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山东卷学年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion综合检测 新人教版选修8.docx

1、山东卷学年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion综合检测 新人教版选修8Unit 4Pygmalion(时间:100分钟;满分:120分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _ financial aid.Ain favour of Bin honour ofCin face of Din need of2Excuse me,sir.Mr.Black is waiting outside now.Would you like to see him?OK.Ju

2、st show him _.Aup BinCoff Daround3(2013菏泽高二调研)_ of her wallet,in which her keys and cards were,she had to call the police.ARobbed BRobCRobbing DRobs4Encourage your children to reach a(n) _ between what he wants and what you want.Aachievement BappointmentCcompromise Dadaptation5The secretary is very

3、careful and never _ any little points in her daily work.Aovercomes BoverlooksCrefuses Ddenies6She_herself_as an experienced actress,which couldnt cheat the audience.Apassed;on Bpassed;awayCpassed;off Dpassed;to7(2013襄樊高二检测)Dont_to contact me if you need any more information.Adare BhesitateCseek Dres

4、ist8As the program ended,the sound of their conversation gradually_.Akept down Bfaded outCfaded into Dkept away9(2013临沂高二质检)He had a good disguise,but as soon as he spoke he_himself.Amissed BlostCbetrayed Dmisled10This new machine is technically far_to the previous type.Asuperior BjuniorCsenior Dequ

5、al11What was the _ of your meeting last night?No final decision has been reached so far.Aconsequence BoutcomeCeffect Dplot12_ the 30th Olympic Games were declared open,the whole world cheered.AAs long as BThe momentCEvery time DAs far as13Tomorrow we are going to have a meeting to discuss the proble

6、m_relationship between nature and the development of our society.Ain need of Bin terms ofCin honour of Din case of14In their efforts to make us concentrate on our study,teachers have made a close study and have_all our little weaknesses.Adivided BarrangedCclassified Dseparated15What did he come here

7、 for?He came here especially to_your acquaintance.Atake BgetCmake Dproduce.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end.In many ways,this is_16_for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same _17_ night after night.One would_18_them to know thei

8、r parts by heart and_19_have cause to falter(结巴)Yet_20_is not always the case.A famous actor in a_21_successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat_22_had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.In the last act,a gaoler(狱卒)would always come on to the stage with a letter which he

9、 would hand to the prisoner._23_ the noble was expected to read the letter at each_24_,he always insisted that it should be written out in full.One night,the gaoler decided to play a joke_25_his colleague to find out if,after so many performances,he had managed to learn the_26_of the letter by heart

10、.The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed(使显露)the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell.Just then,the gaoler_27_with the precious letter in his hands.He entered the_28_and presented the letter to the aristocrat.But the copy he gave him had not been written out in

11、_29_ as usual.It was simply a blank sheet of paper.The gaoler looked on eagerly,_30_to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines.The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds.Then,squinting(眯着眼看)his eyes,he said,“The light is_31_.Read the letter to me.”And he promptly han

12、ded the sheet of paper to the gaoler._32_that he could not remember a word of the letter either,the gaoler replied,“The light is indeed dim,sir.I must get my_33_.”With this,he hurried off the stage.Much to the aristocrats_34_,the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the_35_

13、copy of the letter which he proceeded to read to the prisoner.16A.fortunate BunfortunateChappy Dunhappy17A.lines BwordsCplays Droles18A.want BaskCexpect Dwish19A.always BneverCsometimes Doften20A.such Bthe thingCone Dthis21A.highly BhighCpoorly Dpoor22A.where BwhatCwhich Dwho23A.Because BEven though

14、CWhen DAs BperformanceCrole Dcase25A.with BinCon Dto26A.pages BjokeClines Dcontents27A.appeared BdisappearedCcame out Dcame BcellCstage Doffice29A.English BFrenchCorder Dfull30A.worried BsurprisedCanxious Dafraid31A.bright BdimCdark Dout32A.To see BTo findCSeeing DFinding33

15、A.glasses BlinesClight Dletters34A.surprise BsatisfactionCanger Damusement35A.usual BoldCunusual Dnew.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AI had worked long and hard on this project.Knowing that it was finally complete gave me great satisfaction.“Perfect!”I said.“Now,all I have to do is to keep the dogs off of i

16、t.” I went about setting up barriers(障碍)using old fence,broken chairs,flowerpots,and anything I could find so as to avoid footprints both on the oil paint and our carpet.It worked perfectly.Just before returning to the house and to a much needed shower,I took one last look at this fine work of art.“

17、What is that?”I said.“Where did that come from?”Clearly marked and evenly spaced across the entire area,I found tiny marks running in straight lines.I carefully stepped to our flower garden.It was there I found several of the small markings.Now,almost frozen in place by this stunning(令人震惊的)discovery

18、,I remained in position so as to prevent further damaging my work.Just then,off to my left,it appeared.A chipmunk(花栗鼠)He was as stunned as I was.We stood there face to face looking at each other,wondering who would make the first move.The warm,wet air was now getting the best of me.Sweat now ran fre

19、ely over my head,and in poor timing(适时)into my eyes.I reached up to rub them and when I opened my eyes he was gone.My only satisfaction was in thinking that when he returned home he tracked oily footprints into his own home.And,hoping he was married,his wife would not let him live it down for the re

20、st of his life.I stood up,shook my head,and laughing about it all walked into my house.Yes,I tracked oil on the carpet.I am married.My wife will not let me live it down for the rest of my life.36What was the project the author completed in the passage?AA painting. BA carpet.CA fence. DA flower garde

21、n.37We can know from the passage that the chipmunk_.Amade fun of the authorBstole something important in the houseCdestroyed the authors workDcame for some food38What did the author do to the chipmunk?AHe caught it and gave it some punishment.BHe frightened it away.CHe tried to catch it but failed.D

22、He didnt do any harm to it.39We can conclude from the passage that_.Athe author was not quite satisfied with his family lifeBthe author was quite satisfied with his projectCthe barriers the author set up were quite successfulDthe chipmunk had a happy family just like the author40What kind of feeling

23、 did the author intend to express in the passage?ASatisfaction and pleasure.BRegret and disappointment.CLove and appreciation.DUnderstanding and sympathy.BArthur Miller (19152005)is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century.Millers father had moved to the USA from

24、AustriaHungary,drawn like so many others by the “Great American Dream”However,he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early 1930s.Millers most famous play,Death of a Salesman,is a powerful attack on the American system,with its aggr

25、essive way of doing business and its insistence on money and social status as indicators of worth.In Willy Loman,the hero of the play,we see a man who has got into trouble with this system.Willy is “burnt out” and in the cruel world of business there is no room for sentiment:if he cant do the work,t

26、hen he is no good to his employer,the Wagner Company,and he must go.Willy is painfully aware of this,and at a loss as to what to do with his lack of success.He refuses to face the fact that he has failed and kills himself in the end.When it was first staged in 1949,the play was greeted with enthusia

27、stic reviews, and it won the Tony Award for Best Play,the New York Drama Critics Circle Award,and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.It was the first play to win all three of these major awards.Miller died of heart failure at his home in Roxbury,Connecticut, on the evening of February 10,2005,the 56th ann

28、iversary of the first performance of Death of a Salesman on Broadway.41Why did Arthur Millers father move to the USA?AHe suffered from severe hunger in his home country.BHe was attracted by the “Great American Dream”CHe hoped to make his son a dramatist.DHis family business failed.42The play Death o

29、f a Salesman _.Aexposes the cruelty of the American business worldBdiscusses the ways to get promoted in a companyCtalks about the business career of Arthur MillerDfocuses on the skills in doing business43What can we learn about Willy Loman?AHe treats his employer badly.BHe runs the Wagner Company.C

30、He is a victim of the American system.DHe is regarded as a hero by his colleagues.44After it was first staged,Death of a Salesman _.Aachieved huge successBwon the first Tony AwardCwas warmly welcomed by salesmenDwas severely attacked by dramatists45. What is the text mainly about?AArthur Miller and his family.BThe awards Arthur Miller won.CThe hardship Arthur Miller experienced.DArthur Miller and his bestknown play.CToday,we complete our story about the influential English writer William Shakes

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