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1、全国大学生英语竞赛试题及答案2009年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛C类真题2009 National English Contest for College Students(Level C - Preliminary)Part I listening Comprehension (25 minutes,30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation

2、, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1.Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In an engine r

3、oom . B .In a car. C. In a factory.2. Who is the man talking to ?A. A lifeguard . B. A travel agent . C.A gymnasium manager.3.How will the correct price be determined ?A. By calling the company.B. By asking the sales representative.C. By looking at the price list.4.Why is Sue upset according to the

4、conversation?A. Someone broke into her car.B. She had to pay too much for parking.C. She was given a ticket .5.What do the two speakers probably do for a living.A. Office clerks. B. Printers. C. Archiects.Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation wi

5、ll be read only once. After each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centreC

6、onversation One6. Why did the man watch the video ?A. It was required by Professor Stephen.B. He wanted to learn about heart attacks.C. He had to take part in a discussion.7.In the mans opinion, what is the video about?A. Mens health. B. Stress. C. Health care for women .8.What did the man learn fro

7、m the video?A. Women are under more stress than men.B. Women have more heart attacks than men .C. Women who have heart attacks get less care than men .9.At what ages are women most likely to have a heart attack?A.40 to 50 . B.60 to 65 . C.45 to 60.10.What does the woman think about the video?A. It s

8、ounds puzzling.B. It sounds very interesting .C. It sounds very dull.Conversation Two11.How long did the man wait before his call was answered?A.Twenty minutes. B.Twelve minutes . C.Twenty-four minutes .12.Why did the man phone Interserve Customer Service?A.He wanted to know what the recorded messag

9、e means .B.He didnt know which button to choose.C.He wanted to know if he can use his e-mail address while overseas.13.What does the man think about the menu of options?A.Its meaning isnt ambiguous.B.It is far from clear .C.It is satisfactory.14.Which department would the man have spoken to if had c

10、hosen button two?A.Accounts and Billing.B.General Enquiries.C.Accounts and Service.15.What will the operator do next ?A.Make an official complaint.B.Improve the menu of options.C.Make a note of the mans complaint.Section C (5 marks )In this section, you will hear five short news items .Each item wil

11、l be read only once. After each item ,there will be a pause ,During the pause ,read the question and the three choices marked A,B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.16.How does rotational grazing re

12、duce the need for pesticide treatments?A.By increasing the use of natural fertilizer.B.By limiting the need for chemical fertilizers.C.By reducing the growth of weeds.17.Which news agency votes for the top ten news stories?A.Reuters.B.The Associated PressC.United Press International.18.Which countie

13、s spent billions of dollars to develop new oil fields ?A. Syria, Brazil and Russia.B.Brazil,Iran and Saudi Arabia .C.Saudi Arabie ,Brazil and Russia.19.Why has the number of camels in India been decreasing in recent years?A.Because they are dying from traveling too far .B.Because they are short of f

14、ood.C.Because they are infected with a disease.20.What is a symptom of multiple sclerosis?A.Loss of the ability to hear.B.Loss of the ability to see well.C.Loss of the ability to speak clearly.Section D(10 marks)In this section, you will hear a short passage which will be read only once. There are 1

15、0 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear on the tape .Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet .The fourth component of the Swedish social system is that its policies ensure full employment and increase the mobility of labour-that is ,the abili

16、ty to change jobs without (21)_income. Swedes have a strong work ethic .This ,combined with state-funded programmers that(22)_unemployment, which Sweden prefers to high unemployment rates and large welfare (23)_.So, there are a large number of (24)_training programmes that unemployers par for (25)_t

17、o workers in jobs that have become unnecessary. There are also subsidies for workers who must change jobs because of changes in the labour market .Sweden introduced the fifth and final component of its social system at the end of the 20th century. This component corrects some of the problems created

18、 by the four (26)_mentioned components. It includes new rules that are designed to improve job stability , such as training programmes to help employees learn new skills as their jobs change and become more (27)_,Also ,the government has reduced social(28)_and welfare payments .So, in conclusion, th

19、e Swedes are happy with their system. Sweden has achieved more in terms of social equality, economic(29)_than many other economies. As a result ,most Swedes arent interested in any more reform of the economic system .However, because it is (30)_in international markets, Sweden must continue to manag

20、e its social policies so that it remains competitive in the international marketplace.Part II Vocabulary and Structure(10 minutes,15 marks)31.The businessmen discussed the contract_but never actually signed length sea will.32.Accustomed to the coffee from Columb

21、ia_Governor John said that _coffee should always be strong.A./;a.B.the;a.C.a;a.D./;/.33._a well-balanced diet,_adequate sleep ,is needed for good health.A.Alongside;with.B.Not only;but.C.Attached;to .D.Due to;so34._very familiar with inspection reports, I realized that some pages of this one were mi

22、ssing.A.To beB.That wasC.BeingD.So was35.If you have not signed a contract, you are under no _ to pay them any money.A.responsibilityB.liabilityC.circumstanceD.obligation36.As the market was _ goods, the economy became more balanced , and inflation went down.A.speculated onB.subscribed forC.saturate

23、d withD.submitted to37.Surveys show that the majority of passengers are pleased that an agreement has been reached to forbid smoking on _ flights within the continental United States.A. economicalB. commercialC. globalD. internal38.The new CEO asked that all inter-office communications _ in writing

24、rather than in person , _ possible.A.have been made; whoeverB.would be made; made ; wheneverD.stage bare of scenery39.Written to be performed on a _,Thornton Wilders play Our Town depicts life in a small New England community.A.stage scenery of bareB.bare of stage sceneryC.scenery bare

25、 of stageD.stage bare of scenery40._ school policy , the students had a holiday between Chritmas and the New Year.A.On behalf ofB.With regard toC.In line withD.In case of41.To sell the house , we made a _ to the buyer by agreeing to put a new roof on it.A.considerationB.commissionC.concessionD.confi

26、rmation42.Never before _ available for quick and easy acess in so many different fields of much free information wereB.has so much free information beenC.were so much free much free information has been43.The computer company announced that the new solfware _ in the first

27、half of next releasedB.will have releasedC.would have releasedD.was going to be released44.Tina: A group of us are going boeling on Tuesday night. Would you like to join us?Joe : I really would , but unfortunately I have a tennis lesson.Tina : Oh, thats too bad. _Joe : Yes, for sure. Thank

28、s for the offer.A.How do you deal with that ?B.Maybe another time then ?C.When will you come back ?D.Dont you really like bowling ?45.George : Hey, Agnes . How did the Human Resources meeting go ?I couldnt make it because I was out at a sales conference.Agnes : Oh, George . _ It turned into a major

29、argument.George : Really ?A .Glad youre back now.B.Youre lucky to have missed it.C.Nice to see you again.D.Youre just on time.Part III Reading Comprehension (20 minutes, 35 marks)Section A (5 marks )In this section , there is one passage followed by five question. For each question, there are four c

30、hoices marked A, B, C and D .You should decide on the best choice, and then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.When e-mail first came into general use about fifteen years ago, there was a lot of talk about the imminent arrival of the paperless office. However, it seems that e-mail ha

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