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北师大高二英语Unit 17重点词汇.docx

1、北师大高二英语Unit 17重点词汇北师大高二英语Unit 17重点词汇一、重点单词:1、respond回答、响应; 短语: respond to响应、答复;respond with报以、以表示回答;respond by以方式反应;respond by walking out以走开作为答复;respond to the call响应号召;respond to the call of the country响应国家的号召;respond to the change反映出变化;respond to kindness感恩;respond to a letter回信;respond to treatm

2、ent对治疗有反应;respond with a kick回踢一脚;用法:respond可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。respond可以引出直接引语。respond作不及物动词,表示“回答,响应”,后一般接to。如: The lecturer kindly responded to my question.respond主要用于“良好的”反应,如用于“不好的”反应,则句中须加表示否定意义的词。配套练习:No response was _ rapidly _ our demands for the equipment which was most nee

3、ded. A. gave; to B. made; to C. offered; for D. given; forAlthough a large amount of good medicine _ used on the patient, he still had no rapid response _ the treatment. A. had; to B. had been; for C. was; to D. has been; forI offered to help him, but he didnt _. Which is wrong? A. answer B. reply C

4、. respond D. sayHe has decided to retire and hand over the heavy load of _ to you. A. respond B. respect C. responsibility D. responsibleHow did Jack _ to your suggestion? A. look B. respond C. act D. reduce 2、delay 推迟、耽搁。短语:no delay刻不容缓;delay (in) doing something迟迟末做某事(也可接不定式);after several delays几

5、经耽搁;owing to postal delays由于邮递的耽搁;without delay不延迟地,立即;without the least delay毫不延迟地;delay in delivery延期交货;delay in payment延期支付;delay of two hours两小时的拖延;delay for some time推迟一段时间;delay until在前交货;用法:delay可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不接动词不定式作宾语。接表人的名词或代词作宾语时,一般译为“使某人误事”或“使某人慢下来”; 接表事事物的名词或代词

6、作宾语时,通常译为“推迟耽搁做某事”。delay的意思为“推迟”,“延期”,相当于put off,其后通常接名词,动名词作宾语,一般很少接不定式。如:I have to delay answering his question.delayin解释为“把某事耽搁”,其后一般接动名词,不接不定式或者of加动名词。如:Excuse me for my delay in answering your question.请原谅我耽搁了回答你的问题。delay指“耽搁,延迟”这一行为或情况本身时,是不可数名词; 表示具体的“被耽搁推迟的事件或时间”时,是可数名词。delay在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语。常

7、与“in+ v -ing”连用。比较: delay常表示由于外界原因而推延,也表示有意推延。如:The train was delayed three hours because of the heavy snow. put off指有安排的推延,常说明推延到什么时候。如:The meeting was put off.配套练习:The government is accused of using _ tactics(战术). A. delay B. delaying C. delayed D. being delayedExcuse me for my _ your letter. A. d

8、elay answering B. delaying to answer C. delay in answering D. delaying in answeringWe had a terrible holiday; all the five days were completely _ by the weather. A. delayed B. revived C. ruined D. reversedJohn was late for the business meeting because his flight had been _ by a heavy storm. A. kept

9、B. stopped C. slowed D. delayedAs there was an accident on the road, the bus _ for an hour. A. delayed B. is delayed C. was delayed D. will delay3、acknowledge (vt)承认、答谢、告知收到(信件、礼物等);短语:It is universally (generally) acknowledged that 是大家所公认的;acknowledge (receipt of/ the receipt of) sbs letter向某人表示来信已

10、收到;acknowledge doing sth承认做了某事; in acknowledgement/ acknowledge of sth对某事表示感谢;acknowledge sth. 承认某事; acknowledge that . 承认; acknowledge sth./sb. to be/as承认某事/某人是; acknowledge help 对帮助表示感谢;acknowledge as承认是;acknowledge sth to sb向某人承认;acknowledge sb with a smile笑一笑向某人打招呼;用法:acknowledge通常以人或国家、政府等作主语。a

11、cknowledge是及物动词,既可接名词、动名词、that从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be)+ n./adj./v -ed”acknowledge后接复合宾语时,宾语补足语为as引出的短语或不定式短语。如:I acknowledge myself (as) beaten./ He gladly acknowledge himself to be in the wrong.配套练习:I would be grateful if you would _ receipt of this letter. A. admit B. acknowledge C. accept D. informHe w

12、as given a gold watch _ his work for the company. A. in acknowledgement of B. in acknowledge of C. acknowledge of D. A and BHis long service with the company was _ with a present. A. admitted B. acknowledged C. attributed D. acceptedThey refused to acknowledge _. A. defeat B. that they were defeated

13、 C. defeated D. A and B4、face 脸、面孔、面对。短语:face to face 面对面地(作状语);face-to-face 面对面的(作定语);face to face with 遇上;make a face (at somebody) 做鬼脸;with a smile on ones face 面带笑容地;lose ones face 失掉面子;hit somebody in the face 打某人的脸;look somebody in the face = look in somebodys face瞅着某人的脸;in ones face 当面;in (th

14、e) face of 面对着、纵然、即使;on the face of 从的外表判断起来;have the face to do something 居然有脸做某事;to ones face 当着面;She is a good judge of faces她善于根据面部表情来判断人的性格;face somebody/ something 面对某人(物);face on/ onto/ to/ toward/ up to 朝着某处、面临某种形势;face (to the) south 朝南;be faced with difficulty/ by a most impressive scene 面

15、临着困难、展现出一幅非常令人难忘的景色;face up to面对、承担;face the music接受(不愉快的后果或情况)、应受惩罚;用法:face作“面子”“过分自信”解时,为抽象名词,不可数。face既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时,后面可接人或表示困难、形势、问题等的抽象名词或动名词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,多用来指房屋的朝向。比较:face 面孔,表示“在脸上”多用on。如: She has a very beautiful face. look 脸色、神气、外表,复数指面容。如:Never judge a man by his looks. appearan

16、ce外表、外貌,用单数时着重指人,往往包括衣着。如:His wife is ordinary in appearance.配套练习:The boy was caught cheating in the exam and he had to _. A. face music B. play the music C. face the music D. listen to music_ such a difficult problem, he didnt know what to do. A. Faced B. Facing C. Faced to D. Facing withMr Smith l

17、ives in a _ flat. A. faced south B. south faced C. south-facing D. facing southThe house is clean and bright, with a large window _. A. facing south B. facing the south C. facing to south D. faces southThe reporter wanted to fix _. A. a face to face interview B. a face-to-face interview C. an face t

18、o face interview D. an face-to-face interview5、astonish 使惊讶、使惊骇; astonished 感到惊讶的; astonishing 惊人的;短语:look astonished at what he said 对他所说的话似乎感到惊讶;be astonished to see something 见到什么感到惊讶;be astonished at/ by something 对某事感到惊讶;something astonish somebody某事使某人感到惊讶;It astonished us to hear that 听说使我们十分

19、惊讶;to somebodys astonishment = to the astonishment of somebody 使某人惊奇的是;It astonished us to hear that you had not received our letter.用法:astonish作“使某人惊讶”解时,用陈述式,主语可为表示人、行为、特性、事件的名词。当以人作主语时, astonish须搭用by或with引起的短语表示导致惊讶的原因; astonish作“某人对某事物感到惊讶”解时,用被动式或系表结构,这时astonish多搭用由atby引起的短语或不定式短语,也可搭用that引起的从句

20、。astonish的过去分词astonished在句中常用作形容词,意思是“感到惊讶的”,表示对突然发生或遇到的事情做出异乎寻常的反应,在句中可用作定语或表语; 而astonish的现在分词astonishing在句中用作形容词时多用作定语,偶尔也可用作表语。astonish 通常用现在分词或过去分词作表语时,其后跟at 短语,不定式及that 从句,说明原因。如:Its astonishing to me that she should fail the exam. / I was astonished that she didnt come. 配套练习:The girl stared at

21、 the fierce tiger eating a monkey _. A. astonishing B. in astonishment C. astonished D. astonishThe news _ everyone. A. astonish B. astonishing C. astonished D. to astonishI was _ the news of his escape. A. astonishing at B. astonished for C. astonished at D. astonishing forLooking at her _ looks, w

22、e were _. A. astonished; confused B. astonishing; confusing C. astonishment; confused D. astonished; confusing6、convince (vt)说服、使相信、使认识错误;短语:This convinced me of his honesty/ convinced me that he is honest这使我相信他确实是诚实的;He was convinced of his error他认识了错误;convince/ persuade sb to sth/ argue sb into do

23、ing sth/ convince sb to do sth说服某人去做某事;be convinced/ sure/ certain of/ that确信;convince sb. of sth./that 使某人相信;be convinced of sth./that 相信;convince beyond doubt确信无疑;convince by为所折服;用法:convince的基本意思是通过摆事实、讲道理或者出示证据等方法使人确信某一事实,侧重人的理性因素。convince是及物动词,其宾语多为人,而“信服”的内容则可由介词of引出或由that从句充当。convince也可接以动词不定式

24、充当补足语的复合宾语,其意思是“劝说,说服”,是美式英语用法。convince后面可以直接接人,如果表达“说服某人某事”可用“convinceof”或“convincethat”的结构。如:We hope to convince him of our sincerity. /We hope to convince him that we are sincere.比较:说服某人做某事:argue/ talk/ persuade sb into doing sth;persuade侧重情感上的劝告;convince着重指理智方面的辩论、劝说, convince sb of sth;配套练习:He

25、couldnt _ his father that John was telling the truth. A. convince B. believe C. ensure D. conceiveHow can I _ her honesty? A. convince you B. convince you for C. convince you of D. be convinced ofWithout a good body, we couldnt achieve anything. So I tried to _ my dad to _ smoking, but I failed. A.

26、persuade; give in B. persuade; give up C. convince; give up D. advise; give upIts useless trying to _ her that she doesnt need to lose any weight. A. believe B. convince C. warn D. ensure7、guarantee保证、确保;短语:stand guarantee for sb替某人作保;guarantee to carry out the Partys tasks保证完成党的各项任务;I guarantee tha

27、t hell go我保证他会去 ;guarantee sb against/ from loss保证某人不受损失;guarantee to do sth.保证做某事 ; guarantee that/sth. . 保证; guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人某物; give sb. a guarantee that .向某人保证; 用法:guarantee用作及物动词,后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语; 也可接双宾语; 还接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。guarantee作名词后接on或 with,表示某种产品的保单;后接 to,表

28、示“对的保证”。如:A six-month guarantee on the TV set for all repairs might be necessary./ a money-back guarantee to those unsatisfied with the products; guarantee作动词,宾语后接against,表示“保证不受”;后接 to,表示“为某人提供的保证”。如: This contract guarantees you against damage by fire or flood./ Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed

29、to our customers. 有时后接双宾语,表示保证某人享有某种权利等。如:This guarantees you the right to use the typewriter. 后接that从句,从句中不含情态动词时,表示“确信”,反之,表示“担保”。如: I can guarantee that you will enjoy yourself./ I guarantee that he shall pay on August 20.配套练习:The watch is still _ guarantee. A. at B. under C. on D. atThis kind of

30、 behaviour is guaranteed _ him angry. A. to make B. making C. made D. have madeThis iron is guaranteed for a year _ faulty workmanship. A. under B. against C. over D. onI _ that youll enjoy yourself. A. sure B. guarantee C. sured D. guaranteedIn the storm, we must _ every family _ loss. A. promise;

31、by B. promise; against C. keep; for D. guarantee; from8、adjust 调节、调整、适应;短语:adjust the error校正误差;adjust(sth.oneself)(to sth.)使适应;适应;使)适应于;adjust to army life适应军队生活;adjust to external changes适应外界的变化;adjust to the new climate适应新的气候条件;adjust to new conditions适应新的环境;adjust to a standard校准;用法:adjust可用作不及物动词,指“调节自身以适应”时,“以适应”的客体由介词短语to引出。如:I soon adjusted to my new work.作“被调整”“被调节”解时可接with短语,表示“用来调整”。adjust用作及物动词时,以反身代词、物或事物作宾语,而以to引起的短语作宾语补足语,表示“调整以适应”。用作宾语的反身代词有时可以省略。如: Animals adjust themselves t

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