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1、八年级上册Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow课文重难点讲解Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?课文重难点讲解Section A1. Do you want to watch a game show?【解析1】want =would like v 想要 want a go = have a try 试一试 (1) want sth 想要某物 I want a pen. (2) want to do sth 想要去做某事 I want to go home. (3) want sb to do sth = would like

2、sb to do sth.想要某人做某事I really want _(去滑冰) today.【2014江苏盐城】69. The person who is the earliest will get what he or she _(want).【2014苏州中考】The driver wanted_his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not to. A.Park B. Parked C. to park D. parking【解析2】watch/read/see/look at “看” 法不同 (1)看电视、看比赛、看

3、表演用watch; watch TV 看电视【2014重庆中考】27.Where is your father? -He _ the World Cup in the living room. watching C.watched D.will watch 【2014江苏泰州】65. The TV program Super Brain(最强大脑)is so fantastic that it is well worth_ ( watch) (2)看书、看报、看杂志用read read the book看书 (3)看电影、看医生用see see the docto

4、r 看医生 (4) 看黑板、看地图用look at look at the blackboard 看黑板【记】_the picture. Can you see the man in the picture? He isnt _ the book. He is _TV. ( ) _ the board , child! Read the words on it after me. A. Look B. Look at C. See D. Watch【解析3】show v 出示,展示 show sb. sth = show sth to sb. 向某人出示某物Lucy showed me her

5、 photos = Lucy showed the photos to me. show sb. around someplace 带领某人参观 n 演出; 节目; 表演 be on show 正在展出 fashion show 时装表演 game show 游戏节目 TV show 电视节目 talent show才艺表演 talk show 脱口秀;谈话节目 sports show 体育节目( ) Zhang Xuan showed me her photos and gave me one yesterday. A. passed me B. brought me C. let me s

6、ee D. made me take【2014湖北武汉】38. I used to _ with my wife and watch TV movies at home. A. show up B. wake up C. come up D. stay up2. What do you think of talk show? 你认为访谈节目怎么样? I dont mind them . 我不介意它们。【解析1】What do you think of?= How do you like ?你觉得怎么样?用来提问某人对某事的看法; 回答常用句型:I like very much/ I dont

7、like /I cant stand / I dont mind等。( ) _ do you think of the film? Very interesting. A. What B. Who C. How ( ) What do you think of soap opearas? _. But my mother likes them. A. I like them B. I enjoy them C. I cant stand them D. I dont agree【解析2】mind (1)v 介意, 反对 (2) n 头脑,想法,记忆【句型1】 mind doing sth Do

8、 you mind opening the door?( ) What do you think of bananas? I dont mind _. A. it B. them C. their D. its( ) Excuse me , would you mind _ your voices down, please? A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept【句型2】-Would you mind (ones) doing sth? 你介意做某事吗?(用于委婉的询问或请求别人做某事)【否定】would you mind not doing sth?【否

9、定回答】 如果不介意(同意): 意思是“允许对方做某事”Oh, no , please/Not at all/Of course not /Certainly not【肯定回答】如果介意(不同意):意思则是“不让对方做某事”Please dont 请不要/ Better not, please 请最好不要/ Im sorry, but /Youd better not. (2) n 思想,主意 change ones mind 改变某人的主意 never mind 不要紧 make ones mind to do sth = decide to do sth下决心做某事The day befo

10、re yesterday, he made up his mind _ (lose) weight.(3). mind sb./形容词性物主代词+doing sth. 介意某人做某事 【2013浙江台州】Would you mind _ the music a little? Dont you think its too loud? Sorry! Ill do it in a minute. A. turning on B. turning off C. turning up D. turning down【2014云南中考】74.Im trying to sleep . Would you

11、mind _the music? (调低)【2013四川宜宾】33.Would you mind _ in the dining hall? Of course not. A. not to smoke B. not smoking C. smoke D. not smoke 【2013湖南娄底】26. Would you mind_ the window? Its very hot. No, not at all. A. open B. to open C. opening【2014山东烟台】30.Would you mind not _ noise? Alice is sleeping.

12、Sorry, I didnt know. I _ she was awake. A.make ; think B.making; thought C.making; think D.make ; thought【2014湖南长沙】31. It is getting cold. Would you mind _the window? Of course not. A. closing B. to close C. closed3. Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world. 因为我希望了解世界各地正在发生的事情【解析1】

13、hope v / n 希望(1)hope to do sth. 希望做某事 I hope _ (see) you again.(2)hope +that 从句 I hope you may succeed (3)I hope so 我希望是这样 (4)I hope not 我希望不是这样 ( ) Whats your dream job, Tom? I hope _ a policeman. A. being B. be C. to be D. done【解析2】 find out 查明;弄清【拓展】 1. find found found v寻找 (1) find sb. doing sth

14、 发现某人做某事 (2) find it + adj. + to do sth 发现做某事很find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难( ) She found _ hard to finish the work by herself. A. that B. its C. it D. this【辨析】find/look for/find out 找(1)find v 找到,强调找到的结果(2)look for 寻找,强调找东西的过程(3) find out 查明,找到,指经过调查,询问等弄清事实的真相 ( )The window is broken.

15、Try to_ who broke it. A. find out B. find C. look D. look for【句型3】 around the world= all over the world世界各地I hope I can travel _(世界各地) one day.4. Find someone who hopes to watch a sictom . 找出谁希望看情景剧【解析】sitcom stkm n.情景喜剧 (= situation comedy) watch sitcom 看情景喜剧 comedy n 喜剧; 喜剧片(pl) comediesI like to

16、watch _(情景喜剧) ,what about you?5. Find someone who expects to watch the news. 找到谁期待看新闻。【解析】news n 新闻 (不可数名词) a piece of news. 一条新闻 home news 国内新闻 foreign news 国外新闻 She was pleased to hear good _(new) about him.( ) There _ a lot of news in the newspaper. A. is B. are C. be D. am 6. soap opera 肥皂剧What

17、do you think of _(soap opeara)?7. Sally thinks game shows are more educational than sitcoms. 萨利认为游戏节目比情景喜剧更有教育意义。【解析】educate v 教育 education n educational edukenl adj. 有教育意义的 an educational toy 智力玩具 further education 继续教育 primary education 初级教育【记】My mother is an _ worker. She puts all her heart into

18、_. She knows some good ways to _ teenagers. (educate)This is an _(education) book.Every week the students in No.1 Middle school see an _(education) film. 【西双版纳】Avatar is an _movie ,It shows us the importance of protecting the environment.A. useful B. Australian C. educational D. old 【2014四川遂宁】28. _

19、free education, more and more poor children can go back to school in the mountain areas. A. Without B. Thanks to C. Instead of8. We had a discussion about TV shows. 我们讨论了电视节目。【解析】 discussion n 讨论;商量 have a discussion 进行一场讨论They had a _(discuss) about TV shows yesterday.( ) Dont jump to a conclusion!

20、 Lets _ the problem first. A. to discuss B. discuss C. discussed D. discussing9. I like to follow the story and see what happens next. 我喜欢跟着剧情,看接下来发生的事情。【解析1】follow v 跟随; 沿着路前进 following adj. 下面的;其次的 follower n 追随者 follow sb./sth 跟随某人/ 某物 Follow me ,Ill go first follow sb. to do sth 跟随某人做某事 follow a

21、fter 追求; 模仿 follow the example of 以为榜样【解析2】happen v 发生sth happen to sb.(某事)发生在某人身上(sb. 要用宾格)What happened to sb.?= What was the matter with sb.? 某人出什么事了?What happened to you?=What was wrong with him?Sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事 She happened _(be) out when we called.【拓展】(1) happen 无被动语态,=主语是物,强调某事发生

22、的偶然性(2) take place “发生” 无被动语态, 指事情有计划有安排地发生The sports meeting took place in our school last week.【记】 The story _ in a farway small village. What _ to the farmer? 这个故事发生在遥远的小山村,这个农民身上发生了什么事? ( )An accident _ at the school gate this morning. A. happened B .happened to C. took place D. took places( ) W

23、hat happened _ the boy? A. with B. to C. at D. on( ) A serious bike accident _ her , and she was badly hurt. A. happened to B. was happened to C. was happing D. was happen( ) The accident took place on a cold night. A. took the place B. happened C. told D. hold10. You can expect to learn a lot from

24、them. 但是你能从中学到很多东西。【解析】 learn learned/learntlearned/learnt v 学习 learn about 了解(1) learn from sb. 向某人学习We should _ _ the hard- working students.(向学习)( ) We should learn_ each other.A. about B. from C. to D. for(2) learn to do sth 学着做某事I want to learn _(play) an instrument.(3)learn by oneself= teach o

25、neself 自学 Who taught you to paint? Nobody, I taught myself. (= learnt it by myself) I want to learn _(play) an instrument.( ) We should learn_ each other.A. about B. from C. to D. for ( ) He can learn the knowledge _ this book. A. to B. at C. from D. in 11. I cant stand them! 我不能忍受他们!【解析】 stand v 忍受

26、 ,多数情况下与cant/ can/ couldnt / could 连用,常用于否定 句或疑问句,不可与进行时连用 站立,坐落【记】 I dont stand here and I cant stand what he said. 我不站在这里, 我无法忍受他说的话。【解析】cant stand doing sth 不能忍受做某事 短语: stand up 起立 stand for 代表 He cant stand _(work) there. ( ) What do you think of the play? _.A. I can stand on the chair B. I dont

27、 know about thatC. I have no idea D. I cant stand it 12. She plans to watch Days of our past_. 她计划_ 看旧日时光【解析】plan v/n 计划 planning planned make a plan for 为制定计划 make a plan to do sth 计划做某事 plan to do sth 计划做某事= plan on doing sth ( ) We have been planning _ a bridge. A. build B. to build C. building D

28、. to building【2014台州2】The picnic is only in three days. Have you made any _? Not yet. So lets discuss what to prepare. A. wishes B. plans C. mistakes D. friends13. Well, they may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them. 奥,它们也许并不很激动人心,但是你可以从中学到许多东西【解析1】may model v 也许;可能;可以ma

29、y 为情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后用动词原形,当may 意味“也许;可能” 时,表示推测。( ) Ben, dont drive too fast. You _ hit the others cars. Oh, I wont , Mum. A. may B. must C. have to D. need(2) 当may 意为“可以” 时, 经常表达请求 句型May I ? “ 我可以.?” 用来征求对方的许可,语气委婉。肯定回答 Yes, you may 是的, 你可以否定回答No, you cant 不,你不能 May I coming in? Coming in , please ( ) _ I ask you a question ? sure. A. May B. Would C. Do ( ) Mum, _ I go out to play? Yes, you may. But you must finish your homework first. A. must B. may C. will D. need【解析2】exciting adj. 令人兴奋的, 使人激动的 an exciting

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