:Cartoon time & Song time和英补第四课时:Checkout time ,Sound time和课课练Period 3-4第五课时 :Ticking time &单元复习 课时练及默写过关六、教学准备:卡片, 磁带,录音机, PPT Period 1 Teaching material五年级英语上册 Unit4 Hobbies Story time &Think and write Teaching aims and learning objectives:A. Knowledge1. 能听懂、初步表达、认读动词词组:dance, draw, play the

6、piano, read, sing, watch films2. 能理解复述课文,初步使用I like doing. He/She likes doing等 句型介绍自己和他人的爱好。 3. 能正确使用be(not) good at表达自己或他人(不)擅长的事情。 B. Ability1.能根据提示复述课文。2.能根据上下文或图片信息或生活经验猜测文中新词或新句子的意思。 C. Emotion1. 乐于和同伴合作,乐于介绍自己的爱好。2. 积极愉快地投入课堂英语学习。Focus of the lesson: 1. 能听懂、初步表达、认读动词词组:dance, draw, play the pi

7、ano, read, sing, watch films 2. 能理解复述课文,初步使用I like doing. He/She likes doing等 句型介绍自己和他人的爱好。 3. 能正确使用be(not) good at表达自己或他人(不)擅长的事情。Predicted area of difficulty 1. 本课中需要学生关注的语法点较多,既要考虑到like/likes, 也要关 注like 后面的动名词,对学生来说是个难点。 2. 能理解复述课文,初步使用I like doing. He/She likes doing. 等句型介绍自己和他人的爱好。Teaching aids

8、:光盘,卡片,PPTTeaching procedures:Step 1 Free talk1. T: Boys and girls,today our topic is -. Ss: Hobbies. Teach : hobby hobbies2. T: I have many hobbies. What do I like doing? Can you guess? Teach: watch films , with .(like后跟v-ing, with 和。一起后面跟宾格)3. T:You know my hobby. What do you like doing? (1)(PPT)R

9、eview the phrases, teach the phrases “read stories, sing, dance, draw” (2) S-S Chain drillA: I like . What do you like doing?B: I like.(提醒like后跟v-ing)Step 2 Presentation1. Watch and answerT: Were talking our hobbies. Some students are also talking about their hobbies. Lets watch and answer.Q1:Who is

10、 also talking about hobbies.Q2: Whose hobbies is he talking about?2. Scan and match(1)T:Youve got the answers.Now lets scan the story and try to match the answers.(快速浏览课文将人物和他们的爱好相匹配)(2) T: Now lets check the answers. Can you say like this. XXX likes.3.Read and answer T: We know about their hobbies.

11、Lets read the story again and try to find some details . Pic 1.A. Read and answer Q:What does Mike like doing?B. Teach: be good at. be good at善于 + 名词/动名词 = do .wellC. Look and say Ss look at Pic 1 and the structures try to say something about Mik and Tim. Pic 2 A.Read and answer Q: What does Liu Tao

12、 like doing? B. Teach: also ,tooalso 和too都用于肯定句表示“也”。 also 大多放在be动词、助动词、情态动词后, 实义动词前too 一般放在句尾。 C. Look and say Pic 3& 4 A. Read and answer Q: What are their hobbies? B. Teach: both, all两个词都表示 都、全部。 both 指两个人或物,而all指三个以上的人或物。4.Read the story Step 3 Consolidation1. Try to retell the story.2. 介绍家人的爱好。

13、I have a happy family.My father likes_. My mother likes_. My grandpa/grandma/sister/brother likes_.And I like_.I love my family.Step 4 Homework:1.朗读课文五遍,会背诵12幅图。2.完成书上P38练习。3. 完成英练P22笔试。The writings on the blackboard: Unit 4 Hobbies be(not) good at+名词/动名词 play basketball I like (doing). play the pia

14、no He/She likes (doing). read stories They like (doing). watch filmsPeriod 2 Teaching material:五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Hobbies (Grammar time & Fun time)Teaching aims and learning objectives:A Knowledge1. 能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词 p36-37六组四会词。2. 复习story time 内容。3. 能熟练掌握like后名词和动词的正确形式。B. Ability1. 能理解课文内容并能熟练朗读和表演。2. 能熟

15、练掌握动词加ing的三种规则3能用like/likes介绍自己和他人的爱好。C. Emotion1. 大方、自信地表达。Focus of the lesson:1. 根据提示复述课文。Predicted area of difficulty1. 流畅地表达一长段话。2. 能用like/likes介绍自己和他人的爱好。Teaching aids:光盘,卡片,PPTTeaching procedures: Step 1 warming up and revision1. Look and say (Show the PPT )T: Good morning, boys and girls. Tod

16、ay well go on learning Unit 4 hobbies. First lets look and say ,respond quickly.(复习动词短语)复习P3637四会词 2. Memory the characters hobbies.T: What do they like doing? Do you remember. A: What does. Like doing?B: XX likes.3. Retell the story T: You have a good memory. Now lets try to retell the story. Ss tr

17、y to retell the story according to the pictures and structures.Step 2 Grammar time1. Ask and answer T:Well, this time please ask and answer quickly.(根据老师给出的图片快速问答) A:What do/does. Like doing?B: . Like/likes .2. 出示Grammar time表格,(先鼓励学生自己讨论总结)最后老师讲解 like后要跟动词的ing形式。 答句中,主语是三单用like,不是三单用like. 问句也是,主语是三

18、单用What does xx like doing? 非三单What do . Like doing ?3. Discuss with deskmates . (同桌讨论动词ing 变化的规律) 动名词变化的规律: 1.直接在词尾加ing 2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing 3.重读闭音节结尾(最后结尾辅元辅,且不是w和y) ,双写词尾,再加ing4. Practice 1. 将下列单词变成动名词形式。 draw play shout come sleep run sing eat jump write Sit Step 3 Fun time T: Lets do a survey now.

19、Model:T-S1:I like .What do you like doing? S1: I like . S1-S2: What do you like doing ? S2:. 几生后总结 In our group ,xx and Xx like. XX likes.T: OK. Its your turn to do the survey. (四人一组,用以下句型提问,每组推选一个组长进行记录。最后大家一起汇报。可以一人一句,也可以齐说)Step 4 Consolidation1.模仿Story time,介绍你的好朋友。2.完成英补U4 E Look ,read and write

20、.Step 5 Homework1. 完成英练P2324笔试。2.抄写Grammar time部分句型。3.朗读U4ST五遍 ,背诵34幅图。The writings on the blackboard: Unit 4 Hobbies A: What do/does. Like doing? read-readingB: .like/likes. dance-dancing swim-swimmingPeriod 3Teaching material:五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Hobbies (Cartoon time&Song time)Teaching aims and learnin

21、g objectives:A. Knowledge:1. 能理解课文内容并能有感情的朗读和表演。2. 三会掌握单词: hobby/hobbies, talk about, idea, ice, hole, wet3. 四会掌握句子Look out!4. 能表演唱歌曲We all like climbingB. Ability:1 .明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。2. 在日常生活中能熟练运用Cartoon time 中的句子。C. Emotion:体会快乐学英语、表演英语的愉悦之情。Focus of the lesson:1整体理解课文内容,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。

22、2. 有感情地表演课文。Predicted area of difficulty:1. 有感情地表演课文。2. 读准所有三会单词。Teaching aids:光盘,卡片,PPTTeaching procedures:Step 1 Free talk and revision1.T: What do you like doing? What does he/ she like doing? What do they like doing?2. T: This time ,lets try to retell the story by using these new structures.(PPT

23、给出跟书上原文不同的句型,学生试着复述课文,让学生用不同句型灵活转换)Step 2 Song time1. Enjoy the song.2. Sing the song together. 3. Change the song.Step 3 Ask and answer英补U4part C1.T: You can sing the song very well. Can you ask and answer these pictures well? Now lets have a try. 2.S-S pair work3.Check the answer.Step 4 Cartoon ti

24、me1.Watch and answer T: Look the friends are talking about their hobbies too. Who are they? Ss: Theyre Billy and Sam.(Teach Billy) T: What do they like doing ? Lets watch the cartoon and try to find the answer. Ss watch the cartoon and find the answer.2.Read and answer T: Billy and Sam both like ska

25、ting. But who is good at skaing, Billy or Sam? Lets read and find the answer.(在文中找出关键句并指导朗读) Ss: Read and find the answer.3. Do Billy like skating now? Why?相机教授hole, on the ice, in the ice, wet4. Read the story拓展故事结尾 A.What will Billy say at last?B.What can we learn from the story? (We shoud be care

26、ful and be helpful in our daily life.)Step 5 Consolidation1. 两人小组,表演卡通故事。2. 完成英补Unit 4 听力部分。Step 6 Homework 1.背诵Unit 4 Cartoon time2.完成英补Unit 4剩余笔试部分。3.完成U4默写卷The writings on the blackboard:Unit 4 Hobbies Sam and Billy talk about their hobbies. Thats a great idea. on the ice Look out! in the ice Per

27、iod 4 Teaching material:五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Hobbies (Sound time &Checkout time)Teaching aims and learning objectives:A. Knowledge:1. 知道字母y 在单词中的主要发音。2 .复习 like/likes doing.的句型。B. Ability:1. 会看图正确使用like/likes doing.来表达图意。2能用三四句话表达自己或他人的爱好。C. Emotion: 表演歌谣或对话时自信响亮。Focus of the lesson:1知道字母y单词中的主要发音。2. 综合运用

28、本单元的句型进行对话或描述性表达。Predicted area of difficulty:1. 会看图正确使用like/likes doing.来表达图意。2能用三四句话表达自己或他人的爱好。Teaching aids:光盘、卡片,PPTTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up and revision1.Free talk1) T: what do they like doing? S1:They like .2) T: what do you like doing? S: I like . 3) T: what does he/she like doin

29、g?S: He/She likes . Step2. Presentation1,Play a guessing game.T: look ,what does he/she like doing? You can use He/she likes . I think to answer the question .2.listen and judge (finish checkout time)【设计意图:由歌曲和游戏导入句型what do you like doing? What does he/she like doing?让学生进一步巩固这个句型,能正确完成checkout time.

30、】3. Sound time a.T:What does Yoyo have?引出语音小诗并朗读。 b.小结y在单词开头的发音,并适当提醒在单词末尾发不同的音,举例说明。 c.Try to read the new words.4. Writing A. Try to say sth according to the PPT. B. Try to write on P 45.Step 3 Consolidation完成英练Period 3-4 听力部分Step 4 Homework1. 完成英练P2528笔试部分。2. 背诵语音小诗。The writings on the blackboard:Unit 4 Hobbiesy j yellow year yes you youngPeriod 5 Teaching material:五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Hobbies Ticking time &综合复习Teaching aims and

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