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1、综合英语综合英语(一)移动学习资源之习题助考Unit 1习题助考1Hethe technical skill in computer while working in the company.Abrought upBpicked upCmade upDtook up2The research centera new plan and decided to carry it out immediately.Acame outBput outCworked outDstood out3I hope we willa business relationship to benefit both of

2、our companies.Astick upBstrike upCmake upDbring up4When he moved to Canada, the childrento the change very well.AadjustedBadheredCadoptedDappeared5There were many people outside the building,in line for the concert tickets.AwaitingBwaitedCwaitDto wait习题解析1B 这句话的意思是,在公司工作的过程中,他逐渐学会了计算机技术。故答案选BBring u

3、p, 抚养,带大。Make up, 编造;补充;完成。Take up, 拿起;占据,占用。2C 这几个词组的意思分别是:come out, 出现,暴露,出版,传开。Put out, 扑灭。work out, 设计,推出,研究出。stand out, 突出。所以选项 C 是正确答案。3B 从句子内容来看,只能是希望建立或保持互惠互利的商务关系。几个选项中只有B, strike up 有“建立”的含义。Stick up, 向上突起,竖起。Make up, 编造。Bring up, 抚养(孩子);提及(某事)。4A 在一个新的环境里,需要调整一下以适应环境,一般用 adjust to 或 adapt

4、 to。Adhere,坚持。Adopt, 采取,过继(孩子)。Appear, 出现。5A 从句子的结构来看,逗号后的部分是修饰限定前面的 people 的,相当于There were many people outside the building, who are waiting in line for the concert tickets.应该选择动词wait 的现在分词形式。其他三个形式都不合适。Unit 2习题助考1I have been waiting for him for the last twenty minutes, but he hasnt _ yet.Ashown of

5、fBshown upCshown throughDshown around2My shirt has _ so much after washing that I cant wear it any more.AdeclinedBdecreasedCshrunkDfallen3The standard of peoples life shows that their economy is _.AsinkingBdroppingCfallingDdeclining4_ todays newspaper, we shall have cold weather next week.AWith rega

6、rd toBIn spite ofCAccording toDIn sight of5No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to _.Athe otherBanotherCany otherDother习题解析1B 句子的意思是,我等了他二十多分种了,他一直没有来。Show off, 炫耀。Show up, 出现。Show around, 带领参观。2C 根据常识,衣服洗完够变小了,穿不上,应该是缩水了。所以选择C。学习这几个词的时候,需要注意一下:这几个词都有“变小,变弱,减弱,减少

7、”的意思,用做这个意思时基本是近义词。不过,有些词还有其他的含义。Decline, 拒绝。Shrink,(由于遇水或内部结构的变化而)缩小。Fall, 跌倒。3D 这个题的关键是理解这四个动词的微妙含义。Sink, 陷落,塌陷。Drop, (温度、数字等)掉下,下落,下降。Fall, 倒塌。Decline, 下降,减少,变小。一般来说,指经济不景气、萧条时往往用 decline 这个词。4C 句子的意思是,根据今天的报纸,下周天气会很冷。With regard to, 关于。In spite of, 尽管。According to, 根据。In sight of, 看得见的。5A 这个练习帮助

8、你区别 other, the other, another, any other 这几个词语的用法。Other 是形容词,其他的。The other, 指两者中的另一个、另一方、对方。Another, 多个中的另一个。Any 和 other 不算固定搭配。Unit 3习题助考1There was a _ in the shop when a fire started.AfantasyBsoundCexcitementDpanic2They waited in _ to hear the end of the story.ArealismBsuspenseCdreamDtrouble3Can y

9、ou provide any evidence that he was _ of the crime?AtypicalBpossibleCinnocentDprobable4When _, the TV set will be immediately sent to your house.AbuyingBto buyCboughtDbuy5I wrote down his telephone number, so that I _ remember it.AneedBhad toCmightDmust习题解析1D 句子的意思是,商店里着火后引起了很大的恐慌。Fantasy, 幻想,幻觉。Sou

10、nd, 声音。Excitement, 刺激,激动,兴奋。Panic, 慌乱,恐慌。2B 这个句子的语言背景可能是,有人正在讲故事,还没有到结尾,人们都焦急地等待着故事的结尾。In suspense, 处在悬念中。Realism, 现实主义。Dream, 梦,梦境;做梦。Trouble, 麻烦,困境。3C 句子的意思是,你能否提供他无辜的任何证据?Innocent of sth, 无辜,无罪,没有犯某罪或做某事。Typical, 典型的。Possible 和 probable 都有“可能的”意思,不过前者比后者的可能性要小一些。4C 这句话的意思是,如果买了以后,电视会被很快送到你家。When

11、bought 相当于 When it is bought。这里只用了buy 的过去分词形式,省略了其他部分。5C 情态动词might 表示可能。也许说话人经常记不住别人的电话号码,这次虽然写下了也未必就一定能记住。其他几个情态动词的意思是不一样的:Need, 需要,必需。Had to, 不得不。Must, 一定,必须。Unit 4习题助考1The sign X _ an unknown number.Astands forBtakes place ofCstands byDlooks up2The dog went in the water and now its wet _.Aall the

12、reBall outCall overDall through3It is John who first _ with the good idea of going to visit the museum.Acame acrossBcame afterCcame downDcame up4I bought a new house last year, but I _ my old house yet.Adid not sellBhave not soldChad not soldDdo not sell5Some members of the staff couldnt handle the

13、condition, hard _ they tried.AwhenBalthoughCasDeven if解析1A 句子的意思是,字母X代表一个未知数。Stand for, 代表。Take place of, 代替。Stand by,袖手旁观。Look up, 查询。2C 句子的意思是,狗走到了水里,浑身都湿透了。All over, 浑身上下。3D 句子的意思是,是John首先想到去参观博物馆的主意的。Come across, 偶然发现或碰到。跟随,追踪。塌陷,崩溃。赶上;想出(主意),找到(解决办法)。4B 句子的意思是,我去年买了一个新房子,不过我还没有卖掉我的老房子。前半句中有明确的过

14、去时刻 last year,所以用一般过去时;而后半句中强调现在我的房子还没有卖掉的事实,而且用了 yet, 所以用现在完成时。5C 连词 as 可以用在“形容词或副词 + as + 其他成分”这样的结构中,引导让步状语从句。Unit 5习题助考1Can you tell me which place you _?Athink overBhave out of mindChave in the mindDhave in mind2_ , he knew nothing about it.AAs matter of factBAs a matter of factCIn a factDAs a

15、fact3Can you _ a good magazine to read while I travel?ArecommendBrecordCrecognizeDrecover4Did you have _ in mind? Aspecial anythingBanything specialCnothing specialDspecial nothing5This has been one of _ winters in a long time.AworseBthe worstCbadDthe bad 习题解析1D Have sth / sb in mind, 考虑某人或某物合适。这样用时

16、,名词 mind 前不用冠词。Think over仔细考虑,思考。2B As a matter of fact 和 in fact, 都有“事实上,实际情况是”的含义。前者 matter 前有不定冠词,而后者 fact 前不加任何冠词。3A 从句子内容来看,问话人是在征求建议。Recommend, 推荐,建议。Record, 记录,记载。Recognize, 认识,辨别出。Recover, 恢复,重新获得/找回某事物。4B 形容词修饰由some-, any-, no- 等组成的不定代词如 somebody, nothing, anyone等词时,一般位于这些不定代词的后面。5B 从句子含义来看

17、,“one of the + 形容词最高级”这一结构常常用来表示“最之一”的概念。Unit 6习题助考1They paid a _ visit to the new neighborsAcourteousBcourtyardCcourtesyDcourageous2Shes counting _ getting this fund to continue his research.AinBonC .aboutDwith 3We should not let chances _ in our daily life.Ago offBgo downCgo byDgo through 4They hi

18、red a very expensive company to decorate the house _ of how much money it may cost.AregardingBregretfulCregardlessDinnocent 5Could you tell me how _ the machine?A.I workBworkingCworkedDto work习题解析1C 句子的意思是,他们礼节性地拜访了那些新邻居。Courteous, 彬彬有礼的;谦恭的;客气的。Courtyard, 庭院;四合院。Courtesy, 礼貌;礼貌的态度、行为。Courageous, 勇敢

19、的,无畏的。Pay a courtesy visit to somebody, 礼节性拜访某人。注意,这里习惯上用名词 courtesy 做定语。2B 动词 count 有“按照顺序数数字;计算在内;考虑之中”的意思。Count on, 依靠,依赖。其他三个介词和 count 没有类似的搭配。3C 句子的意思是,日常生活中,我们不应该错失良机。Go off, 爆炸;变质,变坏。Go down,(日、月)下落;沉没;平息;跌落。Go by, 经过;遵照,遵守。Go through, 详细讨论;搜查;经历,遭受。4C 句子的意思是,他们不管可能花费多少钱,雇佣了一家很昂贵的公司来装修房子。Regr

20、etful 遗憾的,抱歉的。Regardless of, 不顾,不考虑,不注意。Innocent of, 无罪的。5D 英语中,疑问词和动词不定式经常可以一起做宾语,这里,是疑问句中的间接宾语。Unit 7习题助考1As a nursery teacher, you mustnt be _ with the children.AimpossibleBimpatientCimportantDimpractical2We have _ time to catch the train.Aplenty ofBa large number ofCmanyDmost 3In _ with most you

21、ng people, he hates getting up early in the morning.AtheoryBrelationCcommonDpractice4I hate _ to tell you, but youve failed in the driving test.AhavingBhaveChasDhad5Did you _ to get along well with your sister when you were younger? AusedBusingCuseDto use习题解析1B 根据常理,对待孩子应该有耐心。Impossible, 不可能的。Impati

22、ent, 不耐烦的,没有耐心的。Important, 重要的。Impractical, 不切实际的,不能实行的。2A 名词 time 是不可数的。A large number of, many 都是用来修饰可数名词的。只有 plenty of 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。3C 句子的意思是,跟大多数年轻人一样,他最讨厌很早起床。In theory, 理论上。In relation with, 有关,关于。In common with, 与一样。In practice, 事实上。4A Hate to do sth, 讨厌做某事;不喜欢做某事。这句话的意思是,不得不告诉你,我真的极不情

23、愿,不过,你驾驶考试不合格。5C Used to do something, 过去常常做某事。只用欲一般过去时的句子里。如果用在疑问句中,则用助动词 did 来帮助构成一般过去时,used to 则变为 use to.Unit 8习题助考1We were married on 20 May, 1964, so every year we have a party on our _.AceremonyBweddingCanniversaryDritual2We are staying in a hotel _ the airport expressway.AinBonCtoDoff3At tha

24、t time rice was very dear and hard to _.Acome upBgive inCcome byDlook after4Bring me a cup of coffee, _?Awill youBshall ICshall weDdont you5Tomorrow is Glorias last day here and we _ a little party for her in the office.AhaveBhadCare havingDhave had习题解析1C 考查名词词义。Ceremony, 典礼,仪式;wedding, 结婚;anniversa

25、ry, 纪念;ritual, 仪式,典礼。2D 考查介词的用法。句子的意思是:我们呆在机场高速路边的一家饭店里。介词 off 表示“离开、在外”的意思,这里指路边。其他几个介词的含义都不符合题意。3C 考查动词短语的含义。句子意思:那时,大米很贵,也很难弄到。Come up, 出现;give in, 屈服;come by, 得到,弄到;look after, 照看,照顾。只有C符合题意。4A 表示命令或请求等祈使语气的句子中,附加疑问句一般用will you?5C 考查现在进行时表示将来概念的用法。现在进行时的句子经常用来表示已经安排或计划好即将要做的事情。Unit 9习题助考1I thoug

26、ht the restaurants here were a little _ and I didnt want to eat there often.A. deliciousB. wonderfulC. fantasticD. disappointing2These are two _ ingredients in making this kind of pie.A. indispensableB. independentC. unnecessaryD. internal3You have to _ on smoking for you health.A. cut inB. cut offC

27、. cut outD. cut down4It was Johnson _ broke the window of the classroom.A. whoB. thatC. whichD. whom5The temple overlooks the city from a hill _ the Acropolis. A. to be calledB. callsC. callingD. called习题解析1D 句子意思:我认为这里的饭店有些_,我不想经常去那里吃饭。既然不去吃饭,显然有什么不好的方面,选项A、B、C都是好的特点,故选D。2A 考查形容词词义。句子意思:这些是做这种馅饼_的材

28、料。Indispensable, 必不可少的;independent, 独立的;unnecessary, 不必要的;internal, 内在的。3D 考查动词短语。句子意思:为了健康,你必须_吸烟了。Cut in, 突然插入;汽车超车;cut off, 切开,切断;cut out,割掉,裁剪;cut down, 缩减,削减。4B 考查强调句型。强调句的典型结构是It is (was) that . 不管是表示人还是物一律用关联词that。5D 考察动词过去分词短语用做后置定语的用法。Unit 10习题助考1Very few politicians can _ completely new answers tocontemporary worlds problems.A. come out withB. come down onC. come up toD. come up with 2Im calling about the apartment you _.A. explainedB. realizedC. adheredD. advertised3There was

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